Were the 2010's a good decade for anime?

Were the 2010's a good decade for anime?

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Yeah but because a lot of mediocre shows of the decade (Sora no Woto, Nichijou, Planet With to name a few) are overhyped future generations will think the 2010s sucked

As a big Ikuharafag, Sarazanmai is a huge disappointment.

No and there is no such thing as a good decade for anime. At least 90% of it sucks beyond any chance of redemption, this has always been the rule.

>16 mechashit/sci-fi shows
>4 seasons of Precure
>3 seasons of Lupin
It was crap.

That sounds awesome.

Fix your chart already, franchise whore. Dororo is average, arguably even bad since it somehow managed to be worse than the version from the 60s.

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this version is largely correct but Concrete Revolutio is miles above KlK

Whatever floats your boat, sailor. As far as I am concerned it's one of the ugliest shows ever made. The popart-esque art direction is offensively bad, especially when compared to pic rel.

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That may very well be, and still conceptually speaking it's one of the most creative meta-narrations of the industry. Kill la Kill was a rather bland experience, on the other hand.

Your taste is garbage.

KyoAni has done nothing but disappoint me this decade.

>marking out Madoka, Inferno Cop, ConRevo and Heybot
I never thought I'd be this guy, but you just don't get it.

It depends on what you want. It may not have had a huge number of masterpieces, but may have more watchable anime than any other decade. Depends on whether you value quality of the best or quantity of passable quality.

At least they started out great with Disappearance and Nichijou.

Madoka is cringy teen edge shit that looked absolutely terrible while it aired. The blurays fixed like half the show.
Inferno Cop isn't something anyone should be fond of unless you're an ironic weeb or Triggershill, which you and OP clearly are.
Why I am not fond of ConRev I've already explaed. To me it's arguably bones ugliest show, and that says a lot given how terrible the digital effects in Mob Psycho look.
If you think that Heybot is funny, then I'd ask you to leave this board since you need to be 18 to post here. Referential humor is not funny, plain and simple.

>cringy teen edge shit
>ironic weeb or Triggershill
>how terrible the digital effects in Mob Psycho look
>Referential humor is not funny, plain and simple
Very stupid post from a very stupid person.


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>and that says a lot given how terrible the digital effects in Mob Psycho look

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OPs taste is godtier, it has a lot of shows that have tried to push the boundaries of animation.

I find the use of this word highly questionable from someone praising KlK
>Referential humor is not funny, plain and simple.
Once again, I am compelled to call out the hypocrisy that stems from believing this to be true while also thinking KlK is good.

>someone approving of 2 of the 8 listed Trigger works
>a studioshill
Not how it works.
Nobody said tha the show is funny. Heybot barely does anything but refer to it's referential humor. At least KLK tries to have a story and a unique approach to animation in form of Imaishi breaking loose.

>someone praising KlK
They also apparently liked LWA TV, and gave Gridman an uncertain.

>Heybot barely does anything but refer to it's referential humor
It also has lots of meta humor, wordplay, slapstick, situational humor, non-sequitr, surreal, and self deprecation among others. Honestly, Heybot plays with every type of humor and genre at some point or another.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Heybot! - 50 [720p].mkv_snapshot_16.37_[2018.05.07_15.57.17].jpg (1280x720, 229K)

The thing is that KlK does little more than being referential, however. The plot is banal, and if you're into clipart animation I guess you can enjoy that, but there's barely more than that in the show.

>planet with
>cutie honey universe
>ninja slayer
>inferno cop
Get that ugly bullshit off of that chart. It has no business being up there with some of those masterpieces. I have nothing against trigger, klk lwa and gridman are great but come on.

>Planet With and Dororo are ugly
>Gridman is somehow "fine"
Big Yikes from me.

Dororo isn't ugly, but Planet With looks worse than Gridman in literally every way, no discussion.

Leaving aside the ridiculousness of the statement, KLK's humour isn't even referential. There are references, sure, like in every other Gainax/Trigger anime, but they're rarely, if ever source of hilarity. An actual reference comedy with a lot of the same staff would be Abenobashi.


>pretends to care about visuals
>lists neither the most well animated show of the decade nor the most well animated CG show of all time
>refuses to list Kinema Citrus shows because they'd be too mainstream but instead lists Fractale, Trigger, Precure, Lupin times X
>somehow Hourou Musoko is missing, too

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Yes. There were a lot of great anime that I think can be considered classics
>One Punch Man
upon many more


Yeah sure
A lot of my favorites came out this decade.

>the most well animated show of the decade
And pray tell, what would that show be, dubs-kun?

Yeah user, Dororo looks fucking great. Definitly something that should be used to show off the unique character of 2010s anime.

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Absolutely pleb filtered.

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Violet EvergIM@S
The show is worse than the version from the 60s, but it still doesn't look bad by any means. Cherry picking a piece of off model animation doesn't suddenly nullify itsl animation quality, art and visual directing or character designs. Gridman looks like complete shit by comparison.

Alright, cleaned the chart and got rid of all the irredeemtable trash. Taking requests for the CGDCT shows I should use to fill the gaps.

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Holy shit

not CGDCT but you should consider adding SamFlam and Katanagatari.

It had Unit Pandora so I'll say yes.

Attached: best anime of 2018.png (782x482, 191K)

You could go back to r/anime where they still like that trash.

>Hourou Musuko
Take your tranny propaganda back to /lgbt/.

>Madoka bad
>Penguindrum good
You're one of those faggots, aren't you?
Stay mad 8 years straight
>Inferno Cop bad
>KLK good
The door is that way

It's almost as if visuals are only part of what makes an anime good. Shocking stuff.

>>Madoka bad
>>Penguindrum good

Why go out of your way to broadcast how terrible your taste is like this? OP's list is excellent.

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I do appreciate you putting several seasons of Precure on there but I don't think Hugtto or GoPri are worthy. Maybe GoPri just for the visuals.

>toilet humor: the show reaction image
>thinks he's in a position to belittle anyone
Genuinely adorable.

>LWA Anime
How do you have consistently shit taste like that?

Keep digging your hole deeper.

Only the best, anyone that doesn't think so are just pretending to be le oldfag.

Nichijou is UNIRONICALLY the best animated show of the decade though

>Star Driver
>Rolling Floppers and Flop Girls
Yikes tbqh chieftain

>speedlines lmao
Remove them and see how "well animated" it actually is. Nothing KusoAnus has ever made comes close to A-1's magnum opus.

Your taste is like putting your face next to an anus and breathing deeply

Boogiepop should be on here.

>Not liking Yurikuma
It's like you're not a faggot or something.

Who made this abomination? They're missing so many shows.

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>Cherry picking a piece of off model animation doesn't suddenly nullify itsl animation quality, art and visual directing or character designs. Gridman looks like complete shit by comparison.
Yes it does. There was an action cut in episode one that looked great, one in episode 6 and a few in episode 14 but I essentially stopped watching after that. You know what all of the shit looked like in between those scenes? Passible at best, fucking awful as a norm. There was so many jank and off model moments. The character designs are a weird blend of cartoony and realistic that still look fucked when they go off model. Why don't the characters have toes? "Oh because it's a callback to tezuka's style!" No it's a way to cheap out on having to animate shit, but it's not like it helped.

The character designs are nothing to write home about, the monster designs are standard. Studio Pablo's backgrounds start to loose their luster. Go look at the sharkboy episode again. I stopped watching during that episode after slogging through the two episodes of garbage that came before it. It looks fucking terrible, shitty water effects pasted over blurry rock outcroppings make up the majority of the backgrounds.

And this visual direction? Compared to Gridman? I get that the CGI obviously bothered you but come on. One of the last episodes I watched was full of ugly still frames and panning shots. The one thing Gridman was consistently praised for was its visual direction.

Form your own opinions, I get than YouTube e-celebs and MAL have a hard time retracting their premature statements but you user have a brain and should be able think for yourself.

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The-show-that-shan't-be-named usually derails innocent threads so it makes sense to make a bait grid without a shitposting magnet that overtakes the trolling.

If anything besides Mob was going to be on there from this year, it would be that show.

>Passible at best, fucking awful as a norm
Sounds like Gridman. Even it's well animated sequences barely have animation so to speak of. The chase cut in episode 9 for example consisted of barely anything but sliding backgrounds and panning shots while they put the same 4 frames of movement on loop for almost 20 seconds.
>The character designs are nothing to write home about, the monster designs are standard.
Something being standard doesn't make it bad. Unlike Gridman, where the designs are badly colored and integrated kaijuu copies without a touch of individuality and the battle poses and attacks are straight up copy pasted.
>The one thing Gridman was consistently praised for was its visual direction
True, by 15 year olds who praise shots depicting a classroom sign.

Nobody referred to Evergarden, though.

Weak b8

It was a good decade for puppetry.

>shitting on Kai Ikurashi's cuts
Okay now I know arguing with you is pointless because you have zero taste. Not surprised then the endless amount of omages and attention to detail in how they moved to mimic classic tokusatsu is lost on you too. I can remember every single monster design from Gridman clear as day. The only one from Drororo I can remember vividly was the Skeletal mantis from episode one, and they never included anything like that again. Just a bunch of giant bugs and shit if I'm even remembering them clearly. Dororo is shit and your taste is shit.

Attached: ikurashi.webm (852x480, 2.43M)

>I can remember every single monster design from Gridman clear as day
Likely because you've never watched a Tokusatsu show. The monster designs were all more or less stolen from the live action shows and the character designs were run-off-the-mill from head to toes.
That "cut" you've just posted is barely 4 seconds in length and even during said 4 seconds barely has any motion inside the frame. Hardly even qualifies as one to be honest. Not really what you wanna post in an attempt to show people how much better Shitman is animated than Dororo.


>The monster designs were all more or less stolen from the live action shows
Not him, have you even watched Gridman? Only a couple of kaiju were taken and redesigned from the original, Venora, Shinobilar and arguably Zegga (which was never used in the first place), all the others were new. And claiming that the kaiju design is run of the mill is laughable, they all have that distinctly handmade, even tacky, unrefined feel to them, like they were really crafted by a kaiju enthusiast instead of a professional designer, not to mention that each also reflected Akane's mindstate of the time it was made. A lot thought went into the creation and integration of these designs in the show.

>That "cut" you've just posted is barely 4 seconds in length and even during said 4 seconds barely has any motion inside the frame. Hardly even qualifies as one to be honest. Not really what you wanna post in an attempt to show people how much better Shitman is animated than Dororo
>during said 4 seconds barely has any motion inside the frame
>how much better Shitman is animated than Dororo
You're embarrassing yourself, just stop.

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Don't summon them you fucking cunt.

>were new
Every single character or monster drawn is new by proxy, retard. Doesn't make them original. If the monsters shown in Dororo are "standard", then so are almost all designs found in Shitman. You don't seem to realize how many dozens of art books Tokusatsu shows have just for monster designs.

Another cherry picked scene.
You're embarrassing yourself, just stop.

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So we already backpedalled from "the designs were more or less stolen" to "they're standard". That's something. But you didn't address my point about the kaiju being designed in a way that is believable and appropriate for the person who crafted them and expression of her emotional state in a given moment.
There's even the odd one out that doesn't look like the others at all, because it was designed by Anti (and it even had a different designer in reality, Itano).

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A design copying something that already exists and a design following a standard formula to a t are virtually the same thing. You're pretty adorable, gotta say.
>But you didn't address my point about the kaiju being designed in a way that is believable and appropriate for the person who crafted them and expression of her emotional state in a given moment.
>believable and appropriate
Says who? I must have missed something. Do you think it's hard to open one of the dozens of Tokusatsu art books, find the designs that suits the situation most and take it as "inspiration"? We all know what inspiration means in Triggers case. Copypaste with minor adjustments.

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Why do you tryhards hate Smile?

Oh boy. Citing the intentional gag scene from the first episode, good job. Clearly you have no rebuttal for the absolute shit state of the second cour of the show. Show me another scene that isn't the rapid cut scene from episode 1 that retards like you always try rag on because you miss the fucking point. I dare you.

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>A design copying something that already exists and a design following a standard formula to a t are virtually the same thing.
They really aren't, and it's especially apparent in a case like this, where a handful of kaiju I mentioned are straight redesigns from the old show, unlike the rest.
>Says who?
Empirical observation, analysis and interviews from the staff. The case of Nanashi is expecially blatant, it takes deliberate effort to not understand the meaning of the design.
You should also start posting proof of these "stolen" designs, if you want to be taken seriously.

I would be forced to download this shitshow to make webms, so I'd rather not. However, if you actually justify this scene because it was "a gag", then I don't see how using various panning shots to depict a party's journey is somehow supposed to be bad. You can't have it both ways.

>You can't have it both ways
Yes you can. The intentions of one scene is to make people laugh, just because the west doesn't typically have the attention span of a gold fish and doesn't buy into the same kind of comedy is not a valid criticism of the scene. It's also supposed to indicate that the slight against akane held some weight. Context and intentions of scene are there.

20 second of panning shots with whatever stock sound clips were playing to fill the void in an episode that looks like complete dogshit through and through would indicate production problems. Lack of time, lack or talent, or lack planning, which Dororo shows signs of having across all of its cours. Another MAPPA abortion that they shouldn't have been allowed to drop the ball on.

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>Yes you can. The intentions of one scene is to make people laugh, just because the west doesn't typically have the attention span of a gold fish and doesn't buy into the same kind of comedy is not a valid criticism of the scene. It's also supposed to indicate that the slight against akane held some weight. Context and intentions of scene are there.
Almost fell off my chair from laughter. Thanks for this cope and making my night.

Only the 2010-2012 era could be considered decent. After that, it was apparant that anime was declining in this era.

>Implying you'd come out of your chair if it fell over
Out of arguments and trying a cringy troll routine, wow you sure showed me once again. Don't try to argue against something if you don't even understand the material in question.

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>Out of arguments
You don't even see the hypocrisy in your own cope and the webm you yourself posted. So adorable. I wanna squeeze your cheeks.

If anything I think 2010s were the decade anime was perfected. The 70s were crude, the 80s had misguided aspirations stemming from the hubris of the bubble era and western envy, the 90s were a failed experiment, and the 2000s was an ugly transition phase. Stylistically, anime has never been more appealing or refined than right now, and in terms of plots I'd say variety is at an all time high.

If you like schlocky high production OVAs the 80-90s still can't be beat. If you like anything else, you'll probably find a lot of favorites in the 2010s, especially if you like 2deep4u or mono no aware.

Children's anime also hit an objective peak, Pokemon XY, Arc-V, Heartcatch Precure, the list goes on.

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I see that I still have material to back up what I'm saying, where you backed out an hour ago and are just arguing for the sake of arguing. Anybody who presents Dororo as what the 2010s has to offer is fucked.

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>Were the 2010's a good decade for anime?
generally nope. there were only one or two gems.

>Megalo Box
Automatic no.