Why is she showing off her legs like this?

Why is she showing off her legs like this?

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Because she's a dumb whore.

To get incels to watch her shitty show

why are you spamming shinka thread tranny

best girl. Powerful and scary as fuck. At the same time classy with a flair.

To attract customers.

When did you take a photo of me?

At the STD clinic.


To bully virgins.

to get more profits

Looking for someone to mate obviously

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dman, virgin is fuckin' good

It’s Shinkas way of asserting her dominance over us

Five pounds of flesh and steel

To attract nearby black studs

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All I know is that I want to lick her toes

What would happen if Shinka knee you in the groin?

If I looked like that I would show it off too

you'd probably cum.

That is so humiliating.

Shes a big girl. So id probably end up in a fairly amount of pain!

Look at her knees, how much damage could they inflict?

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Based Shinka laying down the smack down. Hitting them where it hurts most!

Bicycling, to represent her being the town bicycle

Rude, she's a respectable lady!

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I love it when tough girls like Shinka lose like this.

me too, so it's even better when someone as small as deko has her way with shinka

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Pls user, I don't wanna fap.

Does the thought of Shinka beating you up turn you on? How pathetic.

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aaaaaaa, not in the balls. noo

noooo, whiiiiiir let me out, i need to chuuni, help meeee

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would ride this shinka-nsen, if you know that i mean

What did you mean by this?

>that madlad taking the photo in the train

Shinka pls suck my smol dick

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Wouldn't surprise me if she had been fucking elemantary school children.

God I wish I were those elementary schoolers.