Yea Forums is full of homusexuals

Yea Forums is full of homusexuals

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Damnedest sockdologizing usurper!

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Wouldn’t that make you a homosexual for posting here, OP?

OP is a faggot... wait are you admitting that?

It's not gay if they're little girls.

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Is it gay if they're both girls?

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That’s how homosexuality works

I'm a bisexual lolicon who has a lolicon boyfriend and a short girlfriend.

Little girls having sex with each other is not gay user.

>I'm into 3DPD trash

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Leave as soon as you can. You can still make it out with some semblance of heterosexuality

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This is why everyone shits on bisexuals.

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It's a spiritual thing. I promised both of them that we'll get isekaid when we died, and all three of us will be anime.

no, it's because they're fucking faggots
in both meanings

traps might be gay but GB is the manliest fetish out there

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Did you remember to pack a cushion?

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I've always wanted to rape Homura.

What's that supposed to mean, Chris Hanson?

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She will be doing the raping

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I prefer Sayaka.

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I'm actually a Madokasexual.

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I want a Moemura wife.

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Yea Forums is funding hummus

Why is this devil so perfect?

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I see you're a man of culture as well

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took me about an hour to realize OP typed “homusexual” instead of “homosexual”

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Please watch Madoka Magica. I beg you, newfriend.

I want to pop a Magica's cherry.

I would have never realized this had it not been for you pointing it out.

But I have watched it. Quite a few times, in fact.

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Red is the color of love and passion.

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We can fix that problem

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I don't know who I like more: Kyouko, Moemura or Madoka.

Attached: __akemi_homura_mahou_shoujo_madoka_magica_drawn_by_nasunoko__c48cb8e94187f2cd798eec05fce08d2f.jpg (532x745, 190K)

why else would there be so many people who start screeching at the slightest growth of breasts on females.

God, Kyouko is so attractive. I want to feed her until she can no longer move and then have my way with her while she's immobile and helpless.

Don't post my wife so casually

Christ-chan please save us from the fujos and yuriniggers

So when is this sexy slut and her friends getting an anime adaptation?

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Our wife.

Attached: __akemi_homura_mahou_shoujo_madoka_magica_drawn_by_sat_c__075fcfa73022e96fbd4bea55732d6da0.jpg (1000x748, 293K)


Do not talk about her that way. She is a free spirited fighter who listens to no one. Besides, I think she burns calories extra fast with magic.

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Real shit though guys I just rewatched the show recently and Walpurgis Night is a huge plot hole who told homoura about it originally? Mami did but then she died in that timeline and then homoura knew about it for the convenience of the rest of the series. BUT WHO TOLD MAMI ABOUT IT ORIGINALLY HELP IM LOSING SLEEP OVER THIS

Don't post our wife in such a lewd manner

i thought it was qbae

Not really a surprise when some sissy Yea Forumsnon back in the day would post a selfie of their legs in stockings or thigh highs with panties on and get a million replies for lewds.

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also since were posting art heres a nice little piece that I picked up recently on a trip to japan I wish I knew who the artist was

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I want to carefully record the number of calories and weight in pounds of all the food Kyouko eats in a day and then present her with the statistics to her embarrassment.

that's entirely possible but I'd hope id pick that up after multiple viewings but I don't distinctly remember that happening

It's Ume. Even has her name on it moron

I can't read Japanese so I wouldn't have figure it out so thanks I guess

Still wrong. But seeing her embarrassed is a cute thought.

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How about this?

Attached: __akemi_homura_mahou_shoujo_madoka_magica_drawn_by_siraha__7331cdd0ef9fe85dba7c86f3074f0bdc.jpg (880x1300, 306K)

If you weren't a newfag you'd recognize her art style immediately. Nobody else draws WIDE quite like her.

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this is progessively getting worse
why couldn't you be a normal girl like hitomi?

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Because Hitomi is a NTR'ing whore.

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Mami was experienced so presumably she heard about it from some other magical girl. If whataburgernight has happened before then it makes sense word of it would be passed around it magical girl circles.

I suppose that is also plausible due to the fact it manifested as a natural disaster and those obviously happen globally every year

Sexy bitch

Attached: 67436D0F-ACF9-4E1D-A469-8BE584BDCC12.jpg (1280x720, 147K)

eh, she was cuter with the braids and glasses.

>Not recognizing the artstyle of the fucking character designer
you're not a real fan

Sexy? Yes. A bitch? Perhaps, but she's my bitch.
That she was, but her straight hair self also makes me diamonds.

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Homura is flat.

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Wish I had a yandere bitch this sexy to hunt me down across the universe. What's a guy gotta do, become a concept?

It's fucking sexy, right?

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Nah. I'm Madokasexual.

Not just Yea Forums, there are too many gays in the world these days. I don't know where they are coming from. I feel like straight people are minority and queers are majority.

Find a nervous, sickly, middle school girl and befriend her.

>All these anons who completely missed the joke.

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I love her.

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How much do you love her, user?

Enough to become god for her.

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We all niggas here bruh.

that's not much of a commitment

It is when you're not a little girl, so QB doesn't want nothing to do with you.

Homura is the coolest

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>you will never give dying Homura your last grief seed
why even live

Enough that if I was capable I'd make a wish on Kyubey just to get close to her and tend to her every need.

For me it's Homu and Kyouko.

Your point being?

I'm a mamisexual.

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cursed homura no click
can't unsee it now faggot!

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The sad truth of otaku culture in America.

i would unironically fuck that homura

Attached: SmugxHomu.png (1024x1014, 244K)

She's a total badass.

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oh dear god why did i click

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Madoka pls

Good madohomu. Those were the signboards they gave out to theatergoers. We got them in foreign showings too, I treasure my homu.

Most of Yea Forums is bisexual, but they will deny it even though they fap to traps and/or shota (which are totally not gay).

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And yes, I realized the pun in the OP, but I still had to say it.

it's true, i am attracted to both homura AND sayaka

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What's so good about Homura?

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no homo

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hank pls go

(1) Homura has a plan and sticks to it. She does not get distracted by emotions or setbacks, she keeps working towards her goal. If we had the same dedication we could achieve anything.

(2) Homura loves Madoka, not in some gross lesbian way, but as a friend she is willing to do anything for. She cares about her so much it doesn't even matter that Madoka doesn't remember. We should all aspire to treat our friends this well.

(3) Homura uses real weapons like guns and bombs because she is practical. She doesn't care about style, she's not fighting to look cool. She's fighting to win.

(4) Sexy af.

>She doesn't care about style
Explain the dramatic hairflips, then.

She's merely keeping the hair out of her eyes so she can focus on the battle.

It's a facade

>her incredible devotion and love for Madoka is extremely admirable, even if it's self-destructive
>is even willing to give up her friendship with Madoka as long as she's happy
>is cold on the outside but is actually full of powerful emotions
>is also a huge dork, which is more evident in the first timelines and is actually kind of a show-off
>if you interpret her witch barrier in Rebellion as what her desired world is then she really wishes that she could be friends with all of the megucas, even Mami and Sayaka
>has big enough balls to steal her weapons from the yakuza and the JSDF
>gorgeous silky long black hair that probably smells really good
>beautiful voice
>did nothing wrong

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I don't usually like Sayaka but I'll make an exception for that one.

>Homura not trying to look cool
>Homura not being in love with Madoka
Sasuga speedwatcher-kun ! Now rewatch the show you monkey.

> !
Sasuga baguette-kun!

Homura's love for Madoka is puppy love, not based on anything purely sexual

Attached: homura22.gif (500x281, 1005K)

Homusexuals did nothing wrong.

I've dreamed of being Homura more than once.

>thread like this stay while my thread got deleted for shitty reason
Yea Forums has the shittiest mod

Seems like the mod made the right call if this is how good quality your posts are.

Sayaka was homusexual

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Homu was made for cucking!

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Same. In the ass.

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This is the best thread on Yea Forums right now fucko

The thought of Madoka getting banged by someone else excites me

I want to suck on Homura's toes.

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Homura's butt

A wonderful thing.

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Why doesn't Madoka have interesting fights like Chrollo vs Hisoka? Once the base mechanics of the fight are set up and Chrollo’s pulled off a few tricks, the mechanical complexity of this fight gives way to a gorgeous clarity of conflict and scale. By combining his mind control powers, shape-shifting powers, and doubling powers, Chrollo is able to conceal himself within the Heaven’s Arena crowd, while simultaneously creating an army of clones ready to obey his commands. By further employing the devastating effects of Sun and Moon, Chrollo turns this army into a standing force of suicide bombers, all standing by to explode as close to Hisoka as possible. The second half of their fight is essentially Hisoka versus an entire stadium of suicide bombers, a conflict of insane scale brought to life with some truly jaw-dropping visual setpieces.

The second half of that battle also allows Togashi’s visual talents to shine. Togashi’s strengths as an artist are idiosyncratic. The man has a very strong grasp of anatomy and bodily motion. An early shot of a severed head being weighed against a bowling ball underlines Togashi’s sense of mythic whimsy, while the minimalist evocation of an angry outburst reduced to splashes of ink demonstrates his strong eye for visual drama. Mindbogglingly complex tactics dominate the page, while Hisoka’s design shifts dramatically depending on the goals of a panel. And yet, in spite of all this visual eccentricity, there are still plenty of panels demonstrating Togashi’s grasp of the fundamentals. The clear impact of Chrollo landing his first clean hit. The dynamism of Hisoka making a desperate bungee gum escape. The beauty of a page framed as one continuous cycle, a trick he pulls off both through dramatic shading and through the natural curvature of the arena.

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I just realized the Reason why Sayaka and the other girls were pulled from heaven along with Madoka:
Ai Yo.
Deep down, Homura also loved her other friends, too.

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That can't get any straighter

>interracial yuri

does anyone else think this is fucking disgusting?

Not everyone is as gay as you. But don't worry there's nothing wrong in that.

this. Pic related.

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