SJW now wan japan anime, manga, and video game to carter their audience and ban sexist content

>SJW now wan japan anime, manga, and video game to carter their audience and ban sexist content
It's over

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Not anime



it affects the quality of the anime produced
when the sjw virus invaded open source software they ruined entire projects.

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Let me repeat myself

Fuck off Yea Forumsermin.

Literally who

Say goodbye to your attractive anime moe faggots. Ugly fat girls are the norm now.

Looks like some irrelevant nobody.

I don't want OP's AIDS, no thank you.

Stop trying to infiltrate us, you retarded hypocrites.

He sounds like a huge faggot, just like you OP

>some randome resetera fag LARPing about living in Japan will destroy anime


This deserves a permaban but OP is probably a phoneposting faggot from Yea Forums or /pol/

>Defeat sexism in anime and you wipe out sexism in games.
this shows intent

>irrelevant nobody
And that irrelevant nobody will keep pushing his agenda to Japan until they submit while you and your fat ass sitting on your dark room.

What do we do now? Are LNs safe?

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Ahem. It’s body positive

good luck irrelevant nobody
if you think your 'internet activism' means shit in JP land, you're in for a surprise



>I'm literally shaking right now
>anime is the source of evil
Its kind of impressive how these people manage to become parody of themselves

>nigger avatar
>I'm literally shaking
Go fuck yourself OP.

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Not anime.
>some random idiot has an opinion
Not anything really.

Nips don't give a shit about what SJWs think. Also, not anime. Fuck off.

>one literal who gaijin on an internet forum has an opinion
wtf, Japanese media is over now

You forgot:

>We can only hope that eventually they'll tire of these sexist types of anime and move on to what Anime used to be

I'd love to know what kind of rose colored glasses that fucker is wearing talking about older shows and not being sexist.

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I like how he didn't name a single sexist thing.

>we need to change the source

good luck with that nigger

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Why would Japan care about Western sjws? They rarely even spend money on supporting the industry.

Tick tock incels. Your precious anime will be over soon.

First they came for Western comics, and I did not speak out — because I was not from Yea Forums.

Then they came for white males, and I did not speak out — because I was not from /pol/.

Then they came for video games, and I did not speak out — because I was not from Yea Forums.

Then they came for me — and there was no one left to speak for me.

The sjw market is not a profitable market.

asians can't be manipulated through faked empathy like the west; if anything they'll hammer the special snowflakes down.
if they want to pick a real fight then maybe they should wage a war to purge hollywood of the organized pedo gangsters and rapists who run the industry before going to another country to attack theirs.

Based frogposter

who gives a fuck about some random on some dumbass forum, they have as much power as you or me

Worst part is the avatar is the token minority side character in Celeste, a decent competent platform game that is riddled with gross liberal bullshit from top to bottom.

That hipster moron UNIRONICALLY yells out YOLOOOOO

Meanwhile best selling anime this season is about fucking your underage students and one of the best selling last season was about a lesbian pedophile, some faggot on a sjw forum can't change shit about how nips do things

Imagine being so mentally ill you go scouring through forums full of people you hate so you can drag back posts from literally whos to show a bunch of people on Yea Forums who wish you would just drop dead and stop shitting up the board already. Watch some anime you sad fuck.

Social media/forum screenshots should result in an autoban

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Neither do pir/a/tes lol

exactly, none of us matter

No it doesn't. Whatever SJW from Murrica post on their forums won't affect the industry even a bit. She even said so on her post. Most anime is an adaptation of Manga and LNs and the freedom to do whatever you want there is enormous. There's always a magazine that can fit to whatever kind of manga.

OSS is another thing. The projects are Western so they cater to Western audiences with Western sensibilities. They can join the projects, they can bitch about them in the internet and people will watch and judge. No such thing can be done from here to Japanese authors.

Sometimes I'm grateful that Japan uses a totally different language and system of characters than the west.


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>"We can only hope that eventually they'll tire of these sexist types of anime and move on to what Anime used to be"
>I'd love to know what kind of rose colored glasses that fucker is wearing talking about older shows and not being sexist.

I wonder about that myself, if you show these libshits Ranma (or basically anything by Rumiko, especially Urusei Yatsura) their little brains would explode.

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I wonder if people type these words unironically

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this time for sure

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Except this fatass buys BDs, Manga, figures, and all sorts of other shit while that faggot just whines despite not being the target audience. Guess which one has more power. now check these digits.

>a true form of animated media and not this gross icky sexist garbage we have today

the japs who got asked about his accent probably told him that his accent is still noticeable as fuck but his jap is too rusty to get past all the typical wishy-washiness in typical jap dialogue.

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We have to fight back by

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I agree but many speak english, it's an invasive language.
they should preserve their culture, the "west" seems hell bent on suiciding

We can go even earlier than that

just need to purge the SJWs from existence

is this the designated dubs or loli thread guys?

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japan doesn't give a shit about filthy gaijin opinions

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Kill yourselves.

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Is this the designated shitposting thread?

Who do you think is paying for this shit?

Anime/manga doesn't need to be inclusive. They each are targeting different audiences. I don't see why harem, yuri or yaoi should be made to appeal to everyone.

She got them finally but got to embarrassed to see it.

Shameful display user-kun

I think the worst thing is that they actually think Japan gives a rat's ass

Japan can still speak for me. They'll say we don't give a shit.

oh fuck, she's determined now.

What's the point of making this trash? You know you're going to get told to fuck off, and yet you made this post anyway. Why?

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