Do you praise your Elf?

Do you praise your Elf?

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No but I did sexual my elf.

Of course.

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w-what is she tasting?

Soup, what were you thinking?

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Why don't elves use underwear?

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Because underwear is not natural.

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elves don't poop

Regular elves are shit. Dark elves are important.

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Kazuma from Konosubas worst enemy.

Can you stop posting my wife? Thank you.

Elves deserve to be raped.

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>Liking burned and fat elves

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Cute anvil will give birth to goblin slayers descendants. What a cozy family she goblin slayer and cowgirl will make!

Elves have naturally brown skin. The ones with white skin have it because they're stained with human cum.

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As a connoisseur of chink/nip dancing girls who wear bloomers under their skirts so they don't present as loose whores during spins I have to say that those those aren't bloomers, REEEEEEEEEEE

Give her a break, she's an immigrant.
From my point of view, it's the cumskins who are evil

You are only making her look worse.

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Immigrants make our nations strong and our dicks hard.