Say hi to my cute Lolino

Say hi to my cute Lolino

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Other urls found in this thread:

Ichicute a best!

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She's cute, though not as cute as my Zetsuba.

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You all have a problem. I suggest you seek help.

Nino a shit

Help is for those with a sickness. We don't have that.

She grew to be a fine woman

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He told Itsuki alone about his "i'm poor" situation, about Maruo giving him the ultimatum (even if others learned about it after)
In scrambled eggs, he and Itsuki confided in each other about their respective issues at present (Fuuts about the fake itsuki and itsuki about worrying over her sisters)
Later Fuutarou confides in Itsuki alone about her sisters falling for him and how the other 2 said they'd "support" him etc
If you wanna add this, he also told Itsuki 1st about his lolikano story.
For things like that, I think Itsuki works best as that one friend you always go to for advice, but I don't see her as a wife figure

Friendly reminder that Uesugi knows everything and he's playing along with Yotsuba antics

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>Nino is black
>Yotsuba is white

Black is the end, but the end always implies a new beginning. When the light appears, black becomes white, the color of new beginnings.

>nino is the sacrifice for yotsuba.

>Nino is black
Just like her fans!

She’s definitely the future bride.

>Black is the end, but the end always implies a new beginning. When the light appears, black becomes white, the color of new beginnings.

>>nino is the sacrifice for yotsuba.
Nino will be the sacrificial lamb and Yotsuba offers her to the devils exchange for Fuutaro. A new beginning, easy.

But I'm white

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And spics

I don't think ESL southeast asians are black user.

My apologizing potato is cute too!

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Miku sucks

I love Itsuki and I am Taiwanese

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Tell us something we don't know already.

>No thread name
>Now we'll have multiple threads
user in charge of doing everything wrong. Just ask Yotsuba for her rope already.

>like she was never incapable of saying no
Not that guy, but yeah, this was pretty fishy, but I'm just going to assume she's doing it to avoid Fuutarou completely because this was the same time Rena (Itsuki) said her goodbyes to him.

For now, it's hard to distinguish what Yotsuba was really thinking at that time but we'll definitely get answers in probably chapter 90.

my dick every day. Sorry, pressed the button too soon.

Ichika said it herself when she asked Miku to dress up like her to fool Maeda. Miku is the best actress.

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But I'm white.

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He shouldn't have made one in the first place.

I liked Yotsubros better before they were obnoxious.

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Not another fucking thread can you stop you faggot

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I just wanna cream all over here eyelids


So is Ichika out of the race for good or will she start over from the beginning?
Miku is in constant refueling her courage but she never starts her engine.
Nino is running circles around Fuutarou but can't get closer. Too much centrifugal force keeps her away.
Itsuki is leasurely eating the tires.

Nino uses Ichika as a backup Miku whenever the real one isn't home

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Holy fucking based

I like this hair gradient, but I wish the bottom part was a bit more pinkish.

Stop posting smug reaction images in response to people complaining about us, we need to be better than that. For her.

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That's a small Nino

How can Fuutarou even compete

All quintfags become obnoxious when their fav in in the spotlight. Ninofags however are obnoxious all the time.


Me behind Nino

It's not her final form user

No one is out, but Ichika doesn't want to compete anymore. It leaves us with Nino and Miku fighting.

It's not like we can do anything.

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I think lolitsuki is broken

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we all know miku is gonna be the winner guys. just submit.

Itsuki fucking step dad confirmed.

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Ichika gets a restart, doesn’t look good but I’m sure she will have one more confrontation with fuutaro regarding her career. Could be a rejection or the start of the comeback arc.

It makes sense, that's why he considers her the good girl and tries to talk sense into her instead of her sisters.

Are we sure that Itsuki didn't unconsciously eat her mom because they were too poor and didn't eat enough?

I just love Ichika's face here

Is Nino the Momo of 5toubun? Will she bring us the harem end that Momo couldn't?

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>has poorfag seduce all of his daughters, but pick just one
>"confort" the rest of them when they lose

Is there anyone more based than Maruo?

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not as cute as best girls

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so is maruo desu. Doesn't show any emotion seeing Rena dead. I was secrelty hoping we'd see a different side of him in the past but alas

the reason you don't see his face until after Rena died is because he has had bags under his eyes ever since

Lolinino was molested by Maradona

>implying Maruo won't get cucked 4 more times by some random faggots, maybe even worse than Fuutarou

Didn't think of them as bags desu. Looked different to the actual bags you see on the loliquints, but maybe they are meant to be. That would make Maruo way more based if so

But they’re complaining about bandwagon hopping gay dudes. Us yotsubros have waited for this moment and we’re having our good names sullied


With pleasure

I love all these half face Yotsuba panels. You can actually hear her say "Is this bitch fucking serious?" with that kind of expression.

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We know, Fuu-kun

You got it all wrong, it's just that Hachiko is my favourite movie.

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Is it really true that the quintuplets can tell each other only by their faces? because if that's the case, Itsuki might be a lost cause because she didn't even recognize that this was Nino pretending to be Yotsuba.

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Explain please

Why are we so scared of her?

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It's not the faces, they mentioned that they have the same face and figure. It's love, i.e. noticing their idiosyncrasies. Grandpa laid it all out in simple-to-understand terms and you still didn't get it.
When Nino appeared out of nowhere before anyone knew she cut her hair and while intentionally pretending to be Yotsuba, of course that would be her first guess.

Excepted she relied on Ichika here?

That's the power of the nino.

No I understood what the gramps said, what I don't get is, why would Itsuki not notice it was Nino earlier?, having the same hair style doesn't count because in scrambled eggs they can literally tell each other apart and 5 of them looked identical with the same Itsuki look.

No, she didn't.

??? Read the chapter.

She wasn't expecting anyone else to impersonate Yotsuba, in scrambled eggs they all pay attention to who is who.

I just read it. She didn't rely on Ichika. Ichika only said it's fine to quit the club but Yotsuba instantly turned down the idea because she didn't want to let the track team down.

>She wasn't expecting anyone else to impersonate Yotsuba
Now that's just complete bullshit. What's even funnier here is that, Nino isn't even the best at impersonating her sisters, but hey we're talking about Negi here, so I might as well go with it.

>only 4
Other than the bride and Fuutarou, I don't think any of them will just marry their first boyfriend.

She talked about it because Ichika asked her to rely on her. She was unwilling to ask for advices before.

Nino a cute!

Nino seems the type
Then get divorced 5 years later

>>nino is the sacrifice for yotsuba.
Nino will give up for her little sister Losetuba but Fuutarou is ready in love with her
Nino needs the approval of all her sisters
>Ichika(snake) validated
>Miku(doormat) validated
>Yotsuba(lose) ..soon
>Itsuki (fatty mom) will be the last

>if that's the case, Itsuki might be a lost cause because she didn't even recognize that this was Nino pretending to be Yotsuba.
Because for Nino, her long hair was very precious it's was her bound with her sisters so Itsuki could imagine that Nino will cut her beautiful hair for some reason

Miku would pretend she's alright with it but would then kill herself in private

I love Ichika but please change that pic. It looks awful.

But it's my favourite picture of Ichika ;_;

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Because she looks punchable?

Maybe... actually yes. It's a good pic to trigger folks like you.

Trying to figure out who is more annoying, Nino fanboys who think everything is a parallel or all these people who are obsessed with meta. Both are smug and think they have it all figured out.

We are not? We just want to fuck her.

>5 years later

More like 2

Rena (the Mom) sounds like a well meaning but ultimately toxic person for trying to convince the quints to stay all the same. Being 1/5 of a whole person is stupid.

I agree with you.

Give her a break, she has the AIDS

reminder that rena killed smart yotsuba

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Point proven.

She was supposed to be a teacher. Why was she so autistic?

Me on the left

Yotsuba didn't forget her mom's words though. The quints might've been separated in middle school, but I'm sure Negi will find a way for Yotsuba to reunite them again in the next chapter. I believe in Negi.

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She didn't wanted Yotsuba to grow obsessed about what her achievements are and instead understand that no matter what she's special and unique

Because she didn’t love her kids they were a reminder of her getting pumped and dumped and then having to work herself to death to keep those brats alive.

Yotsuba is toxic because she trying to too hard to sate her ego

Have people finally accepted the undisputed reality that Nino is the kisser hense the bride or are you still in denial and will call Negi an hack once she inevitability wins?

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No, fuck off.


Of course, the P A R A L L E L S don't lie

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I like Itsuki and all but my problem is that in most of those situations he only could go to her/had to tell her about it. He hasn't really gone out of his way to ask Itsuki in particular for advice

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I thought they all dressed identical as lolis?

That's middle school.

>anti-Ninofags appropriated the parallel

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Negi isn't subtle if you think about it.

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? They haven't even been that bad at least they talk about the story unlike a lot of the others and they aren't nearly as bad as the Ninospics. Since she hasn't gotten like any screen time before now, they're actually acting better than I thought they would desu

I'm hoping that the fellow Itsukibros act the same when her arc comes

Nino is best girl who also happens to be the cutest though

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Why did Negi only gave Nino an special item for this color page?

Please let her win

She kinda looks like that forehead loli, the bullying one. Forgot her name.

consolation prize, it's not the first time he does it

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the only good thing about dropput is that theyre doing the extras

Maid miku is the most popular miku

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>Being 1/5 of a whole person is stupid
Yotsuba would agree

Do sisters do this?

What did Negi mean by this?


Rejected Miku is best Miku

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Itsuki literally said she did it to copy Yotsuba, that mixed with her own Mom telling her that her efforts didn't matter that much crushed her and made her identity crisis even worse

>that her efforts didn't matter
That's not what she said.

bzzzt. Despair Miku is best Miku.

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>Yotsuba wearing ribbon
>Rena, from a distance: You'll never be your own person, just ALWAYS stick with your sisters as 1/5 of a whole
>Itsuki wearing accessories, clearly copying Yotsuba
>Rena: time for a hug IN FRONT OF YOTSUBA, who she just told to fuck off
Not to mention before this she already had to deal with the fucking snek and after this, her promise to study for her mother immediately went down the drain when she died.

Stop trying to twist other people word Yotsuba

Is that really what she meant? Clearly she was expecting to kick the bucket soon enough and probably wanted her daughters to stick together and rely on each other.

Predictions for the next chapter?

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Yotsuba attempted suicide with her own hair

Only Ninotards are that retarded to be convinced in their delusions. I'd be amazed if not for how obnoxious they are.

It will be a Nino chapter.


Dropping out of their academy, her haircut.

Do you think people double-take when they see Nino and Yotsuba walking out of a room together?

As a Mikubro I'm wholly disgusted by this predictable broken Yotsuba healing victory that is about to transpire. Fuck this series.

I'll see you all next week.

>predictable broken Yotsuba healing victory
As a Yotsubafag, if anything I think her chances of victory have pummeled.

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Yotsuba literally did nothing wrong, user.

Bride privileges. Negi cannot help but pander to Ninos wish fulfillment of her future hubby.

Imagine how bad it will be now if Negi still doing those 1-page illustration he often did in early chapter


Boy does it feel good that Miku is irrelevant.

Yotsubafag here, and if anything, this is looking more and more like one of these 2 scenarios:
>overcome past -> confess and get reject -> give up first love and move on
>overcome past -> ready to move on and enter Fuutbowl -> it's too late, another quint has already won
Whatever the case, Negi better healed her properly

So was Yotsuba showing Fuuts her bad score in the very beginning a cry for help?

That's black/white twitter sketch of everyone which is for reaching an certain goal whereas the other is an color page. Ichika is holding Fuut since she's at the corner making her the only viable sister to hold him front and center. Her holding him isn't anything significant. In the actual color page, Negi had the opportunity to draw whatever he pleases for everyone but he only chose Nino particularly to have an extra item. That's the difference, cope harder.

Nino has the cutest harem

What are the actual explanations why Nino stopped trying to kiss Fuutarou if she isn’t the kisser!? Did the night talk with Maruo manage to convince her to stop?

She's too popular to be completely irrelevant, user. You know that.

>reaching this hard

I wish Nino would tightly grasp and cuddle me

She's been given a some of the biggest lose flags you can get in just one chapter, if she wins she earned it

Barring work, she probably never got another chance to be alone with Fuutarou. The others (Miku especially) tend to hover around him when he's town. Remember how Miku ran into him just before that arc?

>implying Yotsuba would ever confess to Fuutarou
It'll never happen, hopefag. She's a walking time bomb ready to explode, and when she does, she can finally kill herself.

These thing.
He barely do it anymore now except for color pages.

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>no argument
Sasuga, as expected considering you cannot counter facts.

If there ever was a reason she's not the kisser, it's probably that Maruo was keeping an eye on her after getting caught that night and told her to keep her distance from Fuuts.

As if Nino would obediently listen to Marou and stop perusing her love

As if she can do shit when Maruo is keeping an eye on her.

>he expects an argument against his delusions
Oh my!

>desperately trying to damage control
Absolute kek

It was convenient shorthand, she didn't say it directly but Yotsuba tried her best and got results but instead of praising her she said that she'll never be different from the other quints and where she ends up doesn't matter as long as she's with them. Binding her to them and crushing her hopes of being an individual rather than 1/5 of a person

Rena clearly didn't mean any ill intent when she said it but her motto can also have some serious negative implications which is what Yotsuba's arc seems to be exploring

Why does Negi like watching her suffer?

>As if Nino would obediently listen to Marou
She obediently listened to him when he caught her red-handed at night.

Nino kissed Fuut at the bells while everyone was away. How is he keeping an eye on her, dumbass?

Holy fuck, these mental gymnastics

Obviously since she got caught but seriously expecting her to stop chasing after Fuut? Also that's complete headcanon thinking Marou told her that he's particularly watching her or some shit. That isn't true.

Keep coping

>Nino kissed Fuut at the bells while everyone was away.
Are you fucking retarded or did you forgot about what was being talked about here? The topic was, what's going to be the reason if ever Nino wasn't the kisser. Your reply doesn't even make sense nor is it even connected to what the topic was. Stop trying to be obnoxious, you dumbass.

Not only you're stupid but you're even speedreading the posts in this fucking thread. Just kill yourself already

>The topic was, what's going to be the reason if ever Nino wasn't the kisser.
What an pointless topic.

>an actual retard like this exists

I feel like the average IQ of the posters in here suddenly drops down a notch when they try to talk about the kisser or the bride. It's not even funny anymore

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They don't understand Negi can just roll a die and decide on the kisser/bride.

Don't ever post here again, ESL subhuman.

>I'm going to become mom!

So there's like a 100% chance that Itsuki fucked Mr. Stepdad, right? Where are my doujins

I've personally noticed that the IQ drop also correlates to when Nino is the subject. God I hate her fanbase

The amount of mental gymnastics people deny towards a certain quint being the most plausible kisser is crazy. The same goes for assuming that this particular quint has to be the kisser due to face expressions, hand gestures, etc.

That's still a bad way to phrase it. She could have just told them how important it was that they were sisters.

The amount of delusion that a certain group of queers presents in this thread is crazy. The same goes for assuming that this particular quint has to be the kisser due to the amount of parallels, symbolism and astrology , etc.

>this particular quint has to be the kisser due to face expressions, hand gestures, etc
When will people realize that the quints all literally do the same shit?

>Yotsuba in the center
What did Shueisha and Kodansha mean by this?

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The point of kissing him was making sure he understood her feelings, since he wasn't reacting to her after confessing she thought ahe needed to be even more direct, after talking to him on ch71 she understood that the problem wasn't that he wasn't aware of her feelings so she changed her approach

Some user seems to be seething

They took that from a page from the manga where the bride is standing behind them

>behind them
The bride was directly standing behind Yotsuba.

It was just the dress on a pedestal

Which page was that?

It can't be helped when their favorite quint has been irrelevant for 28 chapters.


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Bride is down to Nino and Miku now.

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>irrelevant for 28 chapters

You're even more delusional than ichikafags now.

There's gonna be a crossover between all of them to defeat the strongest enemy in the universe but at the end it was revealed that it was all part of Yotsuba's evil plan for world domination and they were all trapped in her 4d chess game all along

Oh right, sorry, I missed chapter 71. That makes it 27 chapters of irrelevancy!

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Why does the most pure quint also have to have the lewdest body?

Recent chapters have revealed her true nature. She's second only to Ichika in vileness.

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I'd be afraid of Nino too.

I know Nino haters are desperate speedreaders but now this is just pathetic. Negi literally shoehorned Nino into 13 drama so how is she irrelevant? I swear Nino haters are mentally challenged whenever they wanna shitpost about Nino.

>implying doing minimal shit like that makes her relevant
Try again ninotard. Maybe if your dumb quint didn't bust her load so early in the series, she wouldn't be irrelevant in the first place.


She has been lying for a long time. We all thought Yotsuba was pure but she keeps as many hidden secrets and intentions as the others. She is playing her own mind games.

Delicious anger and rage.

>The day you met us
>The day you learned we were quintuplets
>Uesugi met Itsuki before knowing she's a quint

This implies that Itsuki is the bride.

>N-Nino isn't relevant even though she did relevant things!
Cope harder

is that the same order they had when they were sleeping on the way back from kyoto?

How ironic

Miku's feet where also where the bride's would be

Nah not really

>trying to deflect
Truly ironic. Weak damage control, cope harder

somebody say feet

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>still in denial
That's not healthy for your mental illness. Go take your meds already.

You're arguing past the truly mentally ill ninofag. I'd suggest saving the effort.

Still trying to deflect. Now this is sad.

Pure =/= innocence

Also how is she being vile?

She's not evil tho, it was Ichika's fault that she wanted to be different
Also it's a flashback so probably is going to be solved they met Fuutarou now and Yotsuba will be okay again

Cutest feet

Yeah sorry, it can't be helped. It's truly sad seeing them act like this too.

Nino's the kind of girl who'd fart as she walks by you

Literal samefag

They want to feel like they won, that's why. Just an act of pride is all. It's cute.

You got 2 correct.

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Or Yotsuba

I wouldn't say it's "them" necessarily, just one unironic retard.

Not at all

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Not really.
Pouting Miku was and will always be best.

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Hottest quint form yet.

To think this all started because some desperate autist thinks Nino has been "irrelevant" for over 20 chapters which doesn't even make sense at all when they all have some relevance within the arc.

>grasping for straws

>Yotsuba isn't evi-

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>Fuutarou took this picture
>He clearly framed it so that Nino is the focus of the photo

Yeah, that autist needs serious help if he's grasping certain characters relevancy in chapters.

Anti nino(aka Mikufags) read all 27 chapters... not all the manga with their ass so please forgive them

I'm going to marry Nino!

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Because she was in the fucking center

Jesus, will they ever stop being so delusional?

We know, Fuu-kun

Bros bros bros

If there’s one thing that’s been made clear so far from this flashback arc it’s that 123 have been playing checkers while Yotsuba plays chess. 123 have been playing and fighting each other in a game, in their ignorance, they don’t belong in. Yotsuba has a connection with Fuutaruo that none of them can duplicate, she’s got the story that none of them can compare to. Child of destiny versus that boy I like.

The balls in Yotsubas court it just depends if Negi lets her shoot the J and with how good she’s at in sports my guess is that she’d sink the basket ;)

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Man who knew getting cucked at 12 years old would fuck up your mentality this hard?

>Play a secondary role in 13 drama
>Gets shut down by Ichika, reverses her Goodbyes dynamic with Miku but doesn't actually succeed at anything
>45 have their own plot going on and even get focus chapters in the arc but people will call them irrelevant

I just noticed the two black man in the left and right

Yeah? She wanted to be an individual and tried her hardest only for that to mean nothing in the face of her mother and obviously took poorly to it. What's so evil about that?


idk man that childhood friend flag is rough i mean u saw what it did to ichika right

Fuutarou is forced to marry the bride

An hour of playing cards versus hanging out all day, changing each other’s lives and making promises and wishes with each other is a little different though

>She wanted to be an individual
She is already an individual. And her mother didn't say anything like that. She said it's fine to want to stand out but that she shouldn't think about separating herself from her sisters and that they are all different anyway. Yotsuba was the only one torturing herself with that BS.

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Fumino the best girl looking at Nino the best girl!!
Coincidence? I don't think so...

You have to go back

Man that scene was super sweet

Though, I still have a sinking feeling that all that was just so Negi could make her suffer even more, childhood friends don't have a good winning record...

>changing each other’s lives
Yotsuba accomplished literally nothing. She failed through and through.

That's just despair and sadness, she did nothing evil like Ichika

not enough

Or girls of the promise in popular works for that matter, subversion and all that.

Fumino a shit though

>childhood friends
No, they were just acquaintances.

They chatted after playing cards too and if the kid they were talking about in scrambled eggs really was shotarou then Ichika spent the next day with him too.


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>Ichika befriends the guy she was talking about
>Waaah that's evil why didn't he recognize me

Still changed her life


No he went back that night

Wrong, brainlet. The photo is shifted from the quints' center to be more on Nino

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Is there a colored version of this? This is my favorite panel of her

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She changed Futarou's life. Futarou didn't really change hers since she was planning to do that anyway. If anything, that promise made her feel even more pathetic.

Sensei is the best looking girl though.


It's Yotsuba fake feelings Her true feelings

He chatted with her in the hallway and there's still one or two days left to the trip


>m-muh facts
>m-muh in-depth analysis
reach harder, fag

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But yes.

She was having an identity crisis because her whole life she's been told that she's 1/5 of a person and then one day she finds someone she likes and then Ichika pretends to be her and play with that person she likes instead of her. So she tries her best to differentiate herself both in how she dresses and her grades. But instead of praising her Rena tells her that it doesn't matter where she ends up as long as their together while hugging an Itsuki that just said that she was trying to copy Yotsuba, invalidating her effort to improve herself and lead by example as well further tying her down to being just another quintuplet

The whole point of that flashback wasn't just "Lol Yotsuba is insane now"

What a limp wristed protest

Anything in the past will become irrelevant.

It wasn't just that she was talking to her, she was even planning on introducing them to him, but Ichika was literally pretending to be her

and yet still not as limp as a ninofag's handshake

Based and truthpilled

After this flashback ends, Fuutarou will confess to one of the quints. They will not date because of Maruo and there will be a timeskip to graduation.

Screencap this.

Attached: why so studious.png (399x449, 318K)

I understand how Yotsuba might be in love with Fuutarou and hiding her true feelings, but what about this moment, he seemed rather direct about it.

Attached: noway.jpg (1876x1348, 892K)


He changed her outlook on life and what she aspired for in the future but as soon as her mother, the main focus of her dream, died she lost all motivation. The point of the flashback was that she could have been different if some unfortunate things didn't occur hence why it was explicitly mentioned that she got the highest grades

Attached: crop.png (698x1421, 1.64M)


Cringe speedreader

>The whole point of that flashback wasn't just "Lol Yotsuba is insane now"
No, but she is kinda insane.

Fuck off, Fuu said he agreed that he should reconsider his distance to the quints to not give them the wrong idea, he's not confessing anytime soon

Thanks bro


Yes cause she's in the the dead center of all of them. He used her as the focus cause she was the middle and otherwise there would be unnecessary use of space. That's how literally every photographer does it.

Are you delusional enough to think that if she was where Miku was Fuutarou would still make her the center? Stop with your fucking mental gymnastics

>There's no way that'd happen
This is an especially resounding rejection because by this time, Fuutarou was already thinking about a certain someone as a potential love interest.
So far, Fuutarou has rejected
with Ichika dropping out of the race and Itsuki never being in it.

Do the math.

Attached: fuuts thinks Nino is the kisser and he's taking her seriously.png (2146x1491, 2.53M)

>Yes cause she's in the the dead center of all of them. He used her as the focus cause she was the middle and otherwise there would be unnecessary use of space.
He did not photograph the center of the quints. That's why Ichika is cut off and there is a lot of empty space past Miku. He took a picture of Nino, surrounded by her sisters. I have already proven this empirically.

>Ichika was literally pretending to be her
Where did you see that? From the flashback, when Ichika was coming, Fuarou appeared and said he was tired of waiting, then they played cards. Yotsuba then appears with Nino and left because of her personal drama.

Ahhhnn... Ninofags~

I wouldn't really count that as a serious rejection user. The way he said it was in a really casual way in nip, so I doubt he meant it as an actual rejection of her.

Yotsuba obviously took it seriously though (probably to reinforce her own belief in how she is unnecessary to him), to the point where she repeated the words to those girls in the same informal way (whereas she usually uses formal language when talking to people other than Fuutarou and her family). Hence their reaction to her statement.

Suffice to say you're not exactly supposed to take it as seriously as Yotsuba took it.

You're preaching to the choir user. Shipfaggotry is already a practice entrenched in mental gymnastics from the get go. With people using "but their eyes is somewhat pointed in the other's general direction in this illustration!" as flawless proof. Ninofags like that take it to another autistic level though.

Eh? I mean she was having an identity crisis, sure but I think she's far from crazy. This shit happens with identical twins all of the time and they usually aren't fed the mantra of being 1/2 of a person. Not to say that Rena was trying to come off as mean but her motto has some negative consequences to it as well

It's a matter of opinion I suppose

Sorry, user.

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I feel bad for Yotsuba. She's entirely correct. Why does she have to be stuck with her sisters just because they're quintuplets? She can be her own person. That's her right. But everyone keeps forcing their ideals onto her and telling her that the sisters must stay together. Yotsuba has literally been killing her emotions in order to make everyone else happy, just because she's expected to be with her identical sisters. She's got the specter of her dead mother and dying grandfather hanging over her, telling her to conform. Yotsuba is a rebel! She deserves to be free.

Only for her sisters

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> With people using "but their eyes is somewhat pointed in the other's general direction in this illustration!"

>they usually aren't fed the mantra of being 1/2 of a person.
Excepted no one said they are 1/5th of a person. Rena said she didn't have to try so hard to make herself look different, because they are all special in their own way.

The mere fact that Ichika didn't clarify the matter and took advantage of it to get to know him better speaks for itself.

Yep. Ichika is a complete cunt. She's evil.

Attached: 75081079_p0.png (1000x1033, 1.59M)

>I feel bad for Yotsuba. She's entirely correct.

>He did not photograph the center of the quints
Except yes, he fucking did. It wouldn't make any sense to do otherwise

>That's why Ichika is cut off and there is a lot of empty space past Miku
Him taking the shot from the center is precisely why it's like that

>He took a picture of Nino, surrounded by her sisters. I have already proven this empirically.
Oh ok. So you are the type of person who believes that she was in Miku's spot he'd center the picture there. I said it as a joke but I guess there's someone who's actually that delusional

>Am I
>properly smiling now?

>Except yes, he fucking did
Wrong. I already measured it out. You're done. I'm not reading the rest of your delusional shitpost.

Yotsuba backstory makes me think she's the kisser from earlier honestly

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>The mere fact that Ichika didn't clarify the matter and took advantage of it to get to know him better speaks for itself.
So, it's your headcanon. And they are quintuplets. These kind of things happen all the time. No one told Yotsuba to leave, she did it herself.

We don’t know the interaction that lead to that

Anyone think Nino would have done better with fans if she was just entirely unapologetic, didn't have a development arc and just antagonized her sisters throughout the entire manga? I know it'd probably put her out of the running, but it seems like a lot of people hate Nino for the role she currently plays.

Fuutaro was thinking she was the one she already met, he didn't know about the quints
Ichika didn't say a thing, what a bitch

Man, closed jacket Nino is the fucking best.

If Ichika introduced herself normally then Fuutarou would quickly realize that they aren't the same person and that would lead to the explantion that they were quintuplets but Fuutarou never mentioned any of this despite it being an important fact about someone important to him. That along with the fact that Yotsuba's reaction doesn't make sense otherwise because she was literally planning to introduce them to each other. It'd be too much of a stretch to say that it wasn't Ichika doing what she is known to do

Thanks sis

Because Ichika literally pretended to be her to get to know Fuutaro.
She's a cunt, even as a kid.

>Excepted no one said they are 1/5th of a person
Not in that scene but ever since childhood they've been saying that 1/5 of a whole stuff. Mostly in a positive light mind you but it can also be viewed negatively

Probably but she felt bad about how she treated Fuutaro and apologized to him for it so she's good in my book. Fuutaro could have treated her like shit but he was forgiving. I normally hate tsunderes but Nino pulled me in but if she was still she way she was before then yeah I would probably hate her

Where did it say that? This from a previous chapter ?

Agreed, I hope that her arc isn't just solved by someone telling her that her feelings are just plain wrong and that convinces her. That'd be incredibly unsatisfying

what if it was fuutarou

>Wrong. I already measured it out.
No user, you're measurements are wrong an clearly biased. It;s clear to anybody with eyes that he just took the picture of Nino cause she was the center

>I'm not reading the rest of your delusional shitpost.
HAHAHA, yep there it is. Words can't describe how smug I am right now

>Miku realized that she wants to know more about Fuutarou just a few chapters ago
This is ironic. Miku has been so self-absorbed for so long that she only just realized she doesn't know anything about Fuutarou. All she's cared about is her shallow crush and then selfishly trying to improve herself "for him" (really, it's just for her own ego). Meanwhile, Nino and Fuutarou are emotionally intimate. They've had honest heart-to-hearts and experienced shared heartbreak. They've had to personally grow by letting go of their past crushes and even more, they did it together. This is real romance. Take note, Mikufags.

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>No user, you're measurements are wrong an clearly biased
When are you going to stop lying? You're just making yourself look like an idiot.

When Miku confessed, they show that Ichika and Fuutarou played cards six years ago
In the chapter when he shows the photo with lolikano it's clear that he didn't know about the quints

I'm glad Itsuki barely has interactions with Ichika. I don't hate Ichika but whenever something has to do with her discussions get thrown into shit.

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I can totally see something like this happen in the upcoming chs

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It'd still be unsatisfying and completely ignorant of the issue at hand. In fact I'd be more pissed as at least the other quints have been seeing the message positively their whole lives, if anybody should understand Yotsuba's desire to be her own person it should be Fuutarou

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Attached: mikusip.png (475x681, 142K)

>1/5 of a whole stuff
I thought they had resolved that stuff during chapter 46, I wonder why Negi wants to bring it up again.

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Everyone in this image is happy. Everyone but Yotsuba.

>that panel with the eggs
mm, so tempting. i want to turn into a snake, slither up into the tree and swallow one or two of the eggs before slinking off. it'd be the perfect crime, since momma bird isn't coming back any time soon

Attached: ninosip.png (378x558, 154K)

Miku (Ichika) is best Miku.

Oh? I thought you were done replying to my "shitposts" (AKA any argument against Nino being the literal center of the universe).

But to address your argument its clear that it was only taken like that cause she was the center of the quints and that's why it's slightly off center. Anybody who's looking at that picture without bias goggles can see that. To assert that he was taking a picture of Nino with the quints being secondary is to assume that if she was in Miku's spot he's take the picture with her as the center. Which to think Fuutarou would do such a thing would require either zero reading comprehension or severe delusion. Likely a mixture of the two

>You're just making yourself look like an idiot.
Oh my god. The fucking irony is beautiful

Calm down Ichika

So we have seen 4/5 bride covers. Why is Nino the only one that is smiling on her cover? What if Itsuki doesn't smile on her bridal cover?
Negi why can't they all smile on their covers?

Shit, I love everything about the Seven Goodbyes arc. Look at the sheer amount of conversation in those panels alone. It all goes somewhere, too.

13 pair and 25 pair as usual
no wonder 4 is always want to kill herself

Well, for one, it's in the past and therefore they are gonna be different from how they are now. And secondly that whole scene was about how great it is to be a piece of a whole and that being slightly different is fine cause at the end of the day they'll always be complete if they have each other. Yotusba's whole problem is in regards to being an individual. I don't think she hates being sisters with them but being identical quintuplets and a piece of a greater whole is her main problem. Curious to see where it goes

Reminder that this is now a PTSD flashback after this week's chapter.

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Nino didn't know, Nino didn't know, Nino didn't know!

>Negi why can't they all smile on their covers?
Cause if this last chapter was any indication this is a manga about suffering

>half of her face is hidden as she cites her mother's words
What did Negi mean by this?

Attached: s11.png (1426x2048, 856K)

I just enjoy it as an ichikafag. Hopefully, she wins so this board goes nuts.

I when I first read this I thought it was just a normal smile from a genki Yotsuba. But that one chapter now makes me realize how much pain is hidden behind it

>Nino was able to accept change after being stubborn for so long
>Yotsuba is still wrought with guilt for trying to change in the beginning

Attached: yotsuquestion.png (208x237, 92K)

>Everyone in this image is happy. Everyone but Yotsuba.

Attached: Yotsurope.png (2852x1403, 923K)

Rena fucked Yotsuba up. So that's why she chose her as the next despair queen.

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Why does Yotsuba has as potato chip in her mouth? Is Itsuki aiming for it?



I can't believe Yotsuba is dead. Why did she do it? We shouldn't have left her alone that day.

JC Nino > JK Nino > JS Nino > JD Nino

90% of Yotsuba's smiles are fake, more news at 3

special snowflake

>We'll become whole
>Yotsuba can never become whole

>yfw you realize that Itsuki eats to cope with depression

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Man, Nino is handsy as fuck with her. First Nino grabbed Itsuki's stomach without consent, then she tried to kiss Ichika in the hot springs, and now she's preying on Miku. Where is the line with this bitch?

Wait, if that panel implies he met the bride the day he found out they were quints, how does it imply a quint he met before that day is the bride?

meant to reply to

It's her harem after all

>Why did she do it?
"My sisters would be happier if I wasn't around"

Fuu-kun's cock in their honeymoon

Did Yotsuba steal Fuutarou's hand virginity?

Attached: file.png (1118x435, 268K)

You guys told me that this wasn't another Nisekoi, but I'm 50 chapters in and it's exactly like it.
>Muh past meeting
>I can't remember who it is
I'm gonna finish this, but I'm not gonna enjoy it.

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Where were you when you realized the joke characters aren't joking around?

People say it's not another Nisekoi because there's an actual plot

God that would be glorious. This would blow up bigger than TWGOK. No doubt.

>two hands
That's double the assault.

I'm so beaten I can't even post pic related with enough confidence anymore.

Attached: Raping Intent.png (304x335, 160K)

Technically Ichika is the reason why Yotsuba became the way she did. How does Ichika manage to cause such serious problems even before the story starts?


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Could you ever? Insecure-kun.

What hungers more, Frostmourne or Itsuki?

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Playing at the beach with my wife!

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You'd be surprised.

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She also stole his first kiss and first confession. What a monster

She's a wolf in sheep's clothing. Next to Yotsuba, she was supposed to be the easiest quint to handle but then it turns out that she's disingenuous as fuck.

Nah, I think she just actually likes food that much

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When will Yotsuba go full Kaguya and release Zetsuba?

My wife Nino is so cute

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We know Miku

I noticed yesterday that the paneling in this page make Itsuki look like she's staring hungrily at the food

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I want to fuck Ichika

I can't believe both of them are gigantic liars. Even if it is for different reasons.

Get in line Nino

The way he messes up and then just naturally fixes her ribbon is so cute

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bunny cunny

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Yes that’s why Negi is spending a month talking about it

When isn't he staring at food?


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>wedding invitation is from volume 4=miku's
We get a loser

Attached: c8.png (1370x2048, 69K)

Will Fuutarou molest her ribbon again?

She's the one sending them to her fans

A Yotsuba with a mangled ribbon is like a de-ribboned Nino.

>The despair miku
Nino best

He did it in another chapter too I forget which


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>summarizing the character of Fuutaro to lolikano

I know you're a retard, but i'm still surprised that there are anons that agree with your shit

Nino wouldn't do something like tha-

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Who knows. It's addictive after all.

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Holy shit imagine the smooth, pink cunny of Lolitsuba.

What's her angle? Itsuki is probably the toughest one to read right now. She hasn't really shown outright infatuation with Fuutarou and their relationship is one of "best friends". She speaks with Fuutarou in a more casual way compared to her sisters. So what brought about the sudden shift during Kyoto? Is she Yotsuba's wingman? And if not, then why keep up the Rena charade in the first place?

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Just easier to pull on mobile

She’s genuinely invested in making Fuu realize lolikano was Yotsuba probably because she feels it’s best not only for Fuu and Yotsuba but for all of them.

The blushing and stuff was just embarrassment though Negi tried to play it off like it was feelings because he didn’t want any to drop the bomb yet

Look at how angry he is!

Attached: But-.png (1003x736, 443K)

well, it's always her that asks him what bugs him, so it figures he will tell her. My point was that i don't see their dynamic as anything more than confidantes


Is there any maiden that can defeat Uesugi Fuutarou? And I'm not talking about Kyoto Shota Uesugi Fuutarou. Hell, I'm not even talking about Kyoto Shota Uesugi Fuutarou in contact with a quint full of despair, so that he activates his KONO SHUNKAN DESTINY. I'm NOT talking about School Trip Uesugi Fuutarou after putting on the blonde wig and having practiced his spooky abilities with Yotsuba. I couldn't be talking about School Trip Uesugi Fuutarou using Kintarou as an alias to wet Nino's panties and gain her affection. I'm definitely not talking about School Trip Uesugi Fuutarou with mastery over his Shoujo ROMCOM dancing abilities used to break open the onee-san Ichika in order to make her go Doki-Doki. I'm really not talking about Final Exam Uesugi Fuutarou commanding a group of HOT RETARDS who have dedicated their lives to fulfilling Fuutarou's dream of finally making it to their third year and ensuring the safety of graduation. Do you think I'm talking about Motorcycle Uesugi Fuutarou after going fully nuclear and telling Maruo he's going to take care of his daughter and riding off into the night with her as she confesses how wet the motorcycle's seat has become and how she wants to be his true, KONO SHUNKAN DESTINY? I'm talking about Mock Exam Uesugi Fuutarou in contact with the declaration to DAD form, activating his NO WAY FAG Fuutarou BLACK powers in order to NO WAY FAG onee-san from skipping school and commanding his NO WAY FAG power to BTFO Itsuki who disguised as RENA acting as the girl from the past to allow Fuutarou to remember his past, GIRL IN THE PICTURE, so that his bride can be decided amongst the HOT RETARDS.

Attached: FuutarouBlack.png (576x873, 341K)

I hope she has a good arc without it being at the expense of her character. I love Itsuki and Fuutarou's natural banter.

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I can't draw nipples to save my life

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Yeah, welcome to Yea Forums.

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Wouldn't they be more perky?

Man her tits have always been amazing

How can anyone look at this cute angel and have lewd thoughts?

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So from yotsuba...
>ichika Ntr shotarou
>miku borrow a sengoku era game
>itsuki steal a identity


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Nino will steal Fuutarou.

>fatty got another hint

Attached: Fatty running.png (381x673, 252K)

Fuutarou is just Tsundere about his soft spot for Miku. Even Ichika knew who the real threat was even after she found out about lolikano.

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When Yotsuba flunked Nino was the one who said she'd follow her. Which made Yotsuba stop hating her sisters.

Nino stole her hairstyle

wait, what chapter was that revealed in?

How did Rena reach her peak through slowly dying?

>You should change too

I'm making shit up. Trying to find a way for Negi to shoehorn her into the arc.

It never happened

Nope her complex with her sisters was before and more deep (since the football party)

>yeah sure I'll raise five daughters who aren't even related to me

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>Trying to find a way for Negi to shoehorn her into the arc
I really hope he doesn't try to pull this shit again


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Is that smile shopped?

I hope he does.

That reminds me. Why did Ichika try to get Yotsuba to form a group with Fuutaoru and her? Especially since by that point she saw it was Yotsuba who took a photo with Fuutarou back then. She knew yet she still tried to bring her.

probably not considering he hid his face during the interview

I kinda do but something like that would be too much

>implying he isn't gonna end up banging one of the losers

>she's been ill since we came back from the school trip
Oh no
It's Yotsuba's fault wasn't it? Yotsuba going missing made her worried sick and her condition worsened.


>mfw Rena didn't give Marou any before she died

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>>Fuutarou took this picture
>>He clearly framed it so that Nino is the focus of the photo
The first time Nino noticed it ch81 it's when Fuutarou takes the first picture
>Nino was the first Fuutarou's picture
maybe this picture is his big secret like with he did with lolinakano picture

She discarded Nino when Fuutaro did not even react when she named

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Main girl baby

Smacking my wife's and her sister's asses as we go into the bedroom.

Fuck off subhuman

he really is the most cucked man in existence
no wonder he's always grumpy

Nino is the first in the line

That's a very big chest for such a little girl.

Are you not sending yours back?

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Wait, what's all of this argument about? Is it supposed to prove something about Nino?

All these people thinking Miku is the bride. Miku is the bassist. Bassists get nothing.

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Hey, the Nakanos grow quickly. Yotsuba's ribbon doubles as bunny ears, too, so don't forget to imagine what her libido would be like.


That's what Negi wants you to think

It's just Ninofags spouting pure delusions as usual.

The bassist already had a wife. If Miku is the bassist, then she's already married to me.

>19k > 17,4k > 17,3k (miku)

>Muh most popular quint

I told you fags Itsuki will be the last one standing and winner.

Of the eating competition

I called that a long time ago. Naturally I wanted Nino to win so she'll be happy, but I've accepted Itsuki's inevitable victory the moment it became clear beyond a shadow of a doubt that she is the main girl. A lot has happened since then, and Nino's development where family is equally important should mean a nice closure for her, so I'm alright with an Itsuki end.

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pls no, after this recent chapter I'm certain she's crazier than she lets on

Fuutarou deserves an NTR end so that he can get away from the quints.

Rereading the manga has made me love every quint a lot more. The whole point of many of the chapters was that they'd always be sisters there for each other no matter who messed up, so I'm not sure why everyone is so intent on hating their non favorite quint.

it's a marble race, except with humans. the same impotent adults you see disparaging other quints today were hurling spit and obscenities on the other kids' marbles yesterday. it's all an exercise in futility tbqh

>implying the Aya Hirano stuff is the only time bassists haven't gotten anything.

I mean, I don't even get what the argument is about. I think it's interesting Negi put Nino in the center of that photo and the panel from the start of the arc, but I'm legit not sure what the argument was over.

Can we at least agree on these two things?
>If a quint is revealed to be the kisser before the final chapters she will most likely lose
>There is not yet a single piece of concrete evidence to who the kisser might be.

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It's called waifufaggotry. It affects everybody but some more than others. Some are so obsessed with their quint they decide to shit on the rest while others are just happy rooting for there quint and enjoying the story

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>>If a quint is revealed to be the kisser before the final chapters she will most likely lose
>>There is not yet a single piece of concrete evidence to who the kisser might be.

Name something recent that made her relevant? Author has thrown her to shitter for shits and giggles.


i don't know the entirety of the kyoto arc? get over yourself, fuego faggo


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>theme is about them being quintuplets
>love is being able to notice every individual characteristic of each other
>while the rest of the quints were off branching out and making new friends Miku was the one that continued caring about her sisters by observing their changes and being able to perfectly imitate them
Thematically Miku stands out above the others except maybe Yotsuba who can't imitate her sisters or refuses to. Even her confession makes her stand out from Ichika and Nino who were only thinking of themselves when they confessed and not about the 5 of them as a whole(which pretty much eliminates both Ichika and Nino as the bride as they don't conform to the main themes)

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>thinks that makes her relevant at all
Oh no no no. Going to be fun watching you Mikufags get scarce cookie crumbs of "character development" for your shit waifu. I'm enjoying this so hard as you fools get led on by the author in the earlier chapters.

>fatty was the first sister to try to steal Fuu-kun

Attached: 1*MEf4W8i3PxphS1L26qjNpg.png (1440x720, 14K)

Are you implying that Fatty is the kisser?

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what kind of face is this?

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I refuse. Itsuki has been mindbroken since a young age. Ichika, on the other hand, has been entirely aware of her actions and her deeds.

It was snake who talked to Fuutarou and played cards with him.

Fatty was probably eating something while all of this was happening.


A girl who can't believe her own sister is cucking her and lost it mentally.

lolichika did nothing wrong

why did miku look so sexy in this panel? is it the sharp corner eyes?

I used to think Ichika was the crazy one.


No she didn't. Lolitsuba should have gone to them and surprise Fuutarou and the 3 of them would have played cards together.

How would Rena react to Fuutarou “corrupting” her daughters?

Somehow Nino and Miku became the least crazy ones with this chapter.
Ichika: pathological liar
Yotsuba: filled to the brim with despair and possible hatred for her sisters. This leads to her lying about her feelings quite a bit
Itsuki: trying to become like their dead mother.

>Itsuki: trying to become like their dead mother.
So... dead?

I can't believe this was completely accurate all along

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We are going to get the /yandere/ end.

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Reminder that 5Toubun was a shoujo manga.

can someone redpill me why there are 3 different translations this week? another drama issue?

>Somehow Nino and Miku became the least crazy ones with this chapter.

Next chapter Negi will show us that Miku is crazy doormat like her three sisters

She only backpedaled also because she knew that she was going to be rejected anyway

>being able to perfectly imitate them
Because she has no personality of her own

What about it?

Some dudes (someone said they are from discord) released their "anonymous" version. The TL is hilariously bad. They even got wrong "middle school" and translated it to "high school". Plus at the start they pulled shit like "Fuutarou just learned the identity of the girl in the photo". Such errors make me think they did it on purpose just for shit and giggles.

If she gets knocked up, she'll be like her mom.

Stop shilling your 5 dumb sluts in other threads

Attached: eriri is not amused.png (1920x1177, 1.93M)

>calling the quints sluts
Hang yourself

eriri a shit

Miku will lose. Screencap this.

>Itsuki's inevitable victory
>the manga will end soon and 0% romantic development for her.

If Negi wants Itsuki end then this bullshit will be to late to be good writing and even one or two Flashbacks will doesn't change by magic this fact, it's will be out of nowhere.

Ex:for Chitoge or the first girl, the readers*us* knows about her love or her feelings for the MC for long-time or middle of the story before the ultimate choice.
But for Itsuki, the readers not absolutely nothing about her feelings to project for her final victory..

What are you talking about?

>But for Itsuki, the readers knows absolutely nothing about her feelings to project for her final victory..

Yeah, no need to rub it in their faces.

Attached: 1554251691766.gif (281x301, 205K)

Nino will get her flashback chapters

I wouldn't call her crazy, moreso just filled with ego crushing despair. Not much better but still

>reveals that she's been eating more to help with her lactation meds
>forcefully breastfeeds fuutarou

Attached: rr.png (371x362, 102K)

Crushing despair can lead to psychotic.

What does Miku's tights smell like?

Attached: __nakano_miku_go_toubun_no_hanayome_drawn_by_oekakizuki__5b1995db65a9118c91c6973de363a648.jpg (840x1200, 111K)

All the quints other than Nino have mental issues

Are people actually doing this? What fags

Old men jizz

Shit like her

>Drugged Fuutarou

Miku is routinely posted on /g/

rapists aren't crazy, just sociopathic

Yes she did

It would've been weird if she just went to him and revealed that she was a quintuplet and so she didn't know how to handle the situation. And even if you do think that she should have just gone up to them that doesn't make Ichika pretending to be her any less fucked up

Mikuposting in /hpg/ is ok. Mikuposting in Kanokari threads is not.

Yeah from what we've seen it's clear to see that that isn't the case


>Mikuposting in Kanokari threads is not.

But is Ninoposting allowed?