This board is fucking garbage

This board is fucking garbage.


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Other urls found in this thread:

Far better than most other boards

Hunterchads are the last bastion of old Yea Forums. Let me explain.

Nu-Chan culture is predicated on irony. Irony functions as a dialectical annihilator in a Hegelian context. Normally, a given idea is contrasted with an opposing viewpoint, and the sublation of the two gives rise to the final result; as an example, geocentrism was confronted with heliocentrism, and sublated into heliocentrism-not-geocentrism. The dialectic of irony is different, because it contains its own negation implicitly within itself. We instead have ironic idea—subset of the ironic idea (its negation)—ironic idea, that is, the subset is subsumed back into the larger whole. Essentially, you can't get around irony by saying the opposite. You can't beat "this but unironically" by saying "this but ironically," since the irony was already implicit in the "unironically" and the ultimate effect is again just "this but ironically." Thus viewed from the rationalist Hegelian perspective, irony can never be supplanted nor removed, since it is invincible dialectically.
Enter HxH threads. Here we have—sincere excitement! appreciation! How can this be? Because the thread rejects the rationalist paradigm completely. Detractors say "lol you'll just get a few chapters of scribbles," embodying (whether right or wrong) the rationalist paradigm, but the thread rejects not only the statement but the rationalist form of the statement, and by its rejection of rationalism finds the only possible escape from irony. Thus the thread can be full of nothing but positive vibes and good energy. The ironic "heat death" of the universe/site/culture has been avoided by "quantum tunneling" out of the rational and into the superrational.
In short, and I am completely sincere in saying this, HxH threads are a prototype of the transformation that needs to occur in order save not only imageboards everywhere, but in all of Western civilization, to escape ironic cancer.

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Shonenfags killed Yea Forums. All mods that understood Yea Forums culture were booted and replaced with drooling faggots. That's it.

not enough consecutive digits

Here fixed it for you

I blame wanpiss and boku no pico academemia

Enjoy your ban homophobe

fuck off shounenshitter, aqua is a good girl

found the aquatard

I miss moot

someone be my bf already

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Blame yourselves, you’ve made this happen.

Unironically moot's fault. He let Narutards in, and by proxy all the subsequent shonen underages.

Yea Forums, Yea Forums and and /pol
That's not most other boards

Also Yea Forums

If I wanted garbage I'd ask for your one rep max

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I don't think there's a single group on a more cancerous and annoying than Megumincels.

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That is pretty bad
Look at these quads though

dying industry
dying board

And Yea Forums, /ck/, /qa/, /r9k/, Yea Forums, /lgbt/, /vp/.

>Yea Forums, /lgbt/, Yea Forums
No way

>/ck/, /qa/, /vp/
I don't know


moe moe
moe moe moe moe
moe moe moe moe moe moe moe moe
moe moe moe moe moe moe moe moe moe moe moe moe moe moe moe moe

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>Let me explain.
No thats okay. I like your style though.

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/ck/ is better than Yea Forums

>unironically defending Yea Forums


>Yea Forums
>No way

Still better than desu and accel spam.

It's a fun board

Just because they have a few pedophiles, it doesn't mean it's a bad board.

Bssed hunterchad

Why is this thread still up?

>Just a few
Already better than Yea Forums

Kino post

Instead of looking for some boogeyman take a look at moderation who were removing fun threads under pretense of being off-topic despite the fact they all were somehow anime related which dilated the old Yea Forums guard and broke apart the community

It wasn't like Yea Forums when it was basically video game themed Yea Forums

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