
I'm not sure what to think about this

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It's a masterpiece. Anime adaptation doesn't do it justice.

Yeah, I mean the anime adaptation.

That's basically the point. NISIO just writes some fun nonsense as a way to rant about different topics (geniuses, killers, etc.) while skullfucking the conventions of the mystery genre.

The mystery stuff is honestly the weakest part.

You know what I think, I think its a damn shame there aren't any Kunagisa doujin

The mystery thing is mostly flavor for the drama. It's not really supposed to come off as a real mystery so much as put the characters in mystery scenarios that are twisted up in various ways as a function of the themes of the volumes.

Yeah, I had more fun with it once I started approaching it that way.

anime adaption could've been great if Shaft gave a shit.

I never actually finished watching the adaption for this. Never got particularly interested in the series.

It's shit
Like everything this hack does

Katanagatari and Monogatari series are certainly not shit.

Honestly, the first book really doesn't give you any clue of what you're getting into with the next book.
The first book is positively sunshine and rainbows and then suddenly BAM, the next book has Iichan snapping fingers.
Hanging Highschool is also coming out this year for the Eng translation so we can look forward to that as well.

The 2nd book was great. Iichan did nothing wrong

>The first book is positively sunshine and rainbows and then suddenly BAM
>heiress confined to an island because she's a psycho
>buzzkill psychic shitposting in every scene she appears
>li goes on nihilistic monologues and implies he defiled Tomo
>dead body used as an escape ladder
>maid beatdown
>the first layer of the mystery's solution revolves around li's counterpart betraying his master which underlines the existential angst regarding the relationship between Tomo and li
>the final solution implies he's actually supporting a super-genius who goes around killing geniuses and taking their place
>the heiress was pretending to be a maid all along and the renowned geniuses didn't notice, another attack on the concept of genius that was discussed throughout the novel
The first book is plenty dark and it would be hard to prepare the reader for the batshit darkness in the second.

The mystery stuff only works in the novel. That is why Zaregoto has never been adapted into anime until the OVA happened. The same thing goes to Okitegami Kyoko. The live action drama had gone massive rewrites to cope with the mystery visuals and I give props to Nogi Akiko because she actually managed to turn some boring ass mystery in the second book into a watchable one.

It was an exaggeration, user. I believe everyone who has read the first book understands that it's not actually sunshine and rainbows.

Lets be honest: the dead body as escape ladder thing is kind of stupid no matter the medium.

S2 when

I still own vol 1 and 2.
Will anyone ever release the rest of the series?

I felt violated reading the second book for the first time. The finger-snapping scene made me so fucking uncomfortable. But it was all so good.

Hanging High School was a giant disappointment after that.

No. The feel is different when you watch it visually vs you actually trying to visualize it with your brain. The third book had it worse and I hated it.

I don't think seeing it vs visualizing it really makes a difference. Shaft at least did their best to make it work. Its just a stupid gimmick and exactly the sort of thing that The Case of the Corpse in the Blind Alley was written to address.
Unfortunately Japan inexplicably has just remained in its own pocket golden age of mystery fiction for ages, so we have to put up with this nonsense from them any time there's otaku media that tries to do mysteries.

For context:
"There is a simple test which can be used to judge a mystery story. Put yourself in the place of the murderer. Then ask whether you would go about killing a man in the way indicated in the story under consideration. Would you put bacteria-infected cheese mites in the Stilton the butler is about to serve to the gentleman you want to slay? Would you transmit your instructions tattooed in ideographs on the posterior of a Chinese orphan? Of course you would not, and thus you immediately know the story is trash."

>dead body used as an escape ladder
Was that the biggest asspull in the novel?

>put yourself in the place of the murderer

Sure mate, let's go shooting some colleges didn't happen that often to get a better understanding of what killing actually is, for the lulz of course. I bet Nisioisin strangulated a street cat just to get the feels of it too.

My nonsense > Your nonsense

It's kinda disappointing to see only normalfags in this thread.

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This doesn't seem to hold up in mysteries where the killer is insane.

Seriously, why not? She's the cutest.

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Not even close. That bullshit explanation that Ii-chan created on volume 5-6 was worse.

I want vol 2 to be adapted. I'm sure it would suck but I want it anyway.

Also, did the site for the translator of the later volumes die?

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It's suppose to be a mystery for mystery reader.

Introducing triplets itself was basically telling the reader there will be body swapping.
The irony is that he did a body swapping, but not with the triplets.
The irony of irony is that the victim and the murderer body-swapped before they came onto the island, making the body swapping itself a nonsense.
It was suppose to be poetic. It's good enough to win the mephisto and there's nothing better, afaik in terms of murder mystery with anime characters.

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This guy understand it. Everything was supposed to be nonsensical. That is why any medium besides book will not do the whole nonsense justice. Each reader will have their own interpretation of the written scenes and they will come off as nonsensical garbage when anyone tries to put it together. The writing isn't deep or can be considered as masterpiece but it certainly an enjoyable read if you are a Japanese mystery reader.

I read the first novel
Decent murder mystery, reminded me of danganronpa

I heard I only needed to read the first two novels if I'm only interested in the murder mystery stuff, can someone confirm ?

Only the first.


Garbage taste, fuck off

> You will never recharge a girl

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>I don't think seeing it vs visualizing it really makes a difference.
My point is, every reader has their own interpretation of the written scenes. Like how you think that making a dead body as an escape ladder is a laughable trash. Yes, Shaft did their best to visualize the novel and I don't have any problem with that. I am just saying that there are some books that is better not be adapted into anime or live action.

To be honest though, after reading Zaregoto, Okitegami Kyoko, Owarimonogatari 上, Shinobumonogatari and Yoimonogatari, writing a conventional mystery isn't what Nisio wanted to achieve. He is actually toying with different narratives when writing these "mysteries" when you actually dissect the stuff he has crapped out until now. Okitegami Kyoko is the perfect example of how highly experimental his "mysteries" are some of them are mentally logical and some of them are utter garbage and nonsensical.

Are his kowareta sekai novels a proper mystery?

I never read it. Can't comment on it. I only read Zaregoto, Monogatari, Okitegami, Shoujo Fujuubun and the first volume of Densetsu.

Same poster , wanted to add something.
I have read Kuroneko arc in Mazemonogatari though. By the vibe of it, Kowareta Sekai is a mystery novel. Probably has the same feel as Okitegami Kyoko since there are different narrators for each book. But mindful that it is probably as edgy as Zaregoto and Densetsu.

Hmmm, no. Overrated perhaps.

Nisio's stories are generally edgy.
How was Kyoko in the end? It came out after Bakemonogatari's success, yet it never got famous nor talked.

I'm kinda bothered how the character designer drew university students looking like they're 12

It has been adapted as a live action drama which was pretty good until the last 2 episodes, which diverged heavily from the novel. The drama got a good reception since there are Aragaki Yui and Okada Masaki being the lead and Nogi Akiko who is actually a good screenwriter that has saved the story from being too Nisio for normalfags' taste. The books however has a very divisive reception. Some volumes are great and some are just so fucking bland and boring. If you enjoy Zaregoto 1 and 2, you might enjoy reading Okitegami Kyoko vol 1, 3, 4 and 5. I can't really recommend the other volumes.

Doubt I'll ever read them to be honest, mind spoiling the best trick Nisio has put in those books?
Worst too if you want.

I'm kinda glad how the character designer drew university students looking like they're 12


Okitegami Kyoko isn't really about tricks or motives. Like I've stated earlier, it is about how Nisio uses the narratives to tell the events. Rather than the tricks, you need to know how the narrator's mind works and what he sees when working with Kyoko or trying to understand her behavior during investigation works. The best story to me is the story about the suicidal girl, the build up and pay off was just satisfying. If you are interested just watch the drama, it is pretty much loyal to the source material with slight changes for the better and yes, the drama actually emphasize more on the tricks and motives if you are into those. Or you can try searching for the manga if there is any translation.

For me, it's Tomo-chan.

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Ah yes, the fitting room case is good too. Aoyama Gosho even did his version of the case in Conan after Nisio did it in Okitegami.

Too bad they never do anymore.

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Stop posting Iichan you fucking sociopath.

Tomo is as much of a sociopath as he is.

This series hit me somewhere that I don't think I'll find in another in a long while. It's like one of the few where the flaws immediately come to mind before what's supposedly good about it, because they're like so on the surface of it, but even then I don't mind it. It doesn't bother me. It's not a problem. It doesn't just help make the good come out looking even better. It's part of a whole, and nothing at the same time.

Monogatari and Katanagatari are nice series and all, but with Zaregoto I truly feel like I can imagine what kind of person its author is.

How so? I only read up to Hanging High School.

Literally all mysteries are mysteries for mystery readers. Its been like a hundred years since anyone wrote a mystery for general audiences.

'Supposed to be poetic' is correct, but what that means is that just as with actual poetry, you can't pay too much attention to the precise text or it'll seem stupid.

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She's happy all the time, even when people get murdered, later she says she'll destroy the world if she can't have Iichan.

Mystery as in actual mystery books, sure. I was referring to the context of anime and light novels.
Kubikiri tries to be ironic and satiric within the genre. You could have something similar to Conan, in which case the enjoyment of the general audience is relatively closer to actual experts, since it's are more formulaic and superficial.

its shit

You take that back right now.

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Why is she so perfect?

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She's so cute

Really hope to get all the novels in English within this century. The first two books are great, and honestly better than the best parts of the Monogatari series, which makes sense considering this was his more serious project. Although I hope it stays consistent unlike Monogatari, since after Kizu I think they just got kinda meandering.

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As someone who only watched the OVA, the relationship between lichan and Tomo was the most intriguing part. Do they expand on it in the rest of the novels? Especially the part where he talks about taking her to bed, "not with love in mind, but destruction"

Yeah, but it happens in the background since Tomo usually appears for a few chapters at a time. They have a vague and complicated backstory where Iichan's long-lost sister was kidnapped and killed by Tomo's family to help Tomo. Then Iichan made friends with a boy after repeatedly kicking over his sand castle, and later found out that was Tomo.

Such a powerful chopsticks technique

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