It's the one that says "Bad Motherfucker"

It's the one that says "Bad Motherfucker".

Attached: gsg-169-triela.jpg (840x480, 54K)

S2 never

There was a season 2. What are you, fucking stupid?


You clearly are if you think there was no season 2 of a show that had a season 2. That or simply ignorant. But you've now eliminated that second possibility. How sad.

Bado~ Mazza Faaku-Ar

How embarrassing.

user, there was never a Season 2 of Gunslinger Girl

>There was a season 2. What are you, fucking stupid?
Huh? There's only one season.

>he likes the badhouse filler laden series better than the faithfull artland second season

Attached: tenor.gif (498x280, 1.86M)

Attached: 1543115567321.jpg (426x1440, 111K)

S2 was fine except for the artstyle. S1 nailed that.

>tfw Midori never making Bittersweet fools remake like frontwing did with himawari
>tfw No gunslinger girl spinoff
>Tfw author not making any more manga about cute italians

Jesus as an italian i want to find that guy and tell him to pull his shit together

Attached: Gunslinger Girl pasta.jpg (817x1200, 371K)

Was the second season any good? I really liked the first season.

Jeez user, can't you read the room? It should be fairly obvious what the general opinion of any supposed second season for Gunslinger Girl is from this thread so far.

Sometimes I can no longer tell when it is a honest opinion, disingenuous assertions, slander or trolling. The lines between these tend to blur sometimes.

It's okay.
It was the only time I ever messed with a video's color to make it watchable. If you love the Gunslingers, it's worth a watch.

Why did this remind me of boku no pico?

It has that hentai ova aesthetic.

Fuck the manga.

Attached: it's okay.jpg (728x1077, 210K)

the ending of the manga broke me, I always tear up when I remember her hard-working serious-looking caramel daughter.

the filler was the best part
I wish the manga had more filler
you only start to get to know them before everyone dies

Never ever

Fuck the future, and fuck the past.

Recently read through the manga and watched both seasons. Loved it all. I really wanted Triela to survive.

I thought it was fine. Depending on how you feel/are affected by the artstyle change. Manga's the best though.

>Jose not even fit enough to have abs while Jean's an alpha
Makes sense.
At least the ballerina girl lived.

Speranza, too, for what it's worth.

when the FUCK will we get a season 3?!

i loved it not as much as the s1 tho

>also claise is best cute

I want the blond loli