Beating Ryuko into a bloody pulp!

Beating Ryuko into a bloody pulp!

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> no broken teeth
> no swelling anywhere
> no bleeding

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>literally a human cum rag hybrid

why my dick bigger?

Using pavlonian conditioning to make Ryuko my stockholm syndrome wife!

You wouldn't take advantage of Ryuko while she's in a vulnerable state, would you?

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>raped by an alien shirt
>raped by some kids in an alley while unconcious
>raped by her older teacher while unconcious
>raped by her own mother and sister
>raped by OP
Poor ryuko. I want to hug her and tell her it'll be alright.

I want to rape her.

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Emotionally and mentally manipulating Ryuko to be completely dependent on me!

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you people disgust me

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You're just like Ryuko user. I bet you secretly love it.

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God, you know how good it’d feel to tie Ryuko up and endlessly rape her for hours and hours on end? At some point I’d take a break for a few days without feeding her and then come back down to see how she’s doing. I’ll feed her some really good food while consoling her, stroking her hair and her cheek, and giving her as much water as she needs. A few hours later I’d come back down and take her food away from her and just start raping her again until I put a child in her. Then I’d repeat the process until she slowly starts to become infatuated with me.

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Her petite body getting violated over and over again. The sounds she makes when you hit her. She has the tears of an angel.

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gotta add them nipple and vag piercings after u fuck her unconcious or this isnt hardcorde at all

>thread started on the pretense of light ryona being hot, which it is
>retards immediately start talking about rape

Great going, you fucking troglodytes. Beating the shit out of Ryuko until she's a woozy, drooling mess shifting in and out of consciousness and finishing her off with a sleeper hold as she foams at the mouth and starts to leak onto you is hot, not this stupid shit

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>vag piercings
No thanks

That wouldn't work because Ryuuko has a great willpower. She would break out and beat the shit out of you

Can’t you rape her and beat her?

>implying the two are mutually exclusive
baka desu senpai

its about beating the fuck out of her u retard git. learn to read before your parents cut ur basement wifi out wanker

But user. What do you do with the leaking, drooling Ryuko once she's unconscious?

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No they weren't, it was about rape and some dipshit dungeon fantasy.

Beating her is the arousing part. Fucking a girl isn't fun if they're not losing their mind from the pleasure.

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> just start raping her again until I put a child in her
are you going to rape her while she is pregnant two or is that the exception

Everybody has a limit, user. Even Ryuko.

I'll kill every motherfucker in this thread.

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What if you have consensual sex and then you start beating her?

Why is beating up anime girls so hot

I will continue to rape her so that the fetus knows who’s cock created it.

I wish I was her

>implying submission isn't its own form of pleasure

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Headpatting Ryuko! Being Ryuko's valentine! Loving Ryuko tenderly!

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When she goes into labor, will you let her give birth or will you prolong her pregnancy by continuing raping her right in the pussy?

I’ll let her give birth and then cut the umbilical cord. I would then continue to rape her while coddling the baby.

It's fine to court her gently user, but just remember, she likes it rough in bed.

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I'd rather hit Satsuki! Imagine how dumb her face looks when she realizes that someone actually dares to punch her! Wait, you don't actually have to imagine it! Here it is!

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is she not wearing any p*nties?

Submission is the entire reason why beating her up would be as enjoyable as it is. Raping her while conscious would just be a loud, emotionally taxing affair, and while unconscious it wouldn't be any better than using a fleshlight.

The sexual appeal of light ryona and rape both operate under the same principle of the girl starting out strong and fiery, determined to win, and slowly corroding those feelings and watching them fall apart as their will fails them. Ryona works much better at achieving this because it's much more grounded in reality (not to say it's realistic, nobody actually passes out that dramatically, it's just more realistic) than rape, where the girl would either be a sobbing mess, not budge at all emotionally and curse at you the whole time, or go blank (and not the good kind) until it was over.

If you were in a position of power over Ryuko, then beating her ass in a fair fight would 100% follow the
>beat the shit out of Ryuko until she's a woozy, drooling mess shifting in and out of consciousness and finishing her off with a sleeper hold as she foams at the mouth and starts to leak onto you
route. If you would rape her, it'd just be gross and unenjoyable. You can resist the dick. You can't resist a massive concussion and some broken ribs.

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Haha, you know what else would be really funny? Crucifying Satsuki with nails, then shoving a spiked metal vibrator into her cunt, then attaching jumper cables from a car battery onto her nipples, forcing her into a perpetual state of nonstop pain and pleasure until she’s psychologically unable to live without being abused and without a dick inside of her. That’d be funny right? Haha.

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She was, but someone took them off...

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Most of what you say is true. I hold that raping her broken body would still be enjoyable, however. She might functionally be a fleshlight by then, but she's a warm fleshlight shaped like Ryuko. You've beaten her within an inch of her life, and while you fuck her tight teenage cunt, you know that you could take that last inch if you chose to, and there's nothing she could do about it.

ok who the fuck let ragyo and nui get near a computer again

Yeah, this shit is getting out of hand.

>look up ryuko fanart to download

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Fluffy girl

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>implying raping a still-conscious fighter isn't the ultimate form of dominance and humiliation

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Alright, that's fair. It's certainly a more believable route than

Bonus points if the dick finishes her off.

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Satsuki is a tough girl but I'm sure there's a point where even she would start crying!

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Ryuko is soft and warm. Not fluffy.

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Ryuko x Aikurou is so very wrong, but so very hot.

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That's a pretty smug face for a half-naked girl who keeps getting gangraped.

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She really needs to learn her place

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Raping someone who's still conscious is only a physical act of dominance. Mentally (and mentally is where it counts), it can definitely not be, and someone like Ryuko wouldn't lose to rape. To think that she would is a complete pipe dream.

The concept of her going into a fight, giving it her all, getting her shit rocked and slowly crumbling from the physical toll as her train of thought grows more scattered and eventually blank and her fiery demeanor falls apart at the seams until she's the equivalent of a drunk person murmuring how they're not wasted is much more plausible and therefore arousing.

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If your partner doesn't derive any pleasure from sex, then you may as well be masturbating.

Lucky she has her life fiber powers. She'd be very easy to push down.

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There's nothing wrong with love user. Not even when that love is an older male authority figure forcing himself on a vulnerable young girl.

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Tiny Ryuko headpats

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She knows where it’s going user, reason she’s so smug

Not the kids, but yeah. I'm with you there bro.

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Raping Ryuko after beating her up

Alright, guess I'll watch KLK now.

>M-maybe you could pat something else...

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>not rape
>didn't happen
>didn't happen
>no penetration
>didn't happen
Yeah fuck you

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user she is a big girl, with the help of everyone around her she'll live well and deal with her problems
>tfw just want to snuggle canonically smol ryuko and nothing else
Pic semi related

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Patting Ryuko everwhere! Licking her most sensitive spots!

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Fucking rapefags get the ausschwitz threatment. Ryukos smile is for protecting loving and caring

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There's no way this isn't 1-2 fuckers spamming the thread.
You lads are a diamond in a pile of shit, what are you doing in this god forsaken thread?

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Yeah, you too. You're alright lad.

I'm sorry user, but you're pretty naive. Do you think Ryuko became a great fighter overnight? It took years and years of practice for her to get as good as she is. And she didn't win every fight along the way, not by a long-shot. She's been getting gangraped since middle school, when the boys started realizing there was something they could do with the cute, vulnerable girl they just defeated. It may seem tough, but Ryuko's tougher, and she'll persevere no matter how much it takes!

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Can you please just go outside man

>having ryuko in such a compromising position and not cumming in her cute little belly button
Images like that one are so unrealistic.

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>people attempting to convert the thread into generic puritan shit again like they don't already get shovels of those

Anyone who doesn't like Ryuko getting her shit pushed in is a fucking dunce

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Don't despair. She's gotten used to it over time. It's like doing the dishes or taking out the trash, something that just needs to get done. She doesn't like it, but she doesn't let it get to her the way it used to, either.

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She knows it in her heart. She just isn't ready to give up her ambitions quite yet.

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What's it going to take?

should sisters love sisters?
[ ] yes
[ ] very yes

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Yes! But which one tops?

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Why is there an MP Eva on the top right?

kek, based and sociopath-pilled

in the end, it is the onee-san's duty as the elder to take the lead

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>implying Ryuko would go down without a fight

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Ryuko's not going to give up until she develops a sense of shame. So she might not give up for a looonnngg time.

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Beating Ryuko's womb with my dick

maybe they'd feel the need to assert dominance, or maybe they're worn out from lifetimes of fighting and want to indulge in softness

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go back to reddt

Cradling Ryuko's bloodied cheek in your hand while you press a gun to her temple.

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In the end, they learned that the most powerful life fiber... was friendship.

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This but with Nui being the one to do it to Ryuko

But user, if you pull the trigger, Ruyko's suffering will all be over. Can't you keep her alive for a little while longer? It'll be fun!

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yeah....just normal sisterly friendship....

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This desu

By who?

Ryuko x Satsuki needs to be canon damn it

>Ryuko tries to get hits on Nui but gets toyed with and ridiculed, rage only making her perform even worse
>this only makes her more and more frustrated, especially when Nui taunts her about her father and how her revenge is impossible as she easily deflects all of Ryuko's blows
>Nui starts mixing in humiliating counterattacks, leaving Ryuko in a mix of surprise and humiliation when the lolita's fists sink into her belly and face
>Ryuko understands the hopelessness of her situation but can't accept it, which is only made worse by Nui making fun of her and her father, this culminates into tears of rage and a broken body

But how can Ryuko x Satsuki be canon if she's already married to Senketsu?

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now keep going

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Treating Ryuko to a nice big meal and stuffing her face with croquettes

and then punching her on tummy LOL

Oh... nobody in particular. Especially not anybody who'd want to use Ryuko's lithe, broken body for their own sexual gratification.

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even if not actually making it canon, at least more cuddling

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Never get between a hungry girl and her croquettes!

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>catching Ryuko's fists midair and slowly twisting them to force her to her knees while laughing at her face
>throatlifting Ryuko, let her fail breaking the hold with her two arms, and punching her belly over and over until she vomits then making fun of her for being such a pushover
>forcing Ryuko into a stinkface while grinding her foot into her pussy, asking her if she likes it and telling Senketsu her wearer is a sad sight
>when she's too way, letting Ryuko get free shots so she can be in even more despair when her blows simply bounce off a laughing Nui

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What would you do if you had a tied-up, barefoot Ryuko scowling at you?

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tickle tickle

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Best elite 4!
holy fuck, the elite 4 room is wild

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based and korokkepilled

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Did Gamagori breed Mako?

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Is this how she got into this situation?

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>tfw ryona is your fetish but it escalates into guro/snuff 99% of the time and you can't stand those

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I was about to post this, me and you brother
I'm fine with asanagi tho, somehow his timing for guro/snuff doesn't bother me

Make that three

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Girls like Ryuko are built for rape. It's in every fiber of their being. Wearing slutty clothes and picking fights way above their skill level means only one thing. Ryuko wants to be savagely brutalized and fucked by so many guys that she'll never be able to find out who the actual father is. She wants to be unable to walk. She wants to get beaten so badly that she can't even sleep due to the pain. She wants her naked, bloody, defiled body to be raped so many times that she can no longer taste the difference between the fluids oozing from her various orifices. Yes she fights hard. Yes she feels ashamed of losing. But all of that pales in comparison to how thoroughly her genetic makeup requires her to be reduced to a sexual outlet that's screaming in agony and shame.

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>Ragyo and Nui got computer access again


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>MP Eva

Nigga, that's a crucified Ragyo.

As a reasonable person I would kick her over and over again until she stops scowling


>that pic

Motherfucker how the fuck does that keep happening. THEY CAN'T KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH IT

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I hate this image so much. How could anyone draw a thing like this? Ok, She can be annoying, but beating a woman? A goddess?

Nuibros and Ragyochads winning since 2012

I'd rather have the superior sister trample my penis with her soft sweaty bare feet.

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What a shitty fetish. You guys sure have some fucked up tastes, Jesus

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BASED and rapepilled

The thing that I don't like about it is that if you're going to draw a woman from Konosuba getting beaten up then there's one who'd eagerly volunteer for it, walking past Darkness to beat up Aqua is just rude
If you want to beat up Aqua you're probably a domestic abuser, if you want to beat up Megumin you're a goddamn monster, if you want to beat up Darkness, though, you're just willing to help a noble young lady's dreams come true

>Getting beaten by Ryuko into a bloody pulp!
more likely

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Darkness wanting beatings and rape it is why no one wants to beat or rape her. Masobitch voids her own warranty.

Beating Aqua's brains out is cruel, but satisfying. She's a goddess, so she can heal any injury you give her. So if you're a sadistic fuck like most of the people attracted to a thread about beating Ryuko to a pullp, why not beat her till her ribs snap? Why not break her until she's a sobbing mess begging for you to put her out of her misery? Why not push her healing abilities to their limits?

Megumin is a good girl who doesn't deserve beatings--you're right about that. It doesn't mean she's safe, but Aqua's just a better target.

She's pretty jacked. That makes breaking her even more satisfying. Seeing this strong frame get picked apart and fall in disbelief and shame is the best.

Based and clothpilled

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they are on double date with monkey-boy, who is standing in the back. Ryuko is just flustered because he is so manly and strong, and Satsuki understands it completly.

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Beating Revy into a bloody mess and then impregnating her!

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I want to have loving "gentle" bloodplay sex with C.C.

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She's basically immortal/has extremely good healing factor, so you could do anything with her and she'd be physically fine the next morning.

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How would Ryuko react to this thread?

By bracing for the next beating I guess?

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Rapefags get pegged in prison senpai, satsukichads getting tired of winning since 2013
>i want to snuggle ryuko AND satsuki

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I always thought that one pic where Nui fists Ryuko after beating her was pretty "realistic" for the series as far as porn goes.

I require reference

I know, but I don't want to do anything too gruesome or nasty. I just want to cut each other a little and mix up our blood, so as to be that much more intimate. Maybe cut each other's tongues and kiss deeply.


Satsuki-Sama is for being looked down by

But how about her being broken by her mom in front of her sister?

Nice,dom Ryuko is always a treat.

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You mean dommed.

Ryuko is for sweet, tender love.

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Ryuko is for deep painful belly punches

>I'll kill la kill every motherfucker in this thread.

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Why though

Only if she's a powerbottom.

i thought she was for scat, public urinal, and petplay

Scat is a shit fetish.

Since I'm at home alreday,I might as well post some sislove pics.

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absolutely based

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I'm listening

yes keep listening

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I had to crop it since it quickly devolves into implied rape but the picture is nice nonetheless.

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I dunno guys I think its hotter when they consent

This so fucking much. Every single ryona thread devolves into rape or sexual molestation, every single time. I just want to beat and torture women, no sex involved.

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U mad

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>implied rape
It's consensual, sauce is tagged as ship material and I actually know the artist.

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God I wish that was me

That's good then,guees I just read too much into the image.

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Alright,I'm going to eat dinner,see you guys tommorow maybe.

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Does user want to be Ryuuko in this situation?


Same except I also want to fuck them after

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By asking Inumuta to track us all down so she can come kick our asses.

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She'd get to and become extremely flustered

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More like beat.

I want to beat Ryuko into the dirt, chop her head off, and let her life fibers heal her. Then repeat.

I wonder how many times Nonon got raped by one-stars after she had her Symphony Regalia uniform stripped by Ryuuko. Dozens? Hundreds, maybe? Fucking your oppressor into submission must be so cathartic.

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I want you to go outside and stare at natural light for awhile.

But I am outside, user. I simply like hard ryona.

>light ryona
Based and redpilled
>hard ryona
Cringe and bluepilled

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Already possible; KlK:IF is out in Japan.

Already?I thought it was later in the month.

Fine, but I'm taking my punching bag with me.

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Pretty sure I’ve seen story gameplay on YT; someone must’ve gotten their copy early.

You mean to tell me you enjoy light ryona and never once has escalating it crossed your mind? You imagine beating up a girl a bit, but then you just stop halfway through the beating?

Actually, both of you types are a degenerates, and the rope made of life fibers that you'll hang from will make no distinction between you.

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Light ryona means they can wake up from it with no major side effects. Beating the fuck out of Ryuko and choking her out still counts as light.

Life fibers mean she could wake up from a beheading with no major side effects. I'll assume "no major side effects" isn't really the crux of your position, though--you just like it up to a certain point that I understand but am deliberately pushing for reasons.

we need more pics of just girls being beat up

I very much doubt she an actually sleep over a beheading,leaving the bodypart as is would probably cause the life fibers to slowly die off,kinda like a snakehead can still bite you hours later but the snake won't live.

Why not fuck them as well? It's not like it takes away from the beating, and then they're also humiliated.

this Ryukos on 15 years old
You can’t take advantage of her, that’s not fair!

She literally gets chopped in half at the waist in the show and gets better. Another character loses her head and gets better.

Beat her, deflower her, marry her.
Like a true nomadic conqueror.

Sure,but that was because she could nosedive into the OLF immediately afterwards.What i'm talking about is delibaretly leaving the head there for days on end and expecting it to be 100% fine and intact without the main body also being in contact.As I mentioned,the life fibers might start to die out by then,or not and absolutely nothing would happen.We really don't know.

>Bringing lore into this.
Literally every mentally damaged "I love beating her" user in this thread is disregarding the fact that Ryuko's body is the strongest on earth barring Ragyo up to a certain point, and one of her powers is regrowing stronger from any and all damage received. There is no scenario where she can be detained long enough for any of this. You cut off her head? Cool, what are you going to do about the body she still has control over that's strong enough to level a city with her bare hands?

Lore kills the fantasy.

Fuck lore. Abuse, rape, kill, or hug Ryuko at your leisure.

I mean I prefaced what I said with "IF you were given a position of power over Ryuko" user

That happens when you finally hit puberty

Why do we have to have a thread about beating Ryuko? Why can't we have a thread about fucking Ryuko until her body turns to jelly and she spends the rest of her life thirsting for your cock?

Girls are cute
Girls are cuter when bruised and beaten

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Be the change you want to see.

Why not both?
I feel like there may have been a few threads on Yea Forums about wanting to fuck Ryuko before

You guys are the psychos that are fucking emotionally damaged, jesus christ.

At least the rapists have an understandable primal motivation behind their sick desires, you faggots are just PATHETIC.

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The same parts of your brain deal with sex and violence. Is it not understandable that those wires get crossed in some people?

That explains the people who are into fucking girls while beating them up.

Not the complete disgusting pathetic limp-dicked queers who whine about people talking about having sex with girls in a thread where they just want to spout their sad fantasies about hurting them. Fucking fags abused by their mothers, they probably deserved it.

>at least the rapists-

I guess someone didn't read , better luck next time you fucking simp

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>If you would rape her, it'd just be gross and unenjoyable.
Oh I see, you're a literal faggot. Probably also a tranny who hates women because you can never be them.

what's going on-

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>cherrypicking the part about how raping wouldn't be enjoyable personally and not the entire segment about how light ryona and rape are arousing for the exact same reasons, making your entire "durr at least the rapists-" shit invalid anyway

Why do you retards even bother? You don't make any valid points, you contribute nothing. You just say some stupid shit that might as well not have even been posted. It is amazing how you could come into a thread entirely about people talking about their sick kicks and still look like a retard.

The worst part about your train of thought about how it's actually more emotionally damaged to just beat someone up and get off to it over raping them is how you're talking as if you're unaware how fucked up you are. At least everyone else is talking under the pretense that they know they're fucking sick for getting off to this and just don't give a shit.
They're both about as deplorable (if you want to be nice about it; it's still much less traumatizing to get beat up over raped). You don't have a high ground.

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>are arousing for the exact same reasons
Except they aren't and the fact that you think this is all the proof anyone needs to see how damaged and retarded you are.

Have sex, tranny.

I see Nui and Ragyo are at it again

>they're not!!!

See? Why bother typing? What a useless response.


This user gets it!

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Nui and Ragyoposting is the best thing to happen to KlK threads

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Ryona is fucking god tier

Good thread.
Wish we had more series like PreCure but the magical girls get beaten half to death by the monsters each week. Then raped until they're too scared to transform at all anymore.

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Precure needs more female opponents.

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Stop being gay

>tfw you'll never get to repeatedly kick a bruised and bloody Ryuko while she lies collapsed on the dirty pavement
>tfw you'll never pull her clothes off and have your way with her while she's too weak to resist
>tfw you'll never force her to walk back home naked, broken, and leaking cum because you stole her clothes when you left

Why even live?

Attached: 8b7e1d58e2377989879f42e989cb0ec3.gif (500x475, 1020K)

>tfw you’ll never find Ryuuko staggering naked down the street, utterly broken and lost
>tfw you’ll never pull her unresisting into a nearby alleyway, slamming her against the wall and crushing her tits under her body
>tfw you’ll never painfully rape her from behind, smashing her face into brick mortar whenever she tries to complain
>tfw you’ll never kick her into the trash once you’re done, hair matted with blood and thighs covered in bruises

We were put here to suffer.

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Stay strong Ryuko. Stay strong.

Attached: she made it back home eventually.jpg (799x1129, 546K)

How did this become both an incest thread and a ryona/rape thread?


I'll give you three guesses and the first one doesn't count

Attached: KILLLAKILL17_07.jpg (1280x720, 431K)

Nonon's jealous that nobody's giving her any attention in this thread.

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I don't think Nonon is jealous of how much people want to annihilate Ryuko

>It's not like I want to get annihilated. I just wish people wanted to annihilate *me*, you know?

Attached: It's complicated, okay?.jpg (900x1273, 219K)

Nonon begins stretching apropos of nothing, glancing around periodically to see if anyone's watching.

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>You wanna go? Let's go! We'll see who the girl is!

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Ryona is the thinking man's fetish

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Ryuko and Satsuki in a multi-round fight taking turns knocking each other out in humiliating fashion!

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There's no reason it can't become both.

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What is this image trying to convey?

Ryuko lost her way and got raped before coming home

>exactly one person's comments were deleted in this thread

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>tfw a girl said this to me irl when bullying me years ago

did you break her nose


I let her push me up against the wall and knee me in the nuts, later that day she sat at the table behind me and put her feet on my shoulders telling me she needed the extra leg room

Good thread

Ragyo and Nui threads are always based, I just hope someone compiles the best comments in this thread together like

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This might be the most fucked up thread to give me a boner. Today. Probably not though.

I want to lobotomize Ryuko

Why are girls much cuter when they're beaten up?

how often do you think he dominated her

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Uzu is a much better fit desu,and I'm not even a IraMako fag.As for the question itself,once on weekdays and once during the weekend,sometimes more.

Go on, user. I’m intrigued.

Just how did it start? And what does he enjoy doing?

He's definitely the guy to enjoy rough anal,maybe some power play as well.As for how it started,it might have gone a lot of ways.Maybe he developed a crush,or maybe he just wanted to knock her down a peg after she cast him off and proce himself.

Very based. Smugly humiliating his superior is absolute kino. There isn’t nearly enough maledom content concerning Satsuki and her Elite Four.

Bump before I go to bed

The best thing about strong and fierce tomboys like her is breaking their will be making them realize they will be always inferior to me (Chad) and then breaking it again with my dick giving her the ahoge.

>Punching a pure goddess like Aqua
Too far, kid.
*unsheathes katana*

I'm equally attracted to all these scenarios

Based and moralpilled user

I prefer emotional damage over physical myself, I feel your pain.

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have sex, incels

Alternative timeline where Reiko and Satsuki are defeated by their mother. Ragyo, like a control freak mother, decide to merry her daughters to
powerful alien that had conquer earth. How will their new husband break Reiko and Satsuki's strong well, make them become submissive wife and bear their children ?
and how will the wed night play out

Attached: __kiryuuin_satsuki_kill_la_kill_drawn_by_ask_askzy__e1d54f07c62968736a095d0845cdf882 (1).jpg (566x800, 330K)

Kys shitsuki beta cucc


What if I want Ryuko to be the one beating me?

Ryuko on the right!

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How did you get this picture of me on the right?

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>implying you wouldn't end up getting your ass kicked

Ryuko is best tomboy of 2010s

We have threads about this exact topic like,once a month.It doesn't change the fact though.

Ryuko is for hugs


Hugs during fugs

Shit thread by an iToddler.

Takes one to know one buddy.

no uToddler

Nobody in this thread assumed they'd be beating her up in a completely normal state, some bullshit power-up is a given

When she takes off Senketsu she's just a little girl again. Most anons could win from size alone.

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>just a little girl again
You do remember that she's a life fiber hybrid right? And always has been.

>implying i don't want to beat the shit out of Ryuko in a fair fight at full power

It's not nearly as fun if she doesn't know I kicked her ass completely fair and square.

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No piss, but pretty close.

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You could also just be a life fiber hybrid like Nui

Ryuko looks so pretty when she's bleeding and getting her clothes torn off.

Attached: Kill_LA_KILL_53.jpg (1280x1024, 161K)

I ejaculated to Ryuko today because of this thread

>Villains are literally gay and tranny colors
Based trigger!

Powerups or not, I think we can all agree that the world is a good place so long as Ryuko continues to get overpowered by guys who are stronger than her.

Attached: Too strong for Ryuko.jpg (839x816, 155K)

Leave my wife‘s best friend alone.

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Mako seems like the type of girl to get off on this. I can imagine her getting hot and bothered from successfully managing to choke Ryuko out and having her spasm in her grasp while her saliva runs over her arm. She'd probably get even more excited from being on the opposite end.

Attached: vQ6a2AJ.gif (491x265, 1.78M)

Mako loves getting abused.

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I need a list of KlK characters ranked by levels of S.

You've bested the mighty Ryuko and have stripped her and tied her to a poll. Do you:

A) Beat her
B) Rape her
C) Invite others to do what they want with her
D) All of the above

Attached: choose wisely.jpg (818x900, 284K)

What's S stand for first

Sadism or sex

>KLK: IF comes out on my birthday


Attached: bring down the house.png (1599x1079, 930K)


Why the fuck would I want Tyrone in on this, fuck off

Why beat her when she's tied up? I want her to be able to try to defend herself (and fail pathetically)

>tfw the dub blooper reel actually made reference to this
>Gamagori’s VA immediately rolls with it by explaining to Mako that with their size difference, she would explode.

I want to rape Reinhard.
He makes Mein hard.
I want to stick my finger tips.
Deep into his womanly wide hips.
I want to violate the Butcher of Prague.
I will do it in the style of a dog.
I want to rape Reinhard Heydrich.
With German Sausage, Snake and Dick

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Is it gay to fuck a tomboy?

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Ryuuko has Wolverine powers, she will be fine.

>no penis
>no male form

No, you're fine.

Reminder that all aryans desire foreign semen

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Ryuko's zone animation was the last time I masturbated to flash game porn.

there, she's all better now

Attached: dsd.png (1000x1000, 1014K)

Thanks, I hate it

>tfw cucked by Gamagori
Fucking kill me

Aww, I want to tuck Ryuko into bed!

Aww, now she just looks exhausted. Somebody get that poor girl an energy drink.


Attached: GOTTAMUNCHFAST.gif (180x180, 144K)

Ryuko's upset because she spilled yogurt all over herself and got Senketsu super dirty. Thankfully Nui was there to help cheer her up.

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i sometimes jerk off to ryuko getting her ass handled by sanageyama

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>taking it easy after some good old fashioned self care
Good for her.

>that little wet spot
Nice detail there, friend

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I bet rape happens all the time at Honnouji Academy. They just couldn't show it in the anime because they didn't want the show to be labeled as hentai.

Hot blooded guys beating up hot blooded girls is just the way things work over there, and massive power disparities are seen as perfectly normal. How could rape not be a natural consequence of those conditions?

It's possible Satsuki implemented a rule prohibiting the practice, but why would she? She deliberately cultivated the environment of power imbalance because it forced the students to become stronger. Rape would just be an extension of that philosophy because it rewards the winner and exists as a strong motivator against losing.

They canonically show Mako, in a miniskirt, held upside-down on a cross, and it wasn't seen as particularly weird by the students. Nobody seemed all that shocked by Ryuko's practice of ending fights by stripping her opponents, either.

There's almost no way the creators of the show didn't envision rape being a standard part of the Kill La Kill universe, both as a consequence of losing a fight and as a tool of promotion within Satsuki's draconian hierarchy.

It's simply too obvious for them to have missed.

Attached: The part they don't show you in the anime.jpg (734x1000, 152K)

i'd want a strong sexy female 2-star to rape a helpless no-star like me


Attached: __matoi_ryuuko_kill_la_kill_drawn_by_o_nashi_neko__63bca665a8593f65c0163bf4b3bf45c1.png (316x434, 53K)

Ryuko wants to get hurt

>but why would she?
You can't fight while pregnant. When you grant everyone the same level of super powers via uniforms gender no longer matters. Female bodies were still bodies, and most everyone could get a second chance if they proved it was worth granting them.
>and it wasn't seen as particularly weird by the students
Except they did. Fukuroda had to justify doing it as the only way he could think of to lure Ryuko back, the crowd that gathered was there to witness an unusual event, Mataro's gang was preparing to rush in to save her so they probably didn't know what consequences there were to doing so, and the school's principle wondered out loud if there was anyone that could stop this new level of "animal behavior" from the student council backed by the Director.

No, she just wants to make cake.

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*eat cake

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>fat Ryuko

This violates basically everything that makes her figure so attractive so good job

this but make the 2-star Satsuki

this but with rape

Ryuko is so cute

Would date

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Based cozy and comfy sleeppilled user, thanks. I want to bring ryuko to bed, read her a bedtime story leave her a glass of warm milk and leave the nightlights on when i leave the room. Lemon girl absolute cute but big sister is wife material

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What a punchable tummy


very good post

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I don't even like Ryuko. Annoying cunt. Literally every other girl was better than her. I just like ryona.

That was a nice ass whooping. In front of the whole school too

I want the story behind this picture.

Nui paid a group of rando students to run a train over Ryuko after pushing her shit in for an overly long period of time and posed with the result

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please die!you even moreso

This bump's so you can eat shit kid

You're a punchable Nazi.

Konosuba was an interesting experiment in trying to determine where in a character's shoes I would go insane.

Thank yo

i want her to punch me

it's the straightest kind of fuck

I'm gonna say it.
I only like Ryuuko when she's wearing Senketsu

Did Nui tell her what would happen to her after her defeat for maximum despair?

Ryona isn't even /d/ only stuff.

Ryuko likes wearing Senketsu most too.

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I want to burn her head in the oven.

She'd absolutely do that