The Christmas Eve party and the kiss never happened and was just a delusion caused by Miyuki overworking himself. He is currently collapsed on the floor of his room.
Expectations subverted.
The Christmas Eve party and the kiss never happened and was just a delusion caused by Miyuki overworking himself. He is currently collapsed on the floor of his room.
Expectations subverted.
Other urls found in this thread:
It was all a dream Maki had while she was in a coma recovering from trying to isekai herself.
Maki would be dreaming about Alpha-kun.
Manga's over tho
>Still giving a shit about this Chika memeshow
>still caring about Redditguya
You have to go back.
Nobody cares what she's called you autist
Kaguya 4koma Ch. 41:
Kaguya 4koma Ch 28.5(Vol. 1 extra):
LN Ch. 3:
Doujin Ch. 17:
Much appreciated.
4koma and doujin vol. extras:
I wonder if Aka could adding more guys after iceguya chapter.
Mikado is getting added for sure
Gan'an will probably make an appearance as well
Kaguya's birthday party will probably include Mikado.
New school year will add Haysaka's help and probably an Abe first year for the council.
sex scene will also be drawn by Aka, but it will be 15x15 pixels
>sex scene is 15x15 pixel in the upper right corner
>Miyuki's sperm reaching the egg is 2 page spread behind it
The egg is Hayasaka's
is this manga dead?
Kaguya threads were really lively but now the hype literally died
There's literally nowhere to go from here
The manga has peaked
It just means we're going back to weekly threads, wich is a good thing as it improves quality.
It sounds plausible, after all is the same series that thought muh split personalities to prevent the main couple from getting together was a good idea.
It's been a week and a half since the chapter, what do you even want people to talk about?
There is the LN that people don't seem to read even though it's canon and way better than any of the side stories like the doujin and the 4-koma.
It's like a standard comedy chapter, except you can't post about panels and stuff, whcih is half of Kaguya's comedy in the first place.
That's because people don't read LNs in general: too many words at once, while the 4koma is a manga with 4 pages long chapters.
Take whatever anime adaptation for example: if you tell the people "the manga is better" then I bet 50% of the people or so will pick it up, if you tell them "the LN is a lot better" then not even 5% would.
Also to be honest in this particular case the second chapter was a little boring, in my opinion.
Finally, this
It's hard to go from pictures and text to only text
Tl;Dr they want to keep it a secret until they sort the uni stuff out(and because F would be a pain to deal with). First time they greet eachother in the morning, they're so lovey dovey that the secret is instantly out.
Looks like prez dun fucked it up because he canĀ“t control his pure love for Kaguya.
Cute Cute CUTE!
Kaguya threads are lively whenever there's a chapter to talk about, when there isn't, and especially while we're in the middle of a break, people thankfully leave and wait until it's over since we just get nothing but silly bait threads full of shitposting during them.
This is what I wanted, and not 11 weeks of drama, Aka, even if I loved the kiss.