Remember that time when DEEN made the best harem comedy anime ever?

Remember that time when DEEN made the best harem comedy anime ever?

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Mou Onii-chan ecchi sketchy wan tachi.

Masou shoujo

Was fun but the plot was actually pretty fucking stupid. 'And then the vampire ninjas played violins on rooftops to save the world and then they all went to the swimming pool'.

I remember DEEN ruining everything they ever touched.

i miss korean zombie desk car

Konosuba was ruined?

>he likes saggy tits

Haruna was too cute and a lovable baka.

To this day I still don't understand why Yea Forums hated Haruna.

The one time a DEEN's anime adaptation happened to be better and more funny than the source material. Only for S1, though.

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But we love Haruna.

Clearly you haven't been browsing Yea Forums long enough.

THK =/= Yea Forums.

Been here since season 1, bro. For all of BLOW me away to necromancer in plate armor jokes.

It's a vocal minority. Why even give them attention?

Seto No Hanayome?

Haruna a shit

You're late, THK.

Good times.

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Whoops, typo. Meant to say
>Sera a shit.

>every Imaginary Eu
This series had so fucking many best girls in one place. S3 when?

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Oh shit, forgot to include Dyson-tan as well.

Novels ended with a psuedo-harem and Ayumu losing his zombiehood. Eu, Haruna, Sera, Maelstrom and Kyoko are confirmed winners, there might be others. However, Taeko, Naegleria, the queen mahou shoujo and the two older mahou shoujos are confirmed to be losers
Sera goes from hard tsun to hard dere after her memory loss. He doesn't even need to kiss her for this

Sorry, Taeko is a confirmed loser, but the other mentioned ones are just people who didn't enter it in the beginning

I heard Saras went and legally married him without even getting his permission.

Oh I forgot about that
Yeah that happens

>no Chris
That's a lie. I refuse to believe you.

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Yes, I'm going to rewatch it.

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Ayumu not kissing Haruna when she asked in S1 was really gay. The only real black mark on his record as a protagonist.

OFFICIAL Yea Forums Kore wa Zonbi Desu ka?(これはゾンビですか?)BEST GIRL POWER RANKINGS

1 Ayumi
2 Eu
3 Yuki
4 Ariel
5 Naegleria
6 Taeko
7 Chris
8 Sarasvati
9 Seraphim
10 Eu cat pet
11 random vampire ninja
9999 Koala Megalo
999999 Lilith
9999999999999 Air
99999999999999999999 Shit
9999999999999999999999999 Haruna

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Its sad that animesuki is still the only place where you can find detailed spoilers about the ending.
Naegleria apparently becomes a Miura/Togashi, granted shes an extremely fuckable hiatuswoman but still.

>Naegleria confirmed to be losers

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Even better, remember when DEEN made the best anime ever?

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DEEN made Seitokai Ichizon S2, which was 100 times better than 1st season and I am baffled about it.

There was this one picture of the girls size chart, by Orito, and he would talk about them. I've seen it poseted here years ago, but I cant find it. Any one have it?

Remember when DEEN made anime?

Remember when Gonzo made anime?


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I still think desk car had the best harem and male protag to this day. Just the right balance

>THK's version of his 5tou ranking

>Volume 8 Chapter 2: 100% (Last Updated 11/6/16)
>Status in COO 19 Volumes (Complete)
Translation never ever

IS THIS A ZOMBIE? Volume 1 | March 2012
IS THIS A ZOMBIE? Volume 2 | July 2012
IS THIS A ZOMBIE? Volume 3 | November 2012
IS THIS A ZOMBIE? Volume 4 | April 2013
IS THIS A ZOMBIE? Volume 5 | July 2013
IS THIS A ZOMBIE? Volume 6 | Coming October 2013
IS THIS A ZOMBIE? Volume 7 | Coming February 2014

Even Yen Press dropped it, fuck.

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I'm gonna hug, headpat, and fug that dumb cute masou shoujo.

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Yenshit Press really kills more than it saves. And their translation is localized trash.

Based Sarasvati

One of the cutest and sexiest baka fang lolis in existence. It helps that Kobuichi is a God.

>No books found...

Terrible. I've been under a rock so I had no idea.

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The yen press series were the light novels not the manga and they completed it, I own all 8 of the volumes so I know.


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Isn't it funny that humans have such a hard time figuring out the String Theory and God already knows more than we will ever know about it

This show was really funny. Why wasn't it more popular