Why are catgirls more popular than doggirls? It doesn't make any sense

Why are catgirls more popular than doggirls? It doesn't make any sense.

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They're cuter

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dogs are dirty and disgusting

Because cats in general are more popular and more breeds can be found in Japan compared to dogs. Makes sense to me.

dogs lick assesyshit in the open, hump your leg and smell, theyre filthy

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I want both of them so bad

Taxoplasmosis mind right here.

Catgirls are meant for mindless fap material while dogirls are meant for pure waifu material. Mindless fap material will always be more popular.

Because the only cute dog girl ever designed is Pochi.

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Kemono > Kemonomimi

Cats are seen as a more feminine animal.


because they are cuter

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Even though they are cats, there are many catgirls with dog personalities.

Because dogs are slave, while cats are companions.

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Because the weak-minded weebs in frail bodies wouldnt be able to keep up with the unrelenting stamina of a dog girl.

What would a barzoi look like?

Best girl.

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I can believe it. I see most doggirls being tomboys

Cats are usually female in Japanese fiction.

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Doggirls are too loyal for people to want to do the unspeakable things that people would do to catgirls.

Catgirls are a pre-tsundre moe archetype that goes back decades. The aloof cat behaviour matches up with girls better than it does for dogs. Cats were seen as independent, sometimes greedy, sometimes lewd, and the Japanese language works exceptionally well with "nya" puns. Before there was a word for it, catgirls were proto-moe. 90s catgirls would lose to their own feline instincts and steal fish and get distracted by cat toys, and have long naps.

Headpats and fluffy tail touching is more of a 21st century thing as older fox/wolf girls never had that kind of personality where they adore praise. They were independent serious types, often tomboys, and played up the lone wolf trope. They never acted like wolves nor do anything dog like.

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Japanese guys love kind, subservient girls, though. I think it definitely has to do with the fact that dogs are generally seen as being tougher and less elegant than cats.

Japan likes cats more than dogs I think.

Unless they're into mindbreak.

because faggots prefer cats and there's a lots of faggots in here

doggirls are basically yanderes without the stabbing

Because unless you are fairly well off or take out a loan you'll spend the rest of your life paying you can't afford to live in a house in Japan so cats are the preferred pet.

because people usually don't see dogs or their features in a sexual way, dogs are companions. furries don't count, they're mentally ill
>inb4 some shitpost about white girls and dogs
shut the fuck up

Catgirls have cuter ears, and women, characteristically, are more catlike.

Hyper police was a good example of the difference. The wolf and fox characters acted as the serious types, while the catgirl got to go full cat when she wanted to. Chase mice, bite tails, and make nya sounds.

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t. Hernandez donkey show and co

I just got my first cat the other day. As someone who only had dogs, my kitten has showed more affection towards me than my dogs so far. She's my world. Plus catgirls tend to be sexy.

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Stray cats make the best pets

Cat = Cute.
Girl = Cute.
Cat + Girl = Super Cute.

cats lick their asshole too
I also seen my cat doing autofelatio once

>user bought defective dogs

They're rescues.

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Because dogs are retarded and not in a cute way.

Reading the official translation has been torture,you have to mentally substitute every “Sir” with “nanodesu”.

I see the toxoplasmosis has already taken effect

Cause girls like being called pussycat. Girls dont like being called bitch.

>Headpats and fluffy tail touching is more of a 21st century thing as older fox/wolf girls never had that kind of personality where they adore praise
Fox worship is an actual thing in their culture so I wouldn't say it is a new thing. There are actual legends about foxgirls becoming waifus.

>Girls dont like being called bitch.
virgin spotted

Dogs literally eat shit.
That's why.

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Catfags are subhumans.

>Dogs literally eat shit.
So do you.

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Anyone knows what happened to "petting is degrading" user?

People who never interacted with cats think that they are emotionally distant because they won't mindlessly follow your every command like dogs do.
It is not until you have earned your cat's love that you realize how playful and loyal they can be.

thats a boy

look at this retard
I love my cat to bits but if you seriously think your cat wouldn't be snacking on you after you croak you're dead wrong

Dogs eat dog shit.

I'm just saying. The jokes about a dog-girl being her masters 'bitch' write themselves.

dog girls like being collared and leashed
catgirls like to be in control

why is it always dogfags that spout this nonsense?
>implying you wouldn't eat your mother if you were locked in a room for a month

You think a dog wouldn't?

Cat = female
Dog = male
You do the math

>>implying you wouldn't eat your mother if you were locked in a room for a month
...no? of course I fucking wouldn't. are you retarded?

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Seems like you never had starved before.

I'm pretty sure anyone would rather die than eat someone they love.

in fact, I have
but I'd rather do that than cannibalise my own mother

>dog girls like being collared and leashed

which is why it's easier to get anime about catgirls made as opposed to doggirls. Catgirls are seen as more pure



>want wanting all three along with arisa

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>bunch of darkies eat each other
a subhuman response from subhumans, as expected

Pitou is a girl

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Those three just came as a group. I'd want Arisa along with Liza for different reasons than Pochi and Tama.

Is Liza the one with the disgusting skin?

I want all four for the same reason. Lulu too.

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Liza is wife material, tamapochi is daughter tier.
You can't put them on the same scale.

>tamapochi is daughter tier
You mean daughterwife, right?

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Lulu is good for including with her sister, otherwise she didn't need to exist.

There isn't anything wrong with a few scales, only that we didn't get to see all of them.

Tamapochi is daughterwife tier

>marrying your daughters
Absolutely disgusting, however I would gladly help them when they are in heat as a good father should.

Scales are cute
Liza looks like a leprous

>You mean daughterwife, right?
Maybe in a few years, but not now.

>not marrying your adopted daughters
How gay can you get?

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dude, no

>not taking responsibility
You are a horrible father

A man needs principles.

Thats why you should marry them first!

Most Japanese live in apartments. So having a cat is easier as they do their business in a box, don’t really need to go outside, sleep 18hrs, and don’t need constant attention.

Blood related, sure. Adopted daughters? Prime wife material.

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Is having daughters the ultimate cuckoldry?

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.

Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.

As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically

Doggos are nasty, annoying little shits.

>not fucking your own daughter

Back to pol with your shit 3DPD pasta.

That's a little too far for me.

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calm down Achmed.

Please user, every girl is made for her onii-chan.

That's Arisa and Mia.

Dunno, Perowan was really good and made me rock hard.

I have dogs that I love very much. I don't really care for cats and only had one once when I was young. Since I don't have any cats in my life that I give a shit about, I don't feel bad lewding them, whereas it would feel really weird petting and cuddling my dogs if I were fapping to renditions of dogs.
I don't even care much for catgirls anyway. Lolis are patrician choice.

>Lolis are patrician choice
>not lolicatgirls

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Did you stop him?

It's rude to interrupt someone's fap.

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ded board

Was Dog Days any good?

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It was fun.

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It was a straight decline in quality, but S1 was good enough for 3 seasons. The most annoying part is that it had materials for way more, and could have spawned a franchise. It was really fun.

You need to stick cat ears and a tail on a cute anime girl to make cats bearable, while dogs are already perfect and require no changes


You're right, but that's also the point.

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This. Cucking your son is reprehensible behavior.

>implying a society as cucked as the leafs aren't also cat lovers