Cast him in the (not-)inevitable HBO adaptation

Cast him in the (not-)inevitable HBO adaptation.

Attached: mortal_kombat_guest_character__johan_liebert_by_jasonpictures-d98p12u.png (661x492, 253K)


post cute twink face

Why are these self-proclaimed SERIOUS animus are so much worse than actual live-action serious tv series

jake paul

name one (1) that is makes Monster look amateurish or two (2) dimensional.

GoT S1-3

Humans, The Expanse


not seem them, might be very good, but do they make other series look like kiddie stuff? I doubt it, so why would they make this animu look like shit?


>the quality of one shows reduces the qualities of another

Paul Dano

make up you're mind

but I haven't contradicted myself?

How's Humans? I've only watched Real Humans.

Idris Elba

Too late for that.

Attached: leonardo_dicaprio.jpg (300x450, 12K)

Pewdiepie, and make it a crossover with Warau Salesman where he jobs for 13 episodes to Moguro played by Danny Devito

This, first one that comes to mind is young Leo, but alas it's too late for that

Me, unironically

Would it be racist to cast a black man because he's the villain or it would be racist to not cast a black man because a major character is a white male?

post yourself user

it's okay so long as they really ham up the penultimate episode where he threatens a kid with a gun. Make him maniacally laugh too rather than be good ol' Johan.


first you have to find the twin actor

Because more money goes into producing live-action television series. Also, the sheer quantity of live-action series that are produced means that some will inevitably be better than the most critically-acclaimed anime.

Just deepfake it.