Name one thing tooru did right. I'll wait

Name one thing tooru did right. I'll wait

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Kobayashi's happier after meeting her.

Fall in love with Kobayashi

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>Name one thing tooru did right.
She nabbed best girl Kobayashi's heart.

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Cute couple

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I hope they kiss in the anime

Kobayashi isn't a lesbian

>Wasn't Luccoa
>Wasn't Elma
Looks like she did two things correctly.

Is this yuri?

Who's to say she isn't?

Attached herself to the single most based and best girl in the universe, kobayashi-San

This is now an OTP thread

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Fine by me

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Being best girl

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Found love.

>best girl
>anyone but kobayashi


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No reason it can't be both of them.

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Kobayashi is enjoying that hug a lot more than Tohru is

a little kiss

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pet show

Beat the shit out of Elma

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Not relieving kobayashis fatigue with some good lovin

Kobayashi is cute.

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Inspiring lots of lewds.

Tohru is not for lewds

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Somebody tell COOL that.

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I wish I could

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But that's a negative

Gave her human form big fat, but reasonably sized, boobs.

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came here to say this

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She clearly is.
> aggressive nature when she's drunk
> flat
> deep voice

She didn't utterly fuck up once.
good times

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To be fair, the one time where she was talked out of utterly fucking up is probably the single best moment in the series.

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How is that the best moment? I was expecting the headpat scene from that description.

Why is she so fat?

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Kobayashi's face betrays her desire for high impact sexual violence.

Tooru works really hard, she deserves a reward

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for some reason I transcribed the did right into did wrong in my head. Weird


flopping her series

I love Dragon Maid so much. It aired at a really low point in my life and really helped me get through some tough times. Thank you Tohru.

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>dad hates you
>mom probably dead
>sisterzoned by the loli
>forced to always wear a human suit
>can´t kill anyone
>can´t destroy anything
>everybody loves god who tried to kill you
>otaku has more in common with your waifu
>only friends are edgy fag and pedo tittymonster
>didn´t move a finger when your dad forced you to go back to your shitty world
>forced to serve not only your beloved waifu but every single fuck who crosses Kobayashi´s door
>binge eater shithead manage to spend more time with your waifu than you in everyday job
>girl with mental problems in a hobo maid suit gets praised by your waifu while you are just a shitty cosplay maid
>loli is able to get her own human in one day and make her go boheee just looking at her
>you can´t even make your waifu blink
>loli and bigboobs dwarf are welcomed to your house easily while you had to beg for the chance
>every dragon manage to live easy no responsability live with their humans even if they are pedophiles, lazyshits, idiotic or perverts
>you are pretty much a glorified slave working your lame ass just for the little tiny hope of someday be loved by your waifu in a romantic way
>she still calls you a fake maid
>she gets mad at you when drunk
>she gets mad when you smell her clothes
>she doesn´t eat your tail
>only thing you recieve after all that is a miserable lame headpat
>saddest part is that is still worth it

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Realistically speaking, what's the best way to get a dragon cake gf, marry her, impregnate her repeatedly, and then happily raise a family together? Should I move to Mexico?

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Tohru will get her happy ending. She just has to be patient.

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I will be so angry at COOL if we dont see them at least be officially a couple. COOL does explicit shota porn, yuri shouldnt even be a question.

horns as handles

I hope it happens in season 2

I dont see it happening then. In fact theres probably going to be a lot more world building and Kobayashi finding confidence in herself if they just adapt the material they have god Kyoani please be adapting Season 2


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Does Tooru need such fat tits?

If I were Tohru, I would look for someone else to get close to, just to make Kobayashi feel jealous. I would look for another client and pretend to be too busy to care for her. I've seen this working, people don't value things until they are gone.

>ywn be Tohru
>ywn clean Kobayashi's feet with your mouth after she returns from a long day at work
Why live.

Dress very convincingly as a waitress at a maid cafe despite the fact she doesn't work at one. She makes a very good cosplayer playing pretend.

Kobayashi will suffer inside, but pretend to be unphased and only glare at Tohru. Tohru will crack first in no time.

how does high impact sexual violence between two girls even look like?

Lesbian spousal abuse rates are high

Yeah, or cry a lot once she learns Kobayashi is a bit hurt. She could still reverse that situation explaining she didn't felt loved or some shit.
I feel really bad for Tohru, one sided relationships are worse than no relationship at all.

Who could have thought that putting 2 basically very jealous and emotional creatures together would be a bad idea?

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>people don't value things until they are gone.
Kobayashi fell into depression when Tohru left at the end of season 1

Good taste in women, not killing all humans.

>women are more emotional than men
This meme needs to die, I can barely fathom how anyone frequenting Yea Forums still believes this self-aggrandising bullshit.

>no source attached.
You're a disgrace to your family, even if these numbers are correct.

She is, and she did. In the first chapter and episode.

They are already confirmed as a couple in the anime, that was the whole point of the ova

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>not killing all humans.
She's killed hundreds though.

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>didn´t move a finger when your dad forced you to go back to your shitty world
Read the manga.

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They'll almost certainly focus on the war and all the harry potter shit.

That also happens the anime, and she even tried to kill her dad

Please no, all of that was just garbage, the only good thing to come out of it is this exchange

But she wanted to kill them

it can't happen

>But she wanted to kill them
Who hasn't wanted to kill all the humans at one time or another?

Not with that attitude

Imagine watching Tohru commit suicide after Kobayashi dies!

Tohru is strong, she will mourn her death but will keep her in her heart.

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Kanna just going to force feed her some immortality potion.

Hopefully one made for beastpeople.

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I think this is supposed to mean that her friends didn´t do anything

Having god tier fucking taste that's what

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That will just make Kobayashi angry

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Why is she so smug?

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I've been watching anime since the mid-eighties. I saw Macross before Robotech finished airing here. I had 4th generation bootleg betamax tapes of Armor Hunter Mellowlink. I watched every Brave series as they aired. I lived in Yokohama for ten years and waited IN QUEUE for the laserdisc release of the original To Terra. I've had lunch with Kunihiko Ikuhara and smoked a cigarette with Watanabe after a Seat Belts show. I've done it all. I've seen it all. I am a qualified expert.

Maid Dragon is THE greatest anime I have ever seen. Bar none. This is where the medium has been going since day one. From the very first cel, it was all leading to Maid Dragon.

A metaphor for the immigrant experience covering humanistic and social themes such as systematic sexism, family, loneliness, individuality, alienation, accepting and understanding others, adapting to society, appreciating the little moments in life, capturing the shortsightedness and transience of human existence and fitting in with society's expectations, this show will go down in history. It will change anime in a way not seen since Shogoki took her first steps in NGE.

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Been a while since I've seen this pasta

She knows she's best chorogon.

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You're not wrong.

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Having big tits.

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Be cute

That's all she needs sen to the pai.

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You'd be smug too with tits like this.

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I love how these are considered "smug" when in reality she's just extremely honry

She gets more wide-eyed when she's truly in heat.

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It's her "I really want to fuck Kobayashi right now" face.

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Smug+horny = hug? Or smorny?

Tooru is a good dragon who wouldn't hurt anyone... unless they get too close to Kobayashi

She is an evil dragon who picks fights w/ God.

That's because god is a jerk who tried to kill her first

You know we come here to escape reality, right?

Kobayashi is just a fag for not banging this sex-crazed doragon.

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>not ruining the show by surrendering to a little Kanna

D for dragon

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did you even see the OVA

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I just want my happy lewd comedy dragon family show back.

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sorry 'bout that. Here, have a (you). And one (1) copy of this picture that I like. It is for you and you only. Keep on dreaming friend.

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So the worst partner ever is a lesbian police officer

She befriended a dragon god that lusts for a kid, but still is mentally stable enough to just tease. Unlike the dragon god's friend who just does the opposite.

What i'm saying is that Tohru has enough of an eye to not make friends with weird enough people, despite how already weird her current friends are.

Post dragon kobayashis!

Does this count?

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Worst fish

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I want to see Tohru seriously thinking about suicide while bawling her eyes out after drunk-raping an unwilling non-drunk Kobayashi who is still crying, while Kanna tries to stop her and comforts both.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

Giving those dragons what they deserve.

Go back to the other world, Azad

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Dragonform Lucoa is small!

It was a joke

>Name one thing tooru did right.
Eating meat

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I don't get how COOL works.
>makes the cutest characters known to man
>conversely, can also make sexy ladies with no problems
>can make non-human characters go from adorable to legitimately threathening-looking in a second, this is mainly notable in this specific series. even then humans aren't excluded, like the Azad mentioned above
>always inserts a pedo character in every mainstream work, regardless of his origins as an artist
How do you do that all together in everything

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I personally like it more when she gets flustered.

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cute OL

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Well she is literally the bringer of the apocalypse.
I just question is if she could defeat Gatsu in a fight. Her regeneration and power is like next level though so I don't know.

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As far as I've understood it she can destroy the earth if she wanted to, even her playfights where she limits herself to "human" levels are pretty intense.
So I'm pretty sure she would win.

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According to who?


How big are you?

What is the dragon equivalent of d cups?

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When will Tohru realize that Kobayashi isn't a lesbian so she has no chance with her?
If she was a dyke she would have already fucked her

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dumb eel

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I mean, in those other 2 she had that face fantasizing about Kobayashi.


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I love that spinning Tohru.

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This artstyle looks really familiar

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>tohru doesn't change her at all

He thinks that's Tohru.

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I wonder if Tohru would like a very feminine Kobayashi

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best maid

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Kobayashi is already perfect in her eyes.

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Best egg

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What is this thing and what is it doing here?

Nothing. She has zero ass.

>She has zero ass.

Tohru would pass out

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I can't wait for them to be official

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please post more tohru ass

Starred in the so far last decent KyoAni show.

But Kobayashi was the star

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Only Kobayashi can see it

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No doubt Tohru would ask for this during roleplay.

Is that a Namori artwork?

yes, it is

Being a Dragon, she's top tier in One Piece

you mean Kyobayashi

Do you actually know any women?

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Being born.
And everything after.

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Kobayashi is lucky.

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Miss Tohru's Dragon Kobayashi.

Miss Tohru's office dragon

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it will be the best

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I would love to see that, at least as fanfiction

Tap tap tap, is this thing on?

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Is she wearing one of Kobayashi's shirts?

It fits like one.

Tried to rape kobayashi

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Now if she'd just accept that it's okay for her to get lucky.

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