Waifu Tier List Thread

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I love how these tier lists are banneable offenses now

My wife in the lowly D tier? Shit taste desu user

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My waifu isn't mainstream enough to make it into these charts. Which is good because normalfags don't deserve her.

Why isn't Neuronist on the list? And also emilia is at least A-tier.

Fuck off


Move Snail to A and we're good

CC's an overrated piece of shit. Move her to ehr own f-tier and then it's a good list.

Fuck off normalnigger.
Remember not to bump this thread.

You did me proud

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Be glad rather.

>zero two on D tier

Do you have internet under your rock user? Normalniggers love Zero Two

I spotted several hags, but good choice of lolis, a solid 7/10

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Mine is and I’m constantly surprised how many times fail to mention her in any thread

Based. I can't believe normies can just accept that their girl is lewded by other men

I'm not talking about the actual ratings. I'm talking about the e-celeb rating format. You only ever see reddit using this exact format to rate things.

>seeing most waifus on D tier
>Seeing Isla on D tier
Gas yourself

What if my wife is story wise already lewded by other men?

>Wife is on D
At least this way other guys won't lewd her

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why is C.C, an A tier ? are you fucking gay ?

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Depends, do you like to imagine cucking these men? In that case you're good for now. Do you like to imagine being cucked by those men? In that case stop eating onions, man up and fight for your rightful claim (pic related). Or do you plan to share her with those other men? In that case stop eating onions, man up and fight for your rightful claim (pic related).

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Non of those men are alive anymore anyway so fighting for her would be unnecessary.

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You seem to be an expert on all things reddit.

It's just a format chill

I don't get how her hairstyle with the heart works

There is no such thing as a "top-tier" of "worst-tier" waifu. Every waifu is best for the user that loves her. Now take that gay shit back to facebook.

Whoa, I guess you guys are right. I'm just a crab and I should appreciate low quality posts.
What is the best place for image macros? I need to study up on what everyone else is doing so I can fit in.

lot's of hair care.

Only good taste

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ooga booga, go back to r*ddit

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Why is Aqua always behind Megumin on those lists, she is objectively the best one of the main girls in Konosuba
>Interesting character (not deep or anything but quite unique)
>Perfectly legal to lewd
>Best jokes and punchlines in the show, her broad powerset allows for unique and hilarious scenarios
Meanwhile Normiegumin
>Every joke is "haha exubusion xd"

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ikr fuck that user

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Because megumin is uhhh... cute loli meme lol

Also aqua is useless!!1!

Edit: Thanks for the gold guys!

I'm glad my waifu isn't deemed to be relevant enough to be included in those charts.


Omg guys I can't believe this got so many upcucks im shakin rn ngl