Spoilers waiting room
Black Clover
You should have made the thread tomorrow retard
Hopefully the fight with the devil ends this chapter. Kinda tired of the non stop action.
Asta confirmed to grow second wing, eye, and full black hair.
Is that true that asta got 2 wings so excited
yeah, and he also goes berserk
What else?
15 pages this week
>Can we get a summary?
Did they show the devil inside the grimoire ??
Just wait
Does the fight with Wevil end this chapter?
From what I'm being told
No and No
When can we expect a summary?
Good. Any interesting thing for the next chap?
I hope asta is ok ):
Just wait jesus.
He always posts a summary at some point. Fuck.
RIP to the dream of this fight ending this chapter
Why would it?
That’s one of the things I was really hoping. This arc is soo long.
You mean like for chapter 209?
As in for 208
I'm hearing the end of 208 is hype.
Just waiting for scans should be in 30 minutes or so
It's a war arc ofcoures it's going to be long did you not read naruto or one piece? Anyways I just hope that the devil will lose in a good way not a asspull like other op villian in shounen anime
>did you not read naruto or one piece
They didn't read it weekly prob
Or only caught up during the middle of their war arcs
It's just whiny kids
I don't know if that's a filler episode but sure feels like it
Honestly I'll put this anime on-hold, it's decent when you watch 20 episodes at once, single episodes just put your hopes up
Is it about Asta or someone else?
>I don't know if that's a filler episode
It is.
Nah I've been reading it weekly and it's really feeling dragged out. Just cause it's a war arc doesn't mean it's gonna get a pass on being redundant. And I love the manga as much as the next guy.
Nothing do with my post kiddie
Because those feeling this arc is dragged out
Never kept up with much longer arcs
This is actually far faster than other notable long arcs too
Exactly plus I figured Asta would defeat Wevil this chapter from the setup of last chapter
Yeah, Wevil is getting pretty boring by now since he doesn't have much of a character on his own (despite being the big bad, he felt tacked on), and this isn't really the best fight in the series.
Glad someone's with me on this one. Normally it'd be people like the guy above your replies not wanting to admit a flaw in the series they like.
I liked how he is pure evil he explined his goals but dammn is it worth it to wait for 500 years I actually hope that they will explain more about the clover grimoier
It's not a flaw though.
He's a devil they are just evil and full of hatred what do you expect more then that??? ugh y'all just want to complain
Like I said, bunch of kids who never kept up weekly with the famous long arcs. Some people also said those things dragged but a lot of people didn't feel that way. And BC's arcs flow a lot faster than those arcs.
>readers wanting the climax of the arc the entire series to this point has been building towards to be rushed
I really don’t understand why you’re bringing up famous long arcs. An arc being long isn’t the only factor that makes it redundant. You’re dense if you think otherwise.
Glad someone's with me on this one. Normally it'd be people like people above blaming the series for their lack of experience.
Yikes imagine bringing experience into a debate like this lmao This has nothing to do with people reading previous long arcs in different series. Something can feel dragged out to someone regardless of what they’ve read in the past. Your argument is just plain stupid.
That's how you know it's a shitpost. Wtf is redundant about this arc where a lot of new things are learned?
All you do is complain complain
Your post is stupid because something is redundant if he's experienced it before. So reading previous long arcs in different series has everything to do with it. Go back to school, retard.
>this arc is dragging
>because it's redundant
>yIkEs iMaGiNe bRiNgInG ExPeRiEnCe iNtO A DeBaTe lIkE ThIs lMaO
Literally the main antagonist has done nothing other than beat the shit out of the protagonists for the past 10 chapters or so with a flashback showing how he almost beat the protagonists in the past. If that’s not redundant you’re the retarded one.
You don't know how long war arcs work how do you expect us to agree with you lol black clover elf arc is one of the most good long war arcs
>Literally the main antagonist has done nothing other than beat the shit out of the protagonists
What's next faggot, the shounen MC is redundant for winning fights he wasn't supposed to win?
Ah shit here we go again with bringing long arcs from other series that have nothing to do with what I’m talking about back into the debate
That's just it, we don't. It's just shitposting.
Chapter Begins
Shows Gueldre holding a bag with Revchi
Cuts to Charla and Yami
Yami's arm looks healed
Cuts to Asta
Demon Slayer is releasing a lot of anti mana
Asta is pulled towards the Devil
Devil readies his pitchfork
Asta is able to cut part of it off
Devil uses another spell to attack Asta
Asta is fending off against the spell
Lumiere saves him but Asta attacks Lumiere sending him into a wall
Patry and Yuno are trying to stop the new spell
Anti mana is still flowing out of Demon Slayer
Asta is Struggling
Yuno uses a new spell ( A big sword)
Cuts the devil's spell
Asta smiles and the flood seemingly stops
Chapter ends with Asta using a spell
Anyways I really hope that Asta is ok fuck everyone also
Now you’re getting defensive. I didn’t even call it a bad arc. On the contrary it’s my favourite arc in Black Clover right now. Literally all I’m saying is that the Wevil shit is starting to drag and it’s becoming redundant.
>Lumiere saves him but Asta attacks Lumiere sending him into a wall
>Patry and Yuno are trying to stop the new spell
So the spell is going wild. About time Asta's new techs bite back.
>Chapter ends with Asta using a spell
Your reasoning for the fight being redundant is tenuous, that's why. Other long arcs also had their big bads fight for more than 10 chapters or so. It's a staple of the genre, that's why we said experience with long arcs matter, kid.
So when is the chapter coming out?
“Asta uses a spell”
Nice justification for something that’s clearly starting to get stale
Another battle chapter this week. Gueldre and Revchi being there for a brief appearance was somewhat worth it though. And Yami is back to fighting shape so hopefully he does something next time. I hope next chapter is better; this one didn't really stand out that much.
Asta is actually going to use a spell other than sword summoning or physical enhancement for once?
Asta turns into a demon, Yuno becomes Guts.
Cry more
Don't know the chapter just ends with the Spell name
>I hope next chapter is better; this one didn't really stand out that much.
The chapters not even out yet.
Oh and 3 spread pages
>Shows Gueldre holding a bag with Revchi
They went and unintentionally picked up another devil didn't they?
We just got a summary thanks to BlackCow.
Thanks for the quick response and for the summary, as always.
I don't know if I like that. But we'll see
>being redundant
How is it a spell? And if it is a spell is it in Devil Language?
On the off chance he's not Jdog, it's a bad reason. That's my reaction too.
No it's not in the Devil Language
It's a spell because it starts off with
Anti-Magic Magic
That one who is still complaining I suggest you stop reading black clover the chapter is not even out yet wtf I dOn't liKe tHe cHaPTeR.
I think asta will say something in demon language I remember the devil said word devil magic then said something in a devil language I think its in chapter 203 when yami cut the devil.
Thanks Black Cow. Did Asta attack Lumiere from Black form being drawn to magic?
I guess you can say that.
What happens is Lumiere carries Asta away from the spell and the next panel is Asta swing the sword hitting him
Is Asta unconscious while doing it or that he didn't mean for it to happen?
>Asta swing the sword hitting him
So the spell is only Anti-Magic Magic? Not Anti-Magic Magic something?
No It's Anti magic magic then the spell name like all spells
Yeah it's accidentally. Asta is conscious the whole chapter
So what’s the actual spell name?
It hasn't been said yet. Read back there's only 84 posts
So this is your average BC thread. Can't say I'm surprised.
I wonder if Asta will always have access to this spell or it's something available only in black asta form. Either way the chapter sounds nice
How long is this devil thing going to last? It feels like he's already blown his load with the big reveals like the sausage spell and is now just stalling until his defeat. The stuff with Gueldre is much more interesting especially since whatever treasure needs to be hidden away in a pocket dimension is probably pretty bad news.
Nice really like Tabata's spreads this arc.
I hope it lasts another 10 chapters
>only been around for 10 chapters.
>watch how long is this going to be?
Fuck off child
It's not an issue of how many chapters it's been, it's an issue of plot progression. We know what he can do and what his significance to the story is and the important things like Licht and Lumiere's flashback and reunion are out of the way now. Unless there's a new twist coming continuing the fight adds nothing to the story. Not everyone reads this just for the pretty pictures you know.
I sure as fuck ain't reading this for asta to just power up than beat him in the span of a chapter.
Fuck that shit. And fuck you for wanting it.
I never said anything about Asta having to beat him in a single chapter, you're just strawmanning at this point. Not that it could even happen as, like you said, the fight has already lasted for 10 chapters. Calm down and stop being so emotional in a discussion about Chinese cartoons, this is embarrassing.
It's been hardly worth calling a fight till 3 chapters ago.
>tHe fIgHt hAs aLrEaDy lAsTeD FoR 10 cHaPtErS.
>ad hominems
Asta just got to Wevil like 2-3 chapters ago faggot.
Pretty based.
I dont mind there size but I wish there was some sag.
Still pretty gud
Wheres the story gonna go after this? They beat Satan.
Well there is the other demon that's inside Asta, we need to see what's going down with Mars and the Diamond Kingdom, and we still haven't seen shit pertaining to the Spade and Heart kingdoms. Also we don't know if there are any other demons and what not doing crazy shit elsewhere. So anything I guess.
>inside asta
There's two demons in him?
>Inside asta
Theres no demons inside asta.
There is a devil in his grimoire.
Then why did he discuss things with him when he was knocked out?
doesn't the grimoire link with the user when they get it? something something how they get new spells and shit
Grimoires are linked to the user speed reader.
anti magic is capable of flowing through his body, connect a and b
This new attack better be good if it two chapters to set up
You forgot the other world, speed reader.
Asta could have used the spell from the beginning of the chapter but need time to think of a name
I will post it again because you people are retarded.
>all these random namefags
Everyone except Black Cow, is probably one newfag trying to stand out because he's a fucking idiot who doesn't know board culture and hasn't found a suitable shitty name to drag down the thread quality with.
What did he mean by this
Can we have an anti-noble group of wizards that walk around beating up noble magic knights for the sake of the revolution?
I just want Asta to go back to the village and fuck Sister
Do you guys think the witch and teleportal dude will hook up? They're both Christmas cakes after all.
What's with all these namefags? They must be new.
it would be nice. but so much is known that Asta will make everyone reconcile
I'm pretty sure it's you know who shitposting
Would not work out unless Finral gets buff and changes his personality. But even then they would be settling for each other.
Good I need my cute cucks to be together.
Of course they'd be settling. When you're old there's nothing else you can do.
And they're both non-combatants. It all fits desu.
>spoiler threads are now filled with trolls shitposting, fanboys taking personal offense at every complaint and literal newfags
The quality of threads on Yea Forums is inversely proportional to the popularity of the series being discussed. We've finally made it to the big leagues.
No, it's just the local shitposter. The threads were completely fine until this thread.
I dunno how Rill is so strong though.
When will Asta reciprocate Noelle's feelings?
He can't.
>inside Asta
Every time.
>Black Cow
This is really pathetic.
Noelle can't wy is a tsundere, And Asta love only the sister ;)
I'm kind of disappointed with the lack of tranny representation. Grey could have been a trap.
As long as it's not a socialist revolution, sure
>wake up
>suddenly everyone is a namefag
>there's some random debate about long arcs or redundancy or some shit
>nobody is using (You) to respond to each other
nice man
what's this?
Yami Charlotte and jack i hope
Does elf ass taste the same as human ass or better? And what about dwarven ass?
>Lumiere saves him but Asta attacks Lumiere sending him into a wall
so asta confirmed fwk level. nice. At least we know the ending is near now.
Put back on one of your 6 names.
>Chapter ends with Asta using a spell
Sounds stupid but I have faith that CHADbata will pull it off
i mean what just happened in the pic?
Jack spoke to yami
>jack isnt a lanky freak
fake news
Is it wrong that out of all the currently running shonen I only care abut BC now? I'm not going to name any names because I don't want to start shit here, but certain other series have just lost my interest completely.
Having garbage taste is perfectly fine. Don't let others affect your enjoyment.
I wanna keep up with the new big three though. Too bad bnha is only seasonal. I refuse to watch narutos sons anime.
I wouldn't say its wrong. I like reading KnY, JJK, OP, and TLS every week, but I'm always looking forward to BC's chapter the most.
NBC is the only one I'm reading at all right now.
I'm tinkering with samurai 8 but I'm not crazy about it
>See BC thread.
>Click to see what anons are up to.
>Autism all over the place.
What's with Jimbo today? It's like he has something loose today.
>BC high position on ToC
>Boruto switching to V-Jump after he argued it would come out every 2 weeks and get canon anime content
>important chapter for Asta's power growth and the overall series in a few hours
>Elf arc starting in anime
Take your pick
Wew, I guess all of that counts.
Also, his favorite manga had an astouding drop of 70k sales in the same time period of 4 week as the last volume.
Wrong thread
I think Yami is a virgin
no its the right thread
Any panel peaks?
He might be with how autistic his preferences are
>is it wrong that I have a opinion
Vanessa is a virgin too right
No. Stop being delusional.
definitely not
Just because she dresses like a thot doesn't mean she is one
She makes fun of virgins
I don't see what's the big deal if she had sex or not. I think she had, but that doesn't make her less likable in my opinion.
I like vanessa alot to but I ain't gunna deny that she sucks a new dick every night.
Vanessa sure looks like a non-virgin for sure
>its literally nothing
That doesn't matter. Everyone on Yea Forums is virgin and makes fun of virgins.
I like her less now
So what are you guys most excited about the leaks?
I'm curious about Gueldre and whatever he's doing. We know he swears allegiance to anyone stronger than him, but I'm hoping he plays more into future arcs and not this one.
Also, for a safe environment, never reply to shitposters.
I want to see Asta do cool things!
Just more foreshadowing.
I love it.
Buckle up because we are in it for the long run.
>End of last chapter
>End of this chapter
T-Thanks tabata
Ok give me a sec i'll post something better
>replying to the him.
Bro... dont...
But yeah post more too.
I'm not Jeremy my toilet is clean
Asta overusing anti-magic is gonna fuck him up that's for sure. But what negative effects could they be?
You're replying to Jimbo.
the demon is going to cuck asta with sister lilly
This is the first antimagic spell of Asta so... Is not a surprise that have a new antimagic spell....
he becomes an anti-magic being and gets warped to the land of anti-magic because he'd rape everyone by proxy with a flex otherwise
although both the dude in the house and the chick who eats a lot have shown anti-magic with a far greater area of effect than asta by now so i dont get what his point is
He will lose his mana....
he will lose his mucles
Yeah that works.
Even Licht is sweating
>Asta using a spell
is Asta the one who's really casting it or Amvil?AAAAAAAaAAAaAAaa
nice resolution bro
How will tabata make this fuck huge anti magic slash look cool after what licht did?
Is the Truth of Justice (???) XD
When will the spoilers are coming??????
Try being patient
are we namefagging now?
anyway, I want to fuck Sister Lily
William was really cute in this petit. I hope him and Patri get separate bodies.
>are we namefagging now?
yeah but ironically
>Jimbo going full autism.
Reached a new low for sure. I'll be taking screenshots of this for sure.
Based disgusted Mimosa poster.
Today's actually a good time to post it, as you see...
Well here it is
>anchi mahou danma no tsurugi
Something is missing
This just means AM: Demon Slayer Sword
>Anti-magic: Demon Slayer Sword.
>Asta: I will...
That's what it says. He's also in his buffed black form.
BlackCow please have sex with my wife
Tanjirou gave Asta his kimetsu no yaiba
Is it just me or is the sword and grimoire getting clearer/cleaner?
It's just licht's sword but with anti magic.
Licht somehow got a demon slaying sword spell.
Nah, you're definitely right. I'm guessing by increasing the flow of anti-magic from the sword to his body even further than usual for his Black Form, he's draining the sword of pretty much all the anti-magic within it.
>black hair at 2/3
so close
When I hear finral say he wants to fuck Vanessa
>supreme aeon
>in many Gnostic systems, various emanations of "God" are known by such names as One, Monad, Aion teleos ("The Broadest Aeon"), Bythos , Proarkhe, Arkhe and Aeons
>emanation (to pour forth or out of); all things are derived from the first reality or perfect God by steps of degradation to lesser degrees of the first reality or God, and at every step the emanating beings are less pure, less perfect, less divine
>this source of all being is an Aeon, in which an inner being dwells, known as Ennoea, Charis or Sige.
>the split perfect being conceives the second Aeon, Nous, within itself
>together with the source from which they emanate, they form Pleroma (fullness in a divine sense
>the lowest regions of Pleroma are closest to darkness—that is, the physical world.
>the transition from immaterial to material, from noumenal to sensible, is created by a flaw, passion, or sin in an Aeon
>according to others the sin of the Great Archon (Demiurge's great servant Abraxas who commands lesser archons), or Aeon-Creator, of the Universe; according to others it is the passion of the female Aeon Sophia, who emanates without her partner Aeon, resulting in the Demiurge a creature that should never have been
>The ultimate end of all Gnosis is ???????? metanoia, or repentance—undoing the sin of material existence and returning to Pleroma
Lines up well with the mana playing favorites with the human bloodlines.
Tabata is woke and this whole thing is a setup for a greater conflict.
Yuno left in the fucking dust. Knowing him he'll get a new power up in about 5 chapters though
dual attribute wind and sword magic
Sword (anti)magic is Asta's powerset. Yuno will either further adapt elf hax or spirit dive
>Jimbo is at it again.
Thats a really good Noelle. Is it a coloring or fanart?
Just ignore it and stop bringing attention to it
Don't forget he faps to PPG Bubbles
When is he going to be shirtless?
Yuno = Juno goddess
His next magic set will be thunder based on Jupiter which is the sky god and god of thunder.
That's my edit, thanks for saving it user.
He's the only one posting.
I wanted to add Bubbles but there was no space.
Here it is.
>He's the only one posting
Even if he is, there's no need to acknowledge or bring attention to him.
Soon, I hope.
Can I get a clean version of the noelle?
>Even if he is, there's no need to acknowledge or bring attention to him.
So we're supposed to sit back and let him trash the thread? Well, I've had enough of that, I'm not even responding to him, I'm just laughing at him.
Certain posters should realise that not every shitposter is Jeremy and that it is fun to shitpost sometimes
>BC lives in Jimbo's head rent free
>Jimbo lives in anons' heads rent free
It's like pottery, it rhymes.
>So we're supposed to sit back and let him trash the thread? Well, I've had enough of that
It's not like you can do anything about it just ignore it and talk about Black Clover.
Thank you for the noll
>Jimbo lives in anons' heads rent free
No not really. Its just fun seeing him rage over a children's comic. I'm not sure why it pisses him off so much either. He doesn't read the series and I doubt he watches it either, so why not just ignore it? What the hell caused him to latch onto hating BC specifically?
Yeah but he's infamously bad at it and it always gives him away.
Toga poster was a way better shitposter.
He's been around for a while now, and I'm one of the people who pay attention to him the less. Hell, I never reply to his shit. I found it funny how retarded he was behaving today so I just decided to laugh at him.
You can simply ignore his shitposting and move on, but don't be submissive.
I think you're replying to him.
Damn it, my name keeps dropping
Maybe he just jumped on the bandwagon when the series was getting a lot of flak and swam too far away from the shore or maybe it was the declining quality of BnHA coupled with BC getting better that drove him off the edge. I think it's also possible that there are other people who started mimicking him which would explain why there's shitposting around the clock.
It looks cool but I don't really like how everyone in the main trio turned into melee fighters. Noelle's got a lance now and Yuno's got a sword. Yuno at least could have easily gone the bow route which he was already doing to some extent with the wind arrows.
Okay, Silva is a Portuguese name meaning forest/woodland so Noelle will get some sort of wood magic likely due to her father's magic.
With this info I can theorize that Papa Noelle is actually a Carthaginian from Spade Kingdom since Spade is a winter land and rival to Clover hence Carthage.
They are already under Clover's rule so the 3rd Punic War might happen as well with Papa Silva betraying Clover and is the one that actually killed Acier by slowly poisoning her.
A strong siege on Carthage resulting in a complete Clover win.
Spirit of Zefua?
I think it's nice to set up some melee fighters because most of the cast are mid to long range fighters. That way the big 3 stand out more.
>Spirit of Zefua
>Yuno is now a melee fighter.
He's always been using long-ranged attacks and he's always created different shapes of weapons with his wind. This doesn't make him exactly a melee.
Is Zefua some kind of mythological figure?
Yuno made a giant wind sword before. He's done this all the time. He's always made wind blades.
Also he not suddenly a melee fighter because he has close range options
I thought of Silva more like a nip way of saying Silver.
>Fathers water element
Doesn't the small "a" make it Zefa?
Is it a small a? I don't know
But Zefa might be right
In the short period of time between the hot spring training arc and the dungeon raid Yuno has learnt
>Mana zone
>Spirit dive
>A movement spell that can dodge light beams
>Spirit wind sword
Is it safe to call him a Mary sue?
I think it is.
More like we are criminally lacking Yuno pov chapters.
It's zephyr you idiots, named after en.wikipedia.org
>short period of time
Can I get a citation because manga learned a new spell from hard training from the time of the tourney to when he taught lufuru
The mark on yuno's cheek got bigger
It's one spell.
They're in the upgraded forms
That happens like 6 chapters ago
Zephyr isn't spelled like that in Katakana
Isn't that Yuno's entire shtick? He's basically the kind of shounen or JRPG hero who is of special birth, extremely talented, liked by all and blessed with good fortune, essentially the chosen one. He's used to contrast Asta's more underdog-ish character.
Purgatory, disabled for life, his most beloved taken away or for him to achieve his goals and watch it all fall apart.
These are the most devious curses I can imagine.
It would be cool if Tabata came up with some kind of an actual cost to using unholy powers, something more than the usual "you will die if you use this power too much" but then they're completely fine anyway.
I'm pretty sure the cost is his body....you know...not being his anymore?
In the short term sure but I was talking more about the long term. Amvil will try to possess him at some point but we all know Asta's not just going to lose his body and die. I want something that actually feels like a sacrifice, like a permanent injury or illness or something. I'm tired of the usual shounen cliche where the MC has some kind of a supposedly dangerous power but gets away with using it. Naruto befriends the fox, Ichigo tames his inner hollow, Luffy's still perfectly healthy after all the poison and hormones and blood pumping, Gon sacrificed his future but then made an almost complete recovery through a deus ex machina, etc. The MC might go close to dying or losing his humanity but always bullshits his way around the drawback and I don't want to read that same character arc for the umpteenth time.
Nobody's ever called anti magic a dangerous to use power though
There no precedence to think that yet.
If you wanna know Yuno's next powerup, look no further than Negi Springfield. I don't know which characters are archetypes for Asta and Noelle.
Yuno already did a move like that to the shining general
I only listed moves Yuno already has. Look Negi up for his other powers.
Amvil has stated his intention of taking over Asta's body and I also recall something about anti-magic's influence spreading in Asta's body. It's fairly similar to Naruto and Ichigo's situations, where the danger was always losing control and turning into a monster until the monster was defeated by the power of friendship. I'm hoping Tabata doesn't go down that path but seeing how I can't really think of any instances of alternative solutions I'm not exactly optimistic about it.
>Yuno gets a spirit sword weapon
>Part of his hair turns white/green
>Gets spirit wings.
So Yuno is the opposite of Asta, like their transformations are similar but Asta is like a darkness/demonic form and Yuno is a radiant/light form? Maybe they'll fuse to create GOD.
>his sword becomes visceral
Post the page with Gueldre and Revchi. I think that's probably going to end up being the most important thing in this chapter once we learn what they actually discovered.
I think you mean ethereal not visceral. The definition of visceral means a gut feeling. His sword looks "ethereal" to me.
Asta's range just got a whole lot farther
Cute Noll
I want middle noll to step on my dick
god she is fucking ugly
Anti magic magic?
cope what? not having shit taste?
Yes. She might act like a slut, but she's a virgin for Yami.
>not having shit taste?
This bit the opposite.
Cope with that.
That fucking bulge
Fuck off, Yuno! Aaah you copying piece of shit. Why can't you let Asta have his way?
If Asta is the devil and Yuno is the angel what is Noelle?
>a virgin for yami.
That just makes it sound like shes just never got yami dick but got dick from everywhere else.
But neither asta is a devil or yuno an angel though.
They are both humans.
Asta should fall into despair.
He should totally do it. He could defeat Wevil if he does.
arent valkyries angels?
To be fair, Licht is the father of Yuno's elf. And he's the sword magic guy. Meanwhile Tetia was wind magic like Yuno. So I'm not too surprised at him making a sword.
So did Asta learn to read the words in the grimoire?
>valkyries are angels
No you Christian cuck. They're technically goddesses/spirits.
>Asta was intended as a magicless host body for the anti-magic devil Astaroth to possess, delivered to the church by sister Lilith(a demon known for stealing babies) who might have also drained his magic away
>Astaroth tries to possess Asta but fails because Asta is too strong-willed
>Sally clones Asta's body like the crazy bitch she is using a sample she obtained from him earlier
>Astaroth possesses clone-Asta's body instead
>the queen/princess of Heart develops a crush on Asta during a ballroom dance so Astaroth uses that opportunity to mess with her and to create a 5-leaf grimoire
>this also frames Asta for murder and makes him a wanted man in the kingdom, forcing the visiting Bulls to escape
>Astaroth then goes to the devil worshiping kingdom of Spade to join the other devils there, including Lilith
Here's the big reveal of your second saga bro.
>Did Asta learn to read.
>Born in a poor bum fuck village near a giant demon skull
>Born as an unwanted orphan at that
>Did he learn to read
I'm surprised Mimosa and Noelle want Asta at all.
You would be shocked what being pampered and living in hedonistic wealth does to ones sexual tastes.
He was in a church you dips, churches were basically the academics schools in the medieval were kids were sent to learn to read. They did probably teach them but Asta still doesnt know since he is a fucking retard.
Sounds terrible.
Never write.
The heart kingdom princess is for nozel
I didn't write it, it's what Tabata's going to write. The clues are all there.
You wrote it all bro.
>Church taught kids how to read
But did they let them read the good book and interpret for themselves? Checkmate.
Asta fucked her.
Pretty sure no matter how good you are at reading the word salad that is the good book was enjoy to confuse any peasant so trusted mister pastor.
It depends, since its a small church in the middle of bumfuck nowhere they may a few Bibles so they may read it to them in groups, and whether on purpose or not their own opinions and thoughts may have slipped in, though its very likely the older kids get to read them on their own time considering they'd be doing most of the chores now that they're able to assist in upkeep of the Church.
You know the Bible was written specifically in a way so peasants could read and understand the message right? Its not a complicated book.
I brought it up, not to say Asta is illiterate. But because his grimoire is written in demon script. Julius couln't read it. But if he's casting an "anti magic spell" from it, I was wondering if he read it somehow.
Are you guys too retarded to notice that his grimiore is written in demon language? How the fuck, of no do you really think they teach demon language in a church?
Absolutely based, retards.
Even if thats true peasant heavily relied on the people on the Church to make the interpretation. Not to mention that one time they gated the good book from peasants.
I though the point of this conversation was if Asta can read in general? Of course he can't read it, even the biggest lore autist cant.
>Of course he can't read it, even the biggest lore autist cant
Maybe dwarves?
Asta can read in general. It's the demon language that he can't read. Nobody can, so far.
>Asta can read in general
Proofs? Has he read ANYTHING in the entire series?
I mean..maybe?
But elves are demon worshipers here.
Original comment of chain was
>so did Asta learn to read words from his grimiore
Normally no one (atleast humans) can read demon language, obv only demons. So it’s also very likelu only demons can use 5 leaf grimiores (5 leaf grimiores are written in demon language kek)
Basically Asta is using spells aka somehow understanding/reading demon language..isn’t this kinda enough evidence that Chadsta isn’t a mere “muh human mutation”..?
Asta has:
>No mana while literally EVERYONE in the BC world has mana, it’s a life force..
>he was uneffected by the wevil’s “that worlds” magic so basically he may be connected/from that world.
Asta can also be possibily a demon’s spawn/child or descendant or something.
Or maybe just him being in black form grands him inherent understand even if he was to actually try to formulate what it actually says he couldnt?
Iirc Asta has read signs during his trip in the capital.
Also his team's names during the Royal Knights tournament seeding.
First of all devils and demons arent the same thing. Sorry but I'm getting pretty autsistic about it.
The only thing that was a demon was licht when he transformed.
Asta is not reading the demon language because is not the demon scribbles on the screen.
He says antimagic magic and that's it.
And not demon scribbles like vetto did or wevil.
You do t need to read your grimoire to know your spells.
Licht used several of them without his grimoire.
In fact grimoire language is tough to read in general. Even julius only knows a few words.
Its unlikely many people know how to read there grimoire at all.
This is actually true.
His grimoire has demonic runes and blank pages no?
Wait a second nigger, this was the spirit spell that could have been a different language.
Coulda. But it's our only example of actually seeing someone read a grimoire.
Cuz nobody fucking does it.
Didn't Vetto cast a couple of spells in demon language?
Yeah we already covered that.
So unless asta says a bunch of demon mumble jumble this whole discussion is kinda pointless.
>black spreading further into Asta's (hair)
Is it me or is the sword bigger?
>Okay, Silva is a Portuguese name meaning forest/woodland
I think "silva" actually does comes from "silver", you might be confusing it with "selva", no?
so he's used both swords to go into demon form are the different swords going to be the different spells?
Looks the same to me
He said nothing about using both swords.
Also he was already in black form.
>they are generally a liquidy magic gene that is reflective
>all their hair is silvery
Its definitely in reference to silver.
>Demon takes over his body
>Rushes sister lili
>Fucks her
>Tabata gets fired and remembered as an absolute fucking chad
>Tabata loves Berserk
>William is just Griffith except not gay.
>Tabata copies the Eclipse using Lilly, Asta, and AMevil.
>NTRfags squirming their way out of the word works again trying to share their cuck fetish
Fucking disgusting kill yourself.
>Seeing Asta turn into a demon/devil changes the focus towards the more interesting side characters
>Get chapter from Yuno's perspective so we can understand why he is always silent
>William is just Griffith except not gay.
But William also shares his body with Patri, who is SUPER gay.
I mean Asta has multiple swords
he can use either one of them to go demon form
will the "spell" he can cast change depending on which sword he's holding
that yuno twink body is fucking disgusting
Noelle is a literal cuck who deserves to lose the Astabowl.
What? William is way gayer than Patri.
Because he’s a literal autist who went overboard with not being a crybaby and thought being emotionless was the best alternative.
I still think Yuno is cool though, Gary Stu and all.
t. Hugs a man and cries
Keep in mind that William IS Patri’s reincarnation, so at very least he’s just as gay as Patri, even if they didn’t have a traditional reincarnation at first.
>after a fucking massacre
Stay mad
Lilith is sister Lily.
Either she's lying or she doesn't know it herself.
Lily will end up with asta but it will be astaroth in the cloned asta body.
Silva is Latin. But that guy is right in that the Portuguese made a last name from it. And yes, it means forest in latin. It's where silvan comes from, like the elves in lord of the rings.
Tabata really loves drawing Yuno ass.
The thing is Patri has way more character than William despite technically having the same amount of prettyboy faggotry. Patri is kinda feminine but is also fiercely idealistic and aggressive but also very caring of his comrades while Williams is just a sad boohoo fag who happens to have powerful magic.
Reminds me of that character from Skullgirls.
I like the theory that lily is noelles half sister more.
I'm having trouble understanding why patry is so white in this image.
It's the best ass
The original elf bodies are pale I guess
Raia looks fine in the background though.
Licht looks pale too though
I guess the anime really fucked up those flash backs.
>What people expect
>Eclipse: Child version
>What we're gonna get: Hueco Mundo: The eclipse
That would be amazingly and unequivocally based
Omg I thought I was the only one who thinks patri is gay *-*
That would be orgasmic.
>Uses emotes
>Fujo writing pattern
I never thought someone could be so many different layers of annoying faggot at once.
It's one fag
>Yami's arm looks healed
oh no..
I know, I only mentioned one faggot.
It's just Jimbo.
>Jimbo is a (male)Fujoshit
This makes too much sense
Secret is going to kill Asta for this.
Will Secre kiss Asta on the head when this arc is done?
Nah he fuck vengeance
I think so. She acts like a thot but isn't a thot deep down.
>inb4 purityfag
I've probably fucked more women than you have your whole life, quit while you're ahead.
If asta came in the hotspring what are the odds of getting all of the girls pregnant that were there.
Considering how much of a chad he is, 92.75%
Sell put a huge wall between them.
You think that'll stop cocksta's little swimmers
Unless they are able to scale the wall.....yeah?
Still I'd think some of the girls would be depressed in being knocked up without the sex.
>Unless they are able to scale the wall
Implying Asta's sperm can't do that. Every time he jizzes in a rag he probably has to smash that shit with a hammer before throwing it in the trash just to be on the safe side of it trying to escape.
Thay sounds horrific and traumatic.
I would probably never jizz again if it made living cellular compound slime that knocked women up.
>I would probably never jizz again if it made living cellular compound slime that knocked women up
That is literally what you do every time you cum
More like cameltoe
Yeah but it doesnt visibly skitter across my floor.
So when's is big turn?
Its most likely going to be an upgraded version of whatever sword he is using. I predict when he transforms two swords at once he will go full demon
When will we find out that Asta is really a noble that was cast out due to not having magic, and all of his talk about the class system will be bunk like when Naruto went on his anti-eugenics rant.
>silver hair
>sharp teeth
The only question will be which noble family was he booted from
Why would a girl with breasts that big not wear a bra?
Well on land they don't skitter too far. It's only an issue if there's a woman in the house really. He had to take caution when he lived with sister lily.
He only has sharp teeth in black mode.
Bras didn't exist in that time period.
>implying asta ever fapped
He’s pure and doesn’t even know about sex, I bet he believes the magic stork gives you babies.
Shes inbred.
Forgive her
Kid will be a Chad vice captain of a squad and rival to marco!
>not believing in the magic stork that has a grimoire that can make women pregnant
Believe in him or not; but he does exist.
>The only question will be which noble family was he booted from
Vermillion seems to involve fire and plants. Silva seems to be water and metal. That third family, though, seems to have a lot of glass, air, and spatial nobility (not confirmed), so I could see "void" like abilities mutating into anti-magic.
Though to be honest, I think he's just part dwarf: dwarves, I'm guessing, aren't born with magic, but serve as "vessels," "conduits" (maybe) and "modifiers" for various spirits and natural sources of magic
>Points to vanessa
You were saying?
He's gonna become a priest.
What other types of Compo spell would you like to see?
Asta isn't a noble or a dwarf you fucking idiots, stop trying to make him something special, he is just a normal dude.
More Asta and Yuno combos, Black Form and Spirit Dive are aesthetic as fuck and I can never get enough of the double page spreads of them.
Kira is light magic
screen cap for future denial damage control
Wonder if a Noble got freaky with a dwarf. Asta is rather smoll and strong. Could he be the first Noble Dwarf
Cope Jeremy he's normal, unlike your inbred ass.
Being casted out wouldn't debunk he talk about the class system. In fact being disowned royalty who lived in the gutter and rose up to the top would support his claim of work hard, you win.
why does the anime spoil everything about the elves and adds-in unneeded things?
Cause Tabata let them probably
>adds in unseeded things
Because they need to pad out a long running weekly show.
It was so gay and it was great.
It wouldn't be as bad as naruto's since his was more about eugenics themselves, and Asta is more against the class system, and has no issue with nobles who are willing to help the lower class.So I guess you are right on that one.
I would like to see grey change noelles seadragons into any other type of element.
Maybe they didn't thought about bras being necessary in that way. Like, they just cover their breasts, Mimosa with normal clothing, and Vanessa with just a bra, because she's a slut and likes to show her body.
Yeah they're pretty nice
Anti magic is literally negative magic (same kind Litch used as a demon). Makes sense it can cast spells too.
Sure but being le ebin secret prince is just as terrible.
Fwk has 1 foot in the grave. Asta is not even close to his level.
Asta recognizing Nero by her pussy's smell.
>responding to him.
I mean Nero and Asta did sleep in the same bed majority of the time. Noelle just can't compete with the other women in Asta's life.
Anti Magic Demon Slayer Sword: Black Divider
I wanna see some captains do some combos
>Black Divider
Asta needs to calm down.
Black segregator!
yeah, we've only seen two members from the Kira family, and magic from only one of them, which was light magic.
did they fuck?
Mimosa wishes Asta would pounce her.
>Asta not so tough after being molested by Mimosa.
While Asta was having sex with Mimosa he did nothing, but think about Yuno who slipped past his grasp.
Tabata sure loves copying Berserk.
No. Licht was using negetive mana.
Like patry was as a dark elf.
Not antimagic
Mamosa there is only one thing to do to someone passed out in a hospital bed.
Poor Xerx losing left and right
Yuno is using both of his parents powers? wind and sword, one for each side of his body.
It matches the contrast they have going on too
yuno - 4 leaf grimoire with luck, top tier mana, wind magic, spirit, can make swords/weapons
asta - 5 leaf grimoire with a demon, no mana, no magic attribute, sword anti magic grimoire that isn't his but uses it as a weapon
I want a jazz op next, maybe a slow rock ballad.
They aren't Yuno's parents but the Elf inside him. Also yeah the contrast is nice.
Sword has a pure anti-magic edge now, and his ahoge is also black now. It used to be 50/50.
Also, anyone else notice the 2nd horn? Asta used to only have one horn, now he is looking more like Licht's demon. Amvil never had a 2nd set of horns.
Yeah people did notice.He's had since
Do you think this confirms that Black form grows stronger with each use, without him realizing it?
I don't think it's each use, probably just depends on the amount of anti-magic he can pull out.
>I want a jazz op next
How is that gonna fit for the next arc?
What's this fuckup been doing for the past like 40 chapters? Banging his sister's elven cunny?
I can't even think of what would fit for the next arc. I kind of hope they just hint at the resurrection rather than show it. Where would they get in 12ish chapters?
He probably keeps trying to sneak away from the battle to fuck her but keeps getting pulled back in by idiot enemies.
Droite is gone man.
Now if you mean Gauche probably still fighting elves.
Quick heroic start to the arc and julius moment so an upbeat jazz with a hint of blues at the end or middle.
>Where would they get in 12ish chapters?
You mean Episode? Probably right before we switch to Yami's perspective.
Don't worry in the anime he'll win
He's just taking a power nap with Ohma and Adam bro, we just have to wait... Right?
You didn't have to hit me with those two characters as well. But yeah just wait it will be a short nap
>Though to be honest, I think he's just part dwarf: dwarves, I'm guessing, aren't born with magic, but serve as "vessels," "conduits" (maybe) and "modifiers" for various spirits and natural sources of magic
did you even read the fucking manga, the only dwarf is charmy.
Anyone have those Charlotte wedding pics?
Is that you TodoMomofag? Why aren’t you in the MHA thread?
Well theres some panel time for the week. Based.
If the grimoire becomes too pure, can he still use it? Because it wasn't anti-magic until that other demon went in it.
The Grimoire isn't purifying what are you talking about, how did you speed read a chapter that just came out.
It looks way cleaner than it does before. The sword is also clearing up too.
>Cleaner =/= Purer you fucking idiot
He is channeling the Anti-Magic into the Sword Edges, also look at fucking Asta's Head, he's grown a second horn, slow the hell down when reading.
Doesn't change the fact that the book looks cleaner. I fully expect Asta to undergo a permanent change after this fight based on the horns too. Maybe he's slowly absorbing demon power?
>The Book looks cleaner
You know the reason the Book was dirty in the first place was Nero left it out in the rain for over a year right?
The Book being Black has nothing to do with the Anti-magic it looked like patri's 5 leaf grimore before that. Once again I shall mock you for speedreading because this is getting tiresome.
>You know the reason the Book was dirty in the first place was Nero left it out in the rain for over a year right?
nice headcanon
>Nero is stuck in a coma for a year
>Book is sitting in the dirt for a year
>Before coma book looked just like Patri's
You're not even trying anymore jim.
Wow another great chapter! Finally naruto is awakening his 3 tailed mode to fight demon
asta is going to grow 1-2 more arms so he can wield 4 swords altogether, just like licht's demon form