Anime or manga?

Anime or manga?

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Reading the manga first might ruin the more dramatic moments in the anime. They're pretty much different stories but I'd recommend watching the anime first. Haven't read the novel yet

book came before either, read that

Name of series please?

Boku no Pico.

literally go to whatever "top 10 anime" website and you would see this anime get mentioned

suicide my redditor

its called "Fuck off back 2 Reddit: The Animation"

Webcomics and Light Novels > Anime and Manga

Anime is better if it has good animations and music. Manga usually has better art, so it really depends

Light Novel

Boku no Google

The reddit meme is quite funny because I go on Yea Forums a lot and have seen this series many times and most people, just like op here, NEVER SAY THE TITLE OF THE ANIME.

Read the LN


baiting or not, you deserve a permaban

Vinland Saga the animation

dont waste your time

one piece


One of the few times the anime was better than the manga, but the book is better than both.

Google x Google

Dark Souls 2

This user is delusional, get him to the infirmary

my pirates of the caribbean sites are down plz help

Welcome to The NHK. Really dark series about a young japanese man living in isolation. who tries to open up himself to the few people in his life.

You're lame