Imagine being a 20+ years old woman far past your primes, no husband, no kids, no hope, no future, just one night stands and alcohol to mute the pain of your pitiful existence.
Christmas Cake
Changw woman to man and remove the one night stands and you get (You)
Imagine being a 25+ kissless virgin with no friends
>It's a "the japanese cake who is worried about being too old is actually still younger than you" episode
Just gonna retreat back into my tower for now.
fuck you, I just wanna talk about anime.
>he doesn't have a wizard tower in the mountains
It's not like she is too young, it's you too olf
I don't have to imagine that.
Do you grant wishes
Let's not lose hope
Someone will pick up these expired cakes
Usually there's a reason why a hot girl is single in her late 20s and beyond. Can Yea Forums handle a waifu with half a train car of baggage?
I know a girl who is pretty much all of Yea Forums's fetishes du jour in one (cake, tan, tomboy, abs etc) and I don't find her attractive because she's weird, loud and opinionated about everything
I'll remind you.
First of all, why the hell are these hot, busty, sexually active females don't get courted by a man? Because there's something wrong with them! And the primary reason being that they are really bad mother candidates. They're loud, like to get drunk, like to have fun more than being a dutiful wife, and just being plain unfeminine. They may have fucked with one or multiple chads at some point but why won't these chads marry them? It's not because those chads like to fuck around and not settling down, it's because DEEP DOWN THEY KNOW THAT THESE THIRSTY CAKES WON'T CUT IT AS GOOD MOTHERS. So what happens to them? Just pump and dump. Real chads know what's the best for them and it's maternal goddesses like Funabori that they would marry and make a big family with. Tl;dr cakes are worthless and you should feel bad for liking them
Does she look past her prime? HUH?!
Sorry user, but I am not into children. A man should look for a wife first, not for a daughter.
It's not like suicide isn't an option.
Your OL cake boss "accidently" sent this picture to you.
How do you respond?
>20+ years old woman far past your primes
Are we just going to ignore the low-key pedophilia
Funabori is 100% pump and dump material though.
I don't and I pretend I never got message from her because I don't wanna get #MeToo'd for her stupid mistake.
>not making Funabori a wife for 5-10 of user's children
Okay, your loss
>implying she won't get upset and #MeToo you for rejecting her advances
>implying the damage to your reputation by the accusation won't already be enough.
I'll never ever ever ever ever get tired of cakes, They are too wondeful and it has a nice huge variety as well.
I can't be a coincidence user, think of all those looks she gave you during meetings.
You mean the looks of disgust?
Why does she have condoms in her table?
Don't be like that, have a little more self-confidence.
So she can tell you not to use them
Boss, I need a promotion!
You are promoted to husband!
>haha why wont someone marry her already
wow, what an amazing character
This is borderline ERP degeneracy but my dick appreciates your work nonetheless
>Females have flaws and because of that I will never date one of them! That'll teach 'em!
Good. Don't breed and I rejoice that you will end up dying a genetic dead-end.
>wanting to impose existence on a sentient being through means of a genetic gamble and forcing them to inevitably suffer and die in a world threatened by climate change
kys breedgroid
You are a literal fucking incel. Hard cringe at your existence, my dude.
>Usually there's a reason why a hot girl is single in her late 20s and beyond.
I get Yea Forums's fascination with cakes, but once you mill around them enough IRL it completely ruins the fantasy.
Even a haggard chain-smoker with three kids probably has standards that exclude most wiz/a/rds. And they all want someone with fuckloads of money.
Who is this cake and why I need to care?
It's not paedophilia because OP is obviously a child
I don't have to imagine because that is me.
Only difference is I draw instead of drink
Joke's on you, that's literally me.
Holy shit, Funabori just went nuclear.
Fluffy cakes with lots of frosting and sprinkles
She's the one who sent you those pictures, accuse her first, you have proof.
Given their artist, I'm entirely certain these two aren't actual cakes, since there's sort of a virginity requirement.
where can i read more chapters of this? all scans seemed to have stopped, is the official translation up for free somewhere?
If you have dozens of one night stands yet actually want something serious your gatekeeping is awful and you quite frankly have bad taste in men. A woman like that deserves to get mocked not pitied.
Wouldn't that also apply to most of us?
There's no virginity requirement, just no marriage or boyfriend
>I get Yea Forums's fascination with cakes, but once you mill around them enough IRL it completely ruins the fantasy.
It doesn't ruin the fantasy for me. I mean sure anime doesn't do a good job of telling you but life should tell you that some people just make bad decisions,are lazy and keep making bad decisions and being lazy. Besides the hardest thing is just getting yourself to accept that you don't start off with main character status in a girls eyes.
But we never had a chance
This is a female she had plenty of options
Friendly reminder that this cake shit ended like 29 years ago in real life japan and the average salaryman os okay with marrying a girl older than 35
Just find other cakes that are just as lonely and date them. Problem solved.
God I want to impregnate the succubus then claim responsibility
They want something serious but also desperate for sex, they dont tell their dates theyre sleeping around
Its settling theres no other options ans they need to continue their legacy
Women want a career now till the biological clock starts ticking and they need a man
Is M1903 Springfield a cake?
>wanting a GF
>wanting a wife
Theres a 80% chance you breakup within first 6 months
Theres a 5% chance you last through the year
Theres a 35% chance she will cheat on you
Theres a 100% chance she will not love you
>Reading a cake manga
>Obviously setting it up for cake to cuck the younger girl that likes MC
>Out of nowhere, manga takes a nosedive by having cake force MC to be with the younger girl
Why are cake victories so fucking rare
It's Sakie from Demi-chan wa Kataritai. It's a pretty great anime and you should give it a go.
She's chinkshit. Pretty good chinkshit though. She was my favourite back when I was playing this game
>virgin woman
this is acceptable only if you are christian
otherwise kys
>user, we just went through your phone for our investigation
>It seems that you want a, and I quote, "mommy gf" to "tenderly dominate me and bully my penis"
>Care to explain yourself?
>one night stands
>I have a fetish for older women, what's the big fucking deal
>thinking 3dpd matters
>muh genetic legacy
Pro tip your dead and “muh legacy” doesn’t matter. If you even have kids they’re gonna be trannies sucking nigger dick
>tfw you will never meet a depressed cake with a taste disorder, and help her find meaning in her life again
Fuck I love that movie
>Cameo in Kimi no Na Wa
What are the odds of her returning in another Shinkai movie?
I'm the only male of this generation that has my last name in my family. I fully intend to let the name die with me because i'm too autistic and too busy for relationships. Plus I like having money
Doesn't mean i'm not gonna jack my dick raw to cakes, though
>tfw will never be seduced by a women using her feet
>Manga shows her wearing his homemade shoes
>Next cameo will show them together in some capacity
Hopefully high, Yukino deserves happiness.
Shut your whore mouth.
>Imagine being a 20+ years old woman far past your primes, no husband, no kids, no hope, no future, just one night stands and alcohol to mute the pain of your pitiful existence.
Check out this little supreme gentleman
Sorry to break your bubble. Even the shittiest women never get their just desserts for being irresponsible shits. Even 30/40+ women can still get most of what they want. Their suffering is having to settle for a beta like yourself or an even older man (men age like wine anyways) instead of Chad.
Even the worst case women like ugly/fat single moms with dead beat jobs and little Tyrones can still get free dates and fresh dick whenever they want (welfare & childsupport too if they aren't retarded). Flip that around and think what men need to get some P? Men will need a place, car, job, career, education, network of friends, social life, be fit, be funny, over 6'0, high income, wealth, and a life style a woman will want to be a part of while said man caters to her need.
TL;DR No. Even 30/40yr old roasties still have it easy. They just don't have AS easy.
Patrician taste.
Who is she user?
Enjoy throat cancer from Stacy
Based. 2D>3DPD
You've reached the end goal user.
based and redpilled
Look at all these retards who try to compare 2D cakes with 3D ones.
Isn't that illegal? Care to explain why were you violating my privacy?
Do you realise how childish this sounds? People aren't like this. You can't divide people into "chads" and "betas" and the rest of your silly terms.
> Flip that around and think what men need to get some P? Men will need a place, car, job, career, education, network of friends, social life, be fit, be funny, over 6'0, high income, wealth, and a life style a woman will want to be a part of
Most people don't have all of these and yet they can find women.
They're lost in ego investment so far down it's manipulated their perception of art.
How about you just an hero if you hate life so much, antinatalist.
That's a problem. And even 30 isn't being past your prime.
Is the appeal of cakes that they are desperate to have their eggs fertilized, or the stability of having a woman who has a job and income.
>Always on the very edge of progressing their relationship, but never actually takes that step
Fuck this manga, tits aren't going to carry it
For a woman it is, at least in desirability by men aware of how a single girl at that age is trying to lock down security and commitment.
Yeah as much promise as I had for it, I had to drop it months back. They need to have actual character depth at some point more than she's a cute cake with large tits.
>Do you realise how childish this sounds? People aren't like this. You can't divide people into "chads" and "betas" and the rest of your silly terms.
Not him, but he is unfortunately right. People definitely can be sorted as dominant or submissive type, here it's just called chad or beta.
>Most people don't have all of these and yet they can find women.
Yes, they can find women to fuck, but most of them won't stay with these kind of guys, because women naturally seek men who has good genes for reproduction, can protect them, and provide financial stability. Of course there are exceptions, but most of the time this is how it works.
imagine waking up and the first thing you see in your kitchen is pic related
You're just as childish as he is. Your "Redpill" nonsense doesn't apply to actual people.
>too old
>too tall
>too curvy
Id rather wake up to this
>useless cunt as wife
Big no for me
Don't let her deceive you. She will steal your semen.
Soulless utilityfag.
>too old to be a lucky shota
>too young to be a faceless bald man
Whats the point of it all?
Start eating an in a couple years when you get bald you could be the faceless old man and cuck user by fucking his cute wife chino.
28+, fagget
And I have a bunch of firends
>they dont tell their dates theyre sleeping around
Women like that are trash and know they are.
She literally could kill a guy while having sex.
My goal wasn't "redpilling", i just said what i see in people. Can you tell me why do you think i'm wrong?
literally an incel
More like a volcel
In general your way of thinking fails to account for individuality or any cultural context. In your mind, people across the globe can be sorted into two distinct modes of behavior that women can sniff out and seek out, and that's just not true.
Lies and slander. She can project an aura that arouses people but she can't cause damage. But her judgement is severely lacking considering she could've gone into an all-girl school but she deliberately chose to go to a mixed school. Japan must have some really tough anti-discrimination laws if the school allowed her to get anywhere near high school boys.
>wife is 25
>still 4'10"
>still 97lbs
>lolitits so she is nowhere close to sagging yet
>working on second kid
Life is good.
>having kids
>being a normalfag
also if her face is ugly those metrics dont mean shit
imagine being 32 year old unmarried and childless and being romantically involved with a kid.
She has looked more or less the same since she was a teenager. The only thing that changed were the kids made her tits a little bigger. She has a cute face and very cute chestnut colored hair.
My wife is cute leave her alone
Your wife had better chemistry with Koiwai
>not having children with your beautiful wife
>being a closet homo
Die off, I don't care. But don't around pretending you're on any kind of moral high ground.
Self-righteous normies like you are the reason the rest of us can't be with our 2d waifus
Good goy. We need more borrowers.
>Better chemistry
This nigga doesn't even know what a wingman is
My wife loves me so what is wrong with loving her and giving her a second kid? I never bashed you for your life choices.
based retard
stop contradicting my strawman
I never HAD the choice to marry my waifu because normies like you rule society and decide for the rest of us what is or isn't acceptable behavior. You shun and exclude from society anyone who wants something different from you and then tell them it was their own decision that they couldn't follow their dreams. It's the modern equivalent of the "Jedem das Seine" motto over the gates to Buchenwald.
Don't insult a man's wife. What the hell is wrong with you?
Based prole.
I would go hunting for multiple big black cocks every weekend. That would be living the dream.
> SEETHING samefag
The baby isn't even yours.
having kids is immoral because a desire to reproduce comes from narcissism.
>defending normalfags
I have never once told anyone they can't do what they want. Don't lump everyone together.
woah, we truly live in a society
I might have put a bit much emphasis on personality types, and i know that people have many other personality traits and are individual beings, but generally people CAN be sorted as dominant or submissive types. And this is not something you have to "sniff out", it can be seen when you look at somebody. Their clothing style, body language, way of speaking, etc. And seeking out this is half conscious, half subconscious act.
>It's a "the japanese cake who is worried about being too old is actually almost young enough to be your daughter" episode
Getting old will happen to you too Anons, and no you won't stop loving the things you love like anime.
>hey, I may be a nazi but i never sent anyone to a death camp, don't lump everyone together
>Their clothing style, body language, way of speaking
Standing up straight and wearing something other than a marvel t-shirt makes you a "chad"?
Describe your desire. What is it that you want to do that society is telling you it isnt okay.
That is some serious edge you are packing
Marry my 2d waifu
I mean realistically that is a true statement. Just because you were a nazi didnt mean you were one of those nazis
Like legally? What country are you in?
Because usually if you lawyer hard enough you can get what you want. How do you think gays got their rights. Don't blame me having a wife for the way society views marriage. That isn't my fault.
So you're saying if I become a lawyer I can fight to pass a law to make anime girls real?
So you're retarded. Alright whatever.
Which one of your motherfuckers have not read Mofu oneechan yet?
Imagine marrying a desperate cake who has been waiting for it her entire life
Usually they have fatter ass.and more experience. 80% of the time they are crazy if they never got married
I want to stick my dick in crazy
Body language doesn't mean posture only, and clothing style isn't just dressing fashionable. For example, if someone can't really hold eye contact while talking, looks down often while walking, has rigid movements, you can be sure they aren't the type that can be defined as a chad. And for clothing, what defines a chad for me is when someone dresses according to trend,wears clothes that makes him look masculine, wears something that differs from usual (punk/rock style outfit, colorful/vibrant outfit), his hair and facial hair is clean, and styled.
How about evil secret police cakes?
based kiwiposter
All Stasi deserve death
of course, everything is OK in here.
Imagine being a 25+ kissless virgin with too many friends
We'll be seeing a cake Mitsuha instead.
haha, imagine that. It definitely won't happen to me, no sir
>when you get desperate enough for online dating
Why isnt there manga about this?
Online dating isn't all that taboo anymore ever since tinder got big. Most everyone I know 35 and under has met someone online.
What kind of fag would let a woman work for him
I-I know right? haha...who could possibly imagine that?
What kind if sociopath doesn't have friends?
>No worries. I was actually worried for a sec you were making a move on me since I'm planning on proposing to my girlfriend next week. I'll see you at work.
honestly I rather be alone than be in a shitty relationship
[spoilers]I know I'm dying alone[/spoilers]
The author really highlights the fault in that thinking, too bad he doesnt follow up on it too much
Because Jap authors have shit taste. I'm just crossing my fingers that Watashi no Shounen ends with Mashuu becoming a teen daddy while still in middle school and puke-chan sometimes helps babysit.
That won't happen though.
She should've went to prison.
I'd rather invite the desperate cake to my wedding and whisper to my wife to throw the bouquet as far away from the cake as possible.
I don't remember this happening in FGO.
Haha yes what a pathetic l-loser...
Will she win at the end of the manga? How will Takahashi survive having sex with her?
Chick from “interview with monster girls”
She's the only real contender. I doubt the mangaka will dare have the MC fuck a JK.
She's the only one he's had overt sexual attraction towards.
>be 30
>Married and divorced
>Can't have kids
Ain't worth leaving Anime boys. Stop worrying about some love.
She's the only one in the bowl tho
Also, he's quite athletic and muscular, so he will be able to survive if he pound as hard as he can that succubus cake pussy
fuck you.
faceless Hawaiian shirt wearing fucker
I have no objections
back to /r9k/ neetnigger
Is this what heaven looks like?
I have 4 years to go
> 10 years to go
It's a shame because I know I shall walk the path of sorcery, but I must wait so long before I can begin my journey.
thank, I'd missed that!
>imagine ten years ago
Man, I feel old...
Man ReLife really hit the feels.
There's an uptick of anime targeting us boomer virgins.
Take this and call me in the morning.
Don't worry time flies by real quickly you'll be a wizard before you know it.
I don't feel bad about being a wizard anymore desu. There must be plenty of witches. It's never too late is it?
How do I make friends? I'm a day trader with minimal human interaction.
Can I pay for friends with bitcoin?
>TFW married a 26 y/o Christmas Cake
She's so cute lads. It's amazing how happy she is to have me.
No, she's a disimproved bootleg Mauser.
Shouldn't the age for a witch be like 15? Keeping your virginity past 15 for a girl is like the equivalent difficulty as past 30 for a guy
This is why I'm Here?
>[citation needed]
I just realized my Onee-san is 27 and never had a boyfriend.
I dunno Japanese Christmas cakes are 30+ yo virgins
Duct tape solves all these problems except the last one.
How long are you going to keep her waiting?
That's why you make sure she's just like you
>I'm alone because nobody has chosen me
I call bullshit. You're a woman. You have 100% by the time you're 25 had multiple men choose to approach you. It was then up to you to make yourself available or not. And you're alone because you chose not to make yourself available. Maybe your standards are stupidly high. Maybe you only attract shit men because you're shit yourself. It could be any number of things, but it's not because nobody chose you. Fucking roastie logic I swear to god.
Duct tape leads to mindbreak, solving the last one. I think you're on to something.
>Lady, you misappropriated my belongings and went through my personal files without my permission.
>It seems you have no respect for personal property and a complete disregard for rule of law, to say nothing of ethics and basic etiquette.
>Care to explain YOURself?
>I'm the only male of this generation that has my last name in my family
And what is your last name?
Women don't realize that a man has absolutely no reason to talk to them whatsoever unless they want to bang em. Men will always prefer to actually discuss hobbies and happenings with other men.
They think its natural for someone of the opposite gender to strike up a conversation about the book they're reading or the show they're watching
based Shinkai.
Stockholm Syndrome IS the truest form of love after all...
Ask your dad if you have one
My wife Chino is so cute
How is it that cake idols actually dominate the industry?
Cakes deserve to suffer and be bullied.
because they please old men for money
She looks Korean.
Can a cake that's de-caked become a cake once more?
This one gets it. Being a woman is pretty easy. Being a pretty woman is life with cheat codes enabled. Thats why fat ugly women resent hot woman. If you dont believe me dig up stories of women who transition to men and read about their reactions. It's quite funny.
They seem happy enough together, no signs of cheating that I ever saw growing up. Maybe you just have a bad family
what hobbies you have, join discords, go to bars, join a dnd group somewhere
you better make that fucking baby
>How do you think gays got their rights.
The same way everyone else got theirs.
Japan retires their own before they become cakes. On the other hand, Korea's most popular idol is a 28-year-old cake, and Japan also loves her.
>Men will need a place, car, job, career, education, network of friends, social life, be fit, be funny, over 6'0, high income, wealth, and a life style a woman will want to be a part of while said man caters to her need.
There are literal trailer trash fatasses that manage to get laid, you're just a coward who screeches about how it's to scary to take a leap and face getting rejected.
>not even 25
That's not a cake.
>Having kids is narcissistic
That's fucking retarded
Every time I make friends they just up and leave on me.
No that messes with copyright. You can however fight to marry your waifu
The makeup/hair/hair removal stuff girls do is pretty time consuming/gruesome, but otherwise true.
>>Married and divorced
the only retarded thing here is the kids you would have
That guy seems like a real deadbeat jerkass.
this wouldn't be true if sasha was real and was my gf
This, why should cakes be allowed to have love when us men are more depressed and lonely? Most cakes are just used up roasties anyway, I doubt even a single one of them is a virgin.
C L I M A T E C H A N G E is the threat he uses for his cope
Cake suffering is one of my favorite cliches in manga, I absolutely love it when their lives are nothing but misery
Bonus points if everyone around them find happiness
Extra points if they realize everything is their own fault
Even more extra points if it's not actually their fault but they blame themselves anyway
Holy fuck she is gorgeous. If she wasnt a legit pedo id read her manga
>having to cope for the fact you have nothing worthwhile to pass onto the next generation
Some cakes may be expired for good reasons.
They might look delicious on the outside but rotten on the inside.
>not intentionally having kids so your pathetic genes can hinder the rest of humanity when youre gone giving you the last laugh
Nice 5s kaiba
Get back to work coinboi.
i want to cum inside a late 20s woman and have her pump out a retarded kid because her eggs are too old!
This pill is too hard to swallow
I'm sure she's wearing lots of makeup, but she looks really good for being a cake.
>always wearing pajamas
>hair is a mess
Sign me the fuck up.
Timeslip Otagirl is a manga about otaku cake who accidentally travels in the past to fix her past mistakes but falls even deeper into otaku culture of 90s again.
Very similar to MoriMori. Every day until translations.
Hags can be cute.
>tfw older than cakes
good thing men age like wine
Women like confidence, it's why so many losers can still get laid consistency. Don't blame other people for your own lack of a spine.
Try looking up "Asexual-Antisexual Umbrella"
Apparently, antisexuals are the very people who consider their sexuality a burden.
No relevant results. Is this one of those things where you need pol sites in your browsing history in order for google to guess what the fuck you're asking about?
I want a male cake.
What makes me maddest is there are actual men out there with loving partners who want their brains fucked out but these limp dicks can't or won't. Yet here I am lonely and still swiping through dating apps trying to find ANY woman that'll let me smash. And cook for her and go on dates with and connect in a meaningful manner. Fuck. Just let her go.
Ouch, BURN!
So... a roastie?
>the sexy mommy milf you want to give you milkies and tuggies with her big warm body is younger than you
Fucking Michi. Can't she do anything right?
You dont want to see shit going down? I want to see at least one nuke thrown to civilians in my lifetime and then say "I told you"
>Christmas Cake
Nigger, Christmas is on the 25th.
succubi lose their powers when they fall in love. imm guessing hes gunna make her lose powers after sex
Imagine having sex with her and then she becomes totally undesirable.
Oh wait, just like any other woman.
What is it like to date an older woman?
I doubt it is that different to being a 20+ man past your prime without wife, hope or future. Lack of kids counts as a positive for me, though.
post it on Yea Forums
I wish I knew.
>why won't these chads marry them?
marriage is one of the least Chad things you could ever do
>The life of cake succubus -DAY-
>Life of cake succubus -Night-