Would you live in a society where humanity and anime characters coexisted (much like Who Framed Roger Rabbit, but with anime)? If so, what would such a society look like?
>pic unrelated
2D and 3D
I thought anime was a form of depicting what we see.
What if anime is to us what we are to anime? What if we are the fiction, and they're the reality?
Constant wars between 3D men of various nations battling for the anime girls while real women rally politically to outlaw relationships between 3D men and 2D women because neither the 2D nor 3D men would have any interest in them.
Dimensions don't work up that way, it only works down. We are the simulation of 4 dimensional beings that we only have some vague concept of. Similar to how a 2D character can only have a concept of their creator if the creator writes it that way.
Imagine being so shit you have to ban fictional characters from dating men you want. I'd kms desu
Why do you think feminists hate hot anime and video game characters so much.
Personally, such a society would be one endless city, either cyberpunk or more rundown or simply average settings, depending on universe. Although, depending on universe, there'd be a lotta countryside too. Now, if we had all of... animedom (?) (all anime we know of that exists) live alongside humanity, I'd imagine a universe that combines all elements of what I've just mentioned. Thoughts?
At least such a society imo would be... very space-minded too. Very technologically advanced. But there'd also be the "fantasy sectors" where futuristic or modern current tech is out of their reach
2D and 3D men would be dimensionist towards each other because 3D men could not keep our hands off the 2D girls. There would be a handful of 2D perverts who are attracted to 3D women but most of them would be disgusted at how mean and stinky 3D women are.
What would be the equivalent of "BLACKED" be for a human girl that gets fucked by an anime guy? or an anime girl fucked by a human guy?
2D on 3D
3D on 2D
X'D (as in X axis)
Oh (you) two!
>now I can get rejected by twice the amount of people
Simply... ebic... :8DD
I'd still take it though, engineering would become vastly more interesting if you had to consider designing for multiple species.
Not just that. Consider this: many mecha series, from the Gundam franchise to NGE, exist, and space-related shows like Legend of the Galactic Heroes, if they were also part of this mixed dimension multiverse, would mean a very technologically advanced society. But then you'd have Fairy Tail, Shield Hero and other more primitive-era settings, meaning such a society would be very divided based on technological advancement
Who would rule over such an endless society? Post your nominations
Yeah dude. I'd still be lonely as fuck but holy shit imagine the things I would be working on. I'm an electrical engineer who's trying to get into the robotics industry. Shit would be great.
>I'm an electrical engineer who's trying to get into the robotics industry
me too m8 (I think). and yeah, I'd prolly still be lonely, but maybe not as much
Probably the Jews still. And we'd have to sit back and watch all our waifus get culturally enriched.
nah I'm joking, but still, I was thinking... well fuck it, maybe... Artoria Pendragon? I'd totally be happy with her, heehee. Or instead, maybe have endless leadership candidates to choose from?
More women to reject and make fun of me
Supreme chancellor of both dimensions would of course be a cute loli.
Hang in there bud. I've had many dreams of having anime characters either accept me (or feel like they might've rejected me)
>Would you live in a society
I'd rather not
What would 2D women think of 3D men? Would we be disgusting to them even if we're a Chad?
Fuck yes!!
Depends, I suppose?
Anime would just be hollywood except for the 2Ds. They would just be regular, two-dimensional people in the real world.
Imagine having a kid with one. How would that even work??
So if you fucked one, Would you actually enjoy it at all?
Only one cross section of your dick would be exposed to any sensation
If they're 2D... you'd prolly give your dick a fucking papercut
How would the human-anime universe get by? Cars? Trains? Plane considering its vastness? I like to imagine trains would be the primary form of transportation
It would look like CGI
I doubt most women would really care. If anything, the guys truly after 2D girls would leave them alone.
>implying some guys aren't mean and stinky too
And most people shower every day or a few times a week.
>girls would enjoy being left alone
>implying women's entire existence isn't to obtain the attention of men