Kenja no Mago

New episode soon.

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Why is Aqua so perfect, bros?


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i love her

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Red a best
Yellow a second best
Blue a shit

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fucking whore is enticing men

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mosh mosh

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>uniform downgrade

am I cute now?

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I sincerely attempted to enjoy this show. But after he decapitated a fellow student; yeah, He was a demon or whatever, only half though i think He said...For a Gary Stu like Shin, with him pulling all sorts of Magic out of His ass left and right...I just think He could have found a method to subdue the guy. The only reason I give a shit is because it showed earlier in the EP just how much his Parents cared about Him and Loved him. Then just out of nowhere, later on that day you find out your darling Son was brutally decapitated while under the influence of manipulation from a 'big bad' Demon~y dude.

And to pour salt on the wound, not a single one of the Classmates gave a SINGLE SHIT! Not ONE! My mouth kinda went agape when I realized that they could care less; He changed, He immediately stopped being our Classmate. And Shin is being Paraded all around the Town as a Hero among Heroes. If I was Shin, I would have went straight to His Parents and tried My best to console them in any manner I could, and if they asked something serious of Me...for taking their cherished Son in such a manner, I'm gonna do it.

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oyakodon with mommy when

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God I wish that was me and Red instead.

flat alliance

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Glasses a cute

NTR soon?

Kurt was about to go nuclear so Shin didn't have time to figure out how to subdue him and had to put him down. Also Kurt was an asshole that nobody liked anyways.

So wait, they're already married?
That was fast.

engaged actually
for dumb reason

Its like that with most shit in the show, everything feels like it has not been thought through and just exists to fuel the self insert fantasy. Literally nothing unique, without anything to say.

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yellow > *

Yuri a best

when the grandson of the magus and guru who himself is already a national hero asks if he can marry your daughter, you shove them in the bedroom with an immediate YES

I like her voice.

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>a cup and string

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Were they even of noble blood themselves before they became national heroes? Shin already distinguished himself like they did anyways.

Cute Episode

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This episode was hard to watch.

Also, yellow a best.

I'm calling it now: If and when someone makes an abridgment of this series, they're going to make all the demonoids talk like they're high as balls.

>this show is bad because the MC is a gary stu!
>this show is bad because the MC isn't gary stu enough!
Every single time. Stay mad.

A best!

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another reason why i dropped it, im considering picking Magmel up

lmao who cares about that?

The girls are cute and the characters make silly faces. Literally the only reason you need to watch a show.

>Lmao who cares about that

Found the uncultured nigger

On the contrary my dear little philistine. I have achieved peak aesthete status.

Now don't mind me, my wives Maria and Alice are waiting for their patrician husband in the bedroom.

Would you a Sicily's mom?

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This series is awful. I don't understand why anyone would like it. Its just "hurr OP MC causes misunderstanding hjinks all the time because he doesnt realise how OP he is, oh look, all these women throwing themselves at him and he doesn't realise it, isn't that funny xdddd".

Jesus Christ oyakodon is imminent.


I do like that this isn't a harem. Cute when the MC just loves 1 girl.

>Do you have a moment? I need to ask you for a favor.
>clothes explode
Every single fucking time

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does she realize her nipples could show at any moment, the breasts are about to pop out

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Lets not pretend Sciliy doesn't know exactly what she's doing. She's already proclaimed how she's gonna hold all their cute children's hands.

That doesn't seem to be a common concern in this universe anyway.

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hopefully soon

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It's more of a sidegrade. Part of the exposed cleavage power was redirected somewhere else and god fucking damn my dick.

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Her dad looks like Aug.

The show would be 10x better if he explained the processes behind his magic to the rest of them. Like he said in the ep, they seem to have 0 concept of gravity. So it would be good if they upped the teaching angle. But that is wishful thinking. During that flying scene he should have asked them what keeps their feet on the ground and outlined his concept. This is what i want but the cute girls and outfits keep me distracted.

Yeah I'm perfectly fine with these uniforms.

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is red head an anal slut

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>magical cups connected with string
SALTY DOG reference? Shin Walford confirmed for bro.

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Post sexy GILFs.

its too wish fulfilling with no stakes. they shouldve throw in some stakes like turning sicily into demon and make shin work his ass to restore her

Isn't one of Shin's traits that he has no common sense of this world? But I don't know, he definitely acknowledged that these people don't know what gravity is so I don't see why he couldn't just teach them about it. He's kind of been doing that so far with telling them how he visualizes stuff.


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>muh steaks
Every single time

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He was worried if he promulgated knowledge of the sciences he'd accidentally drastically speed up the development of magic and magical weaponry. Brown Char would then further acknowledge how Shin Walford is a worthy rival and the only human he intellectually appreciates.

no character development when MC can just steamroll everything

Demon paizuri

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>Shin gets to fuck this every night

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>Shin will get to
They aren't married yet heathen.

how can blue possibly compete with her own mother

Olivia is a slut

>all these women throwing themselves at him and he doesn't realise it
Actually, that's pretty much the one criticism that can't be levelled at this show.

Anyone got Koikatsu cards of these girls?

He was literally a rapist.

Yeah, after this episode I'm dropping the show, 99% of it is shitty sol and 1% demonoids.

>watching a show with an overpowered MC for the battles

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>>watching a show with an overpowered MC for the battles
>what is OPM?

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That's a good thing. The demonoids are stupid.

Maria best girl mlml


God this show sucks


The demonoid plot is fucking retarded.
Shenanigans are gold.

Any other webm requests?

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How can she be so smug when no man is pursuing her?

Because she knows she's best girl and only single because the mangaka has dibs on her

Just starting the episode but if there are any more cute scenes with Red or Yellow then that.

This show is fucking trash, but i cant stop watching.
This is like junk food.

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Absolutely no one cares about Saitama's fights

All of the volleyball scenes last episode.

the main villain underlings want to kill her so as shin goes through the same trauma their boss did since that's how their boss became a devil


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She looks like Aqua without saggy tits.

someone put the after credit "shin, take me as your bride" and put it over last weeks stitch of her sprawled on the bed please

pretty much

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>Shin's taken
>immediately move on to next target
Fucking slut.


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Shin putting the ring on blue's finger.

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Shin is adopted though. The parents were still cool with it because, even if he’s not nobility or related to magus & guru, he’s still powerful in his own right.

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That whole nobility marriage thing was the dumbest forced drama. The king can hand out titles like they're candy if it were even an issue.


Are you really such a dumb bitch that you think rape is on par with murder?

Shin tried to teach them some of his stuff but he uses concepts from his previous life. He tries to teach them how he does it, but it falls flat. It’s because they’re not taught about gravity, or radiation, or space/time. Just like an alien coming to you telling you the secret of anti-gavity using undiscovered concepts. Then getting mad that this is elementary stuff.

They eventually get it, as they’re all seeing flying around later on. However, I believe it takes Magus to tell them. Magus figured out how to teleport like Shin, and even taught the others. Shin mostly teaches them simple tricks, Magus & Guru were ones who teach them the most.

Cute knightfu needs to become MC's personal knight and secret concubine.

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So when is her fiance going to trigger enough death flags to die and she joins the harem.

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The cross training episode really did a poor job of showing that knights still have a place in the new mage world order.

That's because it was designed to show how they really don't. Shin Walford's elite class is at the forefront of a new era of mahou warfare, where mages blast the utter shit out of everything and knights are just there to hold their bags.

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there are definitely too many big titty cows in this show, what the fuck was the author thinking?

>that sad expression when she realizes you can't see her tight butt because the jacket's tail

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Please tell me the girl with the shit VA doesn't become a regular

Something like "the flatties are going to be the best girls"

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To make the perflats stand out.

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Physical combat isn't going to vanish, but it's sure as hell going to have to change to incorporate magical buffs. As we've seen MC and Blacksmith still use physical sword attacks, but they also use magic to buff them. Still it won't be jack shit if mages learn how to make hydrogen bombs.

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Yes, got a problem?

He didn't rape anyone though. What are you doing on here Monica, go prepare for your court date.

You're an idiot. There is a reason why we don't have people on death row raped and then released back into society. It's because they're clearly different and one is worse than the other.

they'll just lay waste to the whole country while trying to defend it

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What happened with the quality of the first 3 episodes?

As with most anime productions, they blow their load for the first few episodes to draw viewers in then quality declines as the season goes on. Last few eps should look better though.

she knew what she was doing

Many thanks stitchanon

This is one of the worst isekai out there, how the fuck did this shit get an anime over other more deserving ones?

Girls are cute
Literally the winning formula

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Are you saying they're not cute enough?

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What is the point of Orange McBigTits?

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Red > Tits

Seriously, what is the role of the knights?
>Not allowed to act like tanks
>Have to stand by and wait for mages to charge their spells before you may confront the enemy
>Mages go melee

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Giga Tits > Red > Tits

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I assume you want us to try and negotiate with suicide bombers, too?

If you can't accept killing one to save a hundred then you are just weak-willed.

Walking boob joke


Big tits and an extra pair of clapping hands to congratulate MC for being so awesome, at least once per episode

She's the only girl to have fatter tits than the love interest so I'm sure she'll cause tension in the future.

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If not for the redshirts you wouldn't know those gigantic tigers that are have been blown up in droves by mc's nakama are supposed to be a really big deal

MC should be spreading his genes for the future master race.

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>The girls are cute
Yeah, like two of them. And the mc fell in love with the most boring girl of the last 3 decades.

That's not even of the main problems with this shit stain of an anime

I preferred the levitation reveal in the manga.

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If I had to say something good about this show it's that the side characters don't particularly feel like side characters. It's like one big group kind of thing and that's pretty nice instead of the usual best friend A and love interest's friend B pattern. Also while I'm kind of used to her at this point sicily is kind of plain and feels like too safe of a choice. Having sicily as the main love interest kind of makes this series' tone very gentle or relaxed so to speak. But if say maria or alice were the main interest the series would be very lively, active or otherwise upbeat since their presence would influence the tone of each scene. It would be a lot more similar to the standard battle harem than the new laid back isekai kind of series which I kind of prefer.


What a slutty swimsuit.

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>The demonoid plot is fucking retarded.
The studio realized it, that's why we get so much sol. I hope that stays this way.

Underboob is a beautiful miracle and must be cherished

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Red > Yellow > Megane > Orange > Brown > Blue

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How the fuck can I believe that in a world full of magic, with no limitation aside from the immagination of the user, after hundreds, if not thousands, of years they don't have simple telekinesis?

It's grounded in the principles of science not imagination. You have to have a basic understanding of how combustion works for fire/explosion magic to work etc. People in this world have no idea of how thrust or gravity work so flight is still a foreign concept.

Ah, but have you considered the cowtits?

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Orange looks so smug

My problem with this shit is that every episode is:
>mc does something that isn't even hard or a young child could figure out
At least mix up the episodes a bit. Every single fucking episode is like this.

Cause she knows you're looking at her tits. Thats why shes looking back.

And she knows she's like the size of every other girl in the class put together.

Man, it's so rare to see an established couple and even moreso a kiss in anime that I don't know how to react.

I hope future series take notes from this show, I want this to become the new standard. Keep the multiple girls but don't have them all lusting for MC, build dynamic couples with your secondary cast and give the main couple good chemistry. Sicily is kind of a boring character, but she and Shin go so well together that is hard to complain much.

I just hope red eventually finds her happiness as well.

Bullshit. That's how shit does it. Every single other mage doesn't use need to know the laws of phisics, they simply do it.


I can never take this guy seriously cause he looks like he's constantly high out of his goddamn mind.

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it would seem we are a minority

>they see your penis

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What notes? The relationship between shin and sicily is the most empty thing in the show. They have no reason to like each other, they have no reason to start dating, they have no reason to engage. They fall in love only because the author wanted to. Their "love" is a joke with no depth that shouldn't even exist. We have literally no reason to empatize with them because there's nothing to empatize with.

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Prior to the MC they just visualized fire as being hot. They didn't know the chemical reaction that causes fire. Ergo their fire was like a bic vs a flamethrower. It's shit but that's how they have magic work in this retarded world. Really no excuses for them to not understand how fire works when the MC asked them about it. It's literally the one thing humans have understood for over a million years. Just because magic does exist doesn't mean that humans shouldn't have a grasp of basic physics and chemistry. It could have been a better had the MC been a chemist in his past life which would give him better than a middle school understanding of these things, yet still being smarter than everyone else. Then again I think this is a show for middle schoolers.

Literally watch Kimetsu no Yaiba. MC isn't god mode in there, so you have more of your precious stakes


I get your trying to make a valid point that murder is worse than rape but holy fuck that example is retarded.

I too don't watch the show and come to threads just to shitpost

Is this good?


It's magic herbs aint gotta explain shit

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it's pretty bad

It's fun

Pretty terrible. I still watch it every week though so shows how good my taste is.

Pretty bad but entertaining only watching it because this season sucks

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>from the animators who watched KLK episode 4

it has
>overpowered isekai MC twink
>worst girl winning the mc bowl
>an aryan loli
>a megane with loli tits
>more girls
>magic academy
>ok animation during action scenes
>those typical shitty tired jokes japanese boomers enjoy so much
>pretty colours
>bikini ep
if you like these kind of shows you should pick this up

I don't know why but gags where they make the animation shitty like that on purpose always gets me.

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Why people hate blue?

moeblob is cute

Don't say this shit like none of us have thought it

"Like... dude, we totally gotta, like, turn everyone into demons and stuff"

>dude.. what if.. we turn everyone.. into demon.. dude.. bro..

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cute girls

but yeah it's trash, i honestly watch it just for the grills

blue is cute

That would turn it in to a great show. Dumb ass starts an tech war in a world with magic and has to deal with a magical revolution akin to the industrial one.
Then he cannot isekai hax power his way out of certain situations.
I would keep the SoL cute girls and shit. But this is a great concept for the show and the direction they should have went.
>Just like an alien coming to you telling you the secret of anti-gavity using undiscovered concepts.
Yes it would be jarring, but if the thing is proven to be true and is repeatable to people it would be accepted. Like i said he could open his teaching with
>What do you think keeps your feet on the ground.
>What makes an apple fall from a tree
Remember the same situation happened with an apple and a guy to discover it in our world.
Even his big spells seem to come down to 4 grade science like the fire triangle.

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God it could've been much better show.
But nope gotta be a self insert fantasy.

i want to fuck blue

With what i wrote you could keep it a self insert fantasy. But have the MC not be a worthless NEET who hax powers out of every situation.
The guy invented a phone in this ep just for it to be used as a throw away gag.
This is
>Wasted Potential:The animated series
You don't have to even go full edge lord serious. Keep the laughs and the SoL.
This guys Isekai hax power is "High school level education"

Get in line.

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Her voice is painful

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her voice is fucking horrible

Literally the sole reason why i can't stand this character

what were they thinking

Did they have any other vtubers on cast? If so, then they should just have removed her as everyone else is okay.

>he doesn't think speech impediments are cute

it sound like her throat is sore


Absolutely based

Are we not sure it isn't a guy pretending to be a girl vtuber doing the voice for a little girl?
That's what it sounds like

The princess definitely sounds like a girl. The female knight was more questionable.

The people adapting it are having fun and honestly that's the kind of shit you can feel when watching a show. Makes all the nonsense of the source material bearable.

Maybe if you have ear problems. It sounds like she's trying to sound younger but it definitely sounds like a girl.
I don't mind her voice at all by the way

Apparently the manga/LN is really edgy. I think your idea of a magical industrial revolution is really good though. But the anime is doing a pretty good job with the material it has to work with.

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>ywn marry the MC
why live?

I love this show.

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It starts out promising, but then reveals itself to be shit.

Depends on how much you're capable of having fun and how much bias you have against isekai in general.

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That's why you're single, love doesn't a reason other than you're attracted to and like each other.
There are lots of people that don't know basic knowledge irl, a magical world has no need to figure this out either.
Jut know that fire is hot and burns things and you can make stuff.

I like the idea that the main character is revolutionizing magic using basic science knowledge he brought over from our world, but it feels like they keep glossing over that. We see the students shoot bigger fireballs or whatever but I want to see the part where he tries to explain combustion to them. I don't give a shit about his stupid love drama.

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>meanwhile in 3DPD land half of married couples divorce

>They fall in love only because the author wanted to.
I can't believe the author had full creative reign over his own series. Damn.

Why does this show trigger the normies so much on crunchyroll?

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Why doesn't he just imagine a nuclear bomb?
Just drop a little boy on the empire or something.

What the FUCK is wrong with her voice?

Sounds like someone speaking with a clothespin on their tongue.

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By now he could just demolecularize anything.

Voiced by those shitty virtual youtubers. Literally scraping the bottom of the barrel.

fuck this scene already had me laughing but rewatching this I'm fucking dying

>They didn't replace May's VA yet
She ruined the entire episode, and all she did was talk a little

You can't just make Wolford some god-like character and have him kill everyone.
That's fucking boring.

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A healthy relationship between a boy and a girl that both have perfect chemistry is like kryptonite to them.

Jealous isekai quartet and SNK fags.

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The plot should be about him being a loving husband. If you want to go dark, you could have him struggle with immoral concepts like reviving people, making clones of yourself or becoming immortal.

become mogeecian

Probably because "look at that it's another isekai trash hahaha it's so bad look at my superior taste as I say it's bad wait why are you liking it stop you shouldn't like bad things they said isekai is bad why are you not hating it like me"

based aquors poster

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Oh boy they're not going to be able to handle all the isekai next season.

I can think of lots of reasons. Maybe he doesn't know how nuclear reactions work. Maybe he knows how they work but thinks they're too dangerous because of the radioactive fallout. Maybe he knows the general idea but doesn't know how to create the nuclear materials to create the reaction. Do you happen to know the atomic number of plutonium off the top of your head? I don't. I just know it's high.

Or maybe his explosions actually are tiny nuclear reactions and they just don't explain that.
Maybe he went a step further and instead of making fission reactions he's creating small fusion reactions instead. A hydrogen bomb uses a normal fission bomb to create a huge amount of energy that fuses hydrogen to release even more energy. Maybe he uses magic to do fusion without a fission reaction. That way there would be no radiation.

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I'm an anime only fag but I'm pretty sure they explained the very rushed first episode that he remembers basic things like science and math but has no real memory of actual things from our world. So he has the ability to thing of clever ways to do things when it comes to mind but wouldn't on the spot just know to make a nuke. Plus he has already pretty much done shit just as powerful. He blew through like 5 mountains two eps ago with that kamehameha shit.

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They were more like hills.

I blame the animation studio. Some scenes made it seem overpowered and others made it seem shallow.

I'm watching it for Schtrom's backstory, that shit was the best part of the LN

are we going to get that before the anime ends? I mean i assume that there's going to be one more episode of SOL shenanigans/training and then something that sets us up for the final battle where they defeat him over the final two episodes

Probably. Most definitely.

God I hope she doesn't play a part in future episodes

Would you let your grandmother leave the house like this?

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>yet an another ln adaptation by silverlink
Their sole purpose is promoting light novels isn't it?

That's pretty much what almost every anime is for dummy

>Shin and Sicily
>A healthy relationship between a boy and a girl that both have perfect chemistry

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Kind of surprised from browsing pixiz that there isn't a lot of fan art for this series. Doesn't the LN sell fairly well? Or at least it used to iirc, I think I remember it was from isekai threads a couple years ago.

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They bond over the fact that they have no personalities.

relation hetero

>that he remembers basic things like science and math
That alone makes him godlike in this world. Add in the fact that they explained that the magic in that world works with imagination. He could teach basic concepts like the fire triangle. Not to mention mixing chemicals together, having a grasp on gravity. he would have powerful magicians in a week. We have seen him do this when he made fireballs. He is clearly imagining mixing oxygen with fuel and heat.

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Sicily has enough personalititty for two

>mom is just the superior version of daughter

Every fucking time.

I like Schtrom more than Shin because
1. He has more character (a legit great backstory, motivations and goals)
2. Uses his powers to fulfill goals instead of passive flexing
3. Doesn't look like Kirito

>speech impediments
sounding like a trap that had multiple giant cocks shoved down their throat daily isn't a speech impediment.


Char and his clones have nearly always been more likeable than the actual protagonists

Describe Oranges personality.

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Just wait for this masterpiece that will air next season.

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>mfw alternate universe Aqua and Kazuma.

Blue gets killed, and Shin goes full Demon Lord.
That would make it actually unironically great.

man i had already forgot about that anime

I prefer to imagine
>blue gets killed
>red consoles mc and be the new wife

oof yeah this will own the libs.

ara ara

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She has big tits

Unfortunately not the sluttiest.

Who is the slutiest?

Without a doubt.

Her boyfriend better be good in bed because she's prime NTR fodder.

You can tell by their swimsuits.

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Purity ranking

For me it's yellow

>tfw I already know all their names but still continue calling them by their hair colors
Except for my main nigga Aug of course.

Who's the Peterhausen of these color wars?

I know Alice and Lyn, that's enough for me.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kenja no Mago - 09 [720p].mkv_snapshot_05.43_[2019.06.05_14.28.11].jpg (1280x720, 193K)

Disgusting Flat Chest

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For me, its Red, Megane and Blonde. Orange is alright but hasn't really done much. Blue is incredibly boring and honestly, if the animators just stopped drawing Brown altogether I doubt anyone would even notice.

Slut with a heart of gold.

The manga was so fucking good


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kenja no Mago - 07 [720p].mkv_snapshot_21.37_[2019.05.22_14.08.40].jpg (1280x720, 45K)

Cringe tier taste
He chose the most boring worst girl imaginable, literal fucking dead fish in bed 100%

>dude who lived his entire life without seeing a girl other than his granny fell in love with the first cute-looking cow he met
Try to stop spamming normalfag buzzwords for a moment and things should make some sense.

better than having her dominate you

Maybe the first few times, when she is more comfortable she might grow bolder.

This is the first thing Shin saw when he met her. I can't blame him for falling for her.

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Absolute cutie

That's some lewd swimsuit for a granny, still would give the dick

Imagine a brown skinned man with a suicide vest jumping onto a school bus packed with kids, yelling "derka derka snackbar", but right before he killed them all a student slit his throat. No one knows why the kid happened to have a knife, but do you call him a hero? Even if the terrorist was a former student that got radicalized, his death is the best possible outcome.

Now upgrade the bomb vest into a suitcase nuke, not a city destroyer but something that would at least kill a 1 mile radius of urban dwellings and the local highschool. That is what kurt was, and he was killed just seconds before he could detonate. And this still upsets you?

>It's more of a sidegrade.
The uniform change was also necessary for flight magic, as they pointed out in this episode the girls first response to learning of this new magic was "people can see your panties when you fly". They will all be flying by end of next episode so they had to switch to shorts.

Shit taste

I didn't think of that. Praise spats.

Arifureta is going to blow up if they leave out the Shia arc

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It would be better if it was going to end as they left the first dungeon, and spent a few episodes at the bottom. That would mean more time for Yue to feed.

Normally I don't go for girls like her, but Sicily is too cute

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Judging from the PV, anime will adapt at least volumes 1-3 of the LN. Possibly vol4 as well, considering Kaori and Shizuku got quite a bit of screentime in the PV.

I want to fuck Aug's sister.

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What's worse is that it could be a 12 ep one meaning they'll fuck with the story

She's a slut who wants everyone to see her underaged DFC.

>already engaged
Magi's Grandson?

More like Magi's Great Grandson amirite?

Don't forget to put tape on her mouth so you don't have to hear her awful voice

Grandma becomes a major cockblock

>not your dick
Lost opportunity.

spot on

Today 4th graders can Read and Write and in some country start to learn a second laguage they can add and subtract numbers and even multiply and divide them that is something very very few people in 16th-17th hundreds could.
someone not completly failed in school can in theory understand the mechanics to build a nuke people 100 years ago couldn´t fathom that and only a few people would be able to work with that.
Heck i build a primitve steam engine in 3rd grade in school that would be witchcraft in medivale europe.

Not thate the trope is realy old and boring but it´s kind of a natural reaction

The theory behind nuclear weapons is quite enigmatic to the common person. Only those who have an above average understanding of nuclear physics could design a nuclear weapon, let alone build one, which is a challenge in itself, although I guess magic could make it a bit easier.

>spats and thigh-highs
>but no skindentation
Missed opportunity.

hated the bunny, the maso dragon, but for me the breaking point was the netori with his classmates

>netori with his classmates

Can you explain further? I couldn't read the translation of the wn because of the drop in translation quality after the first volume.

Oh God. They have the purple imouto show faces from last year.

>nobody wants Red

>Blue wins
God damnit.

August is the only reason I'm still watching tbdesu

Dude, Smartphone is actually better than this.

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Now now, it might be lower quality but not even close to peak ImoImo QUALITY.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Ore ga Suki nano wa Imouto dakedo Imouto ja Nai - 09 [720p].mkv_snapshot_06.56_[2018. (1280x720, 134K)

>mc never even went on a date with the girl he likes
>forced to get married immediately

>isekai Jesus wants to date your daughter
>convince him to marry her
The parents knew what they were doing.

No kidding. The fucking King and literal saviors of their city were at the engagement party.

There was no standardized education in the middle ages if you wanted to learn shit you needed to become an apprentice so most people would be scientifically ignorant. Though it makes no sense why magic autist in that world havent yet figured out how chemistry works using magic as a shortcut compared to the grueling trial and error real life chemist and alchemist had to go through.