How will normies react to this when it goes live on netflix in a few weeks?

How will normies react to this when it goes live on netflix in a few weeks?

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How will normies react to the anime club staple? I imagine they'll say something like "Oh, I've watched that!".

eva is overrated garbage. we'll just get more brainlets jerking it off and yelling about waifus for another 25 years

why does anyone assume normies will watch eva instead of the american shows on netflix

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normals nowadays want to be trendy edgy chinese cartoon fans, and evangelion is one of the most acclaimed and famous ones

Fuck off

I'm gonna miss Spike Spencer as Shinji.

SJWs are prob gonna be outraged at Asukas literal Brain Rape scene.

The average weird Netflix animes are being watched by normies. So of course they are gonna love EVA. Netflix knows that their users love scifi/edgy/psychological shit.

You don't fit in

Only normies use normies

How will I react when you stop making the same thread several times in one day?

likely they will not react at all and no one is gonna watch it, just like all the other anime on netflix

Go back to your shithole, normalfag


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> normies
> sjw
> Netflix

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What do you fags think about "Revisions" was pretty decent for a legit netflix original.


yeah eva is one of my favorite animes. I have watched it countless of times and of course normies will come and mess it all up *sigh*

they'll probably miss the point and getad about the mind rape, nudity, jerking off and other """problematic""" things from it. there will be shitty "evangelion is X and that's bad" clickbait articles and Twitter sjws but it'll all wash over in a few days and then nobody will give a fuck.


It'll probably be a small crowd that either loves it or hates it. I don't know why the assumption is being on netflix will make it a sudden sensation. It doesn't really have mass mainstream appeal the same way something like AoT does.

Imagine their shock as none of their outrage will be able to so much as touch a work of kino from 25+ years ago.

You would be surprised how many casuals refuse to watch something unless it is by legitimate means.

And Eva DVD's have been OOP.

I wish they would redo it focusing on the evas and not fucking crybaby bullshit.

>fate shit
Take your own advice, kid.

Hopefully they will make some new memes that are pretty good.

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They'll drop it 5 episodes into monster of the week bullshit and pretend they watched it like they've always done for decades now. A better question is why do you care. This obsession with what casuals on twitter do is fucking bizarre and endemic of the worst parts of the site.

Its fucking normalfag, you colossal faggot

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>It'll probably be a small crowd that either loves it or hates it. I don't know why the assumption is being on netflix will make it a sudden sensation. It doesn't really have mass mainstream appeal the same way something like AoT does.

I assume you were hibernating in your cave the day Netflix tweeted that they had it.

No, it won't be watched by a 'small crowd'

No i didn't see that but I'm assuming there were like 100,000 retweets, but faggots on social media do all sorts of shit. That general populace actually watching 26 episodes of an unorthodox old anime is another thing.

when you guys have seen as much animes as me you will appreciate eva more

>OMG did he just cum in his own hand?!?! this is way too fucked up for me - you'd have to be an incel to watch this!!!
>*watches 1 episode* OMG i'm like SOOOO fucked up in the head, i'm a psychopath gurrrlllll hey stacey have you seen evangelion?
>OMG YES! I am like totallly shinji, i took a buzzfeed test and it showed me like oh my gawd

I'd love to be a fly on the wall when it's おめでとう time.
I imagine there will be lots of rage.

I prob been watching anime before you were even born. Trust me, eva while it is good, is nothing super special.

whit out counting the upcoming rewatch, how many times have you watched evangelion?

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Look at what happened with Jojo and the memes it spawned. The series itself may be fine, but the memes have ruined all discussion outside of manga threads. It reached a point a long time ago where posting the same damn meme ad nauseum has clued normalfags in on the joke. People can now post about Jojo despite having never seen or read the series. Similar situation happened with "mai waifu", does anyone even know anymore that it's a quote from Azumanga? I expect the same will happen with NGE, discussion will reach an over-saturation point beyond the current levels where people will be posting shitty memes they have no clue about, and we'll be sitting by, unable to keep up with correcting their ignorance and explaining why their jokes aren't funny. I know, that sounds like the current situation, but it can definitely get worse with a new wave of fans.
I don't even like Evangelion that much, and I'm already lamenting its death.

you'll get a massive bump of Eva Discussion everywhere for the first month, then it'll sharply drop to around the same levels as usual.


Its how a lot of normies got into anime.
Hulu too.
Plus this anime is an Iconic one regardless of what some people would say. Its a lot of baby's first bad end anime.

Dont think so.I've seen around 100 user. I have no F*** life.....

Jesus Christ. I'm gone 2 or 3 years and now you queermosexuals think it's OK to say normie instead of normalfag. I guess I clicked on /r9k/ Extra Weeb Edition today, especially seeing as you're talking about GODDAMN STREAMING ANIME instead of doing it right.

No it wasn't.
It was a waste of time and shit.
Big surprise.

you're the normalfag here. lurk a couple years before posting again.

You're worse than a normie if you spend your life anticipating their reactions to everything you take an interest in. You're probably simulating pre-emptive arguments that you just can't wait to engage in

"Normies" indulge in shit like Game of Thrones which is full of rape and shock material. I think you Yea Forumsutists are overracting to "SJW" culture

>You're probably simulating pre-emptive arguments that you just can't wait to engage in
Not OP but this doesn't happen.
We just don't like people outside the initial demographic (e;g netflix subscribers and women) getting their grubby hands on what was once ours, shifting the market to include them, resulting in shit like isekai and creative liberties being limited.