What is your opinion on this, Yea Forums?

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Favorite guilty pleasure right now besides Peerless Dad.

desuarchive.org/a/search/filename/ solo-leveling/




Fuck off, you filthy kebab.

I think it's funny that the author thinks his race is hot shit.

it was genuinely good until chapter 14 or 15, now its just turn your brain off fun

not anime or manga

I enjoy it so far


edgy kino

Seethe more

reaching this hard even though i said i liked it, make gook shouldve gotten 2 nukes instead

I immediately avoid any series that has "level", "skill", "tensei", and "isekai" in its title.

I tried it and dropped it. I don't understand how this is popular. It's just a bland edgy isekai.

Gookposter lied, they hyped it up as something that is different and hasn't been done before but all i get is the same old shit as several manga that i have read before. Old chinese Manhua is much, much better than this pathetic garbage

The art.

It's fun.

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Not anime or manga, fuck off.

It's quite fun, but it is really far less than what i expected, especially since Gookposters can't stop hyping it to no end. Unbalance X2 is better than this

Not anime nor manga

The artstyle is shit, like the average low effort Yea Forumsmic. The premise is interesting if you're an antisocial MMORPG/fantasy enthusiast like me though.

I plan to read it someday. Heard that it is quite hyped.

Fucking garbage

Some Korean crap is decent, But Chinese shit... holy fuck. The storytelling is basically incoherent and I honestly can't follow anything that is going on. And what's worse, it's random exposition 24/7 out of nowhere, that shit is unreadable.

It's dumb fun at its best and just dumb at its worst, but it had potential to be interesting. At least the MC isn't a crybaby, but that might be a bad thing since Yea Forums loves shows with crybaby MCs

How is Peerless Dad a guilty pleasure? It's just a pleasure.

>but it had potential to be interesting
Not sure about you, the last few chapter have been very interesting, raising his own undead follower.

I liked the beginning, I mean the ritual and so on but it got downhill from there. HIm being by himself most of the time and side characters being just long enough around him to be astonished by his awesomeness gets really boring. His story of helping his younger sister and his sick mother is ridiculous and if his dead was an S rank before he disappeared how is it even possible for them to be so fucking poor anyway? I hope the new S ranked girl will bring some kind of change to the manhwa.

It's dumb fun. I'm not expecting anything other than the MC show anymore

Pretty much that. I like the way the artist draws motion. I also like the shadow summons. I'll probably drop it when the "Korea best" sank gets unbearable

Colored pages attract idiots.

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Shit. The beginning was great then it became MC dick wanking the minute he started training.

Manhwas are shit

That's a trend I've noticed with a lot of Korean manhwa. They start off strong but they tend to go to shit really quickly. Skeleton Soldier is a pretty good example of that. It started off good, got even better once Rena was introduced, and then immediately plummeted in quality with the latest arc dropping Rena altogether and jumping the fuck out of the shark by introducing a God damn nun who wears one of those Japanese fox masks and rides a fucking motorcycle that literally has Google maps (and I'm not talking about some fantasy magic map thing either. I mean it literally has Google maps)

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>begins by introducing a power-based hierachy with ranks and contributions
>MC gets an alternative way of getting stronger by doing a daily quest

Up here is all fine

>Everything the MC kills now drop money, exp and items (which is sometimes adressed but the reader just have to believe it)
>He now can access a special super shop that has all the items he needs and all the weapons he could buy on the spot
>The penalty for not doing a daily quest is now actually a reward because he enters a 4hour isolated training room in which he can farm exp, money and items but only if he is strong which he is

This is no good, only villains do this.


Yeah, and manhwa is still allowed dipshit. What are you going to do about it?

China manga had this problem too, out of no where they have all this high tech stuff that ruin all the whole story.

You're looking too much into a joke. I mean, it's a talking bike that uses google maps.

Eslfags need to be shot

Shit on it like everyone else.

Manga time is over now manhwa time

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Being a joke doesn't make it any less stupid. Imagine if there was a part in Kimetsu no Yaiba where Tanjirou is working with a couple of demon hunters to track down a demon but they can't find it so one of them whips out his trusty Samsung Galaxy S10 and uses the Google Demon Search app to find it. Even if it was done as a joke it'd still be fucking retarded.

>said no one ever

Sick as fuck.
It gives a bad first impression but as it goes along it only gets better and better.

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>Shit on it like everyone else.

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Not only in manhwas but in korean novels too.
They always become shit in the end.

Is it just me or does it seem like being a hunter could be pretty fun?
I mean if you look past the whole possibility of a brutal, horrific, and agonizing death it does anyway

I legitimately got interested enough to binge read the novel.
Webtoon fags better enjoy themselves this arc and next one, after ant island MC becomes literally Jesus, his family drama is easily solved and everyone just sucks his dick, so it becomes quite shitty.
If i had to compared to something I'd take girls of the wild's - quite solid start, then there's this point where it just becomes enraging and painful to read

>there's this point where it just becomes enraging and painful to read
The point where the MC found the bullied kid and the story repeated itself? Because that's when I dropped GotW.

> decided to check it out
> Previous scanalators threw a tantrum over some drama and took all the chapters they uploaded down
> Everything up to ch 76 is gone
Thanks Meraki.

It's just mindless junk to consume while waiting for other releases. There's only so many times you can fap to Sweet Guy anyway.

>where the MC found the bullied kid and the story repeated itself
By that time i remember that i alreafy had come to not give a shit, so decline had already been going for a while - it started going downhill after the anticlimatic end of wild's league, chapter 80-90

I tried a few pages but it didnt engage me. Didnt have the mojo real manga have.

Meraki got C&D'd and stopped scanlating a lot of popular Korean manhwa's. They used to be raking in donations

>raws are out

We have to wait AGAIN next week. Fucking gook writers I swear

I don't mind it midfight, but 3-5 cliffhanger chapters right before a big fight (like what happened with this one) is terrible.

That's not why they removed their chapters from Mangadex though. They literally deleted everything because MD told them to fuck off when they tried to white knight their butt buddies Hatigarm when they got sniped on Anjou-San.

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rightfully fuckin so
this shit is ass

The absolute state of gookshitters.

MAN fuck this GARBAGE. Why the fuck do you niggers waste your time with this shit?
Read a fuckin book

Ah, didn't know they got involved with the Yancha Gal drama. It's kinda funny seeing one "pls gib moni" group whiteknight for another "pls gib moni" group after getting sniped and berated for soliciting donations by another group

I'm a big fan of Anjou-san, but I don't mind Hati getting sniped. Their scanlations were good, but they took a good while to get the ball rolling after picking it up from _anq and were slow with releases up until recently.

>hating mindless fun
you sure are an intellectual, user

manhuas are shit most of the time, but I find martial legacy really enjoyable

Guy is playing an RPG
The RPG is disgaea

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The slow pacing is killing the story.

nah manhuas will take over, for better or worse (mostly worse)

You just described one punch man

The representation of Japan in the novel is hilarious
You can feel the author seething about Japan

Art is nice, despite using the absolutely disgusting one long strip format.
Writer is a total hack, but somehow it is fun to read. Maybe because is my first gook shit, and I find the slight differences with the equivalent Japanese shit writing amusing. His portrayal of the Japanese as imperialist assholes (not yet in the comic) is hilarious.

Cliche but entertaining

The best part is the scan group that took it over flat out disclosed how much they were spending on paper back volumes (less than $14 per volume) which really shows that Hatigarm was just doing it for the money rather than out of any actual love for the series.

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Personally I like it because I find the concept kind of cool. Like I said before, I honestly think being a hunter would be a pretty sweet gig. I know I'd do it.

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its okay

the thing with Saitama is even those who acknowledge he's strong still call him out on other things and are disappointed he doesn't use his full potential. On top of that Saitama has no grand plan and join the Hero Organisation and ranking up was only a whim

Is this based on something also any cool spoilers that might make how strong he becomes besides 2nd awakening like something about his dad or the statue that killed him?

It is based on a web novel.
Currently, the comic is around chapter 90.

its ok for a powerfantasy isekai
props for using a necromancer instead of your regular mage/warrior bullshit

There's some good gook shit out there

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What if it's a good series though like Handyman Saitou in Another World?

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Couldn't even get a few pages in before I dropped it.

get a load of this cultivationlet

Where can I found the official TL of the novel?

Hes cheating

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edgy shit. belongs with isekai trash

Thanks. That hit close to home so I feel like killing myself now.

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Why is it that gooks make so many damn good movies but so few manhwa series? Is it just a matter of longevity?

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The webtoon has good drawins, however the story sucks ass after a while in the novel.

He is just too powerful that the author didn't know what to do with him. Everything just become a fist fight. The ending is especially retarded with the travelling back in time pulled out of his ass. I'm so disappointed in having lost my time reading this shit.

The manwha is fun with cute grill designs, has good moments.

The novel it's based off of is shit.

Honestly that's where I think Korean manhwa artist need to take a lesson from Korean action movie directors. Specifically that shit's just more intense when the MC is bloodied, bruised, broken, and just desperately trying to cling to life and stay in the fight.
Look at the movie adaptation of Oldboys and imagine that if instead of that corridor fight ending with the MC having a straight up fucking brawl and ultimately ending up dragging himself away from the thugs while desperately flailing and flinging a hammer at them and instead effortlessly defeated all of them with some MGS CQB shit. Imagine the final battle in Tae Guk Gi ending with the MC's brother ripping up two machine guns and mowing down the flag unit reinforcements instead of using the last of his strength to make a final stand so his brother who's thoroughly beaten to shit, got a bullet in his leg, and soaked with mud and blood can limp to safety .Shit like that makes action scenes intense. Characters effortlessly wiping out mobs doesn't.

Even the last boss felt underwhelming as fuck. All the other monarchs felt like random mobs too, we didn't even see all of them. I think past Japan's Arc, the author didn't gave any fucks anymore since the protag was just too strong. Everything was downright rushed. The rulers were not even named.

And when he came back in the past, there were just no consequences at all : his servants/evil power, the monarchs still died doing nothing (and not even shown), nothing about him being powerful while on earth (or maybe, I just dropped it around here because fuck flashback flash forward into future to the past...) and even the 30 like years he spent hunting the monarchs amounted to nothing since he just changed his appearance. At this point, it was just pure fanfiction