Is this the best music anime ever?
Carole x Tuesday
>kiss me before sunrise,
>or i’m leaving you tonight
Will this happen in the show?
kids on the slope was pretty good
>generic pop music
>ever best
watch more than 10 anime
But it didn’t have diversity or yuri
I watched every music anime ever made , most of them are moe/idol shit
Of course no-
>remember Shigatsu
Well, it isn't worse than Shigatsu for sure.
I dropped C&T because it was too boring.
That show featuring a bunch of dorks playing a shitty Japanese instrument is way more entertaining.
That’s not BECK
C&T > k on
not even close
how did symphogear manage to get 15 seasons?
Symphogear is such a fucking mess
Every season could be the last so there was no overarching narrative or actual character development, instead being a rehash of a rehash.
At the end you ended with 50 episodes wasted.
It got pretty fun at episode 4 though, take this from someone that thought the first 3 episode were shit.
Thinly disguised CD advertisement.
Shit should be illegal
REALLY good music by musical heavyweights
i heard the one of the reasons XV got delayed was because they had to look for a bigger venue for the liveshow
This show’s lame
Carried by the seiyuu cast
story wise without a doubt.
doesn't stop it from having excellent songs and action
fuck your wheraboo netflix anime, this is an SG thread now
>Implying I like Carole and Tuesday and I didn't come to this thread to shit on that show
>Implying Symphogear isn't as vapid as the Marvel movies and they shouldn't save everyone's time by just releasing the music with some illustrations depicting the fights
think what you want about SG i wont change your mind.
I am in the same boat, only posting in this thread to shit on the show.
fuck the mods here and their obvious C&T astrourfing hugbox.
Threads and posts that start shitting on it are 404'd immediately while ones like this stay up. I havent seen anyone really like this show excepts ops and the occasional anime youtube shill who likely got their 30 pieces of silver from netflix.
Now watch as the kike mods rush to shut down this thread and ban me because I showed you the truth
You /pol/edditors always show your true faces, you just can't help yourselves.
Oh, I'm so enlightened!
Show me your ways o great wielder of the truth!
>muh /pol/ boogeyman
hate to break it to you faggot, but this show is such unremarkable trash that /pol/ doesn't even acknowledge it. it just falls in with the rest of the unremarkable propaganda that netflix and co churn out
remember, a conspiracy is just 2 or more people planning in private
>/pol/ doesn't knowledge it
The nonstop flux of people shitting on it due to being Netflix propaganda says otherwise.
>everyone who doesn't like this shitty anime is from /pol/
Tuesday is for her asian stalker.
If people just said
>Man, this show is boring, their music is boring, nothing happens, the girls are one-dimensional, everything falls into their lap way too easily...
I would agree with you. But every time is always the same drivel
>Jews, Netflix, interracial, propaganda, Jews, shills, hugbox Tumblr, Wojack edits
A shitty show is just a shitty show and has enough shitty elements to be judged, no need to make it part of some conspiracy.
they do, the threads don't last long though before the mods get to them
this one probably wont last long now.
a conspiracy is just 2 or more people planning in secret
'conspiracy theorist' was coined after the JFK assassination to discredit the warren comission, in today's vocabulary, it means someone who possess dangerous critical thinking skills
why is my japanese anime selling on interracial gay relationship
>INB4 muh get back to /pol/
That stalker is a boy?
Never watched utena
god is fucking hate fags so goddamn much i wish they would all die
Speak English OG bull dog
neck yourself jew
>god is fucking hate fags so goddamn much
Me too, ever since the cuckening. Give them an inch and they take a mile.
>i wish they would all die
Thankfully AIDS exists, unfortunately it isn't enough
Yuri is ok in my book though
>Inspirations: Ed Sheeran
I hope everyone who watched even the first episode of this jewish propaganda burn in hell
Happy pride month!
So, it really turned lesbian? Should I be surprised?
>yuri is ok
You are part of the peoblem.
This is fan art from Instagram/ tumblr
>it means someone who possess dangerous critical thinking skills
Imagine believing this about yourself
what's the problem though?
maybe the poop tier writing gets better, but after 2 episodes of that garbage i said fuck it and dropped
>tumblr style "art"
>pic related
It’s Anime fag
Can't really make assertions until it's over.
Right now it is flagging behind Nodame Cantabile, Sakamichi no Appollon, Beck, So Ra No Wo To and Nana definitively.