What went so right?
Mob Pyscho 100
Studio's love for the source material, that's literally all it takes
Post Mobs
No post Reigs
Real heart in both characters and animation.
It also has great source material and both a fun and emotional story.
It didn't.
It's message of "your psychic powers aren't important" is conflicted by the fact that mob and several other characters rely on their psychic to get through everything that happens.
it's shit tier writing.
Came here to post this.
>hehe i love being a contrarian :^)
>Studio's love for the reigen ass plus man service
he's right, only fujos and complete retards think this series is good
Wow so edgy and cool
I mean, MOB is good for by how it is drawn, it's good art well animated, it's just art in form a anime, for those who like unique drawnstyles may be good, thats a big part of JoJo fanbase, like an examplo. But jojo is a bit more mature (and bizarre).
And mob story is a bit funny, at least.
>It's message of "your psychic powers aren't important"
but that's not the message
One’s basic artstyle have the team an excuse to drop line mileage and up their animation game. The basic artstyle also lets individual artists on the team put their own small flourishes on their contributions, which I image led to an in-house arms race to animate the coolest thing. Like an exaggeration of the flour sack animation practice.
That isn’t the message. The message is that getting out of your comfort zone, working on your flaws and being respectful for and grateful to the people and things in your life is the key to becoming a well-rounded person.
Lewd mob!
Fucking hell ESL’s are out in full force today
My cousin was convinced there was a "deep message" in this show behind making fun of shounen comics and psychics. I really didn't get it, it was just making fun of overblown villains by pitting them against an overpowered MC with no personality, coincidentally the same damn things as OPM.
Am I missing anything? The show just wasn't that deep.
You just have a tiny brain
Nothing is deep
Overrated as fuck.
Please explain, I'm listening earnestly. I want to understand my beloved cousin's point of view.
That's kind of my point. Ever since Evangelion there hasn't been anything deep at all.
Eva is not deep it’s has so much unnecessary fan service
That’s one joke man
The deeper message is self improvement, and its worrying you missed that when it was the focus of an episode.
Think about the Club episode, where the supernatural club, who each get their own characterization and personality, all try to get Mob to join them. Now if you don't think about it, of course he would. Supernatural stuff, and he's supernatural! So obviously, they fit together. Meanwhile the people who want the club are the Body Improvement Club(FIGHT ON!) Clearly these should be the badguys, they want the exact opposite of what the Supernatural club does, they don't want to examine "Mob's world" of the psychics, they just want to be in better shape. So obviously Mob should join the SC and stop them, right?
But would that actually improve him? The question of if he needs to be stronger never comes into play, he's literally the strongest thing around. He could crush all of the BIC with just a flick of his wrist, but would that make him a better person? More well rounded, healthier? The Supernatural club aren't, they sit around and each snacks and drink soda, so what is he getting out of it? How would they improve him? Short answer, they wouldn't.
And this theme continues all the way till the end of season 2, when the main antagonist believes himself untouchable, unbeatable, but in reality so much of his life could be solved if he just improved a single aspect of his life, his relationship with his wife. He ignored the obvious and stuck only to what he was 'good at', and suffered for it.
Every single character is based around the the message of what it means to improve yourself. Not just in one aspect, but in all aspects.
Anime without waifu and it's actually good.
Literal dogshit
Imagine being so stupid that everything just flies over your head? This is probably with low IQ is associated with high aggression and violent behavior.
self improvement, its literally the name of the club mob is in, how does everyone just miss it like is not there, he actually say it loud a couple of times, it cant be more in your faces even if they tryed and people still miss the point