ITT: Tropes that you love

>Clenches fist
>Audible clench

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Other urls found in this thread:

>people do something nice for someone
>*looks at everyone in awe*

>shiny glasses

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>Character proves himself screaming to the top of his lungs his name or title

This gets to my kokoro, well said.

My fist is audible when I clench.

>first OP during the final battle

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I've yet to find an anime that WOULDN'T improve by doing this, seriously I don't know why don't they all do it.
I waited for both seasons of Mob Psycho to bust out their openings on the final fight and it never happened despite them fitting perfectly.
Stardust Crusaders also let me down by not playing it during Jotaro vs DIO.

>Fist is clenched in frustration
>hand starts to bleed

>the trope where everyone dies and a giant existential crisis is created

I really hate that one.
It just feels cheap, even seasonal trash does it nowadays. It was cool when TTGL did it 12 yeas ago.

This will never get old

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>protag gets angry
>villain becomes scared

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>character has a fake hand/arm

>character points a gun at someone
>make a sound

>MC has inner demon/monster
>takes control when they have traumatic event or get angry
>utterly wrecks shit
>usually leaves the opponent scared or visibly shaken
It's pure fucking schlock but I love it.

>screams the name of their main enemy before fighting them.

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>Big bad does something horrible.
>Nicest guy on the hero team "That is IT!"
>Wrecks big bad's shit.

It's so dumb but I love it.

No joke, I was listening to Bardock's theme and I couldn't stop trying to scream FRIIIIIIIIIEEEEEZZAAAAAAAAAAAAA in my manliest voice. I also found out I'm really shitty at that.

But yeah it's impossible to hear that and not shout it


Daily reminder that this is how Japanese people drink beer

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>final1 on 1 fist fight with minimal flashy moves

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>enemy is monologuing about how superior he is to protagonist
>protagonist gives a knowing smirk

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>adjusts glasses

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>character slowly rises after being defeated
>makes step after step towards the enemy while declaring why he can't lose here

Guy's hair gets longer after timeskip

>the final battle is a beam struggle between the protagonist and the villain

That.. that's not really exciting.

>main love interests circumstances parallel one of their parent's/grand parent's relatioship before they got married
Are the Japanese just suckers for a destiny dynamic?

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How the fuck do you people love this shit?

oh shit i thought this was tropes i hate.

>Audible clench
>Audible clench

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are you implying this wasn't the peak of all battle shounen anime?

>every single one of fights in saint seiya

>mc rages so hard he strikes fear into the antagonists heart

I can do this too but only when I dig my fingers deep into my palm and close to the joins as I curl my fingers. It sounds like leather.
Try it. I guarantee you can make it audible.

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No, even when I saw it the first time I didn't like it. The only beam battle I've ever liked was Goku vs Vegeta when they fought for the first time

>song plays when the confession is finally made
>kiss scene zooms to the sky

...alright that's an example of beam struggle done right, DBZ was good at it. But it gets shitty when every shonen movie tries to end with one big clash (avoiding writing an actual fight).
Pokemon is especially annoying at this but other shit like Fairy Tail and magical shonen love to do it.

>people don't believe the MC is that strong
>he wrecks their shit and they make a "Masaka!" Face

I hated the story for SAO but the absolute rape scenes where the side characters looked on in awe was awesome

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>implying it isn't still hype

>Fight scene happens.
>Rather than show the movements and animate the fight, the studio just does insane close-ups of random shit including faces, fists, a body part or eyes making the whole fight confusing as fuck.

>Character clenches fist so hard he starts so bleed.

Yakuza/delinquent rrrrrrr

>fight scene happens
>rather than make the fight look good, they use an extreme amount of detail and speed to make the fights look like a garbled mess of effects and mixed cgi

Aka. Fate Series

If every fight was as good as Archer vs. Shirou in UBW the series would be god tier. There was a few really fucking good fights in that one but there was also plenty of lame lightshows.

>an older man turns out to be a former master of the pervious generation and fucking WRECKS everybody
I love this shit so much. I especially liked it in The Breaker. So many ridiculously strong old men who appear weak.

>character goes for a final all out attack
>instead of showing the attack, the camera zooms in on their look of determination

even better having one arm and still dominating their opponent

You got any proof of that?

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not that guy but it happens in FMA: Brotherhood iirc. He gets taller over the course of the series too

>protagonist doesn't kill because he/she doesn't want to be like them

Good but even better:

>protagonist defeats a female antagonist only for her to fall in love with him

It's so bad, but it's so good. This shit will never get old for me.

>clothes come off
>not censored

>bath scene
>not censored


My nigger. Romeo and Julliette did it first since they were in different gangs.
Protagonist and antagonist tend to learn everything about each other and create a special bond.

what? It was cool that they put enough effort into it to show that

>bad guy stands up after taking a beating

The bad guys or an independent group that wear militaristic style clothing

>"if you kill him, you'll be just as bad!"
>protagonist kills them anyways

>Swirly glasses
>They become shiny when he drops his comic relief façade

>Latin chorus kicks in for the villain

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this shit with the glowing eyes and the black face, Togashi does it as well and I love it but I have no idea what this trope is called or if it's even considered a trope

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>final volume is named after the title
>final volume is named after the main character
>final volume is named after both

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>nearly every character's name has a pun or hidden meaning

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black face

>when Yea Forums dies

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doesn't usually translate well. Sometimes their name's just an English word


>never get to see ultimate move with a real sword
even worse is
>get extremely well animated RK
>it's from worst girl's perspective
>Kenshin vows to never kill again
>pic related

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drinking milk after onsen

I see you read fire punch as well

>sad/nostalgic ED on the first season
>anime is mostly happy adventures/SoL/wathever
>mfw still expected the plotwist at the final episodes along with the ED

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HE'S FAST is THE pleb filter, this cannot be disputed

>protagonist has a rivalry with the antagonist and has been uterlly humiliated before
>something happens and character has to keep his priorities straight
>antagonists taunts him and it looks like protagonist is charging at him
>protagonist completely ignores antagonist and goes on to do the thing he has to do while telling him "one day i will settle the score with you, but right now X is more important"

Bonus points if this completely foils the antagonist's plan

>MC’s degenerate bro tries to peek on the girls side of the hot spring
man it never gets old

in the trash it goes

>secondary character is stronger than both the MC and the villain

I've liked this one ever since I watched Rock Lee kick Sasuke's ass when I was a little kid

>MC goes from a screaming child to a cold calculating man

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>sports manga
>protagonists bump into their arch-rivals at a restaurant
>everyone eats together and has a good time anyways
>no music
>no special moves
>just a 1v1 fist fight

>easy going joke character snaps and unleashes his full power

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>audible clench
You mean rubber stretching noises? Those are the worst, especially when the character isn't even wearing gloves.

That's more of an unsnap really

>the power limiter was his insanity

>Villain about to attack MC
>lets him.

>fight starts
>fight goes on for 20 more minutes

Has there ever been sports manga where actual athletes make appearances?

In trying to post a reply, I just realized there isn't a single trope that I specifically liked.

I do have plenty that I hate.

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>ED song starts playing during the end of the episode, before the ED

>ED and credits start playing while the scene continues

>throwing knife hits rabbit

>Characters have a power system that is based on elements or some shit
>Many of which are exotic and unique
>The MC’s power is the most basic one
>Later on in the plot it transforms into an ascended version of the most basic power
It’s my guilty pleasure

>MC comes home to find girl dressed as maid
>She asks if he wants dinner, bath or wa. ta. shi?


came here for this

Here's your fucking (you)

Fuck you and your old man jokes.

>naming his/her technique
>yelling out the name before doing it
>villain evades

>MC has inner demon/monster
>Loses control whenever he takes that form
>Later on in the story, he is able to practice self-control to where he can retain his same old goof personality while in his monstrous form

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You mean one where a real life athlete makes a proper guest appearance? Not that I know of. At best they're vaguely alluded to in flashbacks.

>Villain has shown himself to be an invincible juggernaut throughout most of his screen time
>Either through an opening, good strategy, and/or sheer determination, the MC manages to penetrate through the villain's defenses and finds his weakness
>Bonus points if the MC taunts the villain with a line like "Look's like you're not so invincible after all"

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They don't. I stayed there for 3 month and we literally drink beers (all of them terrible) from monday to saturday. And that never happened. 16 men and two woman, tho.

>Character, whether they are the MC or a villain, is clearly strong
>Opponents run away in fear of him
>Instead of turning their head to face their fleeing opponent and immediately giving chase, they just stand there motionless since they know that escaping from their wrath is futile

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Wait, are you trying to say that anime isn't the right representation of IRL?

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>Opponents are two trails of light clashing in the sky.

>overconfident character blasts a barrage of whatever at the opponent
>smoke everywhere
>smoke clears
>opponent unscathed

Swirly glasses are a stylization of thick glasses

>Looking down at/looking up at open hand
>close hand dramatically

>Overconfident cruel antagonist
>Over the course of the story, they start showing human traits beyond smug
>Flip their shit in their major fight and you can never look at them the same way again
Bonus points if the VA clinches the breakdown

Yes please.

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>protag and enemy clash
>both end up with their backs facing each other
>protag says a line/sheathes his sword
>enemy spurts blood/collapses

>romantic interests get together and show a real loving connection.

>close punch impacts

>villain is destroying MC
>MC stands up, yells something about friendship, love and nakama, and gets a free powerup
>villain is still leagues above and oneshots MC anyway

>MC has affair with villainess

>MC having a hard time in the final round of the tournament
>Thinks about all those that supported him, as well as all those he beat to get there

>SSJ2 Gohan
>Warp Kamahama
>Goku's sacrifice
>Father son Kamahama & Cell's death
Say what you want about the cell saga, but it had the most kino parts for the entire series.

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>Martial arts master has a pupil (usually the MC)
>Master dies tragically
>Pupil goes after the murderer
>Desperate battle ensues, Pupil performs forbidden technique
>Shadow/Ghost of Master appears behind Pupil

I miss when they would clench and blood would start dripping from the hand

I've always been fond of those moments where the MC because of line despite being calm and collected before
>"What if I told you I was the one who forced Inoue Orihime to come to Hueco Mundo?"
Ichigo had already made a slash at Ulquiorra's neck before Nel even hit the ground.
>"I pulled this out of your dad!"
Ryuuko is so infuriated her band breaks on it's own and she transforms
>Celestial dragon shoots Hatchi
Luffy says nothing walks to the guy while dodging his gunshots and without even using his powers hits him with one of the hardests punches he's ever thrown
>Pitou confesses Kite cannot be fixed, he's long dead
>Gon completely loses it he's gonna kill Pitou now and transforms beating pitou into a bloody mess while crying the whole time.
>Eizen stabs Akina
>All of Akina's friends use their most leathal attacks without even saying anything, Hime herself has activated her dragon powers and is trying to crush Eizen's throat before the cop comes and snaps her out of her blood lust.

Then there's that complete psycho in bacconno claire, what that dude did when he was pissed off was extremely unsettling.

>MC is a secret badass that everyone underestimates

When the fuck did Pokémon ever have beam struggles?

>Multiple projectiles get fired all at once
>Instead of flying straight forward they curve and twist in the air towards the target
>Target skillfully avoids every shot or blast

>MC met comic relief character
>comic relief was introduced as the strongest character
>comic relief keeps on getting his ass whooped by the villains, MC lost faith on comic relief
>fast forward to battle arc, MC and his party got wiped
>comic relief enters the fray
>"Okay, let's get serious for once"

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I remember the first season having a lot of them

I love that shit LOL gets me diamonds

Villain vs Villain

>OP plays at the end of the episode

>Comic relief is a shitter, a coward and not even funny
>the times comes for him to fight
>he mans up and gets shit done

>mc after story settles down and becomes content with a humble life

Ash vs Drake had one yeah but beam struggles have to go back and forth at least for 5 minutes to an entire episode, not just 5 seconds. I think the word you’re looking for is beam clashes.

>Shit is getting really serious
>Instead of credits rolling, they start playing over the action

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>Antagonist insulting and beating the MC
>MC stands up, gets face shadows and their eyes disappear

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Every fight Vegeta has been in when he's about to lose. I fucking hate this one because it's always so obvious.

But in the same show a few days later Sasuke shows up new and improved able to replicate Lees Eight Gates with no drawback.

>MC's party versus solo antagonist after they kill his main commanders/minions
>His attacks are all incredibly enhanced versions of his commanders attacks..
>His signature move is actually just a combination of all his commanders signature moves.

>MC and his party finally enter the villain's domain
>his party falls one by one to hold back a threat to allow the rest to advance
>at the end its just a standoff between only the MC and villain

>Villain gets BTFO by a newer big bad and becomes washed up
>Newer big bad actually manages to have MC's party down for the count and is about to kill them once and for all
>Villain comes back guns blazing, out of nowhere and saves them
>Villain showdown whilst MC's party recovers that ends with the villain's signature move but beefed up

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>MC actually wants to smash all the girls he wants
>MC still can’t get his dick wet because of cockblocks, disinterest, or villainess fuckery

>dramatic pause during the final battle.
>Both lunge at each other with their swords.
>One or both fall to the other final strike.
>OP or ED is blasting all the while giving a since of finality and weight to the fight.
I live for these moments.

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>The main character has been holding back during the entire show until the 11th hour
>suddenly reveals his powerlevel

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>when they skip playing the ED and the credits to fuck with you during the final episode.

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>MC obtains stronger, better weapons during the series
>ends up using the crappy old one he started out with to beat the big bad

>guys whos eyes are always closed opens them

This, these faggots are literally posting shit that used to get posted in the shitty cliches you hate threads.

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>Stop having fun. I hate it when people have fun.

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Killing intent

>old man is the most powerful being but has no motive to do anything

>Rival won't let anyone defeat the MC but him

It's some good shit.

>Character is a calm and collected nice guy
>Is actually the most fucked up person of all the group.

>MC and his Waifu/Friends find a way to win against all odds thoughout everything that has been throwing at them regardless of how powerful it is
>BBEG finally shows up
>is so powerful he mortally wounds the mc
>murders his waifu
Aldnoah zero had alot of problems but that ending was satisfying, fuck earthniggers.

On a similar note
>Cute/graceful villain makes deranged and distorted faces when in battle

Thank you based user

>main cast think they're hot shit when a new villain appears
>all go to fight him
>get their shit absolutely rocked and realise they cant beat him, start showing fear
>villain is untouched and disappointed in the main casts power

Is there anyone more based than Madara Uchiha?

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>characters sing ED
makes me happy

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>Character actually suffers permanent damage/death from secret forbidden technique use

based orange juice man did it better

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>Side character is presented as mundane compared to the MC
>Later unlocks his true power and whoops all kinds of ass

Characters lying.

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>MC loses to the villain the first time they fight
>learns something from the first fight and uses it to win the second fight

It's almost like the cliches some people hate are cliches other people love.
Imagine that

>Character is normally calm and collected, maybe even a near pacifist
>Has moments of completely blind rage where they are an utter sadist
>No inner demon to excuse it, the person is just hiding/repressing their actual urges

>manga has deliquents or yakuza in it
>shoulder bump scam
>slav squatting

bro is his fucking neck okay holy shit

Star Wars ?

Only if they still lose

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Examples of this trope being used? I can't remenber any right now

Jojos part 2 finale did this, TTGL too iirc

What kino is this??

>fight where something bad is going to happen
>loud music is continuining, "powering up" the scene's feeling
>music stops

>the calm and collected quiet girl liked by all would rather stay home playing video games or go rape children than hang out with her friends

>strategy is explained in detail, maybe even animated as a what-if scenario
I always get a chuckle out of how predictable this one is.

>clenches fist
>98% the audio is the sound of scrunching up of leathers

>Something bad happens to a character
>Audible throat sounds come from onlookers with close ups of their face
You know the sound, and Yea Forums defends it. This is not a normal reaction to something.

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especially when halfway through the explanation everything goes wrong and that's when they reveal it's actually happening

I love this. Especially when it's the last scene.

>MC cant beat the enemy
>gets some kind of powerup
>beats up enemy but loses powerup
>can now fight with the enemy because he's exhausted

>later in the series, character has "power"
>character never showed anything remotely similar to that before
>fans of the series never noticed anything either
>after the reveal, you can go back to previous volumes/episodes and notice that the clues were in your face all along
>"holy shit"

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Mindfucks and foreshadowed asspulls nobody saw coming.

>tfw will never KUBO~~ again

This shit was the bomb. You will never be as cool as Black-san.

>mc training arc
>we get to see the not yet completed forms of the technique
>mc tries to use the unfinished technique and gets his ass handed to him/antagonist remarks the flaws of his technique

>MC's dark side is a murder rapist

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>people aren't trying to fit in by being ultra contrarians and making it incredibly obvious how few anime they actually watch by posting about the same shitty generic harem romcom tropes over and over
Yea Forums
You fucking newfag

>he's never seen someone have a skin portruding fracture IRL
Involuntary swallowing is a basic gut reaction you dumb autist

>the protagonists are beat up to almost death and faint multiple times
>they still manage to gather strenght and win
>a character's size is directly related to their powerlevel
>when a character struggles their anatomy is deformed to a inhuman degree

this is perfect

I didn't mention swallowing, faggot.

That's the good shit right there.

1) Download the webm
2) Go to the file's directory
3) Right-click and navigate to "details tab"
4) Find the title field

You've gotta work for your kino user

>Character is engulfed in a huge explosion
>presumed dead or incapacitated
>emerges from the smoke/fire completely unscathed

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>character who is usually calm/collected/nice/friendly gets absolutely PISSED beyond imagination because of a friend getting hurt or any other similar emotionally taxing event


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>keep going we will take care of this!
>DON'T GET THE WRONG IDEA! Is not that I saved you. I'm the one that will end you!

Love the, every fucking time.

>character about to get hit by a sword/bullet/powerful attack
>closes their eyes and accepts defeat
>they open their eyes and see their friend/mentor/someone jumped in front of them to protect them
>he looks back at them and smiles

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>Not killing...?

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This is the best kind of asspull, it's not actually used to crubstomp the antagonist but rather just make it so the MC has a shot at beating him.

Godly foreahadowing should be a rule in shonen battle manga

All the clues about her powerlevel were so good, I thought it was an asspull at first until I saw a post about just how much foreshadowing there was

>Archer vs Shirou

>Glasses tint
>wrecked armour/uniform after a long fight
>Wiping away blood from corner of mouth
>characters becoming quietly angry in moments where shit gets real just before unleashing hell (prime example that comes to mind: in KLK there's a scene where sheer anger causes Ryouko to simply jettison the pin on her Kamui's wrist bracer thing, instead of having to pull it manually.)
>Timely use of theme songs
>Smug characters who were antagonistic to the hero showing faith in them at a critical moment (example: TTGL finale. Rossiu is watching the battle with a stern look, then smiles to himself and says, "No, they won't fail," and then the main theme kicks in.
>Smug/angry/sadistic smiles

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This was so fucking terrible. The only saving grace is the music.

>Character is an amputee and no one notices until the beach episode

name one (1) example

>The characters are girls
>They are cute
>The things they do are cute

name 1 (one) series where this happens


Last Period

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>MC and rival/villain are fighting
>they are having the time of their life, despite the stakes

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I love the tropes in The Breaker. Especially when that master at first cares so little for a new acquaintance so much he's arranging their death, and later on goes Mortal Kombat on his enemies when they are trying to do that.

>the mysterious main villain was always right there, the audience just never sees him because he's concealed by clever camera angles.

kill la kill did it with final fight if i remember

> MC takes a breath right before the last hit, allowing him and us to remember the hardship he had before getting here


> MC bashes the face of someone, but backs off because he felt the killing intend of the enemy

>MC and rival are in the middle of a duel
>Some army of jobbers tries to interrupt the fight
>MC and rival start demolishing the 3rd party while still fighting each other at the same time

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>enemy is so evil that just being able to sense their killing intent hurts people

Out of all the DBZ movies, Bardock charging through hundreds of Frieza's henchemen to stop his planet's destruction is still one of my most favorite moments in the whole franchise

holy fuck, Kars' thighs are huge in this scene

based glassesbro

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even better

let me get even better better
> mc is a courageous badass guy
> enemy killing intend/power aura is so wide that the MC's legs can't even hold him up, he shivers in utmost fear of the antagonist

Are those puppets?

I was talking about the fact Yea Forums literally died for like 5 minutes yesterday but ok...

Thought you were referring to Trump at first. The description is still applicable.

>MC beats villain
>becomes unconscious from exhaustion

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This is basically Aizen.

kinda amazing how many times these were in the series

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Character just barely moves a gun
>click clack
Character just barely moves a sword

>*something surprising and/or embarassing
>camera pans to the sky

>Character just barely moves a gun
>>click clack
not anime but this drove me fucking insane in Lost. It's one of the few genuine flaws with the series

>Goku's farewell on GT
>Sono chi no sadame on Battle Tendency
>Stand Proud before they get inside Dio's mansion

Bleach at it's best

That is like a must-do

>MC realizes he's outmatched mid-fight and that he needs to run away ASAP

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>MC plans of exiling himself to atone for his sins or protect the people around him
>Friends/lover have none of that shit and knock some sense into him
Shinsuke still best boy

>character gets told something that pisses him off
>eyes glow with power
>entire aura explodes and covers his face during the close up shot

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>He isnt strong enough to actually make an audible fist clench.

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Wrong, user.

In season 2 (I believe) where they chop down a tree to get over the sonic fencing for the first time, when the tree hits the metal pole, they use a stock SFX of a suppressed pistol. I think it's like E7 or E8 but don't quote me.

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No OP when some real shit is about to go down

>character gets shot
>fucking dies

Name one (1) series that does this.
I'll wait

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Love it, FMA Brotherhood was especially good at this.

not just an anime trope but
>person/group of people are greatly outnumbered in a fight
>One versus twenty? *cracks knuckles* that means we're even


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that girl that got shot with the ptrd 41 in darker than black


>One or more recurrent characters die
>Episode gets a special ED

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>character is weak compared to everyone else but still manages to be really useful to the team
>enemy goes from ignoring him completely to targeting him first because he's that much of a threat

Is this a zero time dilemma joke?

That's that good shit my nyggah.

Here's one I adore:
>uptight, intimidating and scary looking woman(preferably an office lady) turns out to be a desperate cake that drinks herself to sleep ever night
>she appears mature and serious but in reality panics in her mind a lot and has very little experience
Not enough stuff like this.

>intense action scene
>lines get thicker and sketchy

I don't know what is called but I love it

It's called "laziness", a very advanced animation technique.

I like it too...

joint cracking that sounds like this before a fight

I genuinely think it looks better

>Everything a character does is a trope even if it's something mundane like a basic hand gesture

You people are idiots

Kinda of a aversion of the trope but

>no slow motion during fast battle

Mostly because I feel insulted by them. Unless you have the attention span of a caterpillar you should be able to follow a fight scene with normal speed, slow motion just kills the pacing.

I think the only time slow-mo is acceptable is on the killing blow, and it should be after you see it at normal speed

>Antagonist thinks he's hot shit and looks down on weaklings.
>Protagonist comes and wrecks his shit
>Antagonist is absolutely pissed at being outmatched.

Never gets fucking old.

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Watch more anime

>antagonist is presumed dead
>comes back and kills someone important without announcing anything.


>powerful/terrifying creature is also adorable/tsundere
>bonus points if it maintains it's original, scary form

why are you posting asta as an example of that? Fucker IMMEDIATELY took control of that shit.

Rover a qt

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>MC/Antagonist receives a life-threatening/dangerous injuries in fight
>Continues to fight normally

>The final battle has protagonist and opponent cycle through all their abilities and transformations until they've depleted all their battle juice, ultimately ending in a manly, savage fist fight

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>all the main cast characters have an associated element that relates them all
>that being, animals, colors, tarot cards, elemental powers, etc
Even a simple red vs. blue is enough for me

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>MC is an underdog who spends most of the early story running away
>learns to utilize his seemingly shitty ability in absolutely overpowered manner

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does yours not make a noise?

Energy beam clash
I know, its pleb

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>character has a power that causes massive strain on his body
>every time he uses it he threatens to destroy himself
>eventually dies when going overboard with the power
i cry

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Thats why kaioken is better than super saiyen

>Overconfident villain fucks with the wrong dude

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For some reason I was enthralled with the plotline of Sesshōmaru and Rin. I found it fascinating that someone with the mentality of Sesshōmaru would take under his wing a dirty frigthtened girl and eventually start caring for her.

Best part of Inuyasha for me.

>villain planned to die to mc all along
>mc realizes this too late
>begins to despair

Where can I see this ?

and I agree, it's great

fuck I meant Kizumonogarari/

>*unsheates katana*
>*teleports behind the enemy*
>*slowly sheates katana*
>*shhhh... clack*
>AAAAUGHH *blood spills*

Thanks user

>ultimately ending in a manly, savage fist fight
Every showdown should end like this, even in cgdct.

These replies here shows that most people posting ITT are either physically or mentally 12-15 years old.

red oni vs blue oni is the laziest, most unimaginative overused trope there is.

>Hype as fuck insert songs
>They play during a major fight or scene
>An acoustic version that plays when the character dies

>new antagonist appear
>accidently bump into an old antagonist who is now an ally to the main cast or just acts on his own but doesn't bother the main cast no more
>they fight or some shit

Japanese people actually do this.

This fight was totally stupid, feat wise Obito is leagues above Kakashi in terms of strength, speed, reaction and durability. On paper Obito would stomp Kakashi hard in cqc.

>villain seem completely unredeemable at first
>gradually learn more about them and become empathetic
>by the time they fight the mc again they seem more like the good guys

>new antagonist is introduced
>he bumps into a gang of thugs/drunks who proceed to accost him for a stupid reason or no reason at all
>he asks them politely to stop and then brutally and effortlessly kills them all when they don't

>arc is over
>resolutions happening and chacacters talking light stuff to each other
>ED starts playing but the dialogs keep going

That was Kakashi taking things seriously for the first time

Also using the word feats... You're a VS nigger aren't you

Nobody fucks with Sess not even death

thunderbolt fantasy

>anime constantly cuts back and forth between the happy-go-lucky present and the grimdark future

>mecha anime constantly has cool weapons and elaborate tools to kill the bad guys
>final battle is just an emotional fist fight between two robots

This is what makes the unbearable wait for Saitama to show up on the scene so worth it once he gets there.

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Soul eater (crona)

Noctu Orfei ...

I'd love to see more of this, but with additional effort from the antagonist to avoid bloodshed. He can kill anyone effortlessly, and he does not suffer fools lightly, but he does his best to avoid it. Even at the cost of his "dignity", when he acts as a harmless older man saying "ma ma" and other such stuff, but in the end, then straw that breaks the camels back hits, he just FUCKING MUDERS THEM ALL effortlessly and with no passion for it.

I love villains who aren't really villains, and just are who they are because they have a different context and different way of achieving things, but in the end their goals aren't that different from he heroes goals. He's just ruthless and calculating.

Awwww yasss.

>that time when zabuza solo destroyed kakashi
Fucking powercreep
Every time

>each caracter has a unique and recognizable theme song/op
>Soft piano version plays when said character is emotional


>It's later in the season where shit is really going down
>they skip the op and it's just the title

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let's say the manga needed a reason for team 7 to not slack off while kakashi did all the work
also, let's assume he grew stronger too

examples of this please

S cry ed? Man, this was the worst fucking anime I've ever watched. What a fucking piece of shit

This is how I got suckered into watching the Slime anime.
He never showed up again.

"overconfident villain fucks with the wrong dude" is what's happening in . The guy in the bottom left panel tries to kill the other guy's best friend in front of him, and he gets so pissed off that he gets over his fear of using his broken as fuck power to its full extent in order to save her

While I'm no fun of s-CRY-ed, if it really is the worst you've ever watched it just tells me that your taste is barely starting to develop. Lurk moar kid.


Me too, user.
Me too.

>character is so fucking angry and pretty much dead/close to dead
>proceed to break reality apart thanks to his hatred and rage

I blame webm related for making me love this shit so fucking much. Bonus points if the character honestly lost eveyrthing important to him and have nothing more to lose.

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pretty much the best moment in this shitty series of games.

It's pretty much kino

World Trigger covers almost all of those.

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>protagonist is tortured by some assassin
>assassin wants to drag it out
>protagonist after getting his wife back just stops giving a shit
>antagonist appears one last time to taunt the protag
>the protag does not give a single fuck and just tells the antag to fuck off back to hell, letting some mook kill the antag

tokyo ghoul and one punch man (s1) iirc

I don't even like one piece, but this shit was so satisfying.

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Attack On Titan

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obito(before his mask breaks) ,itachi and pain

>fun fact: 80% of the tropes here are present in naruto.
is that why its so good?

>Ending theme plays the first few seconds quietly in the background before transitioning.

I know it's one of the reasons Jojo became popular with fags but Roundabout is so god damn cool

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It's my favorite song of all time, so imagine my surprise when it's the ending theme to parts 1 and 2.

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Araki has good taste in music.

This is a good one.

Gridman played BOTH original OPs

Super Sentai

Kakashi didn't want to fight him. Imagine the friend who you thought was dead, actually lived, and thinks you murdered his waifu, but you actually had no choice to save everyone. His so full of rage, his behind everything bad that has happened in the entire series. He has no other choice but to kill him just like he killed her.

It really is considering the democrats promoted him thinking he was a joke candidate who made the republicans look bad

it's actually far worse.

it's the one friend that died literally to save your ass and his last wish was pretty much to take care of his waifu, he also gave you a fucking powerful gift as well

so you decided to use his gift the best you could and took everything he said as your own beliefs, to the point of mimicking him just to feel a bit better

and then you killed his waifu
and then you find out he's alive and all that shit that you mentioned.

He was fucking crushed to see him like that.

>Ending starts playing over the last minutes
Ah... my penis.. it is.. ERECT

>Protag makes long awaited appearance after being injured/AWOL
>Proceeds to curbstomp new enemies flawlessly

>friend/mentor/someone then drops dead

That YO! is so fucking good that's how I greet people irl

>Ichigo arrives at SS
Bleach really was shounen kino at its height, nothing came close

Even if it just ended with Aizen's defeat I'd give it a 9/10

It's definitely getting overdone. It's better for longer series that call back to the first OP, like Jojo.

What kind of incel doesn't make a sound when his fists clench?

>no OP
>just the title with no music
There will never be a more kino example of that than this

>dramatic flapping hem of labcoat

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>character has split personalities

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>Character gets teleported to a foreign land filled with monsters and adventure

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>four heavenly kings
Bonus points if the leader who orders them around, regardless of being evil or good, deeply cares about them.

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>aftermath of a big fight
>no opening and no OST for entire episode, just good voice acting

>Protagonist has a blood related imouto
>She's best girl

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>Inserts penis
>Audible insert

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>When MC actually dies in a suicidal attack
Can't get enough of that

Fucking Kanchome. He goes from joke character, but top tier support to just flat out absurdly broken.

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>Character is just a normal person who has their physical body pushed to its limit.
>Can wreck characters who has magical bullshit backing them like its nothing.

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>Antagonist cares about his subordinates
>Antagonist actually cries over the death of his mook soldiers and not just their leader.
Gets me everytime bros.

I loved the final arc of Gash Bell despite all the shit that came out of nowhere. The resolution of all those character arcs was so fucking good.

Gridman ran with this and was glorious for it.

Every fucking time

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>sound effects in the OP for the big final episode

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>monk chanting in villain's theme
>turns out they're praying for the villain to lose because he's that big of a badass

Then again everyone died not long after that so...

>villain actually cares about his underlings and treats them really well

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Half the fun of Dorohedoro was the En family. Good stuff.

pic unrelated? pride ages, but he's still a haemonculus and has future sight.

>end of
>slow footfall clicks

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or wrath, depending on the version you're watching or seeing, I should clarify.

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That ones a double edged sword.

Use it too much with little backup and you’ll get diminishing returns at best and a boring as hell protagonist at worst. Kirito straddling the lines between

Dragonball always used it to good comedic effect


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Code Geass

Wrath might be a homonculus, but all of his strength/dexterity/and etc was his own body from years of training. The only thing he got out of being a homonculus was unending rage and the eye hack.

>hero character seeks revenge against one of the show's most powerful foes who's tested the heroes time and time again
>hero wrecks the enemy in a rage-induced squash match

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I love it when a rival turns into an ally and vice versa. Also love it when you see some mysterious bad ass with a wierd weapon on his back and you're like" wtf is he going to do with that".

I know she's not a hard antagonist, but Balalaika's dedication to Hotel Moscow is refreshing in a world of cutthroat mob bosses.

>White Hair
>Dark Skin

It's the best, I'm not sure why it hasn't made official trope status since it happens often enough.

What foreshadowing?

>first few notes of the ending play before the credits actually start

>climax of the series
>protagonist gets their final power-up
>the colour scheme is GOLD

OP/ED slowly changes each episode.

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>Character is male but looks female and is beautiful
>Is an absolute man, the real deal, shoulders massive responsibility, hunts, fights, takes hits, owns up to mistakes, not gay, ect

Wait, this is tropes we love, not tropes we wish were real.

This shit right here is pretty nice though.

Wish I had that one compilation of images of some alien general failing and asks his king what punishment he deserves and the king goes full on "bro, the empire literally wouldn't be the empire without your amazing feats, you suffered a loss, just come back stronger from it"

The later one is a little different since it was the OP of a 20 year old series, but it was still great.

>Wish I had that one compilation of images of some alien general failing and asks his king what punishment he deserves and the king goes full on "bro, the empire literally wouldn't be the empire without your amazing feats, you suffered a loss, just come back stronger from it"
I don't have the full picture but that's Emperor Muge from Dancouga. The first of his generals that gets his ass kicked comes back and is basically like "How do you want me to kill myself, Muge-sama" and then Muge just tells him to fuck off with that shit attitude and try again.

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I hate that

> Character uses some power/item to weaken himself because otherwise the fighting ends too quickly for him to enjoy.

Gun x Sword is great about this, the characters in the OP are silhouettes until you meet them, then they're revealed in the OP.

>show’s OP is upbeat and fun
>sad scene happens
>melancholic piano version of the OP starts playing

>doesn't go in the water in the pool episode or at the island
>she loves sweets
>obsessed about big tits
>complimented on her acting skills several times
>Shiro mentions a student who is stronger than Itona (we think it's Nagisa, but he's actually looking at the one behind him, Kaede)
>the only student who didn't know about the supposedly famous Karma
>the only student who didn't know the name of Justice boy (despite it being said during the entrance ceremony)
>the story of how a student destroyed something of the principal's and got sent to class E
It was tentacles all along

That's because you haven't seen others drink after a hot shower

When a character meets new people or reunites with his/her friends and show them his/her new strength and they act very surprised. It's the reason I watch (shounen) battle anime

What would Bleach be without Kenpachi, Ichigo and Mayuri?



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What that guy said isn't Romeo and Juliet, it's lame, harem tier romance. I love it when the main characters that are dating/know they love each other become opponents. Shana and HF did it really well. There should be more of this.

I've got a good one
best girl loses

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>MC has a fake leg

What makes this a good trope?

Break Blade / Broken Blade
This happens sometimes AFTER events of TV series.

It's not a sports manga, but this one was pretty good.

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my nails are too long for that, i'd stab my palms

>End credits of the final episode have the show's entire cast singing the ending theme

name 23 anime this happens in

>Still loses.

Poor Dende.

>chivalrous character has short temper
>MC is just as vulnerable as his allies, willing to let his partner get the win
>cold and ruthless character has a heart of gold despite all the atrocities they have commited
>character is extremely powerful but hates hurting people
>villain's parent teams up with the good guys
>super serious arc has a comedic OP/ED
>suicidal character is too strong to die
>incompetent fighter is pushed aside by his ally so he can finish the fight for him
>main antagonist is killed by means other than a head on fight (assassination, mcguffin bullshit, wishing, etc.)
>character bites off more than they can chew, but continues and accepts defeat
>jobber character is honorable and isn't angered or discouraged by loss
>comedic relief character is the strongest one
>main antagonist's henchmen are stronger than him
>henchmen aren't utter retards
>blunt impact freezes the scene for a second or two
>weapon is not wielded via physical contact
>fight concludes with an axe kick
>cowardly character willingly sacrifices themself
>main character doesn't survive to the end of the story/allies have to continue on without them
>enemy just does the same move over and over again because it works
>scream of terror not accompanied by any other sounds or music
>character sheds tears with a blank face
>hypermasculine character cries
>high stakes/tension moment has calm music
>MC fails their objective/antagonist wins in the end
>character relies heavily on mind games/unpredictability
>character is just a force controlling a body/vessel
>mentor is an inanimate object
>child is parent's next incarnation
>motherly character is a powerful fighter
>what appears to be a deadly fight is just the combatants dicking around
>happy/cheery music plays over something sad/horrific
>x-ray of character shows child version of themself
>calm and collected character has their emotions running wild in their head
>villain is persuaded to stop being evil

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>ctrl + f "fang" & "yaeba"
>0 results
I hate you all

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>Protagonist is above killing the villain and leaves them to rot/think about what they did

I know Yea Forums slobbers all over what you said but just killing a villain is an empty victory, I always thought it was lame.

I think it's stupid if it's on a character that isn't supernatural in any way. And even then, two fangs is much better.

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>When you realize at the end that the villain did absolutely nothing wrong.

dude yes!


>Main Character and Main Villain dies together

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>I will never forgive you!

>last episode plays a simple piano version of the OP

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>teacher/master is setup to be a really really strong person
>gets killed early on the series to partly to show how strong the big bad/evil is
>ends up barely surviving and comes back way way later on to everyone's surprise
>he's still strong as fuck and keeps up with his now super strong students
I wonder if anyone can guess the manga.

This. Osamu is garbage tier in every aspect of combat abilities, he's just good at using his brain. Great touch.

His body is human, he ages normally. His eyes basically slows time and shows him weaknesses (like Naruto's initial use of the Sharingan). If he gets shot, he dies. He even said he got old and he's not as fast as he used to be.
Yet he would wreck most of the strongest characters in the story.

was it kino?

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>character is American
>is /fit/

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