Just saw this, it was pretty nice.
Post more impressions
I don't have a punchline.
I want to fuck him
Where can I watch this online?
Lio fucks you
Picked up.
that's a lot of action scenes
Is this /m/?
it looks so fucking cheap
> Trigger
I don't know. I didn't like Gurren Lagan or Kill La Kill but the OP picture has an art style that for some reason I find appealing.
I hate that i'm going to have to wait at least another month to see this.
yes, action looks exactly like TTGL
All the shitty CG ruins it a bit for me
Like the colors though
this look sick. Is it all 3d?
All characters are in 2d. The one black mech is also hand drawn in all scenes shown so far, while other mechs and cars are in 3d. A lot of effects are hand drawn too.
Might as well dump the gay pics now to try and keep this thread alive.
I have been watching the new PV/promotional music video several times a day since it dropped. It's so good. I desperately want to see this movie
>Our newest work Promare is [...] something of a compilation of all of Director Imaishi’s works up until now.
How true is this?
How many times are you going to spam this shit thread?
thanks man