Kengan onega

preemptive raws thread

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Other urls found in this thread:!fU0AzAZQ!cE4TSSSVb9P2j2ZOwL6R97qjjNYfd63T7pHJU2_y3S4

Will budget Sen beat GHOST?

Place your bets, Yea Forums.

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Far too pre-emptive amigo

better early than later
thats basically the saying right?

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I want Karla to rape me!

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Where do you guys get the raws from? I tried looking but couldn't find any source.

currently a one piece server
wish i was joking

A guy seems to dump a imgur of them anywhere from 2 to 5 hours from now

My gao is getting long

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I'm sick of koga having potential, he needs to be bad at at least one thing eventually to make the training feel more real.

He's still a mediocre fighter compared to the rest of the cast. I'm interested in his development though, when Omega got announced and Koga's design was revealed I thought he'll be pretty strong.

His current powerlevel is low, but he picks up absolutely everything extremely quickly, which is the main problem, he needs to struggle with at least a couple concepts to make him feel more well-rounded.

Sen's senpai will wipe the floor with walmart Agito.

Im siding with Discount Sen getting SPOOKED.

Budget sen will hold up for a while but get decimated

Did he slacked on his log spinning training?

He's a budget sen, at best he might've spun a pen with his fingers for a couple minutes and called it quits.

Koga is probably low mid tier by now. So not Kengan tournament material but i bet he could fight on even ground with the weakest kengan fighters now

I can feel it in my bones, the raws are coming...

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I love this Koga edit, the sublety does the job.

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I think the head might be a tad too big but other than that I'm pleased.

I was thinking of doing an edit of this scene but with Ohma replaced with Koga and Koga replaced with the Biker, but Biker didn't really have any fitting shots.

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El hermano de Koga

You could use the Ashura version of biker if that helps

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Where is the raw user?

the raws will come when they're cooked

just a little longer
i promise

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So /fit/bros I got some questions
Would Ryuki's hopscotch shit actually make you more nimble/agile or is it just another 'unconventional training' meme?
Second, is doing normal squats and hindu squats together fine or is it just repetitious?
Third what would be a good alternate for normal sit ups?

When's Ohma?

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Ryuki's Hopscotch drills should work. They're not going to make you faster or anything, but they should help you develop a good balance. The difference from the story is that it will take a few weeks at least for 'dividends' to be paid out rather than days.
Normal squats can be done quicker if you are doing large sets, and they can be combined with weights. Hindu squats are better if you are only looking for one exercise of that style to do.
Russian Twists are a decent stand in for sit-ups if need be.

Non Sen will lose but I expect a good fight.

1. Debatable. Someone in the raw chapter pointed out that this movement is realistic, as long as you can put one foot down as the next foot builds momentum through leaping. Other than that it would be too hasty for actual combat, bc you cannot generate punching power on one foot only and kicks would be unbalanced.
2. Depends on what you wanna do but they target many similar muscle groups
3. Climbing crunches

You could fit 2 Cosmos inside Adam

Cosmo a shit

He's a good shit, one of those no wipe ones.

I sense an overall theme here.

One fits inside every night

6 hours

High repition low volume excersises will hardly make you stronger, just more resilent and maybe improve cardio.

Just go to a gym and do 5x5, but really, pick up a sport and then you will see the effects of training faster.

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what are the chances that Kuroki is dead and Rihito is his successor?

New chapter is out.
Here you go fellas

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Right now I just wanna focus on burning my fat
My plan is 10 vanilla push ups, 10 diamond or knuckle push ups, 10 sit ups and 10 of the climbing crunches user suggested, 10 vanilla squats and 10 Hindus along with some walking just to burn some fat and build some endurance.
Feel free to call it retarded

How will the tournament be structured?
Obviously all 13 fights will happen because this is a manga, but there should be some system in place to prevent the whole thing from ending if one side gets 7 victories un a row

Much thanks my man

>Named Ghost
>Is actually Ohja
Hmmmm not sure how I feel about this

Aw ye

I can't believe it's not Sen

>That last page

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You do remember Setsuna, right?

I'm thouroughly spooked.

So from what I can gather, Ghost was one of the top 30 of Purgatory since he was an A Rank Gladiator and the pyramid Kazzy shows shows 30.

Last man standing, perhaps? Someone like Toyoda would want to indulge himself in watching all those fights happen, after all. Perhaps opponents chosen by random each round too.

Kung fu Agito

The fuck

Very nice! Some fighting action! And gotta love how flesh being pressed is drawn. Always a quality job. Really gives a visceral feeling of contact.

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I'd say before doing Ryuki hopscotch you should do something easier. Take a long low barrier, we used 2 benches (around 5-6 meters total and around 30 centimetres high so ~12 inches) and just jump over it moving forward and keeping your legs together. After a month or two you should have enough strength to do the hopscotch.

But it's not the only way to train balance.

What is this expression trying to to convey?

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Sen will lose.

That's kind of too small user. Even 6-7 year children normally start at around 20 repetitions. If you want to burn fat and build stamina then you need running alternating sprint and jogging.

You can start at 10 though, but then each day you need to add one more. It's not OPM where 100 would suffice. 100 is just the start.

That's his O-face.

>Someone like Toyoda would want to indulge himself in watching all those fights happen
That's exactly my point
>Perhaps opponents chosen by random each round too.
Not randomly, but chosen right before the match. Kazzy would use his Kengan to pick the best match ups
>judging by his physic he is a grappler, I could send Cosmo to out grapple him, but he would be better suited against that striker over there... Rihito you are up

That he is gonna break his arm.

He's becoming a ghost for real

Ok so probably NOT!Agito uses Xing Yi Quan and i remember that some threads back someone asked for Xing Yi Quan to be featured. This is getting scary. Also NOT!Sen looks like Sambo...?

If fighters are chosen right before the match then either they must do it blind or they will switch each match who chooses first. Otherwise it's not fair.

Testing out some stuff, first page.

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Based HN.., i mean Anonymous

We helck now?

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If burning fat is the idea than start running, biking, and swimming. Weight training and exercises like push-ups are for building muscle, you won't lose a significant amount of weight doing them.

Start off running .5 mile for a week, then .75 for another, then 1 for another and so on. IF you want to get into running - remember to do dynamic stretches before running, and static stretches after running.

So Kengan kept some of the super natural bullshit

>notSen keeping his cool
I don't know if this is a good sign or a bad one

Its strange that Not!Sen isn't freaked out by Ghost doing a 'The Scream' impression.

The one related series does have actual ghosts, doesnt it?

Right now Kuroki has no reason to fight in the tournament. He'll send Rihito, Rihito will job and he'll pop up and clean up Rihito's mess like the tsundere he is

>Rihito will job
>implying post-training Rihito will job

If the user that is running the Random Tourney is here, I would recommend that you save voting for the winners of the matches for the end of the thread if able.

A lot of good discussion was had below the poll last time and people will vote before having conversations with other readers about who would win a given fight. Saving the polls for the end will allow for more educated choices.
This is probably the wrong thread for this, and I apologize, but I normally only get to Kengan threads late and wanted to get my opinion out.

He was actually a ghost huh?

Thanks, user.

Can't see post training Rihito being any better than like Rei. 2 years ain't enough to turn a mid-class fighter into one of the best.

>introducing the concept of channeling ghosts
Ohma confirmed for smash

Oooof i dont think you will like how Koga will prob. develop

I think it would go something like this:
>rihito starts fight using beard's style
>gives enemy a hard fight, but starts to get overwhelmed
>say something like "i guess my spear still needs improvement" and switches to using razor's edge
>wins absurdly quickly with his improved razors edge

But that's the thing, Rihito was already a mid-class fighter and after 2 years training under hands down the best martial artist in the tournament why would he still exist only to lose to someone else?

Second page

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>It was the final test by Beard if Rihito would think for himself and combine his technique with Beards style, or think only using the Beards tricks would do.
>Rihito passes it with with bravo by inventing the Devils Claw.

I agree, I will be aggravated when Koga hits the Big Leagues with only ~6 months of real training. I'm only hoping that the rest of the cast is entertaining enough to make up for it.

Rihito shouldn't exist only to lose to someone else. He should be far stronger than he was in Asura and give a strong showing - set him up to exceed Kuroki in the next decade or so. I just think that he shouldn't be one of the strongest after 2 years.

We will easily determine this. If he has a beard than he would be absolutely brutal. If he has no beard than he would show progress but still that won't be enough.

It's a sign towards him being capable enough to give a good fight, at least.

>I just think that he shouldn't be one of the strongest after 2 years.
You're conflating "being able to win one of the 13 fights" with "being the strongest". Even if he's low tier for the people who make it in he still has a believable reason to be able to hang with the top dogs.

>Can't see post training Rihito being any better than like Rei
Rei was one or the strongest in the tournament. Being Rei level is a good thing.

You mean one of the big heavyweights of the tournament? Huh.

I don't mind Rihito winning, and would like it if he did. I just want it to be obvious that he isn't one of the best.

Exactly,, Rei was damn good, but he was a level lower than Kuroki, the Fang, and maybe Gaolang and Waka. That's the set-up I want for Rihito, good but not one of the top tier, but with the promise to be one in the future.

Rei will be a purgatory fighter, calling it now

$5 that there will be at least 1 hidden S-class

You burn fat by not eating like shit, cardio and muscle training will do shit for fat.

Wanting Rihito to not job is not anywhere near the same as saying he needed to be the best.

Please dont run if you are obese.

Then swim. Don't know enough to give good distances for it.

Post beard training Rihito will probably last for like 2 fights against big boys, I'm sure Sandvich won't make him a jobber now that he was trained by the winner of the last tournament

Not Sen doing great.

>That's kind of too small user. Even 6-7 year children normally start at around 20 repetitions
I'm trying to de-rust muscles I have legitimately not used in close to a decade of depression.
I wanna get them used to working again before considering doing serious workouts

Rihito was a mid-class that know no fighting style, improved between his fight with Ohma and tournament (as shown in Preliminaries when he did Razor's Edge without full swing), and was shown to display pretty good eye to martial arts when he figured out how Setsuna survived Kuroki's Devil Lance to the heart.

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Rei was fucking shit, the guy had one fucking trick and then he was done.

Well that depends on how fat he is. If he is just chubby than running is okay unless he has heart problems. If he is really a fat fuck than yeah, running will kill his knees and could fuck up the heart.

Third page

That's my fetish

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>I really hope this will be the last time.

Depending how murderous the guy gets, sure.

>One trick
Yeah what a hack he was just the fastest fighter in the whole tournament, so easy to achieve
He lost because he had to face the strongest fighter in the whole tournament, not because he was a one trick pony

Nice typesetting on the 'Nitoku'

Fucking long

A one trick pony wouldn't have defeated his natural counter


As if, Adam is tight af

I think he's trying to desperately break out of the hold.

Cosmo is based

That's not how you do it.

Being a one trick pony doesn't mean he's bad.
Especially if that trick is 'being faster than anyone not named Gensai can see'

>Avoids effort
>Wishes he could actually quit and stay quit, but he keeps coming back
He indeed is reverse Sen.

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Technically even Gensai couldn't react fast enough to the movement itself. He predicted it.

That was Horny Rei
He seemed to be able to keep track of Normal Rei going by his finger taps

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This is 3 Cosmos worth of Prime Texan muscle.

Good that Adam isn't a Zodiac Saint, because that's a lot of Cosmo in there.

How old it Adam? Like 20-24 right?

And now we only know how much Cosmos in one Adam fits in diagonal cut, but what about vertical?


Adam was 28 in Ashura, Cosmo was 19.


>Cosmo was 19.
Cosmo was still in high school. Not even a senior, I don't think. Fuck you.

I wonder who would have won if they fought, Adam or Rihito. The have similar styles of fighting so it'd be interesting.

So, Adam isn't a wizard but how many Kengan fighters are reaching that level?

Comos was 19, he was a prodigy. Him, Rain and sumo guy were the youngest.

Thank you, older than I thought by quite a bit.

Many of the fighters were actually pretty old. Kuroki was in his 50s, Seki was in his 40s, I think the Fang was in his mid 30s.

I would say, 5 Cosmo in 1 Adam.

Cosmo was still in High School during the story, see the prequel chapters. Unless he was held back a year he should be between 14 and 17 in Asura and 16 to 19 in Omega. If were being realistic he was ~16-17 in Asura and ~18-19 in Omega.

Nope, he was officially 19, man. You are confusing Vol. 0 with the rest of the manga.

Fourth page

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Im curious, how many Cosmos could we fit into Julius?

How high can you count?

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I checked and you were right, at the end of chapter 46 it gives his age at 19. Nice catch.

205cm and 210kg vs 171cm and 68kg

>not this shit again

Why he looks like Agito's younger brother? We already have Nohma.

Remember the reaction to the second Demonsbane against Wakatsuki?

People don't have a FUCKING CLUE what height and weight means for fights. They completely forget weight classes exist, that men and women aren't allowed to fight each other. TINY amounts of height and weight make HUGE differences.

You comparing height and weight won't mean shit, despite it meaning basically everything.

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We are just randomly talking about this joke, man.

We're talking about how many Cosmos we can fit inside or Reinhold. Not about weight classes.

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user, this is about how many Cosmos we could stack into Julius "The Absolute Unit" Reinhold, not weight classes.

Fifth page

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Why Haruo never got fit again?

Goddamnit I thought I already had enough of the tight pants with Fang.

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They even have the same fashion sense.

Where do you get these? I don't think they are on mangadex.

What's that on his eye? A laser beam or the ghost just aimed to it?

Being Gaolang is suffering at times.
He can have some fun sometimes too though.

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That's Ghost unexpectedly aiming for his eye instead of kicking

What a fuck is Gao's problem?

They were posted on, like, the LAST DAY of the Kengan Asura dailies in a big ol' zip file. A couple hundred. Even the Hokuto no Gun guys didn't even know they existed, but the 4komas+Art 1 page appeared at the end of literally every chapter on the MangaOne app.

So, I don't remember. But HnG said they'd tl them. The Danberu guys do them already.

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Being gay!fU0AzAZQ!cE4TSSSVb9P2j2ZOwL6R97qjjNYfd63T7pHJU2_y3S4
The link was dropped back in the day, collection of Manga ONE app omakes for Kengan Asura.
Also, I noticed that at least first two chapters of Omega had bonus last page after volume was released when I was rereading recently.

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Gaolang is really popular. The 4komas let him have his fun, the side stories star him, he's in Danberu more than any other crossover...he's a guy.

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Does Raian appear in any of the extra?

Thank you very much. These are fun.

imagine the smell

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He's gay as fuck, but only for his King, so he's pissed whenever he thinks about other dudes.

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Him and the based Giant of the Sea are the best duo.

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Not really, but his little sister does.

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Good for them

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He pops up for one panel here

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Sixth page

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I find it hilarious Kanoh can't handle booze.
Or maybe it's just beer but he'd love stuff like Zima.

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Uh, he doesn't seem to have the same mindset of Sen. I sad he is going to lose anyway.

Visiting Koyou Girls' Academy, seeing Shion with her bodybuilding posters, the Kure girls all attending that school. I can't wait for these all to be translated.

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I think they're buying clothes for Cosmo here. Cute

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Rihito confirmed to be stronger than a bear.

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>Sells clothes
>Has no fashion sense
Murobuchi looks pretty good in it though.

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Better than calling him a dickhead.

Kanoh Can't Handle OH

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I don't know which taste is the worse, if that or Kokomi's one.

Setsuna would be such a nice guy if he wasnt batshit insane.

These extras were never translated, right?

Wakatsuki turns more and more into potentially Hibiki's dad whenever I see these 4komas.
Wakatsuki "the Wild Tiger"
Sakura "the Wild Bunny"

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Yeah, his mindset is rather opposite: he tries to quit being a Fighter, but he always comes back.

They are a wholesome people. And like teasing Cosmo.

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Being batshit insane is his whole character, there aint much left other than a creepy polite guy

After seeing Hibiki's brother I have some doubts about Waka being a parent at all.

Seki always is surprisingly wholesome.

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Seventh page

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Thats no surprise, most of the Kengan fighters i easily could see beating up a bear.

Indeed, and that is his tragedy. I wonder how he fares nowadays, 3 years later after Ohma might have stopped deterioration.

Not yet, but they were promised. We'll likely get them in a bulk.

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Every time he is lucid he is a nice guy, or at least nice enough for this series. But then he goes and murders like 20 people in a psychotic breakdown and ruins it.

On another note, what a playboy, or manwhore depending on your perspective in the pic.

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And he likes cooking.

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Of course he does, gotta eat big to get big.

Bro-ing out. Could see Rihito breaking guitar strings a lot.

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>rhito starts to grow a beard
I see his training is starting to pay off

Wakatsuki not passing on his name probably means something and he doesn't spend much time with his kids, I'd say.

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Eight page

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Band Practice, the omakes love these guys or the Hair guy and his CEO friend

Seki is great. Every fight with him put a smile on my face.

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Those little bits are just fantastic, they add those small characteristics that make each of the characters all the better, let alone those pairings you never would expect like the Giant of the Sea/Thai God of War.

They could just take all of the fighters and made slice of life with them, and it would be a good read.

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His whole body changed color!
Whooooaaa! Contestant Ohma's eating-speed just advanced!


I won't lose! That prize money is miiine!

The competition's just heating up!
Who will win the title of the eating contest champion!?

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What a wholesome guy

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Still cant believe Absolute Unit Kazzy became moe than a edit.

as long as he does it with back of his hand, he'll do fine.

Wakatsuki's condition would be only 50% of his own in his offspring, as long as the other parent is a normal human.

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I guess Rihito was unpopular in High-School. Or he was always in trouble. Okubo was a delinquent, and the 'Ice Prince' was a ladies man even then.

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Ninth page

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>These guys were killing each other in a tournament not too long ago
Do you think the russian will have the balls to kill off some of the characters this time around?

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That they got together and just made a boy pop band is probably my favorite part of the 4komas, and all the 4komas are great.

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Tenth page

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Saw Paing stalks him

There's no hard feelings after a fight most of the time. You beat the shit out of each other, but the dopamine makes it fun. The harder the fight the more respect for the person you create.

But there were dead last time too.
Nikaido Ren remembers.

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The strongest bonds are forged with blood, sweat and the clashing of fists afterall.

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They like Kazzy (they call him "Kyazuo) as beyond buff

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An early look at post Kuroki Rihito. As well as dirtbag Okubo

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Well, Ikumi doesn't have it and Hibiki certainly can turn hers on & off.

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Rihitos beard potential is strong, the others got mostly stubbles, but Rihito turned into full on beard.

The HnG guys should do these on like their off times or when they feel like doing them and release them periodically. Would be a nice thing to have in between Omega chapters

Meguro shows up in Danberu. Chapter 69 when the samurai ghost tries to put his existence to some marketable use for the dead.

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Okubo looks like a completely different character

Okubo looks uh... um. Man even with the beard he looks like the protagonist of Fist of the seeker

A Judo serial killer shouldnt be his adorable, yet here i am, still wanting his spirit to haunt Muteba and have jolly African Warcrime Adventures.

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NSYNC but you are less masculine than them

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I guess that this is where current Toyoda got his marketing skills from.
Because this is the warlord ancestor Toyoda painted.

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He may be a psycho serial killer, but even he thinks those two are weirdos.

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Bug-catching with the Fang and Okubo.

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They are on it. Once everything will be done, we will know.

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Eleventh page

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Alright, WHY is Haruo in his underwear out in the snow, snacking?

Fucking love the Gaolang and Fisherman strips.

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How to beat Agito
>Become greatest Drunken Fist master
>enter Kengan match
>somehow get agito to try and beat me at my own game
>shitfaced Agito cannot evolve around his own weakness to alcohol
>Win the match


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Why? We may never know.
Why is he comfortable? He's from Nepal, it must feel like home to him.

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Twelfth page

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Does Julius just never wear clothes?

Agito wouldn't even pass the drinking part, I'm afraid.

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The Fang likes his baths at 45C it seems.

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It's been mentioned before (in his profile, I think) that he grows so fast that he just doesn't bother anymore.

>Agito has to forfeit
>somehow contrive a way so Katahira cannot sent out any of his other fighters
>win by default

None fit for long, so he decided there's no point to them. I think it was in the bonus chapter with the guys that were hired to replace other fighters.

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Thank you TL-kun, we might not say it but we appreciate you posting the pages real-time for us.

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He tries to find some counter-measures.

THAT was what it was about?

Attached: 220-omake.jpg (960x1361, 158K)

That's some hot fucking water

>one of them is not like the others

Attached: 225-omake.jpg (960x1361, 186K)

Nice work

Wait, I thought Himuro grew up in the Inside. Was there high schools in there? Or did he leave at a younger age?

Who knew the Fang was so talented sculpting

I'm just guessing based on context, I have no idea if that is what it really says.

Attached: 192-omake.jpg (960x1361, 163K)

Wait did he seriously mold silver?
That's some fucking grip strength

How strong is his foot?

Toyoda started Purgatory 15 years ago. Unlike the other underground organizations, it highlighted entertainment and thereby gained huge support. Fighters came because there were huge sums of prize money. Kureishi was in Purgatory when he was younger. Purgatory's split into A, B and C. C is for rank-and-file guys and B is for those who stand out from that. However, A is limited to the strong and the super-strong. The 'super-strong' fighters equate to the top-class fighters in the Kengan matches - if they're not stronger. Ghost uses something comparable to Xing Yi Quan's snake form. Ryuuki notices that Ghost is fighting with the intent to kill. Nitoku is suspicious of how Ghost moves, and quotes Rai Sanyou as he places Ghost in the submission hold. Kouga correctly guesses Nitoku's fundamental style (sambo) from analyzing his movements. Kureishi tells us that Nitoku is the best hard-style submission fighter anywhere and declares his belief that the match is over. Ghost does 'that' and Nitoku rhetorically asks if he's still trying to win.

There definitely wouldn't be any schools there like that, so yeah, he definitely left at a young age. Just look at Setsuna; he left too, so why couldn't Himuro?

Thats easy to pull off to be honest

Pretty sure that's chocolate.

He left when he was younger.

Strong enough to fuck up opponent's footwork for even just a moment, and that's all sometimes is needed.

Attached: 176-omake.jpg (960x1361, 175K)

Yup Sambo, correct buddy

Thanks for the synopsis. Its nice to see sambo in the matches. Ghost is a dick it seems.

>Kouga correctly guesses Nitoku's fundamental style (sambo) from analyzing his movements.
inb4Koga did sambo for a time too.
>Kureishi tells us that Nitoku is the best hard-style submission fighter anywhere and declares his belief that the match is over.
Cosmo. I know he has the same hairstyle as his master, but he's less buff and never had a boner due to enjoying the fight.

Yup Sambo, correct buddy
Did someone really ask for Xing yi quan in a Kengan thread before? If so: Hi Based Sandwich

There's sooooooo much overlap, it's crazy, I'm loving it!

Sorry for the double post

Ohma likes heavy metal music I guess.

Attached: 226-omake.jpg (960x1361, 150K)

However much training he gets, it can't possibly be enough to make him competitive at the world level in any individual technique of style. We'll see him struggle once he starts entering actual fights and has to use his diverse skillset in intelligent ways to compensate for lack of raw strength or reaction speed or grappling skills or footwork or SOMETHING that an expert excels at.

Thirteenth page

No problem, and thanks.

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So far only Kureishi appeared in all of the works by Sandrovich, unless Kurachi appeared in one of the untranslated Danberu chapters. As of now, only those two can achieve that beyond the characters that can be recognised on this page, but they were merely mentioned.

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Oh no, Hatsume is in trouble! Who will save him?

Attached: 234-omake.jpg (960x1361, 166K)

He's the asian sasquatch. He's a huge dude native to the Himalayas anyway

Attached: 179-omake.jpg (960x1361, 141K)

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It'll be like the Fang, where he has to narrow down his moveset to a few techniques to be competitive.

>Ryuki using a -chan
Now that's surprising.

Love these Fucks.

Attached: 232-omake.jpg (960x1361, 138K)

So, the Ghost isnt strong enough to break the arm in one hit?

Hokuto no Gun getting sniped again LOL

As far as I can tell, Koga should be physically stronger than Cosmo, and now he should actually be able to use that strength properly.

No reason to

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Err, yeah. I keep forgetting that he has long hair now. I hate it.

Akemi's older sister sure got bitchy after her love left her.

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Kaede is cute!

He thinks that the TL user is going to post those on Mangadex just to post the chapter sooner than them. Mostly because some really bad team wanted to do that, but nobody would want them to do that, not mentioning they are actually banned on mangadex.

Aforementioned fight-boner of Kureishi. It's a really good thing he got elbowed to the head alongside getting that scar.

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Fourteenth page

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Fifteenth page

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There's probably a few from Fist of the Seeker outta the Glory Boxing gym or something. But Sandrovich does certainly love making references to Kengan in Danberu or bringing Danberu into Kengan.

Attached: 05.jpg (960x1361, 173K)

oh my

Setsuna spent a year training with the Dark Lord before showing up at Genzan's doorstep.

>He's talking about NotSen

Machio loves his gym.

Attached: Kengan x Danberu Crossover 5.png (848x1200, 871K)

Say what you want, running away is something nobody besides maybe Rei could beat him.

>tfw I'm such an autist I keep mentally picturing match ups between an OC Donut Steel of mine and the Kengan characters.

Don't forget the Olympian.

I think even PEAK CONDITION could catch up if Sen was running from trouble he caused

I hope next time we see Julius he's stopping two german war tanks from driving forward instead of a racecar

Don't look down of Peak Condition, he got matched up against like the 3rd strongest fighter in the Tournament in the first round.


The guy with back turned, Hatsumi Ryozo, self-proclaimed ninja, and probably that cousin of Sen that he mentioned in his training.

One way or another, he had to be super talented to get that good with Niko Style and then with Koei Style branch of classical jiu-jitsu in such short time.

Attached: 36-7.gif (600x800, 36K)

Waka was stronger than Ohma. If not for Demonsbane working twice when it shouldn't have, Waka would have won. I don't know how Ohma managed to take multiple hits like he did, Adamantine Kata is great but it shouldn't have held up as good as it did.

The guy standing sideways, Hayakuwa Samato, a Muay Thai fighter, and a Kure-like with Removal before Kure were a thing. The art was done much later than start of the webcomic, though I am not sure if it isn't art done by Daro.

Attached: fa10.jpg (400x397, 167K)

The huge guy in white gi, Koyasu Shingoro, member of second biggest Karate school after Rokushin Kaikan (the ranking of Rokushin Kaikan members were based on previous tournament which wasn't an open one), Meido Kaikan. Shingoro was a champion of their tournament, and referred to be a quite well-known once-in-a-decade talent.
Probably the second strongest participant of the Rokushinkai Open Tournament.

Attached: B8.png (600x800, 60K)

And finally big guy with very short hair, Ikeuchi Mentaro, the titular Seeker, to whom Kureishi has compared Ohma to. The art HnG used as the end page for translated chapters.

Attached: t10.png (600x800, 357K)

Unfortunately, majority of chapters even from just the tournament part are untranslated, so all we can do is to read raws.

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He really looks like Okubo


Again, I might be willing to translate parts of it if you can confirm that Mushi has some role in it. I believe you mentioned that last week but did not elaborate.

Yeah, the art has this effect. Here how he looked like in early webcomic, the other guy is Kureishi.
Also, Rokushin Kaikan is the school Wakatsuki trained in. And Narushima Joji.

Attached: t8.png (600x800, 56K)

Someone else made that claim, I have no idea what is the side plot that starts at some point of tournament and lasts a bit after it before we go back to Mentaro travelling around learning from other people.
Mind, Narushima Joji participated in the tournament, which is why Kurachi and El Ninja were wondering about the surname for a moment.

lmao, you're smalltime.
I made an entire OC Donut Steel Association based on the chinese and western zodiac, made them in HM, gave them all a specific fighting style/personality and even a theme song.

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Can you give me the chapter numbers for the sideplot?

He's probably either living a normal life or catatonic who will go on a full autistic homo rage once he sees "Ohma" is back

how overweight are you? or plain obese? There's a fine line somewhere when running while seriously fat is gonna ruin your knees longterm, there's no magic Haruo regeneration irl sadly, wholebody swimming is better after crossing that line like user before posted, you must push yourself to breath heavily, fat is converted into energy with byproduct being CO2, you must respire like a motherfucker, sweat gallons and drink even more water, that's gonna jumpstart your metabolism that depression probably ruined, I'd say hindu squats are great for this as well but you're probably too fat for them, it's extra burden on the knees

situps < hanging bar leg raises(clench your abs tighly as legs move up)
are you retarded?

Wasn't sure what to make of Nitoku's words here

Attached: 16.jpg (750x1334, 615K)

Because the writing don't make a lot of sense.

Attached: 1547158791276.webm (1920x800, 1.91M)

He's supposedly quoting something.

>how overweight are you? or plain obese?
I'm 240 at 5'11
I'm not morbidly obese but I am fat. Its mostly lower body fat in the gut and thighs

I understood it as:
"War is won by man, not tools".
That is to say, don't McNamara your conflicts.

So ghost could be fighting on drugs? Like that other Kung fu guy Rei pawned?

I believe some details are given here, for a context of what happened in previous episodes. There is clear divide for when tournament arc ends and next one begins on the list.

Personally I am more interested in the context of Samato and removal, as it is elaborated with some guy retelling about Samato beating some other dudes, one of which had one black eye.

The other TL said >and quotes Rai Sanyou as he places Ghost in the submission hold.
But didn't elaborated on that.

>Wakatsuki not passing on his name probably means something
I mean, he IS a clandestine fighter

That guy had it mastered that he controlled production of opiates in his organism, not exactly the same as fighting on drugs.

At 240 you'll fuck up your knees running. Start off biking and swimming to burn the weight, then switch to running if its more convenient.

>gets a mountain of valentine's day gifts
>but none of them are from Kaneda

is what I wrote.

Given the circumstance, though, I think he's just obscurantly saying that Ghost's bigger size doesn't guarantee his victory.

Seventeenth page

Aha, that explains a lot.

Attached: 17.jpg (750x1334, 475K)

Cosmo found a biggest "genius" than him and is jelly

Perspective on Ghost's arm is a bit off, the hand should be further back.

I remember Daro making a comment about shocking value>>>accuracy

Koga was a little cunt at first, and now he's just a really chill guy. I appreciate that.

Who are those 2 chicks?

How come Koga knows so many martial arts but is still pretty weak in the grand scheme of things. You'd think he learned how to counter different styles if is mad observation skillz are so good.

Eighteenth page

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Bites me, a random who, or Rino's bodyguards.


How Kaneda is... but... I honestly hope Koga is the new Cosmo and he just reaches a decent place and loses with grace. He is not an Ohma at all.

This page is pretty damn gay.

I dub this fight 'best hairline championships'

Nineteenth and last page

Attached: 19.jpg (750x1334, 628K)

This is some freaky shit

Also thanks for the TL

what the fuck this fujo lady is literally me

hehe GaoLong


Thanks for the dump.
So, next chapter Ghost wins?

You are a comic relief in your daily life?

Thanks user. Are you from Hokuto no gun or was this a side project?

god i hope they don't kill him off to show how much of an asshole purgatory guys are

Isn't Seki in Purgatory's side?

Any update on Hokuto no Gun's progress? I'm nearly shitting myself in excitement.


The kid he's training is, but he himself isn't. Probably could be flipped pretty easily tho.

i'm a girl in my mid 20s who was passed down yaoi hentai VHS from my gay uncle.

Probably, Cosmo said no one's ever escaped Nitoku's holds, which is a red-flag and Ghost will probably also win regardless just to hype up Purgatory

Not from HnG, was just bored

If your ilk start shitting up Kengan threads when the anime starts I will shove my entire body up your ass and call it home.

wholesome gay.

Ghost will take the arm-break and turn the tables on NotSen.

That user is not affiliated with us

We put this out every Thursday at 8:30AM, so same time as usual

>Thinking anyone will watch the anime
You're either optimistic or dumb

I am feeling these fights are way shorter than in Ashura. Or maybe I am just forgetting how was the exposition when Ohma was introduced to the regular matches.

Which timezone?

EST, my apologies

In about 15 hours and 45 minutes for regular upload.

You guys are the BASE.
You are also based my friend

Nitoku may end dying in this match. I hope this is not the case or at least we got another sambo fighter in the future

There is a lot more to set-up in Omega than there was in Asura. They could afford to stretch the fights more in Asura and not run up the chapter count.

I agree, the Purgatory and Kengan fighters should be the same kind of people. Leave the differences to the higher-ups.

I dunno, user, if you can translate and have time, wouldn't it be more productive to do the omakes or Fist of the Seeker rather than another version of the chapter.

Ghost will definitely break from the hold but I could still see Nitoku winning by completely fucking up Ghost and everyone shitting their pants because Ghost was so stubborn

Just remember that Nitoku will have to be creative, as chokeholds are fouls in sambo.

That'd be cool, Ghost is just a monster that takes all this punishment without stopping forcing Nitoku to all but break him to win.

This was just a one time thing, really.

I hope we go back to that honestly. The trainig for Koga is cool but i think the asura style was tad better, the trainig arc of Koga is excellent but the only good fights were those of Koga and Ryuki, this one is too short

Maybe Ghost also got the worm and he is used to show how bad can the worm fuck up someone? Is not like Ohma was famous outside the island.

I recall the actual annihilation tournament beginning a little after 40 chapters Omega could have a timeskip soon after this current fight unless Sandro wants to show us Koga fighting before the tournament.

could you tell sys to freakin reply to me once in a while

It does feel like they're rushing shit. I mean even ultimate jobbers like the strangler getting dunked by Rihito in the qualifiers got more of a set up than some fights we see here. I liked the concept of every fighter being important in their own way, not just an empty shell there to get dunked.

>Rokushinkai Open Tournament happened when Seki was in early 30s (he was 38 in Asura), so around 10 years before Omega
>Purgatory exists since 15 years
I guess Kureishi was there before that tournament.

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this gave me spooky flashbacks

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Maybe the story will be bigger and they want to keep it in check? I hope this will change when we reach the new tournament

Pretty sure the guy who tried to strangle Rihito was also a sambo user, but he was using a foul by trying to strangle the Superman.

the tournament fights in Kengan were way longer than anything we've had in Omega so far. Like Ashura, Omega doesn't have much setup for fights early on. I think they're rushing the story at a pace where it still feels ok to introduce more characters and get to the tournament.

That could be a possibility. Personally, I doubt that Purgatory is pro killing, given how El Ninja fights and him suggesting Koga to join.

This worked ok when Ashura was new but even Ashura never cut out a fight like they did with the chapter last week

Purgatory actually seems way chiller than the backstabbing Kengan Unga Bungos from Ancient Japan.

Go back and read the first 3 fights of Ashura (Rihito, Kaburagi, Seki) and compare them to what we've had here so far. It's kinda depressing. I hope it does serve a purpose, but without the larger picture (and having been burned by manga artists before, even this one) I'll remain a bit skeptical.

>Maybe the story will be bigger and they want to keep it in check
Honestly I could see another tournament after purgatory but I guess that could only happen if Kengan v Purgatory ended in a draw or was interrupted.

Ghost might be an ex A-rank because he killed someone and we'll learn more about it in a flashback next week, the same way we learned most fighters' abilities in Ashura.
I'm willing to let one slip since they have a pretty good track record when it comes to nut worthy fights

>I'm willing to let one slip
I dunno, if it was fighters we already knew than sure, but i wanted to see the pranktration guy in action

Sandrovich really did prank us with the hype.

We haven't reached Purgatory yet, I am willing to let this pass for now.

>i wanted to see the pranktration
I don't really care for the new faces in Omega so far, Ghost is interesting but they all feel really shallow

Maybe they are just showing a little of what they are going to develop later.

Kengan matches were pro killing until a while ago and Sekibayashi had not problems with it. Why would his disciple be any different?

Perhaps we will have another one, and Gaoh's style being skipped is to keep us unsure if the weakness of Gaoh Style is it being predictable, so if you have seen it in action once, you know what to expect, which led to Earth-Crouching Dragon being countered, as New Generation Fighters were watching Gaoh's match with Kokuro, just like Kaneda and Himuro, which watched it instead of current Fang's fight.

So im not the only one that thought of Neo or Toriko esque Intimidation here.

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Hey man good for you. But lets not pretend like it's holding up to the early hype shit in Ashura. You didn't really have to "let shit pass" while waiting for the kengan tournament.

Eurobeat for this page

They aren't really pro killing per se. They are not forbidden, but are not encouraged, and most of the time it was Kanohagito not stopping himself after autism mode was on.

General question, Do you prefer the art style of early Asura, or the later parts of the series?

In some ways I prefer the Early art style personally.

I like the art in the later chapters more.

Keep in mind that Prugatory is made for Entertainment. Injured or murdered fighters do not help this midnset and most fighters seem to fight out of free will, wich makes this even more unlikley. If they were convicts than this would be a different story

Current art style seems cleaner and I'm not a fan of it. Too much white. Not all the time but in general I prefer the old one

The faces had more personality back then, like a mix between a gritty western comic and manga. But the fights became better towards the end (except when Daromeon abused the "flashy trail punches" thing)

Not fair... if you're gonna post Ohma post pages of him being an asshole, t-that way it doesn't hurt my hearth as much...

Early style of Asura was very charming but artists always end up standardizing more which leads to kind of a different look.

But what bothers me is how different some character designs became in comparison to their early counterparts. Cosmo, Waka and of course Beard had a lot more unique looking designs at first which got lost along the way.

I like the later art more old cosmo looked kinda weird to me when I first read

But that's easy. Finding pictures of Ohma actually being a good guy is harder.

Some characters became better, like Beard. Raian design peaked in his fight with Ohma and he looked retarded after that.
Wakatsuki looked unhealthy thin at first, which doesnt fit the character much

The secret to Ghost's strength is gourmet devils

In that case they´re all screwed unless Ohma comes back to life. Thats the only guy hungry enough we have seen that could match the appetite.

hobo Gensai was cool
aids Wakatsuki too

>Aids Wakatsuki.

I could have sworn we agreed its Holocaust Survivor Wakatsuki.

Body-wise Waka needed to bulk up yeah. But I'm gonna disagree with you until the end when it comes to Beard. He really embodied the look of a vagrant assassin, which would've clashed so well against the supreme martial artist he is.

Daro draws Machio so ugly

>who is Haruo

>ghost starts to destroy everyone there
>all hope seems lost
>door to the warehouse slams open
>Hibiki eating a kebab waltzes in
>ghost runs up to punch her
>lands a body blow
>pic related can be seen superimposed behind her
I would lose my shit if this happened

Attached: white gourmet demon.png (868x1250, 338K)

He can recognize them, sure, but when he was wandering around beating up dojos they were mostly just pretty normal dudes. Koga's probably beat up some dudes who did Sambo for a couple years, whereas Nitoku will be a legit master of the form.

I hope you realize some dumb fuck is going to take these pages, upload them onto mangadex, and cause drama.

No good deed goes unpunished.

I like the progression so far. Paneling is still pretty good.

I dunno if I'd call this a good deed when it's mostly just a waste. We're getting HnG's high-quality TLs within a couple of hours, why bother typesetting these chapters when you might as well typeset stuff HnG isn't immediately going to get around to?

Why you keep whining about something that is already done. Just say thank you and wait for the usual dump.

user, Haruo might be a big guy, but Ohma is the guy that is shown eating much more somehow.

God, Toriko might have had Gourmet World rushed, but the final was some good shit.

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Eh, they made this thread more interesting, we'd be stuck making conclusions from nothing.
It was nice.

Pretty much, it gives us a excuse for more Kengan talk.

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You really do sound like a spoiled whiny brat.

But we already got a TL.

Because I don't want to mess up the good thing we have?

unlike your parents those two things aren't related

We'll be getting the HnG tl tomorrow, this thread would be without a tl otherwise.

If the guy made any mistakes we'll find out later, but for now they made the thread more interesting.

He left out a lot of information and seemingly 'paraphrased' a lot of lines.

>Because I don't want to mess up the good thing we have?
He already said it was a one time thing because idk I guess he was bored. You're just pissing about because he isn't translating the stuff you want him to translate, which is why you sound like an entitled little shit.

Some people got to read it earlier than they would have, it's nothing but a good thing. And who knows, if this guy feels like he liked typesetting and translating he might end up doing more shit for a group.

when are we getting notGensai?

Then tomorrow we'll get a correction. Hopefully he didn't get anything too wrong.

not him but it would be pretty cool if somebody would finish fist of the seeker no pressure on that user of course

Attached: narushima joji.jpg (114x148, 6K)

Well, you shouldn't need to have corrections. Why bother scrounging through the trashcan outside before the restaurant opens? Just wait.

Fucking hell guy, its better to have decent Translations than no translations for a thread. Otherwise we'd be guessing what the illustrations are supposed to be saying.
If he made any fuck-ups they'll be corrected in

>food analogy
damn I miss Toriko

I mean yeah if someone feels up to it, that would be cool. Though I get why people wouldn't feel the same motivation to translate what looks like stuff you drew while bored in 5th grade.

>Otherwise we'd be guessing what the illustrations are supposed to be saying.
I summarized what they say.

and the dude basically just slapped it on the pages
why are you niggers sperging about this again
it would be one thing if dude went and started tripfagging outside here and naming himself the Kengan Omega translator, uploading his shit everywhere
but he literally only posted here
Just shut the fuck up and enjoy the goodwill of another user


Do you think you're conversing with one person? All I've said is that I wrote a summary and he made mistakes.

I just got in in the discussion
And whoop the fucking doo, who cares. We at least got the gist of it in visual form.
That's why there are professional translators like HnG, to provide accurate and quality work.
One bored dude in his room decided to either (or both) shoddily and quickly translate the raw or slap some other bored user translation on the pages.
Again, just enjoy what you fucking got and wait for tomorrow.
Now shut up and post best girl.

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Why do you seem to think that I don't appreciate his work? I accurately responded to questions and points raised and gave no opinions. Someone wondered if he made mistakes. Yes. Someone said that the thread would be without translations if not for him. No. That's all. You're not fighting some sort of 'right to action' battle here against the oppressive masses.

can't wait to see what my wife is up to

Selling guns to child soldiers.
Or selling children to regular soldiers.
Whatever depraved deal she might take that day.

Lol, all this drama over nothing. Yes, I made mistakes and yes it's not the best typesetting, but like I said, I was bored. It's not like you're not getting the superior HnG version tomorrow anyway because of this.

Flirting with Muteba

Kek, first was the annoying randompicposter during the oficial dumps. Now is guys sperging about a random TL poster. Kengan threads really have 1st world dramas.

Any Kengan girl is best girl, aside Rino.

Why Muteba never tried to score her?

>Its over
So NotSen is gonna lose, shucks

She's too powerful for him. He'd end up mind broken and he knows this.

It's a couple of spergs on the side. Wouldn't call it drama or even specific to kengan threads. Hell, these threads are some of the most civil discussions I see on Yea Forums, with a few exceptions of course.

I'm always late to these threads, fucking hell.

Attached: Kengan-D.gif (1485x1100, 1.12M)

are the omakes not translated yet?

they're translated to japanese

Attached: hibiki.png (940x4400, 3.48M)

Agito used this stepping on foot move too

nice work