Houseki no Kuni

Started reading this and couldn't put it down. Sensei is best dad.

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Sensei a long.

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He needs optimum reach to play with his tiny immortal children.

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I can't help but side with the earthbound gems. Playing into the Lunarian's hands after literal centuries of genocide for the sake of something as pointless as getting sensei to notice them is cruel. No wonder they were left behind, unredeemed. They're selfish trash. Phos is just negotiating with terrorists.

Though I can't help but be drawn to how, the more Phos loses himself, the further he strays from his family and his initial goal of protecting them/Sensei out of love. The more he changes, the more his goals become twisted-- his confrontation with Cinnabar reflected this. Phos had changed so much that he hadn't even realized that he'd lost sight of his original goal of giving Cinnabar a new, "fun" job-- saving him from his suicidal ideation out of love-- and twisted it to suit his own desires. Every time Phos' body changes, he loses a piece of his original purpose and his connection to his family.

This series is so good. Each new chapter breaks my heart; I can't wait to see how it's resolved.


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Have a shitty (OC)

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Dark times ahead user.

Phos is cute!!

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Even worse one
Why no gems with afros, Ichikawa?

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>Sensei is best dad
Oh dear, you aren’t caught up I take it?
Brace yourself user.

He is best dad, phos is just a shitty children

I’ll fight you user I swear to god if you talk shit about phos...

He tries his best, being a single father and all.

Her feet are on the ground in this picture


Only a good father would go against the rest of the family to grant your depressive wish, give him some credit


Nahh, Sensei has the right of it. Do not negotiate with terrorists.

I think Phos wanted to save the other gems too and stop them from getting stolen by the Lunarians, which was why they decided to work with them in order to stop them from getting anymore. Sensei could've prayed to save the gems from being whisked away from them but he did nothing, and the Lunarians only really went out to kidnap the gems because they were getting desperate after how many centuries of being ignored as they were getting desperate. Not to mention being close to Sensei makes them want to protect him, but being farther away makes the gems lose this desire, and so they were actually being unknowingly manipulated to protect Sensei.
Ultimately, I think Phos just wanted to do what they thought was right no matter the cost. They couldn't just stand and do nothing as they learned more and more about how things actually were, and try to change the status quo. Their search of ways to protect Sensei and the others has led to them defy him in the end.

Oh, I absolutely believe that Phos thinks he's doing what's best for everyone. And you're right that Sensei's aura has been unconsciously manipulating everyone. But the way I read it, Sensei was unable to pray for the Lunarians' salvation due to his defect. He ignored them because he was unable to pray and instead focused on the gems, who he could actually help. As pitiable as the Lunarians' situation is, it's also their own fault. They were so terrible in life that no one would pray for them. It speaks volumes that they would resort to genocide in attempt to jostle the machine into working again.

You're in for a world of hurt, m8

inb4 it's never resolved

>Implying they ever had a choice
All the gems they said they tried to communicate with wouldn't act normally and would end up just falling into pieces. HOWEVER, it seems as if what Phos has been doing has already been done before and the Lunarians are just in a waiting game for a gem to go to the moon so that they can go back to Earth to try and get Sensei to Pray.

And Phos is only doing this to get rid of the lunarians so that they can stop taking the other gems away.

And regarding the morality of the lunarians; if anything the Gems are the most morally bankrupt individuals at the moment with none of them even being able to empathize with each other bar a select few. They are all sociopaths who aren't worth the kindness they have been given, and they CERTAINLY don't deserve to be free from their suffering of endless stagnation. However, neither do the Lunarians.

Also isn't it funny that the gems, who are the one outlier in Lunarians society, and is what is currently staying off the Lunarians' own boredom and stagnation, would want to become exactly like the Lunarians and restore the previous status quo. It's very interesting.

Only somewhat unrealted, but any hopes that Ichikawa will be a character designer again for Pokemon Sword and Shield, nothing in the trailer looked like her style except maybe the grass gym leader looking like Semi, but I hope she's still on because the stuff from SM that might have been her looks amazing

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>But the way I read it, Sensei was unable to pray for the Lunarians' salvation due to his defect. He ignored them because he was unable to pray and instead focused on the gems,
I still think he is consciously choosing not to pray based on some of his dialogue and actions throughout the story, such as pic related where he says essentially "No matter what you do I will never pray". Also in the last few chapters we've seen him start praying then stopping. But right now we can only speculate as to why he doesn't want to. I think it's because of Buddhism, immortality bad, reasons and sensei's fear that the gems will end up just like the moonies if they lose the thing that gives their lives meaning, but my theory doesn't really explain the thousands of years between humanity's extinction and the birth of Red Dia when he didn't pray

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remember, no chapter this month

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>Sensei is best dad.
He can't protect anything.

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don't remind me, I planned on rereading my phyical copies this month to make up for it but I'm already on vol. 5 so I'll likely be done before the day the chapter would come out

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I've heard bad things about the official translations, are they worth buying or nah?

I just realized sensei attracts those fujos with daddy issues to the hnk threads.

I think they use "them", so if you are a delicate /pol/ snowflake, don't.

The translations are mostly fine other than the refusal to use pronouns or anything Japanese sounding. I mostly own them so I can have the physical art
they avoid pronouns all together so we get things like "That gem" or "every gem" It's cringy and stupid but trannies would probably get upset if they kept the male pronouns and actual fans of the series would get upset if they used they, or Buddha forbid, ze/zir so they took a middle ground that would probably upset the least amount of people

all gems are cute girls, deal with it

>actual fans

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"Them" is fine, I know the reasoning for using "he" would fly over some readers' heads, but this

is just awkward to read. Might still be worth it for the art, like you said. Thanks.

Trannies might look female or male, but they are still their biological gender, rocks may look male or female leaning, but they are still rocks, so is they or back to discord, tranny.

Nobody's talking about trannies but you, user. "They" is fine for a humanoid that has no actual gender because it's a rock.

People that have agreed to the code of "use whatever fucking pronouns you want"

just according to Ichikawa keikaku

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I was bored so I put together a list of all the episodes and their corresponding chapters as well as an estimate of how I think s2's pacing would go.
Episode 1 - Chapters 1, 2: Introductions, Phos and Shinsha
Episode 2 - Chapters 3, 4: Dia, slug fight
Episode 3 - Chapters 5, 6(vol 1 ends): Wentricosus and Dia, Phos's revival
Episode 4 - Chapters 7, 8, 9: Wentricosus, Phos going to the sea, Wentricosus's betrayal
Episode 5 - Chapters 10, 11: Aculeatus, Phos returning from the sea, new legs
Episode 6 - Chapters 12, 13(vol 2 ends), 14: Yellow Diamond, Amethysts, First patrol and first battle
Episode 7 - Chapters 14, 15, 16: Hibernation, Antarcticite, Phos's arms crunched
Episode 8 - Chapters 17, 18, 19: Beach of Begginings, Antarcs fight, Antarcs death
Episode 9 - Chapter 20(vol 3 ends), 21, 22: Ending of winter, other gems waking up, Phos showing off to the amethysts
Episode 10 - Chapter 22, 23, 24, 25: Phos teaming up with bortz, start of the shiro fight, dia beating shiro
Episode 11 - Chapter 26, 27, 28(vol 4 ends), 29(first half): Red areki, little shiro's, Shiro and Sensei, Phos's breakdown, Shiro passing on, Phos talking to rutile, Pad's introduction
Episode 12 - Chapter 29(latter half), 30, 31, 32(first half), 36(first half): Zircon teaming up with bortz, Phos choking a moonie, Phos talking with shinsha, anime original ending

plz stop she's already dead

This is a pretty rough estimate, especially since I have no idea how they'll handle the Ghost stuff they skipped and depending on how they pace it could end with Volume 9/the night raid instead.
Epsiodes 1&2 - Chapters 32(latter half), 33, 34, 35, 36(latter half)(vol 5 ends), 37: Possible anime original introduction, Ghosts introduction, three-sunspots fight, Ghost's final fight
Episode 3 - Chapters 37, 38, 39: Ghosts death, cairngorm's introduction and self-blame
Episode 4 - Chapters 39, 40, 41: Cairngorms name, fake genkiphos, leadup to the board game fight
Episode 5 - Chapters 41, 42, 43: Board Game fight
Episode 6 - Chapters 43, 44(vol 6 Ends): Aftermath of the board game fight, Phos's decapitation
Episode 7 - Chapters 45, 46, 47: Long winter, Laphos's awakening, numorga and nugoshe introduction
Episode 8 - Chapters 48, 49: Haircut, Vagitarius's introduction
Episode 9 - Chapters 51, 51, 52(Vol 7 Ends): Professor, Phos yelling at sensei, Phos getting taken to the moon
Episode 10 - Chapters 53, 54, 55: Phos arriving on the moon, "our world is beautiful", phos talking with Aechmea
Episode 11 - Chapters 56, 57, 58: Pearl eye, Phos returning to earth
Episode 12 - Chapter 59, 60, 61(Vol 8 Ends): Semi visiting earth, Gems leaving for the moon.

says the boy literally peaking out of a priest robes.
what do you think the japanese is trying to tell us Yea Forums?

I think this is a good estimate, but I'm also curious how they're going to handle Ghost. It'd be odd to introduce a new gem so suddenly. I wonder why they left him out of the anime? I guess they could always have him be "born" on the shore at the start of S2, but at this point in the story, he'd die too quickly for the viewer to get invested. The Ghost/Cairngorm split would just feel cheap.

>>Implying they didn't have a choice
I love how far out of the way people go to make excuses to genocide a people who have done you no wrong

PhoSensei is my OTP

>Going through this many mental hoops to say that a group of sociopathic immortal children are morally better than a society of adults just wanting the sweet release of death because they are tired of suffering
user, if nothing else, they are both morally bankrupt and neither of them are better than the other.

This has to be my favorite manga page. Bottom middle panel is definitely my favorite panel. The moon is a fun place.

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That's why I'm betting on an anime original introduction to go along with the anime original ending, which will then lead on to the Ghost related chapters. And 2 episodes is longer than you think when it comes to character introcutions, remember Antarc died the episode after he was introcuded, so Ghost getting two episodes as well seems reasonable. Though having all his chapters in succesion instead of spread out like they were in the manga messes with things a bit, especially if the S2 basically starts with him being introduced.

>t. Cairngorm

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Who? Do you mean Princess?

I wonder if cairngorm is a she now or still considers themself a they.

Pretty sure the only third-person pronoun in the raws was cairngorm reffering to yellow, using he.


I'm not seeing where you're reading the gems as sociopaths from. They're childish and don't understand death, sure, but they seem to care about each other. They spend every waking moment protecting each other, they mourn those who are kidnapped, and have brotherly relationships between gems of the same type. While they don't contact other species much, Phos had enough empathy for the slugs that he forgave them for their betrayal and refused to outright kill those on the moon, even if it meant bringing the dusted gems back faster. Cairngorm fell deeply in love, and from Dia' s comments, passionate love isn't foreign to them. They remind me more of the black mage village from FF9 than sociopaths.

I wouldn't call the moonies sociopaths either, but they're much less innocent in comparison. Genociding an entire race in hopes of mindbreaking Sensei into helping them is unconscionable.

Congratulations, you're able to understand character growth. That makes you smarter than roughly 70% of this manga's fans.

Good one.

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earth gems are garbage


not this garbage thread again

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>have to wait another month and three weeks to see if sensei actually prayed

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Look I made one too.

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>Believing in the love armour
it's probably just literal father-child love

>post honk gems

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The problems with the translations, as far as I remember are:
>"That gem" instead of "he"
This is particularly irritating because it makes sentences feel clumsy at times. Also they sometimes translate it as something completely different, like Bortz telling Dia to hold Phos down being translated as "Hold your friend down".
>Everygem instead of everyone
fucking why
>refusal to call Cairngorm "black"
When Phos says that Craig is black, it's translated as Craig being "opposite coloured" compared to Antarc
>Translating "clothes" as "kimono" because they don't know that the kanji is the same for both.
Sensei doesn't wear a kimono so it's a dumb and wrong translation.
>Translating "white" as "immaculate" when Phos speaks to Aechmea about Shiro
Apart from that there are minor things going on too which really show that the translators don't really know what they're doing.
During the Phos-Cicada fight Phos says "Se-" in japanese, because Cicada's Japanese name is "Semi". In the English version his name is Cicada, yet they didn't change the "Se" to "Ci-", which leaves the reader wondering what the hell Phos was about to say.
Another issue is the build up of the sentences. Ichikawa several times makes the chapters end on a particular phrase which makes the dialogue feel very kino like that chapter that ends on Cairngorm saying "I'm tired of praying".
The english version switches the sentence structure around so it instead ends on something like "that's all", with the "I'm tired of praying" appearing in the bubble before. It's not technically the wrong translation, but it loses some of its impact.

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Physically, the english version also has some issues. Aside from retarded mistakes like calling Cairngorm "Antarc" in one of the character introduction pages iirc, the cover is also messed up. The full japanese cover is a dust jacket with sideflaps. Cinnabar is always on the sideflap, and his position compared to Phos who is on the front has some meaning to the story. The english edition doesn't have the sideflaps at all. Also they forgot to include the inside covers for a while, then suddenly remembered and put them all in one of the later volumes.
Also the covers don't have sparkles, and the logo has some ugly shadow behind it somewhat messing up the minimalist design.
That's all I can remember off the top of my head.

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It's interesting how Ichikawa changed Phos hair design to match the anime design more.

I was honestly bugged more by the general way things were worded in the tralsation than any of the specific flaws you listed. Some of the dialogue seems really robotic, and they ruined a lot of the more quotable parts of the manga too.

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Yeah, that sounds fucking horrible.

death penalty for gays when???
nothing in this manga is memorable let alone be referenced

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>is the reason gems are kidnapped
>does nothing to prevent this for thousands of years
>is immediately forgiven

>tries to fix shit
>does more in several years than sensei did in thousands
>gets scorn and jail sentence for 200 years

explain this

gems are socialist assholes

From a reader perspective it’s pretty clear that Phos did nothing wrong and doesn’t deserve to suffer, but the other gems have less than half the facts and don’t know shit about that.