Subs when?
Subs when?
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The new boy/girl is a girl who sings in French (this women dose her singing voice:
And raped/bite Tuesday
Angela a best
Tuesday a second best
Carole a shit
Bite/rape Tuesday.
She/he is a slut
Some fan he/she is
Watch out Tues! She bites!
Tuesday broke up with Carole for this slut?
marking her? territory.
the next step is claiming Tuesdayas pink butthole.
>Tuesdayas pink butthole.
That belongs to Carole
Oh her vocalist Maika Loubté is mixed
French father
Japanese mother
Look like a male
No !
C&T for life!
Light skinned with light skinned and "others" with "others".
Btw Tuesday is not “light skinned” she’s snow white
Oh no! Tuesday's a lesbian now. That's how it spreads right?
Emphasis on the last word.
Yes. Girls bite other girls
>Carole and Tumblr
Bet she tastes like Lillie.
She taste like sugar
Something like that.
She's beautiful.
And tasty . A girl fan tried to eat her
Is this NTR?
She blac?
French Asian fan who touches Tuesday all over. Just wanted to raped her and steal her away from Carole
Should i edict this for White girls should love white girl?
It's really nice scenes like this that make me want to watch the show.
But then I remember how most of it extremely QAULITY filled.
And of course, how the other main character is a very, very ugly black chick.
Honestly, I'd be perfectly fine if the end game was Tuesday x bitey tomboy and Carole x getting gang banged by dozens of black dudes.
That'd be a more realistic setting.
Carole is cute and pretty!
Nah. Carole is cute.
That boy/girl is ugly and rapey
We need more chocolate skin in anime user
C&T for life
Nah, Carole is ugly as fuck.
She even has the typical nigger lips.
This is also another reason I don't want to watch it. The literal trannies.
She has cute kissable lips.
They are luscious and sexy.
It’s pride month fag!
Mermaid Sisters are fucking bullshit
I bet you want to fuck Jynx.
Hmmm. That was some good tumblr, friends.
What's "pride month fag"?
I bet they are like *fap**fap**fap*
Oh yes, my kinda dynamic
It’s LGBT month
They said “fucking bullshit”?
I was mocking you for having retarded English skills.
An excuse for billion dollar companies to profit from idiot fags
>“Son of a bitch”
Also get the other performances.
It’s gay day ever day in June fag!
Only faggots are racist
carole and tuesday Is a canon ship
I didn't see that coming
You didn’t see that cumming
Hot. Tues neck bite
Premise of this show sounds pretty neat to be honest.
With the way AI is going and whatnot we have to wonder about the future of entertainment.
I'm really hoping for super VR soon and AI that is able to replicate any work of fiction so I can insert myself in it and change the story. With synthesized voices of all the characters (that come from something voiced) and the like.
And it’s gay
Carole should lick it to ease the pain.
Oh boy
I don't think the QUALITY is so bad and the character animation is quite good. I can withoutand two or three out-of-character frames if that means the series is not just panning over static designs with mouth cutouts.
>carole hate
I knew I held off going into these threads for a reason
>hapa is a deranged psycho
How can this anime be so redpilled?
Oh rapey girl
Why is being racist so much cooler than not being racist?
Seriously, what kind of whinny loser gets upset over someone mocking their race?
Your mom
Carole is cute
I didn't expect the gay stalker thing to be treated as more than a joke, but apparently things are quite serious. Where can it lead?
To sex with Tuesday’s pink butt hole
Carole will beat her up and rape her to assert her dominance and take back Tuesday
I can't believe this is real but I mean the audience faces say it all so fucking nice.
Isn't he/she that bulldyke from Strawberry Panic that liked to talk about the global warming? A distant descendant or something? Maybe a great-great-grandniece or just reincarnation
Subs aren’t out yet?
Tomorrow bruh.
Fuck off to tranny
Stupid user
Takes PAS like a day to do it.
I can't wait for this show to start falling apart like everything Watanabe has done since Champloo.
and before anyone fucking tries to bring up Space Dandy, there were way too many uninspired episodes, having a handful of strong episodes doesn't make a show good.
The Watanabe trinity is still Cowboy Bebop, Space Dandy and Samurai Champloo. That said, Carole & Tuesday will never come close
>and before anyone fucking tries to bring up Space Dandy, there were way too many uninspired episodes
And it still wouldn't make sense since the second cour was stronger than the first.
Space Dandy breaks the Watanabe mold by starting strong, getting weak, and ending strong. That doesn't mean it's as good as Champloo or Bebop.
Terror in Resonance and Kids on the Slope are both dumpster fires and shake any trust I have in him as a director to write a serious drama.
It will once they start with the Mom Arc, this show only mistake was to be 2 cour, 1 cour would have been perfect.
Looks like it already has, to be honest
Though I like the show, this just feels weirdly and awkwardly placed. Why did this rapist French lesbian stalker character need to be introduced out of nowhere
That said this whole talent show arc has been sort of awkwardly paced in and of itself and feels like it came out of nowhere for no real reason
>Space Dandy breaks the Watanabe mold by starting strong, getting weak, and ending strong.
Wrong again. The second part of the first cour is already better than the first.
>That doesn't mean it's as good as Champloo or Bebop.
Yeah because it's better. Especially of Champloo.
>C&T beating OG Bulldog
this is some rigged shit
he was a fraud, he deserved it
Dandy season 2 is better than season 1
>show, this just feels weirdly and awkwardly placed. Why did this rapist French lesbian stalker character need to be introduced out of nowhere
That’s how fans are in real life. They treat their favourite singers like objects or Gods instead of people
>Terror in Resonance
Not episodic, more plot and only one cour
>Kids on the Slope
Manga adaptation. Blame the mangaka. And only one cour
Studio mappa screwed up his shows. The former founder of madhouse wanted to find a job for wantanabe at the time
Man I hate the trope of the new character that appears later in the series and is horny for one of the mains, bringing love shit in. Why is this so popular? Either make it a yuri/het show from the very beginning with a character from the very beginning or leave it be.
She’s a rapey fan
>And it still wouldn't make sense since the second cour was stronger than the first.
Wrong. Second cour had the worst episodes in the show
She had the best song this episode
>The second part of the first cour is already better than the first.
No because season 2 had yuasa
Kind of looks like FKA Twigs
Tuesday’s fan is hot.
Please bite rape me!
the kids on the slope manga is good material though, watanabe ruined it by having it focused on the wrong drama point and having none of the characters talk about their problems.
Terror in Resonance is just shit though, plain and simple.
it would be more believable if the stalker character wasn't a grade A singer. They're trying to give Tuesday some strife because right now her only characteristic is that she's a nervous runaway.
Well she’s voiced (singing voice) by a half black half white woman
Real life stalker girl:
French Japanese
Hot girl
Best girl
Sung best song
Subs when?
Mily way song best song
Carole is best girl
I wonder if this netflix sponsored show has some explicit political views it tries to push onto the viewer, I can't tell.
No. Wants babe is just a wester weboo. And non Japanese people worked on the show
Go back
Netflix aren't on the production committee, they just bought the rights to release it in the west. This is just Watanabe doing what he has been doing for years.
Why would a girl bite another girl? are they vampires?
Biting Tuesday's pink butthole ring.
What has he been doing for years?
Anime that involves western music in some way that occasionally have gay shit in it.
Monday wouldn't have gotten bitten. She would have just told that lesbo stalker to fuck off!
Imagine sucking on Tuesday's pink ring.
Tuesday got bite raped by androgynous Asian French girl?
Sounds like a person netflix would be interested in.
Well yeah I'm not going to deny that, it's why they wanted to license Carole & Tuesday in the first place. Regardless you can tell that everything in this show comes from Watanabe legitimately wanting to include it instead of him wanting to push an agenda. I wish more western writers would take note since it feels really natural and organic.
Netflix didn’t do shit for the show. They didn’t even provide the English singers
This will not be a very popular opinion. I'm prepared to take the backlash for it but hopefully if I take my time and explain properly then maybe people will at least see where I'm coming from. I don't expect many people to feel the same way I do about C&T though it will be interesting to see if there are some who do. At the very least I'd like to get some interesting discussion from the replies.
C&T is exceptionally well produced. It it has a distinctive art style and the directing, the music, the animation; all fantastic. I want to be perfectly clear I think it is objectively a really good show. Obviously this is based on one episode so far but I'd be very surprised if the produciton quality dips given it's Netflix+Bones (story is another matter). But there are lots of good shows out there I don't watch because they're not anime. My passion is for anime, and C&T feels to me like it's barely anime.
So as quick aside, someone is always bound to say, 'well anime to the Japanese just means anything animated'. Sure ok but the word has different meaning outside of Japan. When we say 'anime' to each other we know we're not talking about Rick & Morty. So when I say 'anime' I'm talking about the quintessential anime asthetic.
That asthetic is Japanese. Personally, and I'm sure it's the same for a lot of other people, I love anime because it is from another part of the world. I feel like I'm experiencing this other culture which is so different from my own. Now before someone says it, I know anime and Japanese culture aren't one and the same. It's a subculture of Japan. But all the same, it is Japanese and is influenced greatly by Japanese culture as a whole. In any case, my point is that I watch anime for that feeling of being transported to different culture.
So maybe you'll start to see where I'm coming from when I say I had to stop watching C&T the moment the English voices started singing. Like... why? Could they not have had the songs sung by the Japanese VAs? There's a long tradition of Japanese VAs doing the songs in anime. It's extremely common for Seiyuu to be able to sing really well. But as if it wasn't enough that the songs where done by people other than the character VAs, they're in Englsh! Again, why? It's so incredibly jarring.
That was the breaking point for me. Up until that point the viewer is bombarded by immersion-breaking English text in-world. Why are we listening to people talking Japanese when the world is clearly English? There are Japanese characters in the title card, a few in the opening credits and then Japanese in the more detailed ending credits (to a song sung entirely in English). That's it.
It feels like watching a western production that has been dubbed in Japanese.
The art style doesn't help. I've never been a fan of Bones. People praise they high quality animation in MP100 but the art style is simple and kind of ugly. It's antithetical to anime. Anime has always been pretty and stylish with exagerrated features like the beautiful big eyes which are always missing from Bones work. Anime has always favoured detailed stills with limited animation rather than simple art and fluid animation. Again, not very Bones.
I had high hopes for Netflix after Violet Evergarden which is a show that, while it had it's flaws in terms of story and characters, was one of the best examples of how gorgeous the anime art style can be. Please take a look at Violet then a look at either of the C&T heroines and tell me which is more beautiful.
C&T done by KyoAni, properly in Japanese, with the Violet Evergarden art style, would have had me so enthralled. Could have been my AOTS. As it stands I feel seriously let down and what could have been amazing, just... isn't for me. And it really sucks that it's here on r/anime, and it's on MAL, but it doesn't feel like anime to me. I've had this feeling with other shows in the past but never this strongly.
What I really took away from watching episode one was that this show was clearly meant for dub, and the best version of C&T will likely be dubbed where the transition from English character voices and in-world text to English songs will make sense and not ruin immersion.
As a final thought, C&T kind of makes me worry about the westernization of anime. I really don't want this to become a trend where the most high quality productions are more western than Japanese. Sure, Bones is a Japanese studio, but so much about this show makes me wonder how much influence Netflix had in the production.
Rate this redditors opinion on Carole & Tuesday
Nobody in the show is Japanese , it makes sense they sing in English.
Just like nobody in FMA is Japanese so people like the dub more than the sub.
Go and watch moe shit k-on or something
So does this dude not consider shit like Cowboy Bebop, Full Metal Alchemist or Baccano to be anime or what? He seems like the sort of sperglord who got into anime because he heard it's an "anti-SJW" medium or some other retardation like that.
This anime made me stop being racist.
If you can’t tell by your own best judgement you’re retarded
>As a final thought, C&T kind of makes me worry about the westernization of anime. I really don't want this to become a trend
Too late user
>FMA/B western
>Trigun western
>Eureka 7 western (no Japanese names)
>darker than black (takes place in Japan but very multi cultural)
>sword of the stranger (bad guy is white who speaks Chinese)
>blood blockade battlefront (Nightow loves American and japan loved this anime)
>black lagoon (only one Japanese)
>legend of the galactic heroes (sooo white for an anime)
> attack on titans (Germans and one half Japanese)
Much Netflix western influence
Dumb user
>darker than black (takes place in Japan but very multi cultural)
Darker than Black has a fucking Chinese protagonist, which is a million times more radical than having a black main character in Japan.
The only white guy in sword of the stranger speaks Chinese
What do you think Carole & Tuesday smell like Yea Forums?
The only answer is that he's literally retarded.
Anime has taken influence from Western works since the very beginning.
This is nothing to Japs, nor anything any one of them ever gets upset about.
That guy is the epitome of a faggot making a mountain out of a molehill.
My dude, there are two whites in sword of the stranger, the main character is a fucking red headed european who washed ashore.
The mc is mixed with Japan
Do you have a link to the post
I like the diversity in this anime. People from around the world are working on it so diversity in the anime makes sense
I don't get why you faggots are trying to say that the people against this degeneracy haven't seen any anime? I've seen at least fifty shows and it makes me absolutely sick that you're trying to invalidate my stand against this garbage.
Nobody cares. Do you honestly think people give a fuck about anime made before 2007? You idiots keep bringing up Utena as if it's a show that actually mattered, and Cowboy Bebop appeals to westernfags anyway, I mean for fucks sake the only loli in that show isn't even cute. If it wasn't for the spaceships I'd barely consider it an anime. I had my suspicions when people kept mocking Isekai but now they're confirmed, this board has been infiltrated.
Goodbye, Yea Forums.
She clearly enjoys it, leave them.
No she doesn’t.
Tuesday loves Carole
Is it weird that now there's a chance Tuesday won't end up with a black chick that I'm suddenly interested in watching the show?
>Tuesday won't end up with a black chick
She will.
Tuesday told that rapey fan to fuck off at the end of the episode
Yeah, it's called terminally shit taste and there is no cure. Pale x dark skin is the best.
>Tuesday told that rapey fan to fuck off at the end of the episode
Really? Lame. Dropped again.
Show doesn't look good anyway.
Is this satire or genuine retardation?
It's getting so hard to tell anymore.
>likes shit skin
>tells other they have shit taste
Explain, Yea Forums. Give me an exact reason why Tuesday can't be with the black girl?
Sorry that every single pairing in anime can't fit with your specific taste every single time.
Just that specific one Carlose, or whatever her name is, just happens to be ugly as fuck.
How is she ugly?
Looks like she's balding, tight pulled up hair, fat stupid lips, eyes too close together.
You’re ugly
Carole deserve better
I didn't think the blind could watch anime, good for you!
In what way?
Ah, so it's because she doesn't look like the poorly designed, samefaced anime girl you see constantly. Okay.
Are you autistic?
No, if that was the excuse, Tuesday would also be guilty of it.
Sorry, you're just a nigger lover, and will like anything nigger out of principle.
Not moe enough for you?
Racism outside of Yea Forums
Oh, so it's just because she's black. Thanks for being upfront.
Now it's time for you fuck off to another anime.
But you're the one who's racist, considering you blind love anything nigger.
Don't you ever get tired of spewing out assumptions that, and then pretending they're reality?
Carole is cute moe fags
She doesn’t even look black
Her eyes being close together is an aspect of the art style and design, which can be seen in many other anime as well. Stupid
No, she sure as fuck looks black. You're blind.
>She doesn’t even look black
Just because she doesn't look like a racist caricature, doesn't mean she doesn't "look black", user.
She looks black. And is inspired by black
>Don't you ever get tired of spewing out assumptions that, and then pretending they're reality?
You're the one harping on about how anyone who thinks Carole is cute is a nigger lover you spastic.
She blac just like her singer
Who is switchin a character's race again?
>loves ugly nigger on principle
Tumblr is very against racemixing so they'd make Tuesday black.
>She doesn’t even look black
There is no "principle" here, people just happen to think she's cute. Maybe you need to stop sucking cocks.
Carole is cuter than k on girls
Downgrading blackness is racist.
There's no other reason you'd like an ugly character.
Give us a picture of an attractive character in Carole's stead then.
Not him, but I'd say she looks mulatto more than anything else.
You'll say it's ugly no matter what, because you work on conjecture and principles rather than reality.
they should’ve designed the part of her hair that’s being pulled up in the front as being more poofy so that you could tell that she’s got curly hair. even if she’s got dreads, which you can tell she has, it looks too course and straight in the front and it’s awkward
Crystal looks mulatto.
Carole looks like her black singer Nai brxx
Give us a picture, user. You seem to know how attractive character design works.
It’s easier to draw this way. And people can straighten their curly hair silly.
>If she isn't charcoal, she isn't fully black.
This is what you're trying to say, right?
No, but I've seen light skinned people get mistaken for mulatto before. I just said that's the way she looks, imo.
yeah but it looks weird on her. I think it would improve her overall design if she had poofier, more obviously curly hair. just my opinion and taste speaking though I guess. but she really does look like a pineapple
90% of anime characters look mullato. Dose light yagami look Japanese?
Dose Hei look Chinese or white with black hair and eyes.
Angela looks more ambiguous than Carole
Yea Forums always got to talk about race and yuri on a C&T.
Can’t we just enjoy the music?
Read the post you're replying to.
Her hair looks cool.
It looks like shit, and she's balding.
Nope. If other characters put their hair back you would think there balding too.
Carole is cute
You see, user, when hair is being pulled back into a tight ponytail or bun you tend to be able to see their hairline pretty prominently. It would look pretty similar on any character, really. Or are you just saying she has a huge 5head?
You could say that she’ll start losing her hair early if she keeps wearing those tight ponytails though
Crystal is balding?
>user doesn't know how hair works.
Are you bald by any chance?
Yes, very.
Why do you always double space after green text, are you retarded?
And the irony is that thinking that's not balding must mean you're balding and think you're not.
Carole is cuter than user
Okay at this point I think you’re just baiting
Is the manga good?
Can you read the music?
>using the word bait
Oh, you're brain dead.
You sound assblasted. Did I hit too close to home?
Do you think that Ritsu Tainaka from the critically acclaimed anime "K-On!" is balding?
I like this art style a lot more than the one they opted for in the anime, way more character and SOUL
>a- anyone who says something I don't like is mad!
Now Tuesday is balding because she put her bangs back
Would you prefer if I used the term “trolling”
Of course not, her hair line is straight, not a receding window's peak.
No. The manga art sucks and they white washed Carole.
I must congratulate you on getting all those (You)'s.
That'd make you even more brain dead.
But her hairline is more or less the same as Caroles! The only difference is that she still lets her bangs down while Carole ties everything back.
Carole is cute with the same hair line. But I guess she’s not moe enough
Meh, one ass hurt person reply a lot means nothing.
And only brain dead people think "(you)s" matter.
No, it isn't. And you can check that when she pulled all her hair in the winter episode.
>autistic spamming phone poster
>replying to posts multiple times
Anime characters don’t go bald
Now you're just replying to the post more and more because you're mad as fuck.
Oh no Tuesday is balding now
Oh no, you're mentally ill.
>white washed
why do tumblr refugees when there's so many other places you can go to
Tuesday has the same hairline as Carole
>can’t recognize a shitty joke
>calls me mad
I’m not even that guy retard
Is this anime girl bald?
Why is that screenshot so crusty?
Nope. user is a fag
Even bald she looks better than Carole
Nope she don’t
Carole > balding user
>just tell him/her to fuck off if she/he's bothering you
>I was just trying to make you jealous...
>I thought I'd make you feel jealous, Carole...
What's wrong with this girl?
Uh oh
It's always those sheltered shy girls, man.
imagine being this easly triggered
Oh man, this is the best song in the show so far. Sorry Crystal, you've been outdone.
It's a her. They said later she's a girl
I love Angela but rape girl deserved to win .. these competitions are fake !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Personally i think Carole looks better with her hair down but that might just be me.
Also the first song C&T sung was the best one they did so far.
>whaah why don't they see me as a real human bean?
You are a product, get over yourself
Why do they always do this? Introduce superior girl when the main couple had been already established? Not fair
Don't worry, she has already been BTFO.
Carloe’s hair up looks cool
subs fucking when
So when will Carole and Tuesday kiss? End of first cour?
Best song ends up disqualified.
Why is the manager guy's voice so off? I believe Gus is his name.
Did they record all his lines with different equipment?
Welcome to the corporate music world!
But it's Thursday
Hei definitely doesn't look white to me, more like a cartoon character. Although he does tend more towards an asian look like most anime characters.
Where the fuck are the subs.
You can't talk about degeneracy in Yea Forums of all places, come on user, try harder next time.
Knowing Maaya Sakamoto can sing and then hearing the character swap to the singing voice and do some RnB voice was hilarious for some reason
>When's your birthday?
>The 10th of June.
>Seriously? That's next week!
It really is next week, what the fuck?
I want Cybelle & Tuesday.
Wew lad
Pretty good. Too bad they lost.
Were they discriminated against because of their gender?
Pink. Butthole.
You dumb fucking retards should already realize that Netflix had nothing to do with the production of Violet Evergaden, neither do they have with Carole & Tuesday. They are just the international distributors, outside of Japan. That's all they are. They are not producer in any shape or form.
What the fuck? Fucking crazy stalkers.
They should have played the fucking bullshit song during this scene.
There's only one word to describe this: "kek"
Imma be honest, I lost my shit when these started singing. Damn that was hilarious.
I also called bullshit on that.
Fucking french, what an awful langauge, fuck frogs.
Manager-chan is cute.
This bitch crazy
Normally this would call for a serious legal action. This is assault.
She didn't break the skin, did she?
I can't imagine what it's like to hate a show simply because the main character is a black chick who does not fit your standard of beauty.
It's just sad. You're missing so much for so little gained.
GGK sort of reminds me of Jamila Woods but looks like FKA Twigs and stylistically is a bit like Nao.
Why is Tuesday such a slut? She can't help but get wet from the attention, and she's made it clear she's really into ikemen too.
The pinkest on all of Mars.
Not gonna lie, this was hot as fuck. Imagine Tuesday getting pushed down onto the couch while turbo dyke starts eating her out and biting her clit
Say no to stalkers.
Mermaid Sisters best performance.
I honestly feel like Cybelle is going to go on a killing spree now, she’s going to do something fucked up for sure.
That talk about how only the young can be beautiful makes me think she'll try to commit suicide. She seems mentally unstable, and Tuesday's rejection certainly didn't help either.
Tuesday's pink butthole better be on high alert.
Uh-oh... after that snub, Tuesday might be in for a nasty birthday surprise next week. At least that means we're getting more of best girl Cybelle. That villain speech and her song were breathtaking.
I don't think this show is going to get that dark. She'll probably just break into C&T's place or crash their next performance or something.
Don't do it! You have so much to live for!
Reminded me more of Corinne Bailey Rae or Gavin Turek.
Actually, there's a number of artists out there like that now.
Why do sexually aggressive lesbians always lose?
Pic unrelated, because she win in the end
Is Tues genuinely retarded? How could she just let that chick literally bite her neck, when she’d obviously been showing red flags, and then just brush it off as if she never actually assaulted her? You’d think she’d at least avoid the sicko, yet she lets her get close to her vital body parts and even hugs her? I’m not even saying this because “LOL what a sloot”, I’m just wholly concerned for her cognitive functioning ability, because any normal person would tell someone to fuck off if they bit their neck. I guess maybe being secluded from the outside world for all her life really did turn her brain to mush. I know that she’d never experienced something like this, I just feel like the whole thing was weirdly written and executed. Maybe the people on Mars don’t have flight or fight responses like we do
Is she not going to follow them on instagram anymore? No more 1st reply?
Fuck off you retarded trannies.
It's just because she had a sheltered upbringing and never experienced something like this. She has no idea how to react and she seems like a pretty passive person anyways.
>Pretending to be assertive online
You know damn well if a Chad came up to you and bit your neck you wouldn't do shit other than post about it on Yea Forums
>She has no idea how to react
This. You can see her panic, but fleeing is not a real option right before their performance, and she probably thinks pushing away her "biggest fan" would be a dumb move. Some lessons have to be learned the hard way.
She want to make carole jealous
Angela's song was really fucking bad. With C&T's songs I can suspend my disbelief and accept that in-universe they're songs are supposed to be the SOUL meme come to life, even when I don't care about them but I don't see how Angela's song or her performance are supposed to be so fucking good, even if the show is rigged.
It's okay because a cute girl did it.
20 million to the 3 human judges, Based Araragi
You’re right. But I would report it or something, and not just brush it off and forget about it later. Though I do think I’d at least have the backbone to push them off of me
The thing that I find really weird is how Tuesday just hugs the girl when she didn’t need to, but I guess it makes sense since she’s got the social cues of a twig
I've seen normalfags liking worse shit than Angela's song.
I don't think most people would report something like this. I probably wouldn't. You should also considered that on top of being sheltered Tuesday has no self-esteem.
She got special treatment because they weren’t expecting the spoiled brat model to be able to actually sing. You’ve got to admit that her voice sounds pretty good. They did put a bunch of gross autotune onto her vocals though for some reason
>Angela's song was really fucking bad
Especially compared to the accapella version. No producer worth their salt would add that bland arrangement and blatant autotune. (Also, how the hell does a solo live performance have double-tracked vocals?)
Yeah she reminded me of FKA as well.
Might just be the hairstyle.
Also, that's some good music. Share some more.
Can we stop for a second to comment on Tuesday's abysmal fashion sense?
This so much. The accapella version was perfect.
they went for the Alice in Wonderland lolita white girl meme when designing her, she’s cute but that design choice is really generic
Who was Hapa again?
Don't be mean to my wife.
Cybelle's singer is french/japanese
They were fucking robbed. Space Shamaness was shit
I hope we get a full version with the OST
Let's be fair. They were much better than the pseudo hippie on acid.
>trannies end up being deranges psychos that sing vulgar gibberish and get mad when shit doesn't go their way
No, her song was actually good.
They were better than C&T, though.
Stop trying so hard
I couldn't stop laughing during that song. I barked like a madman. 20/10 would sing along all day every day of my life.
I want her to hold me and let me bite her neck and that ass
That's only if she chooses to pursue legal action though
that's not the name of the show
At least she got to go out with her teacher in the sequel series
I swear if these two end up together
The accent is terrible, especially on the r. It's probably sang by a spanish or an english trying very hard.
Rrrrrééééé is not Re. Don't roll your "r" like you're a beast, French is not a language for beasts like spanish. And you got your "e" wrong.
You're right, if I was Tuesday I would die before walking on the stage dressed like that, that shit is kindergartener-core, she has far far better dresses in the wardrobe.
That song is my official review of this entire anime season.
Pain and pleasure are pretty closely related
That is what /u/ wants you to believe is the "purest" form of "love."
Mama turns back into a woman at the end of the show and then they hook up
>turns back into a woman
What? Isn’t Mama male?
The Mermaid Sisters deserved to win. Let me know if anyone sees my sides flying over their house.
Singer is literally french, genius.
>AI bot literally only has one joke
>Calling yourself a bot for some reason makes you feel less inadequate about you father issues ja?
I call bullshit. The accent is really terrible. Quebecois maybe.
Are you talking about her accent when singing or when she was just talking? The singer was Maika Loubté who apparently grew up in Japan and France (and Hong Kong), and she’s got a French father and Japanese mother.
Here’s her singing in French again
>I dream of a blood oath
>A different kind of love
>All the world's fury could do nothing against us
I don't think she's very stable
I believe originally a woman but something called "Mars androgyny" has given her male features/turned her male temporarily. That's what the official bio says, anyway.
That answers the question. I didn't know Maika but she has an accent. It's less present in that song but the accent is still there and weirdly unnatural. Difficult to pinpoint, she rolls her "r" badly, her "e" are bad, her "o" and "on" are unnatural.
She probably lacks any experience talking in a French environment that isn't her father.
Why does /pol/ hate AOTS?
The image we see in Angela's flashback implies the opposite
Because you are here.
Wait, so are they trying to say that Mama is literally nonbinary/genderfluid by definition or does he literally change sexes spontaneously? What the
Having a female name and being described as a "mother" (and called Mama) implies a woman.
Probably because they don't watch anime? If they did, they wouldn't have a lot to complain about. None of the portraits of minorities is really flattering.
>black people abandon their children and steal
>tranny is physically and psychologically abusive
>asian is a souless Jew
>lesbo is deranged
and so forth.
Yes but the Trannies also have by far the best performance this episode
>I don't watch the show please rape my face
Not today, user.
Only if you're a child who still thinks curse words are funny.
Those guys aren’t even supposed to be trannies, they’re literally just a jab at the token drag queen gimick that you see on every talent show on TV. I know you tend to ignore what’s going on in the world because you think the tranny jews are going to turn you gay, but just try to think about things a little.
The tranny jew fears the Samurai. I am not surprised the Samurai is creating an anime that mocks trannies. That's exactly why the tranny jew fears the Samurai.
Basically every point about this anime could have been turned into a movie and it could have been great. Imagine a proper serious movie about the toxic love the frog feels.
But they put all together and it just doesn't work, I blame the whole "muh soul" wankery, bloody artists and their masturbatory wish fulfilment about art.
I actually think Korea is killing it right now from both its pop and R&B scene. There's just something about girl groups and harmonizing that you don't get elsewhere at the moment. There's also a bunch of great stuff coming from the guys too.
Japan is pretty behind, but there's some stuff I enjoy.
As for Western stuff, there's Kelela, Teyana Taylor, Jorja Smith, SZA, Solange, and a ton of other stuff.
That doesn't mean anything when we're talking about original sex. That implies their gender.
Kindergarten-core is the latest fashion on Mars. Get with the times, you fucking boomer. She's not trying to be a basic bitch like Angela.
This week's title track is ABBA's "Dancing Queen", off their 1976 album Arrival.
Uh oh. She caught the gay
Whoops, forgot the link. Here's the cover for the single release as well.
Men will never understand.
Not only Angela song was the most generic in the competition, there's also the problem with C&T sounds.
There's no way they'll convince us with those fabled 7 minutes.
I hope she gets a redemption arc.
Cybelle is going to kidnap Tuesday and Carole is going to have to rescue her before rape, homicide, and suicide happens.
I wouldn't bet on that order
Ironically enough she doesn't even really look white, her designer just went with the lazy blonde hair blue eyes to designate her as white.
>Ironically enough she doesn't even really look white
This is your brain on /pol/.
Yes. The rape happens before the kidnapping.
I'd bet on the homicide before the rape happens
In what way does she look white besides her eye and hair color? She has a small nose, shallow set eyes and brow ridge and a small jaw. In terms of facial structure she's pretty much as far as it gets.
Angela’s song is supposed to sound relatively generic dingus. The real reason she won was due of the surprise factor; they never expected her to be able to actually sing decently. That and modern Marsians have no taste
I agree about C&T’s songs though, they don’t really hit the spot that I feel like the show wants to hit me in. But I predict that they’ll start to put more and more SOUL into their music after they lose or something. What would you do to change it up? I personally would like to hear more guitar in their songs, and for them to spice up the melodies they use and the rhythm. Maybe start using some drums
Only a white person would have a butthole this pink, /pol/cuck.
Yea Forums sings WHEN?
I laughed at this more than I expected, they were robbed.
OG Bulldog, Mermaid Sisters and Cybelle should have won.
What a horrible competition
I agree that they obviously went for the generic anime white person look, it’s telling that they just slapped the same color palette onto her like they do with every other white person in anime. Her face looks like it could be pasted onto any other character and I wouldn’t be able to tell what race they were trying to go for, as well. I love Tuesday but there’s really nothing special about her design in general, in my opinion. Not that that’s necessarily a bad thing though.
It's in-character. Gus wasn't sober for the last 12 years.
Mods really are thin skinned tranny lovers.
Perfectly stable girl, would get into a relationship with
You have to go back.
This, it would be fun.
0/10 because it's based entirely in bullshit despite myself having issues with the show. Dude sounds like he started watching anime last month with Violet Evergarden. Has no clue what the fuck he's talking about.
good fansubs
He's definitely bald.
Nigga that's Tuesday.
When I'm done with her it's Saturday
I don't understand what the was the point. Was it just a joke and I was supposed to think it was funny?
>I even marked you
Anyone who says this is definitely psychotic and a ticking time bomb.
>Jap hate A-OK
>Nigger hate No-No
Yea Forums in current year.
I honestly can't wait for her to come back.
Low hanging comedy fruit
Japs eat the shit up
I just love it when Tuesday makes a serious face.
I'd recommend getting the stick out of your ass.
Also it's the dissonance between the lyrics and the melody
Based mods. Fuck chinks, fuck gooks, and especially fuck japs.
Where is the Jap hate?
>I have marked you
>you belong to me
>muh blood oath
What a loveable gal
Every Watanbe show has some kind of Vicious.
Is Cybelle the Vicious of this show?
Lesbian vampires are above the law
Stop posting, Cybelle.
>She has a small nose, shallow set eyes and brow ridge and a small jaw.
So you're saying this girl isn't white then.
I am guessing this one is a slav, because she looks distinctly different from western european.
Yes she is. Not every white has a Germanic man face.
Holy fucking shit mother fucker, is probably the best song I've heard.
>marking your property
muh dick.
This is insanely hot
Would Cybelle eat Tuesday poop?
Is it just me or Mars have so many trans?
Or is it just muh LGBT inclusion
People in Mars seem to give no fucks about what other people do.
Protip: The Mermaids are not trans.
>all of them are presented as violent or deranged
I am pretty sure it's not inclusivity propaganda.
It's funny how this anime will upset both twitter trannies and /pol/cucks.
None of the characters shown thus far have been portrayed to be canonically trans. Except I guess in Dahlia’s case that’s arguable
And then there was like one lesbian couple, and the gay youtuber and the talent show host guy are both probably supposed to be fags
I was just thinking that some people will get pissed off at the Mermaid Sisters once it goes up on Netflix.
This episode basically blew its chances for it to ever show on Toonami unless Williams Street is in a meme mood to just bleep the whole song entirely.
>Look like a male
I don't see it.
Bleeping is still a thing.
It's a Netflix exclusive.
Obviously it was done because if it catches on as a reaction video they get free advertising.
Will we ever get a C&T thread that doesn't get invaded by election tourists?
I second this sentiment, it must happen
Angela is so fucking bland, literally every other artists showed more soul and creative spark.
Her singer sounded the most polished, and more or less "radio-ready". But I agree that the melody of her song and its lyrics were boring and like something a 14 year old could come up with.
Which is a problem with a lot of this show's music, really.
Also, I don't know what the fuck is up with these autotuned, perfect backing track songs on what's supposed to be a show about live performances. Are we supposed to assume this a future thing? Or is it the anime just being lazy?
Oh, Okamai, this never happened in an anime.
I can't recognize autotune. I don't even know what distinguishes them. Sure, autotune corrects the pitch of the singing to make it sound in tune. But how does that affect the listening experience? Aren't they supposed to sing on key, doesn't it just remove a singer's errors?
More like
Some people don't like it because it can come of synthetic/fake sounding, but honestly autotune has actually had a really interesting effect on singing. Because people have been singing along to autotuned music, people have been able to push their singing abilities to places they weren't able to before.
Fuck shit stack.
Need to know who sang this majestic song.
Isn't 3 gimmick contestants a little too much?
Still less than what we have in the present lmao
Is this toxic lesbianism?
The song was actually very catchy.
I liked it.
where can i read the manga. i don't care if its raw.
Looks like I'm picking this cliche shit back up
wait wtf. where is this from?
Don’t know
Pedo french lesbo
The average singer these days.
Cough Ariana Grande
No tits like Cybelle
I really liked her song the most from all the conestants.
But I want slavboy to win just because he is the only guy left.
Was this a Lady Gaga reference?
Take that back you scum. Shes like the only good mainstream singer currently.
This is a fucking casting show. The most generic pop song always wins.
Isn't that the same in rl?
When will we get more Crystal and Skip aka Ariana and Thundercat?
people like to pick on Ariana just because of who she is and because they don't know of any other figures to reference, but she is a better singer than 99% of the other pop acts right now
Yeah that was actually the most realistic part of this show. Cybelle's song was in french not english, that's why she actually lost.
>Shes like the only good mainstream singer currently.
Wrongs post dude. Didn't even talked about Ariane Grande or answered someome who posted something about her.
It's been done in the West for decades. South Korea is just now catching up and getting credit for biting off their contemporaries because they look like dolls.
I just love these two cuties so much.
>I actually think Korea is killing it right now from both its pop and R&B scene
That's because 99.9% of their shit comes from 80/90s to early 00s black boy and girl bands. Kpopfags won't admit that though.
But it is known and acknowledged.
Normal people known and acknowledge it. Kpopfags are not normal and I would argue they're worse than weeaboos.
Tell a kpop stan that Kpop rips their entire style from black people and watch steam come out their ears.
name 3 mainstream chart topping singers right now that can match her. thats right you cant fuck off.
Bruh, he probably thinks anime OP and ED singers are good.
Mermaid Sisters got robbed.
Childish Gambino
Brendan Urie
Lady Gaga
childish is good but vocals don't compare
lady gaga isn't relevant anymore
brendan is the only i'll concede
>Brendan Urie
What the fuck, he's still around?
GGK isn’t a gimmick, she’s just like that.
you haven't heard high hopes? you must be living under a rock.
I was only considering Fire Brothers, Bulldog and Mermaid Sisters though
Oh, yeah. I don’t know why I forgot about Bulldog
Yeah, ask him to sing "I write sins not tragedies" if you ever see him.
Gambino is just as good of a vocalist as Ariana. Hitting high notes isn't the only thing that makes a good vocalist.
Lady Gaga is on the charts right now. 37 out of 100.
Tao and Cybelle are the same person. Screenshot this.
This is stupid enough to be possible
you're a fucking retard. he even appears in the same episode asking where carole and tuesday were when Cybelle already met them moments earlier.
put me in the screencap
I liked Angela's song, I don't get the hate for it.
The lesbian was better, but they were both good.
there was so much hype building up from the previous 8 eps that it just felt lack luster
The lesbian had an added bonus of being the hot kind of creepy and disturbing
So since Tuesday's birthday is coming up, what are we planning for then?
No butthole jokes or references for an entire day.
My dick up her butt.
Also, is it me or was this episode fucking bullshit?
Pyotr is cute
I'm gonna kiss her before the sunrise.
>there was so much hype building up from the previous 8 eps that it just felt lack luster
I don't think that's at all what Angela's being "hyped up" for, actually.
More than anything, I think the people who didn't like Angela's song are upset about the autotune, or just don't like pop music in general.
Or maybe, just don't like it as much as Cybelle's song.
Wonder if this AI dog is gonna comment on Angela
Listen to more music.
You have not been watching this.
I really hope this stupid singing competition arc ends so, it's been the weakest part of the show so far.
No, he exists soul-ly to make jokes.
Not that guy but do you have any recommendations for mainstream pop artists? I’m not really a huge fan of Ariana and I wouldn’t really choose to listen to one of her songs unless it was a spur of the moment desicion but there’s no doubt that she’s a skilled vocalist and that her songs sound relatively unique compared to a lot of the current mainstream pop artists that you hear on the radio, while simultaneously being pretty catchy. I’m not Yea Forums though, I just listen to trance and shit
But I love tournament arc!!!!!?!
Angela is a Latina goddess
Her lips looked soo juicy when she sang
She can really move mountains.
Literally turn on the radio you fucking autist; that's what it's for.
I really liked hearing other people besides C&T sing, but now that we've heard everybody there I wouldn't mind it getting wrapped up.
Also this dude watching every performance with the same expression is really bothering me.
Tuesday’s birthday is on a Monday this year
Bullshit, it's not like he lied on something that matters, it's about creating a character (like a lot of successful artists).
C&T's song was weak and unremarkable.
No. They are just both Asian
Faggot made me gay desu
But everything on the radio station near me sucks
I don’t know if it’s just that my radio station sucks or if we just have different taste, but every song I hear on the one pop station that we have sounds the same apart from the occasional unique song or an 80s pop hit or something that they will play once in a while
listen to billie eilish and report back in 10 minutes and tell me what you think
>muh space cowboy
I feel like he's gonna win.
Oh, I’ve already listened to a few of her songs and I think she’s just not for me. Her songs kind of bore me, they awaken nothing in me to be honest. Though I can see the appeal, I just think she’s kind of edgy in a way I feel she’s not intending to come off as
ok then try halsey, jhene aiko, and bebe rexha. they're inferior to ariana for me but have some songs that are good.
She's decent
Mainstream pop is not my forte, most of it is shit and turning on the radio is quickly unbearable if you even have ears and what to ear something other than clones.
Those might not all be mainstream but I like :
Kero Kero Bonito's Time and Place
Poppy's Am I a Girl
If Janelle Monae's still in the pop spectrum, then her albums too.
I’ve heard tons of halsey songs but have never touched or even heard of the other two, thanks user I’ll check them out later
Yeah, pop, even at its peak, is just not really my thing in general, though finding good artists within the genre who actually put passion into their products always feels like a treat. I’ve listened to a lot of KKB and Poppy, but not the other artist you mentioned. Thanks for the rec anons, didn’t really ever expect to have a discussion about music on Yea Forums
I was actually about to drop this show until this scene. Did not expect to laugh that hard.
Any hentai yuri fics of this?
Here's your issue. Stop listening to the radio and start curating your own music. Radios play the most entry level stuff from an artist's catalog which leads people to thinking they're shit.
Hello I'm stupid and I was wondering if some of the better animated performances were rotoscoped? Like Pyotr, GGK?
>June 10th really is next week
Nice touch.
Does it have to be modern pop? I really don't listen to much pop, but going through the entry level Yea Forums shit I really liked Kate Bush.
Probably each a combination of genuine animation skill/rotoscoping/tracing over models in a 3d animation program/heavy referencing.
It feels like Watanabe is obiously poking at modern music industry and talent contests on TV, but on the other hand, it's fun to watch s I'm wondering if he isn't enjoying this kind of stuff himself.
Almost makes me wanna watch, looks like some sort of musical equivalent of shonen tournaments.
Why were the Mermaid Sisters eliminated so quickly? Fucking shit.
I love the series but I wish everyone that's not a main character would be treated further than just a gag scene sometimes. It also doesn't make sense for those to pass the selections but being eliminated so quickly here.
Because their performance was FUCKING BULLSHIT
Better than my hero academia’s 13 episode tournament arc
Imagine if the first person Tuesday met in the city was Cybelle instead of Carole.
Yeah I really like her music but I haven’t digged too far into her discography. I’d say she’s pretty mainstream though at this point. About what said, the thing is I’m not actually a huge radio listener in general; I really was just referring to artists within the current scope of popular trends, which is what I was asking for. The stuff I usually listen to tends to be either relatively obscure (like, -99000 views on youtube tier) or just super out-there, with a few mainstream artists from a variety of genres thrown in there. I like dempa too lol
hopefully all the artists will show up later in some form, but I feel like the arc would just drag on unnecessarily if they focused so much on this talent show thing instead of progressing through it so that we can focus on the story again. Mermaid Sisters are a best though
When are C&T going to kiss
Tuesday would have gotten raped by that French Asian girl/boy
C&T = Cybelle & Tuesday
>The thing which has cast a shadow of doubt over our lives...
We /The Expanse/ now?
fu Cybelle needs to go. Obnoxious character and lazy writing.
Postponement Announcement: We regret to inform you that due to production reasons, the release date for Vocal Collection Vol. 1 has been pushed back from July 10 to July 31. We apologize for the delay, and thank you for your patience. #CandT