What was the point of this character?

What was the point of this character?

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What a cheesy thread.

I read from somewhere that she felt bad for Killing Mami so Madokami sent her along with Sayaka to help Homuhomu

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She regrets taking a bite, so she convinced Madokami to let her find out how many licks it takes to get to the center of Mami-san

To give Mami a girlfriend,

Turns out it will be Mami who will be doing the licking.


hardcore loli headpatting

To sell merch.

Blatant pandering, straight up.

Taking mahou shoujo cock in her little asshole.


Her role in the anime was more integral to the success of the show than some of the main magical girls'. That's why she derserved to become a real character.

Based abutomato

Mahou and miracles do exist.

Cause she's the cutest fucking thing you'll ever see

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Rebellion literally has her and Sayaka lay it out, how are we still having these threads?

I don't know, but I enjoy posting bebe

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Was it rape?

What a cheesy post.

To convey to the audience that something is terribly wrong, and to trigger Homura's realization of such.

Shinbo told Urobutcher they had to sell out so he took selling out to its logical conclusion.

God I wish that was me

Which one?

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Kyouko who's holding the camera

Nagisa, so I could be fondled by Madokami, Mami and Sayaka

Pedo mami

Nagisa is for molestation

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only one of you is the real I wish that was me poster, who is it?

This is getting dangerously cheesy.

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Me, I wanted to be Nagisa, other guy wanted to be Kyouko, no fun in that for me.

We are the same person from different timelines and developed different tastes

This is all wrong, for I am the real I wish that was me poster

Where is Homu?

fingering herself probably

Fuck, this is getting confusing, is it because Homura shattered Madokami? Are we all fragments of the same person?

Homu shattered my heart

>pizza intensifies

I really liked the episode where the girls all got mad at Kyouko when they found out that she sold the video recording on the internet so she could buy a crate of 10,000 fruit roll-ups, so they punished her by giving the fruit roll-ups out to needy children in exchange for using them to make more videos

To give me a new fetish

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What fetish is that supposed to be?

To sell more merch.

Gif related, this sudden shift in facial expression. I don't know if I can call it a fetish exactly but it does give me shivers (the good ones) every time

God I wish I could start college funding for our future kids.

Thank god, I thought you were gonna say something like fetish for clowns or even worse

This other movie-exclusive-mascot-magical-girl begs to differ-mofu~.

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Jesus christ user, how harsh of you. I think everyone on this board knows better than to love, appreciate, or god forbid lust after the smooth and underdeveloped bodies of those vile creatures

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Sauce for that picture? I really want to see what kind of crime is going on.

Clara dolls could do all that, that's just a shitty excuse for fanservice

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What kind of monster could fall for such a uncute and unfunny creature?

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I only have the crop fren, and my net is hot garbage at the moment so I can't wade through the reddit memes reverse search gives me. I wish you luck with your search though

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To make fun of Mami, Shinbo thought that pairing Mami with her killer was funny

Kyouko is a good person because she's very honest.


Understandable, I'm going to see if I can find it. Thanks!


anal doujins and art

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Its from himeno Mikan RIP
Those are classics by the way

Thanks friend, God bless you.

Guess I know how my evening is going to be spent

You can't expect quality from anything related to Urobuchi. Should have learned that from Fate/Zero and Psycho-Pass.

Wuxia puppets is good though.

Urobuchi didn't only wrote it because it was required of him. Not because it was an interesting idea.
He mostly writes stories that have conclusions. And expecting him to continue story that he concluded is obviously going to go bad.
It is also reason why he distanced himself from the franchise and went to play with puppets.

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He literally had nothing to do with Nagisa, it was Shinbo and Inucurry