YouTube Ordered to Hand Over Identities of Manga Pirates

I hope this is the first step, no more free manga for you pirate scum.

Attached: YouTube Ordered to Hand Over Identities of Manga Pirates - TorrentFreak.png (689x1003, 149K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I read manga on YouTube

When people say streaming manga they usually mean using sites like Mangadex. I actually did read a chapter of something on Youtube once but it was because it wasn't available translated anywhere else.


They're complete idiots for going full jihad against youtuber manga pirates.

There's like a million sites where manga and anime are pirated. What they're doing is the equivalent of crunching a couple of cockroaches, thinking that it's enough to handle the roach problem.

Then there's also just torrents in general. Good luck with stamping THAT shit out. Even the goobers over in the west can't deal with that, and they've been trying for a good decade now.

Another thing too, why are they fighting it so hard? Shit, some mangas don't even get translated at all, like Jagaaaaaaan.

There are people who read manga on youtube?

I remember reading Slam Dunk on youtube

>Another thing too, why are they fighting it so hard? Shit, some mangas don't even get translated at all, like Jagaaaaaaan.
Because every person in the west that reads a fan translated manga that isn't available officially in English is 10,000,000 lost sales.

Corporations would push to make it a punishment of lifetime imprisonment (no parole) if they could get away with it.

who the fuck reads manga on youtube?


Wild Fang readers.

pirating in japan is already a lifetime punishment. 10 years of your life gone.

Me, when I was 8 years old.

I can't understand it.

These guys have the IQ of a brick.

>giving your personal information to anyone while doing illegal activities
>let alone giving it to a money hungry corporation
Well deserved.

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>Youtube existed when he was 8 years old

>reading manga on youtube
>some jap fuck is unironically expecting to fight online piracy and win
as retarded as Nintendo trying to shut down rom sites, an exercise in futility

Wouldn't be illegal from youtube side to give away this information?

That is what the subpoena is for.

Yes, and?

I wouldn't trust anyone that sold off DNA/ancestry information to third parties.

I got a feeling they're gonna make a raid on mangadex or similar again. What's that software you can use to rip chapters? t something wasn't it?

I hope they do. Though someone will make another site and do the exact same shit and it'll continue to happen because people are retarded. People need to stop centralizing illegal activity and making it so easy to take down.

Jap companies aren't known for their intelligence.

zoomer making us boomers boom

Pol calls the gen zyklon or something, dunno why.

Fuck your rights

Fuck off, crossboarder.

Kill yourself, you have to go back

It’s not that hard to get someone copy right striked. Just takes three fake accounts to send in reports and boom, channel is gone completely.

rules on Youtube becoming increasingly restrictive isn't the worst thing in the world, as alternatives will gain the traction they deserve.

If you find it lemme know, I remember I had a ripper that could also rip from CR but I lost it somehow.

>Unlimited free uploads, the best infrastructure, the biggest audience
People can get as salty as they want, but nobody is jumping ship because nobody wants to give up the good parts

Me because I wanted to get my hands on as much poorly typset Bobobo content as I could.

Someone just needs to build a peer to peer platform and market it correctly

The channel which Exhibit A in the subpoena refers to is associated with a highly illegal manga scanlation subscription service. They charge something like $80 a year for access to 'private scanlations' and use that channel to upload select chapters as a taste-tester to convince people to sign up and pay up.

Hey, don't be mean to bricks!

>and market it correctly
Who has the cash to outmarket fucking google?

>people literally stream manga
This is the most retarded shit I've ever heard in my life. I hope they do more than just give out names, like also going after the people who watch manga. God that sounds so fucking dumb just typing that out. Now I bets there's going to be a swarm of retard asking "WHERE AM I GOING TO READ MY MANGA NOW?".

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It's not like google is very well liked by most people.

It was even better when Batoto was taken down and there were threads upon threads of retards complaining about it and getting so used to it that they didn't know how to find manga otherwise.

The bullshit needs to increase a bit more first before the youtuber bleeding begins. It's not bad enough just yet but I'm saying it's getting there, step by step.

Also, as technology improves, storage, server costs, bandwidth, EVENTUALLY other companies will be able to replicate what youtube does, it'll become easier. It just might take a decade or two.
5G *might* help, but I'm no expert.

The same people who watches anime on youtube that takes 1/4 of the screen at it's best

The names of the pople they end up with will be 11 year olds who don't know how to use the internet outside of youtube.

>5G *might* help, but I'm no expert.
I can't see how that would help. Less centralization is what's needed.

higher speeds could somehow translate to cheaper server costs? I'm talking about the internet as a whole improving. If everyone could suddenly download 1 billion megabytes per second I think more effort might be spent on improving servers and such.

They are Japanese businessmen
, of course they have the IQ of a brick.

Who the fuck reads manga on Youtube? The quality is probably shit

People have been saying that for the whole fucking decade and I've still yet to see any alternative. Do you really think these fuckers who have spent years getting themselves to the top and now have the money to buy-off anyone and anything they can will let alternatives even dare to threaten them? C'mon son.

Youtube... manga? What?

>Less centralization is what's needed.
Normies like centralization though, it's why Apple is so popular

For whatever reason these sites are never stopped by publishers, they're stopped by themselves.

If anything finishes mangadex, it's going to be the site owners.

lmao boomer nips are always 10 years behind

You can have centralization. Just make the manga available on blogs and stuff rather than solely putting the stuff on Mangadex or whatever other site pops up.

>trusting jewgle


They're already doing a pretty good job of it too.

>waiting for autists to tear themselves apart

>streaming your manga

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Who the fuck reads Manga on YouTube? I refuse to believe this is actually a thing.

>Just make the manga available on blogs and stuff rather than solely putting the stuff on Mangadex or whatever other site pops up.
This gets brought up every time some big site goes down and then is forgotten until the next take down

>reading CCS Clear Card
>the person who does the text translation is on vacation or something and the only alternative is a closed Facebook group
>didn't want to join the Facebook group but someone uploaded the Facebook translation to Youtube
Only time I've done it.

This might be more of a monetization issue. Where the YouTube channel owner is basically getting paid for hosting the stolen content. In that case, it'd be impossible to hide your identity and you'd deserve every bitch slap you got. Fuck those people.
Finally found one.

Attached: 1391313845582.jpg (285x384, 23K)

It's good for action series.

>best infrastructure
But Youtube runs like ass and is a shadow of its former self function-wise.

Not at all, I'm just saying that the most likely scenario is a voluntary shut down, like pretty much always.

Not really, though I know sorts like yourself like to pretend mangadex is on fire.

As tech increases the video hosting costs increase.
People will be filming 4k 60fps with their phones.

Normalfags are driven by their insecurity to fit in so they're going to keep visiting the sites that are the most used

We can't even get people to move to a different site without shit mods for Yea Forums

youtube is on a suicide mission with all the censorship
I saw a vid talking about the holocaust literally vanish overnight
I watched half of it and next day it had vanished
it wasn't even one of those weird denier ones

If I'm going to watch manga on youtube then a man with a heavy Russian accent better be reading it aloud and applying zoom and pans to the pages

If they really want to crack down on piracy, they should go hard after everything but this, as it seems like such a fucking terrible way to read manga that I could imagine it driving people to just buy it in a language they can't speak instead

I miss Onemanga, lads.

You seem autistic

You neither seem like a doctor nor like someone properly educated on that matter.

the one making these decisions are 60-70 years old men that don't even read manga.

they banned every english subbed version of this because its true

>he thinks the "free market" can fix monopolies

I know you can read manga on youtube but who unironically does that?

No that one's bad. The good shit is when they zoom in on the panels and add effects like it's an anime.

hi crunchyroll, why are you shilling Dr. Stone and Black Clover so hard??

Bingo. These dudes are just greedy idiots who wanted to collect adsense bucks from content they almost always had nothing to do with making.
I mean copyright law in America is a horrific, oppressive clusterfuck but these dudes legit deserve what they get for not only being greedy (either in terms of ad money or views/attention) but also idiotic.
Plus literally streaming manga (in video form, not just reading online) is about as full retard as you can go.

terrible sound effects and music choice WTF

Why do these exist...

Polite mangadex downloader.


Why indeed

Don't you have a kernel to recompile, nerd?

Software fag here
>Also, as technology improves, storage, server costs, bandwidth, EVENTUALLY other companies will be able to replicate what youtube does
This is not exactly true. Youtube runs at a massive deficit because Google (which is basically a monopoly and is going to be broken up soonish most likely) can afford to pump money into it to keep competitors down. The only reason Youtube stores everything forever and allows normal users so much space is because it's allowed to not make any money (the ad money is really just a half-assed attempt to make it less on a money pit).
Any reasonable non-money-pit alternatives will likely have some form of restrictions on upload space and possibly video quality as well, at least so long as video sizes keep expanding to fill drive space like they tend to right now, and so long as retards want to upload thousands of hours of footage of fucking nothing that isn't monetizable.

This is the Citizen Kane of youtube manga

The Pop Team Epic ones are great

>Reading manga
>on youtube
>Youtube is to hand over IDs
>Yeah, good luck with that.

bkub is okay with that, he even retweeted some

>streaming manga
>on youtube
M8, you have to be fucking kidding me

But the YouTube manga streamers aren't even the raw rippers?

Why not target the guys who are the first ones to take phone photos of the manga and provide the raw rips 3-4 days the manga is officially up?

Is Youtube allowed to hand over so much sensitive information that easily even if it is a DMCA subpoena?

Why aren't they doing anything about Chinese or Korean pirates who pirate on a more massive scale than these youtube uploaders?

I don't think DMCA subponeas allow for handing over financial information.

Does Japan not know its American law not Japanese law?

Will this California judge realize this or get convinced by the Japanese lawyer?

That is the question everyone wants to know.

The rippers are all chinese or korean. It doesn't make sense to go after youtube people.

It seems these youtube people added music, sound effects, and other software edits so it feels this could be a technical grey area since manga in real life has no sound effects much less music tracks.

Didn't a bunch of white people got arrested for uploading One Piece/Naruto raws before? It was like half a decade ago.

>Who reads manga on youtube?

Most of the manga uploads on youtube are basically advertisements meant to direct you to the uploader's real site so they an make money off you there.

OP should have linked the pdf file.

Seems the manga targeted are:

1) Chi to Hai no Joou

2) Yamikin Ushijima-kun

3) Kengan Ashura

Because illegal content uploaders would seriously provide their real name, address, and financial information, huh.

You guys don't understand. They aren't trying to get rid of pirating for real, they know that's impossible at this time. What they're really doing is doing "Something" so they can hold onto their jobs and take it to their bosses (Publishers, networks, etc) who are paying them to do something about their content getting pirated and say "Look! We're doing our jobs! Please keep giving us paychecks for doing the bare minimum effort!".

Just read the pdf file. Some of these youtube channels are suspiciously Vietnamese.

Like why would you subscribe to a Vietnamese e-sports channel with all the videos in only Vietnamese.

Highly doubt Japan is going to get any kind of money from some random person living in Vietnam.

>Obtained a DMCA subpeona compelling YouTube
I know you normally only look at the pretty pictures, ESL, but at least try reading the image at the start of the thread before participating in it.

They won't not, not even the scene people that got doxxed had anything happen to them, the viet govt only cares if you make millions without paying tax.

It's not centralized, there are at least a dozen of sites leeching from mangadex and having the exact same content and waiting for their chance to become the main site once it dies

>t. financial illiterate parroting misinformation
If youtube was still losing money it would have already been killed off. Google rolls all it's revenue under the generic "AdSense" blanket so it's impossible to tell what it actually makes, but video ads cost so much more per impression and YT gets so much traffic that it wouldn't be surprising for it to be a dominant revenue source. And they drove costs way down when they built/bought their own private global networking infrastructure.

Reading manga with potato quality Youtube compression why?

What part of that post is ESL?

>chi to hai no jouu
Is that why i havent seen a raw chapter posted?

Giyar, these internet seas be free for everyone! Yar!

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How the fuck do you read manga on youtube?

Holy FUCK that's a flashback to 2007.

Who in their right mind reads manga in fucking Youtube of all places?

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Just checked all the youtube channels mentioned in the pdf.

99 percent of them are Vietnamese based on the fact these youtube channels subscribed to Vietnamese vloggers or Vietnamese content channels and some of their non-manga youtube videos had Vietnamese subs.

However, 2 or 1 of these youtube channels may or may not be American.

One channel I don't even know why the Japanese publisher is going after. There's barely any content.

Seriously, the channel only has 6 videos in its entire history, 2 Kengan Asura Videos and 4 Avabel Online Videos.

I never ever heard of Avabel Online before.

Initial release date: February 4, 2013
Developer: Asobimo
Publisher: Asobimo

Fucking obscure as shit MMO. How has this MMO not gone bankrupt yet? It's been 6 years since it launched and it doesn't even have a wikipedia page.

Google the names of the youtube channels.

Youtube people seem to like hearing rap or rock music when reading Baki on youtube apparently or they enjoy commenting on youtube while reading Baki.

>Reading manga on youtube
Imagine being this bad at technology.

Attached: what_zelda.jpg (318x343, 54K)

It isn't the particular manga which are the serious bases of the complaint/subpoena. It's the uploaders. They are all individuals notorious for uploading dozens of manga series in their entirety to rake in huge amounts of ad money. Someone who uploads a single chapter of anything doesn't matter - there are usually a few free chapters of any series available on the corporate websites. The dudes listed in the subpoena are guys who have all uploaded *thousands* of chapters of different manga from various series across several magazines. That's what they're pursuing with this.

You can't easily attack torrents because it's very rare for one single person to be responsible for the continued distribution of its contents. So, this is the simplest thing they can do to effectively get the material out of the reach of the most casual pirates.

>Some of these youtube channels are suspiciously Vietnamese.
At least two are American and one is Japanese.

There's a reason apple is popular

One of these youtube channels only uploaded 2 chapters of Kengan Ashura.

You are correct on some of the other uploaders who seem to have uploading volumes of manga but this channel I won't specifically name is like subpoenaing an ant and not even a big fish.

The Baki uploader seems American. I can't really determine anybody else as American due to their channel name

Ursa Sunday readers.

Shogakukan manga readers.

I saw the one you're talking about. I'm almost certain that it's just that their content has already been taken down - a few of the other channels have been completely wiped, maybe they didn't delete this channel for some technical or bureaucratic reason.

Yes, he's American.

The part where they can't read simple english

>one of those weird denier ones

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You seem desperate for (You)s so here's some charity.

Reading manga on youtube was one of the dumbest videos ive seen in my life, i remeber these during the peak of series like Naruto Bleach OP

Im surprised this is still a thing in 2019, and peopel actualy watch these videos

>I hope this is the first step
Oh, it is. The same one they're being trying since 1999. And failing.

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>knowing the identities of manga pirates
I don't get it.

people read manga on youtube?
what the fuck?

I remember checking out One Piece spoilers on youtube.

Youtube demonetized a lot of edgy humor youtube channels that were popular during the Filthy Frank Era.

For example, remember someone pretending to be from Uganda while playing Call of Duty. His videos got demonetized. You aren't allowed to have those kinds of videos on youtube anymore.

There's a lot less swearing on youtube

You need a google account in order to create a YouTube account. Most people use their real names and details. They also have access logs from IPs.

>Because every person in the west that reads a fan translated manga that isn't available officially in English is 10,000,000 lost sales.
And don't forget all the other languages. Western World or not.

Is it even legal in most countries to prosecute if you share something that's not published there?
If not in theory, it would be a mess in practice.

California judges are insane but I don't think a California judge can expose the personal information of someone living in Vietnam or a state outside California.

This information is on the level of a warrant and DMCA subpoenas were never intended to be on the level of an arrest warrant or a financial subpoena warrant.

Maybe the judge will dismiss the case based on lack of jurisdiction and tell Japan to try Vietnamese Court in Vietnam instead?

>uganda caller got demonitized
Is that the voiceover guy who dis it and one episode figured out someone entire address?


What kind of retard uses youtube to read manga.

You didn't always need a google account what if it's from before then?


Google didn't require much info to create an account before the founders became billionaires.

I'm talking about the time period when you needed an invitation to create a gmail account.

You had to get a gmail and a G+ account since like, 2011 or something. And you even need a valid cell phone number in order to make a gmail account.

If you make a google anything account, you've basically gave out all your personal information.

Oh no! Whatever will the evil corporations do with my personal information?

I doubt the accounts uploading manga to youtube now are that old.

I hadn't known it was that bad now, but then I think the one I still have needed an invitation so things would change in that amount of time.

Post your address and phone number here.

Pretty sure there are FCC regulations that protect the privacy of cell phone numbers not so much landline numbers though.

Remember those thick yellow books that had lists and lists of public landline numbers?

I am not a judge but I would dismiss this suit based on lack of jurisdiction and privacy concerns.

In the bigger picture, this is like Japan trying to expose personal information of American private citizens

But you're not an evil corporation, you're an anarchistic ruffian.

Probably not. Google/Youtube are not under any obligation to hide your identity..

Ironically if they just leave the videos up and put a copyright claim on it, it's the only way the company that owns the rights to the manga being shown can get any money from piracy in any form. As the all the ad revenue will be given to the company that requested the copy strike. IDK why they'd try to find and sue people who upload manga. Those people don't have any fucking money, or brains.

>What they're doing is the equivalent of crunching a couple of cockroaches, thinking that it's enough to handle the roach problem.
That's how Asian police operate. It's a show of force intended to scare and intimidate, not an actual effort to round up every single criminal, which is impossible. Same as how American airports make passengers walk through long lines of endless security screening inside the airport, even though there are a thousand ways that a determined terrorist could circumvent all of that with very little difficulty.

Remember back when no one gave a single flying fuck about copyright?

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>watching manga

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The chad manga streamer vs the virgin manga reader

people aren't making the money they used to

As much as it was funny. That one where he finds out his address was wrong and stress inducing

This except 12

eat shit, I will post when and where I want to.

How does one "read" manga on youtube?

You simply need to lower your IQ to the same level of a technologically impaired corporate baby boomer that doesn't understand economics and free marketing.

Angry zoomers detected

What's wrong with this?

If they attacked mangadex or a similar website, they know we'll just move on to a different website.
But YouTube? Only 10 years old zoomers would watch Manga on YouTube, so there's a pretty good chance they will stop illegally reading Manga afterwards.

Just how clueless are nips about this shit? This is like something my grandma would come up with to fight piracy, not fucking Shogakukan

>"""""reading""""" manga on youtube
Who does this? Literal children? Mexicans? Either way nothing of value would be lost

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No there isnt. Its impossible to get a bomb on the plane unless eveyone and everuthing ignored your existence

>there are people who read manga on YT
>there are people on Yea Forums who read manga on YT
It's been nice 12 years Yea Forums, but it's finally time to say goodbye.

>I hope this is the first step
next step is; ban manga/anime pics from imageboards...

Imbeciles actually admitting they read manga on Youtube in this thread really seals the deal.

Well fuck, where can I read my manga noe?

>there are people who read manga

Fuck. I only ever read my manga on video streaming platforms.

I'm worried

It's time to move on to Twitch bros.

That’s only when I want to watch a specific fight or scene though.

YouTube wasn’t profitable for over ten years.
Pretty much no company could foot that bill for that long except google.

Is it not blatantly obvious to you? They're going after the low hanging fruit, not the actual scanlators (unless they're posting on YT) that would be much harder to find.
YT requires a working cell number to register plus jewgle already tracks every bit of data about your life they can suck down, right down to exactly how long you were at the local sex shop and what model of dragon dildo you bought.
The people idiotic enough to post it on YT are far easier to accurately ID than your average scanlator.

Hell, the entire crusade against internet "piracy" is built like that. They know they'll never catch 99.999999% of pirates so they just hit the few they do catch with fines and can positvitely ID (extraordinarily hard to do now that courts finally realize IP address isn't remotely enough to positively ID a suspected pirate) so high they'll take more than a lifetime to pay off and hope that serves as deterrent enough.

>streaming manga

how about downloading from Madokami and read them. Oh wait you newfags cant

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You do realize that besides the type of format theres practically zero difference right? Manga downloaded from muh sekrit club will still look the same as one on youtube even with encoding
>Downloading manga when you can read it online
>B but it looks better
Sure it does on your 1080p monitor

Attached: 1558442586752.webm (960x720, 256K)

>Youtube is 14 years old

>streamed manga

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I don’t read manga anymore but this is some dumbass shit. Not only is this embarrassing as fuck but where the hell do these nips think they get sales from outside Japan?

They don't want gaijin sales.

>Forgets where he is
Japan can't into international law. They're fucking idiots when it comes to understanding how the rest of the world works. I love Japan, but they're so tightly bound up in their own pride it makes them retarded. Always been that way, always will be that way.

One day you low IQ degenerates may learn that Japan is more interested in saving face than actually doing anything that matters when it comes to shit like this. Save face with a grand act like this and get back to being productive worker bees because productivity and honor is always > human life and quality of life.

Happiness is a disease of the lazy and the poor to them.

Have children

i did it back in high school since i didint know any better.

Have sex.

As if America is any better. They don't understand the rest of the world either. Hence why they try to force their laws on other countries, e.g. trying to get Japan to ban loli

Loli is a vile crime against children and should be banned though, its Japanese who lack morals

This. Cartoon bad. Islam good.

George Bush is a murderer and a war criminal

>all these try-hards pretending they've never read manga on YouTube
Next you'll say that you've never watched anime on Photobucket

>Pedophile talking about having sex
So you're a registered sex offender? That's better than stealing manga to you? Hilarious.

>NPC Meme
A eurocuck AND a /pol/tard Yea Forumsermin! Oh, everyone feels so bad for you and how you're being oppressed! Its such a shame! ABLOO HOO HOO. Grow up you fucking wind-up monkey. No one takes meme spewing retards seriously. Why would anyone care about the words of someone who can't even come up with their own opinions?

>Loli is a vile crime against children
Oh yeah tell me who's vile in this picture

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I lost my cousin to a loli rock cd van.

>registered sex offender?
That's not a thing in my country. Again, as I already said, Americans obviously don't understand the rest of the world, just like Japan.

>NPC Meme
I don't recall posting an NPC meme. I did however do a variation of gruk meme. European meme tradition is over 10,000 years old so perhaps you're a little confused.

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if a website existed that provided translated series on the exact day, the exact hour of when it becomes available in japan, with a monthly sub fee of around $19.99 to read anything and everything that gets released(already exist), would Yea Forums pay the $20 and stop pirating?

no internal support for downloading, but your profile allows you to create your own online library of titles you've read/plan to read.

app support for any android device and kindle support.

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Sure thing not everything gets scanned, id rip that shit in a heart best though

If you can rip it, maybe

Don't underestimate how important face is.
>be north china
>every winter drown in smog because of coal burning industry and power generation
>party promises to crack down on toxic death cloud
>proceeds to to nothing but make a show of shutting down people running illegal deep fryers from their food carts or heating their homes with unlicensed fireplaces
>actual industry and its plutocratic cronies left untouched
You know what they say: the most important part of making a difference isn't making a difference, it's telling everyone online I did.

>20$ monthly
>no actual features
Are you crazy? Nobody would pay that much. On that note, mangaplus already exists and it's free.

Reminds me of Nintendo trying to strike out every single video of every single one of their games on the site. The entire Jap business culture and outlook is seriously fucked, someone needs to start mowing down boomers over there to clear out the trash.

That’s like saying gaijins don’t want asian pussy. It makes absolutely no sense.

>paying for digital
That get's a yikes form me, dawg. I own hundreds of volumes of manga physically and would never pay a cent for the privilege of reading something on my computer screen.

>I own hundreds of volumes of manga physically
if I could read moon, would also buy physical

Japan does not have any obligation to provide this service for foreigners.

In fact, they'd probably make major losses by hiring translators for Spanish, Portuguese, French, English, German, Mandarin, Russian, Indonesian, for every minor Manga series that barely has enough sales to break even.

It could work for major series like One Piece or Dragon Ball though.

>They're complete idiots for going full jihad against youtuber manga pirates.
This is how the Japanese operate, we just haven't been privy to these sorts of things.

What do these things have to do with each other? Some shitty slideshow with terrible resolution you have to pause every couple seconds?


>Youtube, Manga
They're only going after Youtube because they're the easiest ones to compel right?

In my day that's what you got and you were glad you did!

Of course not. It has some shaking camera shots sometimes.

Zoomers pretending to be boomers are so cute

I'm a millennial though

How many of you here actually uploaded manga on Youtube?

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$20 is retarded, it would have to be in the $5-$10 dollar range. Only a couple languages would be able to be supported for the most popular releases, and all of the smaller manga would have to be in english only. Raws should be provided for every release immediately. Maybe they could set up some kind of fan translating commissioning system to allow third party submissions with verification ratings and small payments proportional to its number of views.

Any answer you get would be pure speculation. That said, they're a huge platform that would be relatively straightforward to attack legally.

Don’t act like some of the OSTs they played in those MMVs wasn’t the hypest shit.

Google has enough information on you to recreate your life from scratch. That said, if any of these idiots were collecting revenue from ads then they'll be a lot easier to find.

>in my day.

What the fuck.

In my day, I used WinMX, Winny and Limewire for normie shit.

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>not watching manga videos and reading anime chapters

This is how I started with the One Piece anime.

No? I remember when the RIAA shook down soccer moms and Jack Valenti wanted to smash every computer on the Earth.

Fuck off.


Good luck competing with every subscription service ever. Not mention that getting a license from japanse's company is a special kind of hell by itself.

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Why English? Manga is for children, but Anglo birth rates are low. So it should be Arabic or Spanish

Only the uploaders of these videos, not everyone who watches. It's probably pretty easy.

They literally already have this service for WSJ manga AND it's free and it's still not enough.


The spics and sandniggers will have to translate and submit their own enchiladas and squiggles, working adults don't have time for those impractical languages.

>People are stuck on the "manga on youtube" part and completely gloss over the precedents this sets for future copyright cases in- or outside of youtube, and possibly usage of youtube as a whole, whatever the result

As a law-abiding citizen I see nothing to fear.

DMCA is an US law, right? And even if not, Viz at least only has licenses to the works inside America. Why don't people just host their stuff from elsewhere and tell copyright and license claims to fuck off?

>its all the same

You faggots had the chance to make a madokami account. When those kikes in youtube bring down your favourite manga streamers, dont cry on Yea Forums for invites.

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They have been trying to pull this exact same shit since the last decade, and always failed

not all serials are published on Shounen Jump you dickwad.

>he thinks people here still watch or read anything
we all just read the same threads everyday and post the same thing over and over and wait for (you)s

the point is that they have the service for the most popular manga in the world already and it's even free and people still don't use it

What the fuck do people even watch on youtube? People over the age of 14 I mean.

Literally who cares.

Preston Jacobs

Good, fuck youtube

yeah because not all people, especially posters in this god-forsaken anime imageboard, read shounenshit. If someone do read shounenshit, he is probably a nigger or spic so it is expected that they wouldnt know what even Shounen Jump actually is

Madokami hasn't updated loads of series for ages, MangaDex is where it's at.

I watch analysis videos about kids' media I'm way too old to consume
Also people playing Total War
Funny animals
Science shit

I only watch Youtube for GSG tutorials and for E Michael Jones

So why the hell are they cracking down on something that matters very little in the long run? It would work very well for the successful manga of course but the other small time manga shouldn’t even garner any concern at all if they’re that unpopular.

And even if that was the case just have some of the translators handle the most profitable places first instead of trying to do too much so quickly.

Cute animal videos and marble sports, not even kidding

>marble sports
Is that the sequel to Marble Hornets?

science shit, history shit, random animal shit. I also watch people play games so I don't have to.

>reading manga on YouTube
why would you even do this

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>they still read manga instead of watching it
Explain yourself, Yea Forums.

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for me its usually vidya related stuff

Ya'll ready for a blast from the past?

How based is Peter, bo.

Doesn't that only show 3 chapter previews and in low resolution quality?

This is going to sound stupid but I love that green line going down. It's very appealing for some reason and it really adds to the image.

I didn't know that Japan can force an American company to give up sensitive personal information of international, non-Japanese users.

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Pretty sure they already do, a few years back, someone won a case against a matome blog over something like that, and since then, the guy who archived 2chan threads did a big purge and stopped archiving the images

No, like sports with literal marbles

Sounds lame.

No u

Why the fuck would anyone stream mangas?

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I prefer using mp3's for manga

Just think about all the internet culture that is being erased because of copyright and censorship. They don't profit from taking it down, yet they do it anyway. I'd call it spiteful but that's assigning too much intent to it. They don't even care.

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>new week/month
>new chapter of your favorite manga out
>check your favorite torrent/manga site
>Generic_shounen_ch-258_(Digital)_[English]_(scan group)_[streamer_please_ subscribe].rar.flv.rar

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Do your parents pay your fees if you're 11 and you're caught uploading MANGA on YOUTUBE?

It can't be adults doing this shit.

>Preston "I'm a Feminist" Jacobs
>Nya "I'm a Feminist and Lolicon is Pedophilia" nners

Yikes. Shit tastes.

how would jewtube/Jewgle have my adress/personal info?
Who would ever use their real ID on Google+???

So pointless.

Who else here flicks through every frame of an anime individually in an image viewer?

>People acting like reading manga on Youtube is a zoomer thing
Its been going on for as long as I remember and we've always made fun of it

Hope live reaction of new one piece chapters won't be affected too much.

>not printing them out and making a flipbook

Every cancerous e-celeb who does it is going down HARD.

>Not listening to manga on the radio for free

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