Post dead anime girls

Post dead anime girls

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What’s the song that plays when Subaru dies for the first time?



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Holy fuck thank you I’m trying to learn this on the violin.

Good taste. It’s one of my favorites in the ost

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That’s a program

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Looking up the rezero ost on youtube brings up a playlist of the whole thing. Pretty comfy to listen in the background.

I can't believe she decapitated simon

>blocks your death flag

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Does it count if she got revived in an alternate mobage canon?

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This thread makes my pp hard

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She's a real human bean.

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I hate seeing dead girls. Or even hurt girls.

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Fuck. This is the only one I can't stand.

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If only you were alive

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Whoh! She died?

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that's crass

Nina wasn't a girl when she died.

Literally perfect goddess. I don't want to finish the series because she'll just go away in the end.

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Some of you are okay for elevens. Don't come to the Special Administrative Zone tomorrow.

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This is not okay

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Who is she and why does it hurt?

She got me into older women, even if she was a cheating bitch and the worst part of Bebop.

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Shhhhhhhh, loli is sleeping.

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does lil phoenix count as dead if she revives every single time?

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Literally split.

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That one-shot destroyed me.

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She wasn't even alive to begin with, user.

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Fuck you,
fuck you,
and fuck you.

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is manga allowed

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I refuse to believe she died. She just faked her death.

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there goes my boner

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I don’t want to

Literally who

Not a bittersweet ending.

Read the manga. Also, checked.

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