Waifu becomes evil

>waifu becomes evil
Other good examples?

Attached: Sennen Sensou Aigis - Eiyuu No Kizuna - Chapter 21 - 31.jpg (870x1263, 268K)


Attached: HidanFromNaruto.jpg (500x822, 99K)

trash unit, git gud son

Prison school, kind of.

Too bad we her henshin was off screen and Junketsu covers her too much

Hentai doesn't count.

>covers her too much

badass armor>>shitty hentai


More like a sane human being's.


>that armor
It's like a censored version without cleveage

Attached: ExpectationsSubverted.png (806x768, 394K)

Attached: this user is delusional.png (900x676, 410K)

Is that a good example? Translations died right after it was revealed.

Yeah, a shame (can't even find the raws), that's why I was searching for something similar

It makes sense in the context of the anime

10/10 file name

>shiga hime

Waifu does not mean anime girl

she clearly was mc's waifu