They should stop hiring ugly idols and hire more girls like these two

They should stop hiring ugly idols and hire more girls like these two.

Attached: 2.jpg (1600x954, 391K)

Other urls found in this thread:

posting in a loli thread

They want to, but the aging population in Japan makes it difficult. We live in a time of crisis...

idolship is a state of mind, not a specific set of physical characteristics

Minimum age for idols should be 23.

Sorry I meant
Minimum age for idols should be 2 or 3.

No, its a cute and funny thread

oh my bad.

I think idols should start when they understand why their audience watches them so that they can more effectively tease us.

Attached: hairline.jpg (1000x680, 102K)

What is in the fuck is that hairstyle?

So 14?

Attached: 72082562_p0.jpg (1500x1814, 728K)

14 seems good. I've done a lot of research on idols and this seems to be the sweet spot.

I'd her sweet spot.

Please don't bap

Attached: Sachiko_SR.png (1280x824, 482K)

>these two got into grub
>Arisu didn't

Am I doing it right

Attached: shouko-hoshi.jpg (1366x768, 184K)


Attached: 1515922562837.jpg (1280x720, 232K)

What about light, playful baps?

Remove Chie!

Agreed. Ugliest loli.

Attached: 1541904052963.jpg (757x738, 489K)

According to Sachiko, 2 = 4.

It's a good thing she's pretty, because she's not very smart.

Then why are you posting ugly idols?

I want to show her my mushroom.

Attached: __hoshi_shouko_idolmaster_and_idolmaster_cinderella_girls_drawn_by_ishihara_kuniyoshi__d37f91d5d4b60 (1269x2000, 1.13M)

Attached: __hoshi_shouko_idolmaster_and_idolmaster_cinderella_girls_drawn_by_gaichi__e711dd7dc63abc466509428c7 (752x1064, 751K)


Attached: 1544527387739.jpg (707x1000, 97K)

Too old

All the idols in im@s are too old. Get younger ones from elsewhere.

These are the ideal idorus.

Attached: 142iduros.png (1116x823, 607K)

There are JS im@s idols already. What more do you want?

Nina is prime

>having JS idols
What's the point? There basically children.

9 is too old.

Unlike these two runts, idols are supposed to be attractive

Attached: 1466093713255.jpg (1280x720, 114K)

JS are children, and that's hot

OP should stop being a faggot.

Rika and Miria are attractive

Attached: 1538644942152.jpg (493x879, 67K)

Um, no? They're kids, they have no appealing sexual characteristics.

draws 1 of the best loli out there. but i have no idea whats going through his mind when he created this in his earlier works.

How about their tight lithe body?

Attached: 1504240727249.jpg (990x1200, 564K)

im sad. why does nobody like her

Attached: ryu.jpg (1280x1836, 449K)

I love Kaoru, she's fucking adorable.

Attached: 1553047374409.jpg (879x573, 124K)

Sachiko is not little. She is just cute.

I said lithe though, also
>142 cm
That's pretty small.

Attached: 74484222_p0.png (1636x1310, 1.61M)

142cm is the ideal female height for hug, headpat and carry. Centuries of eugenics have lead to idols with that height.

So what about girls that are under 100cm in height?

She's taller than me, I don't know how to feel about this.

Attached: shota.png (437x437, 576K)

I love her too, Yea Forumsnon. KaoruP seems to be a small but super dedicated minority, seeing how her goods and doujin always sold out before everyone else in the *kets I've been to.
It's either that or there's so few Kaoru dedicated artists and creators that people will just take any content they can grab.

Attached: Pero Pero.jpg (1609x2395, 1.76M)

Getting bullied by a physically imposing Sachiko, you're lucky.


Any thoughts?

Attached: hakumei_mikochi.jpg (650x300, 48K)

Thinking about Arisu, Rika, Kozue and Koume.

Attached: fa5e1370afe8421e0e341482db4d6b3d.jpg (725x1100, 304K)

This but not Koume.

This but especially Koume.

Attached: 1535623484398.jpg (850x1113, 137K)

Peak idol.

Attached: 10a3b40d9339bd917fa8f3730d71414c.png (752x1062, 395K)

What the fuck is that abomination?

Attached: [Chibiki]_THE_iDOLM@STER_Cinderella_Girls_-_04_[720p][7B1BDCFD].mkv_snapshot_04.59_[2015.02.03_18.32 (1280x720, 145K)

The softest

Attached: 1491323505688.png (900x780, 463K)

It's neither, its porn.

wtf when did this happen

I want to breed them all.

Do you mean this one.

Attached: Episode 05 - House- Nap - The Sound of Rain-00h23m23s986ms.png (1920x1080, 1.91M)

What was this shot for?

>dat fucking hair
and what the FUCK happened to her right leg!?!! did some nigga break her kneecap with a sledgehammer?

Attached: 1558859001731.jpg (480x418, 26K)

It's just her thigh muscle mate

She's very fit.

Attached: hairline0.jpg (1000x688, 120K)

but what is that hair?!

They were trying to be "sexy" for the camera.

It's the start of the "b" video where the camera just goes up and down their bodies while they stay still.

Young girls dont need to make a pose to achieve that.

They don't know that.

I'll provide them with a footstool so that they can give me blowjobs.

stop lurking here, Warwick

It's bad, we all know it. But it's okay, focus on the present instead of the past!

Attached: no_hairline.png (415x605, 423K)

can u imagine how bad she felt having to have her hair so silly? is sad desu tho

>that fucking hair

Attached: 1436724749184.gif (175x131, 932K)

Here is the fixed version

is this better for you buddy?

Attached: fixed_hairline.png (370x398, 285K)

Is this Mai?She looks cute,couldn't recognize her with the wig.

The hair transplant worked like a charm for Mai-chan

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