Year One Ch. 25 preview pics.
Goblin Slayer
Oh shit it’s the chick who will give sex for magic items
Last one so far. The chapter should be released this friday.
How different would the story be if this 2 man party existed until the present time?
>No Priestess
It would be an improvement
kinda like the novel illustration better. she comes off very thottish in the manga
>Implying she isn't a thot.
not in the least she's just teasing austimo to loosen up
Why would Arch Mage hunts goblins exclusively?
God I wanna dick that witch.
Just read v6/7 back to back after finally pushing through v5 and tapping out for months. It made me realize how little I actually give a shit about Priestess and how much more I like literally every other character. It also firmly placed Elf as not only best girl but most entertaining foil to GS, their interactions are fucking adorable.
You have good taste, user.
Don't fucking tell me Potion Seller gets fucking gobbed so that's why she still hasn't appeared in the main series. Don't fucking tell me.
user I...
She would never seduce him with an adventure, then celebrating, and then... then...
You what, user?
I don't know, the novel will be released next month.
GS: Souka. Souka. Souka.
AM: Haa...
trying to correct his ways... it didn't help much (or he relapsed).
>Best girls got the vol 7 manga cover
The opposite for me. I still like Elf, but now she just acts cute & not much more. Meanwhile Priestess' turns into a better wild card than GS, while still the weakest member of the party.
Then what?
The fact that GS is aware that HEA don't like goblins and apologized for bringing up goblins make his character shine.
He already knows how to say sorry as far as the end of vol. 1 though.
Saying sorry and recognize other people's feelings about something are 2 different things.
I'm sure he knows why Priestess is annoyed after the battle against Lord & also at vol. 2 after he is trying to push away Priestess for her own safety. He is even apologizing twice that time.
>Mentioning Priestess out of nowhere
Every fucking time.
>Out of nowhere.
The subject is GS apologizing & how it makes his character shine. I was pointing it already happened long before. If other girls can provide the same material, feel free to refresh my memory.
It's not my fault that Priestess is relevant to almost everything.
Yeah, also every time he mentions his sister I feel really bad for him.
we need to add the archmage