cast list:
Episode 106: がんばれ!!ロボッピ – Ganbare!! Roboppi
(Fight on!! Roboppy!)
Playmaker has made up his mind to fight against Ai, who is currently targeting Akira. Playmaker manages to find Ai, but it turns out that it was just a copy Ai made to buy time. His allies also encounter Ai’s copies and fight against them. Meanwhile, Blood Shepherd and Ghost Girl encounter Roboppy, who was looking for someone to fight. They then start a Tag Duel.

Fujiki Yusaku/Playmaker: Ishige Shoya
Homura Takeru/Soulburner: Kaji Yuki
Kusanagi Shoichi: Kimura Subaru
Kogami Ryoken/Revolver: Takeuchi Shunsuke
Ai: Sakurai Takahiro
Roboppy: Takahashi Minami
Zaizen Akira: Yamamoto Shoma
Zaizen Aoi/Blue Maiden: Nakashima Yuki
Dojun Kengo/Blood Shepherd: Okuda Takanori
Bessho Emma/Ghost Girl: Kamakura Yuna
Faust: Mikami Satoshi
Pandor: Kim Hyang-Ri

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Other urls found in this thread:


name my band

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The handshake isn't even the biggest part of this, it was everything building up to it and after
>that smile on her face when talking about wanting to meet Playmaker
>her joy at telling Akira about and rushing him to the hotdog stand
>her staring at Yusaku as she processes and thinks about everything Playmaker's done for her
>wanting to prevent him from being hurt by taking on the responsibility of facing Ai for him
>the sudden near confession\
>her discovering what love is for the first time after the handshake
>the look in her eyes when Playmaker had his big hero entrance
>Yusaku staring longingly as she leaves
They went all in

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS - 105 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_21.27_[2019.06.05_06.48.46].jpg (960x540, 108K)

delete the link in the other thread retard, you made it seem like a general

The Bacon Brigade

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also, did they just retconned the chess pieces to just 3 kings?
just how much yoshida messed up in the start?
good point

Enough so that this is the last OP of the show.

>aoi asking playmaker to not fight because the others can take care of it
Fucking jobbers

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soulburners revenge will be successful
>everyone gets pandor but him
>pandor malfunctions and causes more casualties on allies than enemies
>chadburner going full rage mode and beats the living shit out of shitvulva in rematch

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS - 105 [720p].mkv_snapshot_20.34_[2019.06.05_23.24.53].jpg (1280x720, 598K)

Too bad about all his perfect clones.

>Roboppy's boundless training begins
It's fucking Soulburner intorduction all over again. We'll get 15 episodes of Roboppy beating up one jobber at a time to shill his deck before inevitably losing to Playmaker with somewhere inbetween there SB vs Revolver will be jammed in

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Opening made it clear that the only people making it out of this arc on the good guys(and Revolver) side are PM, BM, SB, Revolver and Kusanagi

I don't think they're even printing Ai's deck so this is super wishful.

Congrats autistlovefags! Your autism love moment is finally here!! Enjoy it while it lasts they'll never interact again until the final episode

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>over 15 episodes to shill a deck that won't exist

Ai's deck will definitely get printed down the line

Why didn't he die for real?

To be fair, we can't know whether they will print it yet until we see how much effort they put into the card arts.

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Why didn't Ai just ask Akira nicely for whatever he needs with the SOL tech network?


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>AI with free will
>Free will restriction
>Revolver even states that the restriction works FOR NOW (very subtle foreshadowing there)
>4 (FOUR) of them
>They all linked together so if one's fucked they all are
>Gives one of them to Akira, the castle they're protecting, and one to his little sister that fights alongside him
Jesus Christ how fucking retarded is Revolver

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-06-05-19h14m11s935.png (1920x1080, 1.38M)

Sunavalons have only 3 duels onscreen with 2 offscreen

extremely, he couldn't find ai for 5 years and it took hotdogbro and playmaker like 10 seconds

The least self aware woman in all of yugioh.

Attached: hand shake.webm (1280x720, 2.61M)

it's so annoying how much this retard is getting shilled, fuck shillvulva, he is the crow of vrains but even worse

No one plays winged beasts in vrains.

winged beasts don't matter in this regard, it's how he's being forced everywhere, shilled everywhere, when he shouldn't be and should have died off 90 episodes ago

>I'm so fucked up

>That cautious gaze from Yusaku
It's as if she doesn't realize how creepy she's being

It's hilariously apt for the AI to be called Pandor(a) with how much this could go wrong.

Official thread theme.

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>stares at her hands while he's still watching

this scene has so much autism on it
I love it

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Where are they?

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It's her first time being in love and the first time he's ever been this close to a girl his age in real life
Both of them are being awkward

Kimeru with the great OP. Also just lmao at Hanoi at this point


>putting Pandora in the duel disks and not INTO THE BRAINS
come on now

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HAPPENING. My God, I'm so glad they didn't wait until last ep for this to happen.

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But seriously, probably some kind of private server.

Censor that shit
Wtf Yoshida

That might be part of the point.

At least she hasn't gone full Yuzu yet, remember the face she made after Yuya defeated Gongenzaka, or how even with enemies all around her she started eye fucking Yuya as soon as she heard his voice? I'm not getting excited for this, I know it wont amount to anything just like how that moment between Yusei and Aki didn't mean fuck all either

>Who would win?
>11 duelists OR one wacky AI and a robot cleaner

The opposite of roboppy.

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Dupricate Doron

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Man, Akira was collecting deathflags like there's no tomorrow this episode.
Seems like most of the scenes in the OP aside for SB vs Revolver is going to happen soon.

>Meanwhile, Blood Shepherd and Ghost Girl encounter Roboppy, who was looking for someone to fight. They then start a Tag Duel.

Oh god we're actually going to meme "Blue Angel can win duels but only if they involve murdering a shota" into reality, aren't we?

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>this whole thing with Zaizens learning who Playmaker is
>preview making it sound like the audience is supposed to cheer for Roboppy
God, when did VRAINS become so good?
Also, it would be hilarious if Akira trusted Hayami with security of his body IRL. Like, imagine him waking up and suddenly being a father.

Wouldn't you start preparing for your end when someone with all the ability to do says "I'm going to kill you in 3 days"
He even looked so happy that his sister finally found someone to love before leaving the park

Vrains' "cast" is so laughably bad

Yup, she'll defeat Roboppy then Ai will defeat her and Akira

Man, this entire arc rubs me the wrong way, Ai's sudden revenge quest, the good guys doing the stupid thing using a puppet ai against an Ai who can control those things, it's like civil war only dumber because there's no real moral reasons it's all petty squabbling that's quickly escalated because a company flooded the city with irobot tier bots, the main characters should especially be weary of or even disgusted by because of their prior interactions with Ais like them who actually did have free will.

Jobbers brigade

And half of them after just coming back from being wiped last arc are going to be wiped again before this month is over, think about that.

Shipping is cancer
And aoifags can suck on a fucking dick

Nah only hanoi, everyone else is good

If this wasnt vrains I do think he set up a trap or double cross with his ai but this is vrains so he probably is just short sighted.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS - 105 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_10.05.477.png (1920x1080, 1.95M)

what happened here?

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What else can we call him?

i still can't believe they managed to make a rival less of a threat than Reji.

>collecting deathflags like there's no tomorrow
Seriously. I had to pause for a moment when he said such a somber thing so causally.

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I don't think that Roboppy will get to duel her unless in 2v2 tag. He'll probably stall against Soulburner instead or something.

>>preview making it sound like the audience is supposed to cheer for Roboppy

I mean I'm rooting for Roboppy. It'll be tough if he goes up against Aoi because I really find it funny that Yoshida is giving Aoi a pass against shotas.

Wow, man. That end was pure hype. Anyone know who's animating next Ep? It looks pretty nice.

Would you open her box?

Attached: pandor.webm (1280x720, 2.91M)

Why didn't Akira call Brave Max for his army too??

>He even looked so happy that his sister finally found someone to love before leaving the park
Autistlove isn't happening. This is all they're getting.

I still cant beleive they havent made another rival better than Kaiba.

Yes, it's just "antagonist" faction is getting MC treatment and I was hoping for something like that.

>still thinking reiji was a rival
We all know who the real rival was anyway.

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Why did you edit out Crow?

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I'm actually so mad they turned him into such a retard, it's like all the writers love to take a shit on him at every chance

It's like old yugioh rock paper scissors. Aoi beats any shota but loses to other types of duelists. I wish I had found the one about types of magic with illusionists, white magic, etc.

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The Ais are fun characters and Roboppy is a fucking Roomba turned human how could you root against him against Ghost "OH NO MIRROR FORCE AHHHHHHH" Girl and Blood "I have literally never watched a episode with him because I assume he's the most boring motherfucker on the planet" Shepherd.

We sure do.

Attached: actual Arc-V rival.jpg (1280x720, 202K)

Reiji was always a threat he just never got to duel.

Yuya vs Reiji 2 is just Reiji taking a shit on Yuya's life.

Standard Reiji is a fucking nightmare, a behemoth of a rival. He's firmly in control, he's in it to win it, his resolve makes Satsuki Kiryuin look like a joke, he is a warrior, basically. He's callous enough to have his soldiers be expendable, but never needlessly so.


>who's animating next Ep? It looks pretty nice.
I agree. The other staff aside from scriptwriter hasn't been revealed though sadly.


Thanks, Banrise, for ruining Arc-V further.

Look at this silly man all posing and shit.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS - 105 [720p].png (1280x720, 945K)

>consider the following

Attached: confused ghost.png (390x542, 306K)

Most rivals that aren't antagonistic devolve into jokes. Kaiba's hostility towards Yugi allowed him to end the manga with his dignity intact.

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How come Go knows Yusaku better than Takeru?

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Go is his only friend and true rival.

I wouldn't say better, just longer.

>Kusanagi becomes a Pokemon Champ

Attached: unknown.png (1241x679, 987K)

He got laughed at

>Those pants
>That cape
>That hat
Holy fuck what a horrible design.

He's actually pretty sharp despite having an appearance of a dumb jock.

How can he be a crow clone when he is eternally raging?

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Cute Emma.
It's not that bad by pokemon standards.

Your forced shipping will not go anywhere dumb Aoifag.

Hey guys, is there a way to contact Playmaker?

If he takes off the cape and hat then he's fine for a sports themed trainer but those two elements just fucking ruin his design.

>Teaming up with that Hanoi retard AGAIN
>Why did I choose to stay
>I should have gone home and see my gf
>My feet hurt

>Still trying to slot in all the extras despite the fact that it's still Playmaker: The Show
Just stop trying hold shit. None of them are even worth a damn and that exchange between Yuusaku and Aoi was probably one of the most awkward and autistic conversations I've ever seen before.

It's okay miyufag
She'll get five more seconds on screen in the final episode

>This is your romantic interaction for the season bro

How can he be so smug all the time?

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>the state of Miyufags after they confirmed that Aoi and Aqua became as close as proper partners

Top genes allow top memes.

I don't know this is structured kind of weird.

When is Aoi getting Droited?

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They won't even give the female AI boobs.

Aoi's affection for Yusaku this episode was way more genuine and interesting than whatever unnatural obsession Yuya and Yuzu had for eachother. They'll obviously be more scenes with all that setup.

Thanks for reminding me about the Direct. Anyway, that fur lined cape is really too much.

>Implying I am a miyufag
I am just stating what will likely happen.

Blood Shepherd is still bringing the snide remarks.

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So, all the events of the opening are going by really soon. Is this a sign we might get a fourth one before 2020? Only the duel over a plane and Soulburner vs Revolver are missing if I remember correctly.

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You can actually hear the internal REEEEEEE

Probably not. At most a few scenes might change, but that's it.

Roboppy might be a male.

imagine cancelling your travel back home just because you are very angry at someone

I think he said he wanted to meet Ai again so he could learn more about flame.

I'm pretty sure he wants to punch revolver more than meet flame

Seeing how mad he is now, I can't wait for the Revolver duel. Yuki Kaji is gonna be really earning his pay.

The only good rivals are Kaiba and Shark

Reporting in. Came all the way from /his/ for this.

so these 40 episodes will happen in the span of just a day? the heck.

Why do I get the feeling that Soulburner might betray them and join Ai?

Playmaker Pokemon

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Loving the space pirate theme they are giving Ai. I wish his deck was related to digital piracy rather than a sort of mystical beast and Yusaku's deck dark counterpart.

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>there's no real moral reasons
Ai wants to revive his friends.

Sounds like he's just trying to hijack all the androids.

I wish Ai get a Spanish guitar theme
Then die by military assault

He needs the SOLtis for some reason, we just don't know why.

>He's gonna recreate losto jigen

>Akira found out that Yusaku is PM by doing 1+1
I can't believe it took more than 100 episodes to this

He wasn't paying attention to the bystander. Though perhaps he should have.

>digital piracy
>I summon Torrent Dragon!
>My trap activates, Copyright Strike!

So the final boss is going to be corrupted Pandor, right?

No. This clearly isn't the final arc of the season.
They're just going to kill off everyone that isn't in the second shot of the logo in the OP

He didn't find out he was Playmaker. Yusaku told him, and after that he connected the dots. Watch the scene again.

There's 4 pandor so maybe Ai will revive all ignis besides lightning using Pandors?

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I don't think so. The person that corrupts Pandor maybe.

He found it after recognizing KUSANAGI which went into the Vrains and got recorded with no avatar to cover up his identity.

That's just his disorganized aesthetic.

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why didn't emma noticed this too?

Emma never went back to the hot dog stand.

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He died like twice already, nothing new.

After bohman was defeated.

She doesn't know what a sandwich or hot dog is so no surprise there

I can't wait for Kusanagi to tease Yusaku about Aoi
If only Ai was still around to assist with it

>When Go is more of a rival than shitvulva

I wonder what she thought of it.

Attached: watching playmaker vs bohman.webm (1280x720, 2.91M)

He protecc

>If only Ai was still around
I can't believe how much I miss their character dynamic.

Lately there's been a lot of nip fanart about the 'Fujiki household' with Yusaku, Ai, and Roboppy all hanging out being happy together. I hope they get a nice ending like that.

When will he have the time in this desperate plot?

What's this one?

Attached: once in a lifetime chance.png (1280x720, 990K)

>VRAINS doesn't even have Jack Atlas

New Altergeist

There shouldn't be legacy characters.

Breaking the tension after Akira kicks the bucket
"I feel sorry your brother died but... you and Yusaku hmm"

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>after Akira kicks the bucket
They're kicking the bucket together if the tag duel in the OP is any indication

That doesn't match up with Akira's characterization. Have you even watched how he works?

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She masturbated.

This scene was cringe, but like a good kind of cringe if that's a thing. I can't believe Yoshida is actually going with the retard angle.

She's gonna follow him around like a puppy now til he tells her to put her tongue back in her mouth and go help her brother

You mean as the self-sacrificing older brother? Yeah, but I hoped he'd be over that.

But anyway, I just remembered the OP had Aoi alone talking in the same scene, which is probably her trying to talk down Ai, meaning she'll survive. Disregard my previous post.

Damn, I wish that were me.

The fucking music of this scene is so fucking funny

Akira's Eleven

Attached: Akira's Eleven.png (936x1386, 1.43M)

This is an anti-heist arc though.


Man, I never thought I'd love Ai this much as a villain, I already liked him and now he's based

a moment that'll spawn a thousand fanfics

>Hotdog guy

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>she has to tell Yusaku what she wants him to do because he can't pick up on the social cue

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Yeah, and Kusanagi is not actually the part of the team. I clearly didn't put much thought into this one.

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Based editanon, saved.

So Ai's eyes being a different color is a surefire way to tell that its not the real Ai? They looked orange in the preview.

I still can't believe it took over a 100 hundred episodes for Vrains to have a Tag Duel.

Attached: Vrains 106 preview.jpg (1280x720, 134K)

Anyone have nico ratings for Vrains so far?

His natural eye color is orange.

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I meant for the whole show, like that Arc-V chart. If there is one

That's yellow

Where was this level of writing in season two?

there's none

Could be a colouring error, but it would be nice to have something to differentiate.

Yoshida got poached to work on some anime about beer.

I only have this one with me

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>Ai's new mentality
Don't you dare try and pull me into your world.
I have myself to follow. That's who I choose to live for
I'm not here to be perfect and willing
I'd rather be the villain, as long as I know it's right.

I wonder how long this little scrabble will go on for

Will Roboppy and Ai kill them? Ai didn't put a rule to bet their consciousness like Lightning so maybe they'll just leave pass trough the jobbers

So will we have a fourth season ? A lot of stuff from the opening is already happening

Attached: Vrains 1-85 Negative Feedback.jpg (1199x298, 46K)

based user

We might get a 4th opening with the same song but different visuals mid-season


Came to post this. Only pic related is missing. Everything else is set up to happen within 5 to 6 episodes.

Attached: OP 3.png (1072x1198, 1.31M)

Did anyone explained why go was there?

>within 5 to 6 episodes
Not that fast I think. Some duels may take two episodes.

Someone needs to make this edit

You're thinking of flame.

I give it 6 episodes to AI reach Akira

What's your prediction for the matchups and sequence of duels?

Still doesn't look orange.

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everyone not in the same side of emma and kengo will have offscreen duels with AI clones, yusaku won't duel him and only talk
specter... I dunno, maybe offscreen duel or 1 episode duel aganist roboppy, he's alone so he can't shill tag duel
akira and aoi will probably meet the real one and lose so this arc can move foward

this season is looking pretty kino so far desu

Attached: Screenshot_20190605_172607.jpg (1080x603, 141K)

Then i guess it's an impasse.

Absolutely based.

Akira and Aoi are definitely losing against Ai (damn that's a lot of A names) but Aoi's most likely getting spared somehow(mercy, final Akira sacrifice, PM intercept)



DP22-JP018 プレデター・プライム・フュージョン Predator Prime Fusion (Predaprime Fusion)
Quick-Play Spell Card
You can only activate a card with this card’s name once per turn.
(1) If you control a “Predaplant” monster: Fusion Summon 1 DARK Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck, using monsters from either field as Fusion Material (including 2 or more DARK Monsters you control).

Attached: D8RvLu_V4AADnI7.jpg (1050x740, 212K)

Place your bets on who'll be the one to beat Roboppi in a duel.

Attached: Roboppi.jpg (1200x675, 82K)


Why was Go there?

>Blackwings invade pokemon
Fuck Crow

>Fuck Crow

Attached: The Power of Black Feathers.jpg (1280x720, 111K)

Doesn't having your life points fall to 0 put you in a coma?

Holy fuck this is so hard going to fuck over Revolver, Zaizen and everybody on the team, isnt it.
Why is Revolver this shit?
Not only does he keep loosing, he also makes his team lose with his dumb inventions.

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Attached: uFAcN0_VOwg.jpg (1280x720, 86K)

Super Polymerization already exists though.

Fuck you and fuck blackwings

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it's so pandor can become a viable threat.

So to summarize, his entire plan is: Solo everybody?
Whats up with VRAINS and the underdog villains.

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Attached: Bird vs Bird.png (1360x3835, 3.4M)

We don't fully know how Ai does things yet.
All other times that happened there was some crazy device designed to instantly absorb and coma people

What's underdog about Ai?

He's receiving backup as soon as he gets hold of Akira's split key and retrieves his allies from the link Vrains data.

Attached: lightning prediction.jpg (1800x1000, 308K)

He's taking a page from Yusaku's book

>solo everybody
Apple doesn't fall far from the tree huh


Attached: phew.png (1280x720, 878K)

>fuck over Revolver
Funnily enough he doesn't use it himself. There's four copies and Akira, Go, GG, and BM got them.

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I unironically thought they would leave the Playmaker reveal at this image.

Attached: Screenshot 2019-06-05 17.34.20.png (1600x900, 1.44M)

Nice pic, source?

Rare opinions: The rise of the Chadbrain is the actual main plot of VRAINS.
After this arc Zaizen is going to blow out the KINGUS and become the sole high KINGU of SOL.

Why is it that every single female main character in Yugioh got mind controlled at one point?
I swear someone in that fucking studio has a fetish...


Thank you!

These space lights?

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Its funny how the entire chess piece metaphor kind of died with queen.

Since they started the scene with zaizen they had to be alone on the bench after he left.

Can't wait to see if Kiku is sent to retrieve him.

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>Blackwings in pokemon
>Blackwings in digimon
Is Crow's plan to have blackwings in every franchise?

Love this pic
Anyway, episode was fine I guess. Although I cannot expect Pandor to NOT backfire at Revolver, this is like, too obvious for me. Hopefully I am wrong.
And for the fans of Aoi and Yusaku, well... I don't want to sound rude, but you should lower your expectations, remember who is mostly behind this season and this is the same man that did dirty to
>Jack and Carly
>Yusei and Aki
>Yuya and Yuzu (Manga)
Pretty much what I think too...

Attached: northwemko sighing.jpg (1927x1642, 1.14M)

If only this series was about possession from legacy characters.

>Not only does he keep loosing, he also makes his team lose with his dumb inventions.
Since when?

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>I don't want to sound rude, but you should lower your expectations, remember who is mostly behind this season and this is the same man that

Attached: I'm gagaga over you.jpg (852x480, 100K)

Let them have their week Northwemko user
They've waited over 100 episodes for this and it was a really nice bit of awkward romance

>crow invented crows

What's dumb about pandor?

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Can it be counted as an exception? I don't know it was too weak for me to actually believe it. But I guess I want more direct confession like Jack and Carly got back in the day
Well you are right. I just don't want them to really sink into a... yeah you know what I was gonna say, I don't want them to be extremelly dissapointed like I was in the old days

I told you guys it was all part of his plan. He's already basically the top dog. With eradication of those 3 kings he will become unstoppable billionaire. And Hayami will be the new Queen

Attached: Akira.png (1280x720, 654K)

>Can it be counted as an exception? I don't know it was too weak for me to actually believe it.

Chill retard. You are starting to sound like an autist who actually plays the card gane

>He doesn't play the game.

Akira is too based
Name others 100% lose rate characters that are also based

Looks like playmaker isn't wanted anymore.

Attached: not wanted.png (1280x720, 582K)

Attached: Sawatari-san.jpg (1276x4784, 1.15M)


Imagine being a fujo and misunderstanding normal friendship.
I blame Carly's VA for that.
Kotori's confession was pretty direct too.
I don't think Yusei and Aki was fucked up that much though. If Aki decided to stay in the city with him instead of going with her studies it would be awful too. Would be nice if we saw them reunited in the future, but I don't mind that ending this much.

I'm not sure why this meme is in every thread, but it's not even based on anything in the actual show.

Did he duel anyone else aside from Playmaker?

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Granted I did express myself wrong. It does happen at the end and it was a clear one. However, I don't know...
I mean, I feel is a little weak because it happen just at the end. Maybe I did expected to happen not right at the end and just in the last episodes. Maybe I didn't count it as an exception because of that, so I guess it's more of expectation from me that didn't got meet.
Sawatari, Anna, Rio. I know that they did not lose 100% the time (as far as I remember) but they are just a few of based characters.
>I blame Carly's VA for that.
>Kotori's confession was pretty direct too.
That's right, the "I love you and that smile of yours" was at first a little confusing to me and then I realized it.
>Yusei and Aki
Considering that Yoshida wanted that ending to happen instead of pandering to a lot of Yusei and Aki people, I can't think that Yoshida actually though the idea of Aki staying in the city to help Yusei.

Oh no, he's floundering without flame.

Attached: clueless.png (1280x720, 979K)

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Nice, saved

If this wasn't a Yoshida show then I would agree that Autistlove is never happening. But this is Yoshida we are talking about. It doesn't matter if there hasn't been development or seems rushed, he will make a ship Canon even if it doesn't make sense at the last second like Yuma x Kotori so I say the chances of Aoi x Yusaku happening are pretty high even if they don't talk until the last second of the last episode. Or this could all be a troll. Remember Yoshida is a trolling master. He will turn girls into boys, make brothers marry or even have your love interest become your mom

>make brothers marry

>Considering that Yoshida wanted that ending to happen instead of pandering to a lot of Yusei and Aki people, I can't think that Yoshida actually though the idea of Aki staying in the city to help Yusei.
I don't think it would work, really.
Yusei was there as a scientist already, while Aki wanted to help people, thus going to study as a doctor.
The only proper way to do it would be having Aki work in the Neo Domino after getting her qualification, but I think that the epilogue didn't want to show any of the characters together.

Link 5 marincess soon?

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>Marincess fat whale bitch vs Vacuumsaurus rex
Who will win?

>or even have your love interest become your mom
Imagine being this new to think that Yoshida invented it, or that it means anything really.

Attached: Cqf5JolWgAAKtgD.jpg (489x361, 72K)

He foreshadowed the hell out of it.

Why did Yusaku reveal his identity to the Zaizens?

It only took two fucking years, but here we are, the relationship I wanted the most...

It's a good feeling, isn't it?

Attached: 61716572_296700277951821_6814967223508024002_n[1].jpg (640x640, 69K)

He's so fucking sad :(

Attached: sadyuzaku.png (1366x730, 1.12M)

Were do you think Akiras body is? In a secret safehouse? In the SOL HQ with tons of guards? Chained up in Hayamis bed?

Attached: it was a game.png (1280x720, 822K)

I stopped watching around Playmaker vs Blood shepard, I know AI is the villain now and decided to catch up, what am I in for

All 3 with a bomb set to go off if the key is stolen

>Yusaku and Roboppy both say "into the Vrains!" together in the preview
>their VAs being cute and happy about it
This is really nice, I'm glad they're enjoying it.

Attached: Roboppy and Yusaku VA.png (811x532, 142K)

Because Kusanagi revealed his identity like a retard.

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A wild ride.

Well, he guessed wrong.

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He was in a rush to save his brother. No time to prepare his avatar.

Not quite there yet.

Attached: playmaker!.png (1280x720, 443K)

That's because we have four writers.

From that point of view it makes sense. But you see, I cannot trust Yoshida anymore, so everything I watch/read of him I do it with a big load of salt instead of a grain of salt
Which is a shame. But oh well.

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This episode felt weird in a good way, and it felt long too. Kinda funny seeing how retarded the writers are at character interaction.

>Go: thanks
>Playmaker: for what?
>Go: you never change

????? lol what, don't even get me started on AoixYusaku scene. Well, it was nice seeing plot, I'm sure it will remain stagnant for the new few || months ||

Go understands Yusaku still can't pick up on things that affect other people.

If I was Playmaker I would tell Go to fuck off


There is no nuance to villains.

Attached: defeat everyone.png (1280x720, 640K)

They mean George Gore

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I can't wait to see what the other Ignis look like as humans.

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She did seem surprised but she got a good bit of it while she was staring at him while Akira was speaking

Attached: distressed.png (1280x720, 527K)

Aqua would be dumb thicc

When are they fucking? The autistic tension made me laugh.

The earrings feel more like an Ai thing. Aqua would probably have them as hairclips like Miyu. I do like that outfit though.

Did VRAINS regain it's.. dare I say it.. SOUL back?!

he never left.

Attached: it doesn't feel right.png (1280x720, 629K)

Fuck you, Vr/a/ins. You told me that Pandor was Robo Queen. What happened?


Attached: 1539665954757.png (853x482, 277K)

Revolver makes AI.

Aqua haircuts would indeed fit her pretty well.

more like soullessbanana LMAO

He still doesn't quite know how to deal with this.

Attached: blank.png (1280x720, 958K)

>Ai's harem is going to expand with 4 mind sharing Pandors
Sounds fun. I hope Team Ignis ends up being the closest interacting group before they eventually lose

Which track was playing during the bench scene?
Was it already released?

He's probably creeped out because of the talking washboard.

>this man who can't deal with a teenage girl is going to empathize with Ai who lost almost everyone they care for

Sawatari was really promising back in early ARC-V. Episode 32 was his greatest duel.
The thing is, it ended with the promise of more duels like that and we never got any.

Teenage girls are hard to deal with. Just ask their fathers.

Yusaku understands battle.

He was already feeling down about the Ai situation and suddenly the Zaizens figure out who he is and one of them is getting super close to him and prompting physical contact and being super friendly
It's been a weird two days for Yusaku

>Sawatari was really promising back in early ARC-V.
Everything was really promising back in early ARC-V.


Maybe he'll learn if and when he gets any kind of resolution with Emma.


To be fair, he's died a couple times already. He knows what's coming to him.

I would reverse engineer her source code, if you catch my drift.

He's gonna find out he and Aoi are really the Ignis leaders?

Sawatari was the most skilled duelist of the Lancers bar Reiji, but plot demanded him to be the designated punchbag. They didn't do him justice.

you lack the technical skill.

Jobbies and the pussy cats


their interaction was so autistic but i love it!
>suddenly the Zaizens figure out who he is
im guessing yuusaku told them

leave Aoi alone, she was trying to hold all that niagara falls down the pants from leaking after having to touch yuusaku's hand

Are you calling her a JIT slut?

Staring at him is an understatement. She was devouring him with her eyes.
>5+ seconds of staring while his brother was taking the call from SOL
It's obvious they are finally giving us the autism love we've been waiting for since the beginning.

It's pretty much guaranteed that Ai will get to Akira because Aoi and Akira appear dueling together in the OP.
You know what that means right? Playmaker is going to lose to Ai.

Wow, Aoi went straight for the handshake, bold. Yusaku though had the reactions of a dead fish though, lol. I hope there are more interactions even though Yusaku is as dry as a desert.

Attached: D6xS03dUEAAwX8U.jpg (1024x923, 217K)

Go knows that Yusaku is autistic.


So, why the fuck Kusanagi didn't use his Tag Force MC skin that one time? He blew their cover just like that.

Attached: preymeika.png (1920x1080, 1.11M)

the qulity was all over the place, that scene where the zaizens and yuusaku talk felt very out of place specially since they had that fade out fade in effect which is strange coming from the series because usually tou make a transition from one scene to the other.

They only put effort into animation quality in duel episodes.

It's a shame. They keep Playmaker's identity a secret for 100 episodes, but then it randomly gets leaked by hotdog. Anti climatic.

Maybe lightning had already decided their battle field would be the hot dog stand.

There's also the chance that Ai goes straight for Akira while using a bunch of clones to distract Playmaker

The quality is average for the first half of the episode but then it suddenly shits the bed.


you never learn don't you
Bohman got fucking 3 or 4 upgrades and he still jobbed every time.

I was expecting better scenario

Attached: u job w.png (1080x1490, 688K)

>Yusaku for once dueling without anything on the line
Even worse, the only things at risk are people who have been coma'd twice already

Pretty sure Yusaku is going to confront Ai on his way out. Also we might actually get a draw
Bohman wasn't a protagonist.

Playmaker couldn't lose because Yoshida is an incompetent retard and wrote himself into a corner with the Ignis bullshit. There are no constraints anymore.

what kind of scenario?

This is the perfect moment for his first loss. There are no stakes, it's the perfect opportunity to develop Playmaker's and Ai's relationship and to reveal Ai's true intentions. It would set up Ai as a real threat as well, something that they failed to do twice with Bohman and Revolver.
A draw would be extremely stupid.

>A draw would be extremely stupid.
Didn't Ai beating Queen knock her into a coma.

That's cause he hacked her mind, or something.

I'm think he brought her to a virtual space in his own mind.

that ship truly deserve its name

>not having the subtitles mentioning imageboards

Come on they can do better than just this

Better than what? Also there's still 40 episodes left to go.

What board(s) would Brave MAX browse?

/vrainsg/ on /vg/

So, list of YGO imoutomen:
What other character archetypes are common in YGO?

definitely /jp/ for idolfagging

/m/tv/ Yea Forumsnd Yea Forums

So was it really coincidence?

Attached: 1545228109942.jpg (1280x720, 141K)

/an/, /vg/ (/vrainsg/, /dng/), /jp/ and /g/ (consumerfag)

He would be a tripfag on /dng/

It just isn't the same.

Attached: no longer desire revenge.png (1280x720, 649K)

The show couldn't even be bothered to show Go getting better on-screen and when he shows up nobody really cares. Truly the true rival.

Yea Forums

Nobody believed autistlovefags when they said that was a sign and told them it'll never happen
Where's "heart has always been alone" poster now

Spectre is just happy to be there.

Did the kings fill all her holes at once?

Attached: file.png (740x340, 330K)

My predictions
Roboppy vs GG and BS and vs Go
Ai clones vs PM, SB, Revolver
Ai vs The Zaizens
They defeat everyone including PM

how else she got her title?

>Nobody believed autistlovefags when they said that was a sign and told them it'll never happen
I never really understood where they were coming from. This anime has been very upfront.

Attached: 8.png (1280x720, 618K)

Reminder that the speed duel format was introduced in the 5ds era.

That's not even smug, he looks kind of friendly.

you know, his character's kind of being wasted just standing there and doing nothing, he could easily thrown a sharp tongued or snarky comment there and be a smug prick but not even that, he's just there.

He will remain subservient and unmoved until his master revolver tells him to do otherwise.

Attached: soul to revolver.jpg (1280x826, 233K)

evil shota

Attached: 68640234_p0.png (1512x940, 1.59M)

Roboppy vs GG and BS
Ai vs Hanoi Knights
Roboppy vs Soulburner and Spectre
Ai vs Revolver and Go
Ai and Roboppy vs Zaizens
Ai vs Playmaker

if pureimeika loses i quit

They bothered to have Blood Sheperd throwing some lines earlier, but I guess Hanoi was just there to hand out Pandora

I don't think he'll lose this arc.

Sora isn't really evil and like only one year younger than Yuya.

This is THE moment for him to lose.

Just woke up from my nap and I still can't believe Aoi now knows Yusaku is Playmaker. Just how would things unfold from now on. This is really a game changer.

>losing to a clone
More like this is he barely winning or tying but not losing, that I assure you.

He is not going to lose to a clone. He is going to fight real Ai after Ai beats the jobber siblings and lose then.

This whole arc is contingent on keeping akira safe. If akira loses at any point he might not even bother finishing the duel.

Attached: WATCH VRAINS.jpg (1280x720, 395K)

Crow is not that fucking tall.

Will Ai crash the plane with no survivors?

We barely even know AI's goal yet, him getting the 2nd code from Akira isn't a gamewinning scenario like if Yusaku had lost AI at any point in the previous arc

>fausts beard is flesh colored

Fuck off

Attached: WATCH VRAINS.jpg (1280x720, 394K)

No, this arc, not the whole season. If akira loses he would just get out of there.


Attached: the_circle_is_complete.png (1082x1010, 2.58M)

remember when Crow sacrifice himself so yuusaku could pull out that firewall dragon and beat bohman?

what a shit meme


>shit meme

Attached: Xyz equals No.png (549x800, 850K)

>posts another one

I'm still mad they turned Aki into a literal cheerleader.

Imagine resting your head a bench she's spent an entire hot summer day warming.

well that was painful to watch

>"i'll never wash this hand, again"

It's autistlove for a reason

shut the fuck up shitvulva lover, go die

Is one of them voiced by Madara? The one that spoke at the end.

I could swear I heard that voice.

I'm not necessarily defending yoshida, but Vrains having so short of a pre production time and the entire staff being frantically rushed isn't yoshida's fault. Writers don't plan out the production schedule

why is shitvulva such a fucking retard, jesus fucking christ never have seen a rival be shilled and forced this hard who is such a jobber and such a fucking retard

>jesus fucking christ never have seen a rival be shilled and forced this hard who is such a jobber and such a fucking retard

sawatari was the best, fuck you

It must hurt being an incel and watching people get laid.

nope, shitvulva is even more retarded and jobs more than him, sawatari was GOAT and almost defeated zarc

Are imoutomen the most based archetype in yugioh?

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it must hurt not to HAVE SEX

wait, shark was older?

>Yea Forums thread
jeez user you sure are a fucking loser arent you

>revolver and soulburner are to guard the outside gates
so this proves that they are the weakest right? only the strongest guards the inner gates

villains who HENSHIN into big burly fuckers

on the contrary, zaizen wants to save time and cut to the chase making ai fight the strongest ones, leaving all jobbers inside because it'll be a waste of time having them roaming free only to lose

something about reserves.

Attached: reserve corps.png (1280x720, 1015K)

mm no, he wants himself to be protected, the best strategy is to leave the weakest at the outside so the strongest on the inside can observe the strategies


Soulburner and Revolver are in good places to let all the Pandor shit happen while they're away and for Playmaker to arrive right as Akira's getting killed

Would you watch a Yugioh series with Crow as the protagonist

Attached: FullCrowHogan(ArcV).png (220x541, 143K)


>yusaku actually experiencing some inner conflict

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS - 105 [720p].mkv_snapshot_09.06_[2019.06.05_17.18.55].jpg (1280x720, 265K)

why prolonging that fear when you can send the strongest and finish it off?

All his development was rushed in a span of one episode. Might as well pretend it made sense

again, you mean?

Why was Yusaku so human this episode?

two years I think, but he's still much smaller
And he isn't evil, but he was raised thinking that survival is the only thing that matters.

Which part implied humanity?

idk but it weirded me out

Is he a thief in this series?

why not give yourself higher chance of surviving instead of risking and throwing away your so called "strongest pieces" to the enemy

the handshake

so i can throw away my jobbers as I go


The Yugioh cycle is kicking in so this season is finally going to get good, but unfortunately the cycle doesn't stop the inertia of how bad it's been so far so they just have to roll with it and start making Yusaku an actual character now without the foundation. Just pretend he's a new dude.

>yusaku's blank stare after she left
The cutest autism.

>start making Yusaku an actual character now

Attached: justice.png (1920x1090, 1.26M)

Crow is the protagonist of every series, where have you been?

This to be honest Just pretend S1 and S2 were amazing and gave Yusaku a great development together with the other characters

Standard jobsquad

Is Ai a liar?

Attached: trust on lies.png (1280x720, 656K)

How do we know it's not just a slight burst of the writers caring before backsliding to being completely flat and boring again, even though this Ai setup is probably the best one so far

I don't think you can make an assumption like that given the current information. What's wrong with Ai winning here and hijacking SOL? Seems like a good setup for part 2 of the arc.

I don't go into the VRAINS threads all that often, but it was weird how Yusaku went all NAKAMA.WAV during the tail end of the bohman arc right?

Attached: Vrains_093.png (1920x1080, 1.19M)

How would they fix him being in a coma when the standard procedure has been to defeat the main bad guy.

Do not believe in the writers, believe in the Yugioh cycle. We've suffered through two shitty seasons of Vrains believing that the last season would be good.

You know I am amazed the yugioh cycle.has been so fucking consistent over the past 15 years.

But it hasn't manifested in the same way each time. The shit level of 5D's doesn't come close to Arc-V

>Yu-Gi-Oh! Cycle

At least it'll always be better than GX.

I think people watching Vrains once it ends won't feel the cycle since most of the suffering came from waiting weeks for the plot to advance.

>5d's is worse than arc-v

the fact that all of season 2 was lead up to an unremarkable bohman duel is pretty bad from any angle

After DM, every even numbered series is only good at the end and every odd numbered series is only good at the beginning. People joked about it when Zexal started then by Arc-V it became codified. It seems to be holding true for Vrains.

>I'm illiterate
nice to know

What does this look mean?

Attached: closer.png (1280x720, 1.02M)

Ah, I see. Well that's good although I am not sure if I really agree with that one.

The duel isn't bad it's a regular duel. Though Bowman was the most powerful AI, Revolver vs Lightning felt like the real boss battle to me.

I have no idea how a cute young lady like Aoi ended up in a show with such hopeless chara-designs.

she looks like some kind of princess.

Along with skeleton GO and mirror force revolver, will be posted on YGO7 threads everytime someone ask "how was Vrains?"

She's a creepy stalker

Thirst for a hot dog

Have you now accepted that Aoi is more cute than any of her avatars?

She will get a new one in a few episodes, so wait a bit to post that

Ha you wish

I always thought she was cuter than Blue Angel. As for her more recent avatar, it's so much worse there is no comparison.

Blue Girl was the only avatar that came close to her real life cuteness.

It screwed up halfway.

Oh, you are that user. Should have guessed

wrong way.

Attached: stalk.webm (1280x720, 2.48M)

>that animation

It's not good, character development isn't worth throwing away tone.

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Can't forget how much plot was just straight up dropped like the light of destruction.

Not as long as they don't give her breasts.

I don't really understand the problem? Either defeat Ai = Akira and Queen revive or the more likely scenario of him willfully undoing as much damage as he can near the end of the arc. Akira could also just fucking die, he got some major death flag treatment this episode.

>everyone got given pandor except soulburner, playmaker and revolver himself

I'm only referring to Playmaker being defeated.


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS - 105 [720p].mkv_snapshot_18.31_[2019.06.05_23.22.05].jpg (1280x720, 389K)

There's no forest around.

you can tell they're struggling to keep him in the plot, he's no longer an ignis holder therefore he's meaningless now, he should have gone back home but they like his VA and someone on staff has a boner for this character so he stays


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS - 105 [720p].mkv_snapshot_17.22_[2019.06.06_10.56.01].jpg (1280x720, 420K)

He's staying until he gets a rematch with Shitvulver. After that he'll walk off into the sunset and hopefully get run over by a truck.

>Emma just standing there useless
No fucking wonder she and her brother die quickly just like Go and the zaisens

so pretty much the only things left from the op is this, chadburner vs shitvulva and zaizen sibling tag duel

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS - 103 [720p].mkv_snapshot_03.45_[2019.05.22_23.04.48].jpg (1280x1440, 392K)

The duel on a fly jet is missing too.

they didn't even try to pretend the other characters mattered

How is he going to duel Revolver now? It'd feel very out of place since they have an enemy powerful enough that there's no time to think of anything but beating him.

We'll be lucky if all five from the bottom stay relevant.

>pandor goes haywire
>hurts his allies more instead of helping them
>soulburner abandons his duty to beat the living shit out of shitvulva for causing all this mess

Keked. That'd be adding salt to injury.