reminder that dubs are always inferior to subs no exceptions. even "good" dubs like cowboy bebop is worst than the original japanese.
Reminder that dubs are always inferior to subs no exceptions...
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Oh yeah? Will you still say that after seeing THESE?
That doesn’t change the fact the Anime and Manga is always the inferior literature when compared to based classics
Now for the love of God stop posting that sameface waifubait that tarnished medi better than its own franchise
check my superior dubs
No u
Ha! Let me try that again, and soon you will see the beauty of DUBS.
Three time's the charm!
If dubs Yea Forums has to stream My Little Pony’s pilot episode together
what language do you speak ESL-kun?
Does saber have a benis?
Just stop, it's embarrassing.
hunter chads everyone, go sing the opening again why dont you.
pic related its your show
Thanks, I knew that already.
False. Cowboy Bebop's dubs were so good that the series creater views them as the canonical voices.
Reminder that subs are always inferior to the original language version, no exceptions. Even "good" subs like Eclipse are worse than the original Japanese.
Who literally gives a shit? You're at the mercy of a translator either way.
Jerking yourself off because you understood SUGOI~ doesn't make you better than anyone else
EOPs basically spend their lives pretending they're somehow "better" than the Toonami watching crowd, and yet never realise that they're just another stepping stone.
Watching anime with subs is fine for your first year or two, but there's nothing more pathetic than watching subs, 10 or 20 years down the line. You seriously have to wonder, are these people legitimately going to just keep needing translations until they die? How can you possibly call yourself a fan of japanimation if you don't even know Japanese?
Based dubs
Excuse moi, but I just cannot help but gloat in the glow of these shiny doubles.
There are no dubshitters on Yea Forums, take that shit back to r*ddit.
Check THIS
yes learn a language for cartoons
also check'em
Check this shit nerd
Ouch. Gonna go commit seppuku now
Christian Bale is my favorite dub voice actor.
Did you know he voiced a Ghibli movie?
jokes on you m8, i'm here and there's nothing you can do about it
How does one even “watch” dubs unironically? I’ve watched subs for so long that my eyes are trained to glance up and down quickly. It’s also reading technically. Stay basic dub fags.
in your eyes is it possible for a dub to be as good or better, theoretically? because if not then you're just a weebfaggot
Why would that make him a weebfaggot? That opinion has nothing to do with Japan when applied generally.
imagine being this elitist about japanese cartoons
because if he believes a dub can literally never be good, he's just admitting he's being arbitrarily elitist for no good reason
if a dub is well-voice acted with a good translation then there's no reason is can't be as good as the original
not to say that that has ever happened, per se
You didn't answer the question.
Drawing hard lines in the sand about cartoons while simultaneously complaining about others taking strong stances.
...yes I did? what question did i not answer?
I guess you're just retarded, never mind.
so you know youre talking shit and back down, kudos. it takes balls to admit youre wrong.
English is not my native tongue, yet EOPs that watching dubs are disgusting plebs, each and every one of ESL is automatically better by virtue of being at least bilingual.
what does EOP mean?
English Only Peasant
not really bilingual if you can barely speak your second language
shonentards BTFO
Fate is fucking dogshit and you should feel bad for liking it FACT
being barley able to speak second language > being able to properly speak only your native language
Belittling people that at least try doesn't make you better for not trying at all
Suck my meaty dick pleb, Fate is the greatest piece of literature ever written FACT
If you don’t like Fate, then you have no place on Yea Forums
No matter how good dub is it always feel off. This applies to every language.
I watch dubs and no one on Yea Forums can convince me otherwise.
Fate is literally just gacha and hentai fodder FACT
>>Belittling people that at least try doesn't make you better for not trying at all
He has the excuse of ignorance. You don't.
>Fate is the greatest piece of literature ever written
How would you know, you haven't even read it.
HxH faggots in a nuthsell