In which we discuss Hirohiko Araki, his works, and some trivia about him
>Araki on his fetish: "Also, it's not related, but I actually enjoy drawing skin getting peeled."
>Araki's author's notes are sometimes about very random subjects, like the ants and lizards in his studio, or a tearjerking appraisal of a faithful little phone light which keeps glowing to signal there's a message.
>He likes to play up his forgetfulness to get away with many things
>Actually likes dogs
>Considers Diamond is Unbreakable his favorite part and Josuke his favorite JoJo
>Each time there was a murder in Tokyo, his grandmother would pray he wasn't the culprit
>His wife also mentions that he was terribly shy, to the point that when one of her friends showed up, Araki opened the door, halfway, shouted in fear and shut the door because he didn't know her
>According to Araki himself, he gets his youthful looks from washing his face every morning with Tokyo's tap water
>Araki once won a contest for "Best dressed people for Japan"
>Araki believes that our lives are directed by fate, crediting his own career to fateful meetings with an encouraging friend and a friendly editor who pushed him to pursue his hobby.
Araki thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>that one time he met a ghost and told him to fuck off
>15 € for 192 pages
Thanks for spoiling the interesting bits because I sure wasn't going to waste my money like that
>Kira Yotsikage is based on Araki himself
I'm going to remind you all again.
>>Araki once won a contest for "Best dressed people for Japan"
I need to know more about this.
Maybe you can buy it second-hand.
It must be in the diet.
>According to Araki himself, he gets his youthful looks from washing his face every morning with Tokyo's tap water
The secret to eternal youth revealed at last, it's just washing your face every morning with blessed Tokyo water.
Folded 1000 times in the pipes!
>Each time there was a murder in Tokyo, his grandmother would pray he wasn't the culprit
W-what did Araki mean by this
>Tokyo sits atop a fountain of youth
Explains a lot
>author's notes are sometimes about very random subjects like the ants and lizards
this is where the asspulls came from.
i just can see him looking at sudoku paper on the floor and said "ah that's gonna be next week stand fight, chocoloate DISCO"
jesus fuck he looks younger than my 24 y/o ass
His grandma had an obsessive-compulsive disorder. Old people are like that.
Why's everything he draws so gay?
As a kid he thought cartoonist owned guns and used it in their basements
Wow, you must look fucking awful
Thats similar to how he got the idea for Cream Starter, a shaving cream can
Either that or Araki specifically gets his tap supplied with the fountain of youth.
I just would love to see how he comes up with some stuff:
>reads up about Cryptids.
>Aztecs and blood seem fascinati---
>This feels like a dejavu--
>Weird, did i just blackout for a few seconds?
>mfw kira
This man becomes more handsome with each year, this is beyond mere memery.
2008 looks like he accidentally took a sip too much of the fountain of youth
Well, mangaka might not store guns in basements, but they sure do store child porn in their offices.
He just wants to live a quiet life.
Is there a list of countries he visited?
What's your favorite non-Jojo Araki? For me it's Baoh.
Araki is my dad and he told me that part 9 will be the final jojo. It will be in a futuristic setting and the final final boss of jojo will be robo dio
yeah but usually in this case the grandma would be worried about her grandson getting killed, not the other way around
Baoh's the only one that really comes close to JJBA in my opinion. I keep meaning to read Outlaw Man.
How does Araki have such good taste in music?
I call it 'ordinary taste' tho.
In cultures like Japan and especially in the generation Araki's grandma would be from, him bringing shame to the family by being a murderer would be worse than him being murdered.
Is it possible to meet/interview araki?
if so what would you ask him?
does he speaks english?
I'd ask him about his travels.
I mean doesn't he like basically everything
Still added a bunch of Stands/characters with Japanese song names in SBR
That other guys looks seething
His favorite character was Kakyoin.
>Araki believes in 'gravity'
It's not that good. It's mostly really well known classic rock bands if you just go off of what he names stands.
Who's the biggest westaboo, Araki or Kojima?
I wish Araki had a twitter account where he posted random bullshit, like what he had for lunch today.
He's 58.
Notice how he hid his mein kampf copy and Hitler portrait before taking that photo.
>Mona Lisa
Only because he knew the artists, it's why there were no more after
I have much better things:
>He likes to play up his forgetfulness to get away with many things
He can't keep getting away with it
Very good indeed
I have the best thing though:
The chinese Sam Hyde.
Probably Araki, Kojima only seems to have a hard on for America and western movies
delete this right fucking now
Any more remakes?
I have a homosex one:
He does not.
Keep in mind he was a young adult in the 80s and simply listened music popular Worldwide.( Even in Japan)
>chocolate disco
Do you even know what is an asspull ?
Lmao, please elaborate
Araki once told a story on how he stayed the night in some old place in europe and he encountered the ghost of a girl in his room, half-sleepy Araki told her to go away, and so she did while crying. He felt kinda sad afterwards.
Man part 5 anime gave us some PEAK memes
Kek chadraki
How are the Viz releases of the manga?
I might pick up the first 2 hardcovers of Part 4 off Amazon, just found a gift card that's been lying around for months.
He just used Heaven's Door on her.
How did Gyro Zeppeli have a teddy bear in 1890 when teddy bears were not created until 1902?
He had a prototype.
The best
Fuck off.
Базированный причёскопостер
Небазированный факоффпостер
Based hairposter.
How about you fuck off instead?
What got deleted?
Araki didn't do his research.
Do you guys think he'll live to create part 9?
maybe, I don't see part 8 being the end but if he goes for a full part 9 he will be over 70 when its done
it was a Gyro bear