Fate and other pretentious VNs in a nutshell

>Fate and other pretentious VNs in a nutshell

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Name one (1) other VN that's like this.

who are you quoting?

I can name an exception to this shit. Saya no Uta.

where’s the problem?

"Eroge!" maybe...
This is the most 4th wall breaking VN i've played in a while. Especially Konata's... i mean... Shiina's route. Not many like this one.

I wish i could play eroge with my imouto

That one's about sticking your dick in an eldritch creature.

This fucking game really is showing me how easy (I am) I'll crack up to lines.

>4th wall breaking = pretentious

Oh, no. The one in OP is all nonsense and memes.

I don't even recognize it so forgive me for not picking up on it. I barely read LN.


Why not?

And it's by far the worst game from the company.

this. nothing comes anywhere close to renzero or acchikoi

Is this actually good or is it more mindless low tier moege that translators luuuuv for some reason

That's also life in a way but here we are.

It translates nii-san as onii-chan

Blood related sister calls him the former, NBR sister calls him the latter.

Is she describing KnS?

That's life in a nutshell.

complaining way too much~

You're acting like the suspense and plot twists are pretension rather than the necessary background for a really good fap story.

Except I think Fate wasn't meant to be an Eroge in its original conception so whatever.

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