>ITT: criminally underrated shows.
pic related
ITT: criminally underrated shows
Among my favorite anime of all time. I do t know if it was intentionally or not, but the dub is really great for pulling off the surreal tone of the anime. Hell, I rewatching as I post this
>outlaw star
You fucking what mate?
These are mentioned quite a bit, wouldn't call them underrated.
I have the english dvd set hanging out in my desk. Over a decade later, I still remember the events of the show without having rewatched it at all.
Outlaw Star was super popular back in the day, and is still well-remembered. Definitely not underrated.
>Outlaw Star
I don't usually bring myself to slap the newfag label on people but I'll give it to you this time, OP. You earned it, don't spend it all at once.
I've seen maybe one other people talk about Ninja Nonsense (2x2 shinobuden) since I've been on Yea Forums back in 2009. Fuck I love this anime, and Kaede is still my waifu.
I'm still assdevastated that the official English translated volumes stopped right before the very last volume because the licensing company went under. Fucking pains me to look at my shelf.
I had it in my cart for the longest, but never pulled the trigger. Looking now, I cant find them anymore, but on the bright side, I just found out that they released a blu-ray of the series last year, so I'm gotta pick that up.
It was available for pre order but never was printed apparently.
Every thread.
Never got to know if Aisha took Jim’s V card.
Phantom blood is a pleb filter
It is on the chart newfag.
One of the shows original writers and the concept artist actually worked together for a standalone light novel called El Dorado In The Clouds. It was released in 2000 and never got a western release in english. It was the last piece of Outlaw Star media made before the franchise died off.
I love part 1. I'd say I liked it more than part 3, at least anime wise.
Fucking this.
I'm not sure if Outlaw Star can be classified as "underrated" because it definitely garnered a cult following like Cowboy Bebop and Trigun. It just didn't stand the test of time as the other two for whatever reason(s).
Pic NOT related. Just because people don't talk about things as much as they used to about something that ENDED TWENTY FUCKING YEARS AGO doesn't mean it's underrated.
These were fucking everywhere back in 2002. All these kiddos that never had the pleasure of chatting anime on some retarded LiveJournal.