12 years ago

>12 years ago

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Other urls found in this thread:


When will I be free of this website

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I can't believe Nagisa is fucking dead.

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>Sanae and Akiko are canonically friends

Do you think they ever lezzed out?

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Which season was this

>best girl towering above the rest
Rightfully so.

those eyes look retarded lmao
b-but its muh artstyle...

Hopefully tomorrow, inshaallah

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Agreed. You do get used to it after a while. But, it kept me from finishing 2 or 3 Key visual novels. I played Clannad through every single story arc up until your wife died and then I uninstalled. Not because she died, but because the game was SO LONG WINDED and just kept GOING and GOING and after she died it was abundantly clear that it wasn't going to end anytime soon so I just said "Fuck it" and went to play something else.

I'm not up to date on crossboarder memes user sorry

when you close your eyes for good

What is this?

I feel old


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This has got to be in the top 10 most retarded posts on Yea Forums in the last hour right?

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>10 years ago

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I'll be 34 in a few months, kill me

Yea. Nagisa is more plot device for muh sufferings in key's works

>9 years ago

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>ywn have a girl love you unconditionally

Attached: [Doki] Clannad After Story - 03 (1920x1080 Hi10P BD FLAC) [A8381124].mkv_snapshot_03.50_[2019.05.30_ (1920x1080, 3.05M)

When it dies, so never.


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I hate it!

Never seen this better watch anime or play vn ?

Watch anime if you want something easy to digest, then go read VN if you want.

Would (You) really want that?
That she would love (You), even if (You) were not (You)?
How would that even work? Love is always conditional.

The answer is always anime. Except for Umineko.
Since then you'll realize it's not DEEN that fucked up, but R07.

I don't know about Clannad VN but Air VN was absolute horrible and so fucking long.

>still no gf


I agree the first part of the anime looks too "kawaii im cute? Uguu" for my tastes, especially the eyes, but you get used to it and you end up enjoying After history with more fluid animation, and less exagerated faces like

Anime when?

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The vn is 100000x times better.