No way fag
Squealer did nothing wrong.
Can they remake this but
1. less expo dumps
2. less boring characters
3. better visuals
wrong. The only redeemable character was the wolf looking queer rat.
Squealer was a egocentric coward who deserved to die and the humans were a bunch of homicidal maniacs that deserved to die.
Based and freedompilled.
No, he was race traitor scum. I bet you support the warriors as well
A society run by Squealer would have been preferable to the human world. He would have had to genocide the humans, yes, but that's not his fault, they had too many psychic blocks to function in normal society.
Based and truthpilled
Cringe and delusionalpilled
>can they remake this but pleb
Beauty In A Beast
I don't even remember what anime this is from desu
Sex all the time the anime.
For the longest time I hated squealer and wanted him to suffer, I even cheared when he was defeated
But then I realized something, the only reason I was rooting for the main characters was because of they were prettier, I was supporting the race of superpowered pieces of trash descended from a rapist incel piece of shit over my own would be descendants robbed of their form and free will, turned into little more than beasts.
Fuck cantus users, squealer should have won, he was the last hope of the true human race.
>non-shit animation is pleb
>show don't tell is pleb
I fucking wrote a ten page research paper on this for a college seminar and got an A I shit you not. Shinsekai Yori will always be one of my fondest memories
except lose.
>not loving based library
>Squealer did nothing wrong.
i'll tell you what, he had a point but he done some things wrong
also this anime was so shit why are there 2 threads of it
(i mean in every respect except looks, he kinda is more human than the psykers)
cantus users have a peace-based society and they also don't come from that one rapist king
i like the way it ended with squealer being released and with the cantus users striving for a social democracy esque society
How did the karma demon disarm the opposing army of rats if her death feedback was set to said rats?
To be honest, I didn't like the reveal that they were altered humans. Because, why does it matter? They are an intelligent species in any case.
Also they were actively unconciously fucking the world outside their little bubbles. Even if the humans were peaceful and benevolent, would you want to live in a world where 98% of the area is uninhabitable monster country?
Because she DISARMED them, not kill them. It was an early hint of who she was.
death feedback only triggers on kill
can't remember if she killed them rats but i'm pretty sure she didn't
Fuck the kamisamas.
They are just one crazy guy away from destroying the world.
because that's the irony, they were killing humans all the time
>cantus users have a peace-based society
They send children to be torn limb from limb by cat monsters if they think you're unworthy. Fascist societies are never peaceful, Squealer was right, and now the Cantus will never change because the main characters are massive faggots.
I know that, it just fell flat for me.
He had more soul than all of them combined
Animation doesn't matter. Visual design matters, and Shitsekai Yuri had good framing and use of colour and shit.
The use of expository dialogue was good and balanced. You just want to sound smart by spouting a truism regardless of whether or not it's accurate or relevant.
show don't tell is for "visual learners" if you get my drift
He did everything wrong, even though he was justified in his motivations.
Squealer is my leader and a hero to mankind. Death to Cantusfags.
Justice for Squealer.
But that doesn't make sense. The humans should have been able to restrain her too if they didnt kill her then. Or is it some cop-out like "She disarmed them with 0 ill-will"?
Yeah why didn't they just knock the Cantus out of her hands like what she did with the rats? Or hold her arms behind her back so she couldn't use her mind-powers?
Knocking her unconscious or the like is what I was hinting at. Besides if you can disarm the ones your death feedback applies too then why even make the ratmen in the first place? If the savage humans ever tried to rebel you could just pacify them without hurting them if your logic holds up.
You saw the one guy tried to, the most powerful cantus user. You saw how that worked out, he could never use lethal force while the fiend can go all out.
>If the savage humans ever tried to rebel you could just pacify them without hurting them if your logic holds up.
How? In the case of the "karma demon" it worked, because the other rats could slaughter the disarmed rats with no problems.
Who is going to kill the subdued humans?
>Knocking her unconscious or the like is what I was hinting at.
That is dangerous, it was shown earlier in the series that even any kind of direct attack can make you feel ill. Anyone trying to merely incapacitate her was killed in short order.
they achieved peace by culling the weak. Sparing them would have let to chaos and calamity.
The cantus humans were unironically in the right.
>knock her unconscious
You know that's extremely dangerous and unpredictable right? You've seen too many movies, you can't just karate chop someone in the back of the head and put them to sleep for 8 hours.
Amirite boys?
Is Maria gay?
he failed. miserably. completely and utterly. and his failure nearly brought the exaction of his race.
other than that, nothing wrong
I mean, he had a great plan and he tried and it almost worked.
He should have just marauded through the settlements though insdtead of chasing after the "hero" team.
Even if they brought back a weapon to kill the child, who gives? By that time he would have stolen enough babies and dealt so much damage to the local human population they wouldn't be able to recover soon with their low reproduction rates.
>I mean, he had a great plan and he tried and it almost worked.
The road to hell is oaved with good intentions. At the end of the day if we look at the results he signed the death warrant of almost his entire race.
Casualties were probably too high. Without the fiend, villages went down to queer rat attacks only after inflicting heavy casualties.
No I mean, keep the fiend with him and destroy the settlements instead of going on a wild goose chase after the "heroes."
Well, the kidnapped babies would take many years before they could be used as soldiers. Until they grew up, the fiend would be irreplaceable. I would have to disagree with the point: "they wouldn't be able to recover", the humans had cantus, it was only a matter of time before they ran out of tricks like gas and explosives before the humans counterattacked and wiped them out.
If they had ramapaged there would have been very few people to attack them. Most cantus users weren't fighters and with their abysmal reproduction rates and low population size I doubt their settlements can survive the massive casualties he could have caused.
My memory is failing me, when did Squealer start to awaken to the ideas of liberty/freedom/whatever that made him decide to turn his queen into a puppet and revolt against the cantus users?
His first meeting with the kids most likely, when he realized that "humans" aren't omnipotent gods actually.
I seem to remember the feMC at the very end realizing that the events of that night were already staged by Squealer although I can't really remember why
Realizing he had played them like a fiddle from the start tied into the whole freedom for the next generation theme
Staged insofar, that he decided on the fly to egg the kids on to attack the queerats of another colony. I doubt he had any plans to wrestle power from the queens and attack teh cantus users yet.
He looks cute
Only actual fascists like the Cantus, backwards faggots that they are
>when you see young people having sex
>Using fascism as an insult
>liking a dead-end backwards ideology
>Defending any ideology ever
slave mindset
>thinking you don't have an ideology
Literally bluepilled
Squealer did nothing wrong.
Yes this is correct. But it definitely contributed to
I wished they killed him and his entire race. All of them were descended from virgin incel freaks and not Chad Thundercock.
More like when you see young people having homo sex.
If that were relevant for more than literally one episode it would've served as an even greater pleb filter.