So since this series is about "science", how scientifically accurate is it? Is it mostly pseudoscience where the characters say stuff that sounds intelligent or are there actually a lot of really plausible scenarios and facts throughout the series? (aside from the premise ofc)
Dr. Stone
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Yes and no and maybe just go read it and see what I mean
Most of the science-based stuff they use to rebuild civilization is legitimate
The implausible part (outside of the obvious supernatural petrification) is that a bunch of high schoolers have the skillsets to do the things that they do
Almost anything related to the petrification is fantasy.
Many of the characters themselves have lower-superhuman-level physical abilities.
The crafting part of the science is mostly accurate, if exaggerated somewhat.
It's not perfect and a lot of the steps are simplified, but the author does have a consultant.
Everything that they do has an actual basis in hard science, and as far as I know is quite accurate, if sometimes slightly simplified. They use natural resources like they could be used in situations like that, and tool development and generating power and harnessing energy sources is accurate.
How conveniently they get to everything and how easily they produce quite advanced shit, however, is pure fantasy.
Just don't take it too seriously.
100% science you simpleton! Science is cool. I believe in science!
This. The basis are correct but the way they do it is bullshit
So climate change is the real enemy, right?
no that guy who wants to kill boomers is (was? I stopped reading the series halfway through)
I can see how none of y'all have studied any science/engineering.
Most things this series uses is based on solid concepts but overly simplified to the point it isn't viable irl.
To some extent.
I don't understand the twist of the astronauts just choosing to stay on this island and not do anything about fixing humanity. Senku could do it but his trained dad couldn't? They also still had all the Earth's technology at the time too. Why would they just settle for inbreeding and hoping someone else fixes everything?
Senkuu with stone tech is better than all of them combined.
>does have a consultant.
Inagaki doesn't actually have an assistant/consultant for this. He goes out and looks through scientific journals and research himself to find the processes and mechanisms he uses in the plot. There's actually supposed to be a Dr. Stone databook released at some point where Inagaki lists all the research he used, I've been wanting to get that when it finally got released.
Oh I didn't know that, then who's that Kurare Raku guy listed in the credits?
Everything about the astronauts didn't make sense. They started living like cavemen while being the best of the best of humanity, and it's not like all the technology and shit got petrified too. Everything would have still been perfectly functional and new when they got back to earth.
Ripped teenagers can kill lions, enough said
>Senku is supposed to be this super genius
>Makes Katanas against Tsukasa and Hyoga and claims they're the best weapon
christ japan
>people honestly thought Taiju was the MC
From the very beginning it seemed obvious that he was more the audience surrogate for Senku. What the hell was everyone drinking?
I thought they'd both be protags with Senku being the poster boy for the series. What I didn't expect was Senku hogging the entire role for himself and Taiju being demoted to a side character.
Weren't 5 out of 6 of them just entertainers? "best of humanity" my ass.
Supposedly they were stranded on this island with nothing on it. But the same island also had zoo in it, from which animals managed to break out from.
It's not like they started popping out babies the moment they landed, all the infastructure should still be there, why not use the roads to travel somewhere where they could live more comfortably?
When they returned from orbit with no one ground-side to coordinate with they ended up getting stranded on a deserted island in the middle of nowhere. So without supplies or modern resources to harvest (Senku got super lucky finding the village) they ended up living like cavemen. And they did try once or twice to make an expedition by boat to the mainland. The people who left were never heard from again and are implied to have died at sea.
Is Dr. Stone, dare I say it, a native isekai?
When in the flashback is a zoo or escaped animals mentioned? The only time I remember that is way back in the beginning with the lions, and that was on the mainland and not the island.
I don't even need science any more advanced than what this Aussie guy does.
Thank you for putting speedreaders in their place.
The katanas were for intimidation, a bluff, as Senku doesn't want to kill anyone. And it worked, they scared Tsukasa's goons off.
The thing about him is that he's not throwing up most of those shelters, kilns, etc in a day. Some of the stuff he makes takes him weeks to build and he's certainly not sleeping out in the elements and eating only what he can forage for in between filming sessions. Doing it without any stable supply of food or shelter for days is a lot harder than what he shows in his videos.
Can we talk about Boishi other works like Hotel?
user, they were still in Japan and Japan has shit ore. The reason why the katanas exists in first place was because it was literally the best you could do with Japan's ore.
Yes, was. He's no longer the antagonist.
Yes, but it is clearly shown that he can do it, meaning if for some reason he had to, he could do it.
If you're going to assume end of the world scenario where some aussie outback (which is Africa tier) is all you got, you might as well assume you have some hands to help you out as well.
Was? Senku convinced him that the world he was working towards was not a worthwhile one. Helps that one of Tsukasa "The Boomer Breaker" Shishio's lieutenants stabbed him in the back.
Now he's a cavemancicle, waiting for Senku and the others to invent the necessary equipment to fix his mortal wound.
>how scientifically accurate is it?
It's a shounen, how could you possibly expect it to be scientifically accurate?
What I don't understand is why they utterly failed at passing down crucial information to their descendants (farming, animal husbandry, germs, viruses, any basics of science really). They didn't even bother teaching their children how to read and write, it's a miracle that the 100 stories managed to last thousands of years through word of mouth alone.
There is the possibility that they did, and just over the generations such knowledge became lost due to nobody understanding or needing to retain it. Also, since their descendants split into two civilizations, the Soyuz rulers might have intentionally suppressed such information from being passed on, especially if it'd lead to someone developing a countermeasure to the "Gorgon's Eye" weapon they somehow acquired and used to remain in power.
How about you, without opening wikipedia, tell me the basics for farming and animal husbandry right now?
>Don't rely exclusively on gathering fruits and stuff. Find a clear empty field where plants can grow or create one by tearing down trees. Bury seeds in the ground of the plants you can eat (also different types of grain, you can eat those too if you worj for it). Water the seeds, and make sure to put animal poop (preferably cow poop it's fertile, do NOT use human poop) and rich minerals over the places where you've planted the seeds. With lots of time, hard work, and patience, the seeds will grow and you will get good food. Switch the types of seeds/crops around every time so that the soil won't be ruined.
>Some animals instead of hunting them, you can just capture a few and domesticate them, keep them around, feed them whatever you don't eat, fatten them up, breed them, THEN eat them. Animals you can farm include cows, sheep, horses, chickens, and especially pigs.
From these basics, their descendants would be able to figure out the rest through trial and error on their own, just like our ancestors did. At the very least, they wouldn't still be hunter-gatherers after thousands of years.
They didn't really have much time. It's not like they lived long lives in the wilderness, I doubt any of them got past 60 and they already were in their 30s and 40s. So you only got one generation, maybe one and a half, that they could've taught themselves.
It's not too far fetched that in that situation they prioritized survival knowledge above all else and a lot of that had to be simplified too and on top of that everything has to be taught at basically breakneck speed if you want to pour every bit of information into your children and grandchildren. Fast forward a few thousand years and complex, rarely needed stuff gets forgotten and only basic stuff and the colourful bedtime stories they heard as children remain. They were fishermen, so everything unrelated to that was lost sooner or later.
>It's not too far fetched that in that situation they prioritized survival knowledge above all else
I call bullshit. Some of the 100 stories teach completely useless things for survival like what gorillas are, or the names of a bunch of minerals that the inhabitants of Ishigami village aren't even aware are minerals.
>rarely needed stuff gets forgotten and basic fluff remains
Did they even have the necessary resources for farming and animal husbandry on the island they landed on?
I always assumed they were limited to fishing and foraging since the island didn't have animals to breed and only stuff like berries, mushrooms, and some herbs were growing on the island, making proper farming nearly impossible.
Pretty sure they don't
Good luck finding wheat and cows on an island in the middle of the ocean
They still should have passed down that knowledge for when their descendants inevitably left the island.
I'm still shocked my boy Boichi finally got animated
He did it lads
Well his hair is scientifically accurate