How do you remember manga you're reading/read?

How do you remember manga you're reading/read?

Attached: ako.jpg (665x574, 29K)

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Not everyone has an extra cromosome, akko.

You think I do? I use to really be into Tsubasa but I can barely remember a thing.

this is actually a nontrivial question. Back in my pleb days I would binge watch 20 episodes of anime in a day and then only remember "I really enjoyed watching that" a week later, with most of the minor plot points having flown out of my head. Best advice is to not read too much at one time, and read slower while actually looking at the images instead of just reading the text while being aware of images in the background of your vision. I can read a 20 page chapter in like 4 minutes if I do it quickly but I prefer to take 6-7 minutes to appreciate the art and take small pauses to think about what's going on.


This feels like a pasta

If it was pasta I would have made it longer and more autistic, sadly it's just the way things are for me.

it's based though, imagine reading something like dorohedoro or berserk only spending 5 minutes on each chapter

>instead of just reading the text while being aware of images in the background of your vision
Why would you do this in the first place?

I don't do it anymore, but I used to do it when I was reading manga that didn't really have great art or visual direction. These days if I want to read something purely for the plot I'll just read a book though.



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I don't.
I pick up 8-10 from Mangadex and read until the latest chapter, forget about it, and get excited when I rediscover it a few months later.

I seldom read manga but when I do it's only the good shit.

Tachiyomi keeps up with them for me, if something doesnt have a new chapter after a couple months i check a different directory than i was using before

If it was good enough it sticks with you and il wana come back to later. If I come back to reading something and I forgot a lot of the details il reread the arc/series.

But how do you remeber the japanese title??


Attached: completedmanga.png (1080x9768, 3.34M)

Unironically this

Manga Updates is your friend

I don't hahaha ;_;

I mostly just remember certian relevant events or scenes that I particularly liked. Everything else quickly fades away, even the name of the manga itself.

Archive everything one way or another (torrent, ddl, tachiyomi mass download, etc.) Running out of space though, so gotta buy some spare drives.
Only really note down the anime I've finished, and my current progress on various LN/WNs I read. Been putting off doing the same for the manga.

Damnit user dont tease me with a shark-toothed JK if there is only one chapter translated. You had it under finished damnit.

Attached: h15.png (844x1200, 501K)

Just use MAL or Anilist as a catalog and avoid the ranking retardation and the autistic communities

What are bookmarks?



MAL fucked their API up and havent fixed it in over a year and last I checked Anilist doesnt allow you to import your list so I am stuck using Kitsu as I don't feel like manually inputting hundreds of titles just to use Taiga properly.

Yeah, good thing reliable ol' Notepad never fails

Brain is already overloaded with updates and patches and have fallen behind. The team keeps promising better tracking features but refuses to disclose a timetable. At this point I am considering cancelling my subscription altogether.

but notepad doesn't sync with Taiga damnit.

Notepad loves you for more than just your money

Takes some time to getting used to but is very solid.