Why the fuck are there so many on topic threads being deleted right now? New janny...

Why the fuck are there so many on topic threads being deleted right now? New janny? I opened up 5 threads about anime and when I hit post its 404d.

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Other urls found in this thread:


the new janny found out he'll work for free

Link them.


Jannies take their job very seriously.

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/q/ has been dead for years. /qa/ is the new meta board.

Because they weren't actually about anime/manga, but blogposting offtopic shit.

/lgbt/ garbage is not anime related

You need better taste in threads.

Saw that GuP thread, got deleted for no reason

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/qa/ isn't meta anymore, its now /b2/. If you try and make any meta thread on there that's slightly negative/critical you'll just get people spamming 'well if you don't like it leave'.

This. Trapspammers need to fuck off. They do nothing but shitpost now.

go ahead retard, point out which of these garbage threads shouldn't have been deleted


They deleted the fucking Lucoa thread? What the hell?

All of them except for the porn and blog threads.


pure quality and high level discussion and appreciation of the topic at hand - I can't believe these were deleted

>le epic shitpost XDD

No, I just like discussing anime topics that aren't confined to a single shows generals.

ooh yeah, very anime

Some of those aren't that bad. Much better than the garbage Yuri threads up now


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How do you have intercourse?

>Bristly millipede males must first spin a web on which they deposit their sperm. The female then approaches the web and puts the sperm into her own reproductive organs.
>In some pill millipedes a male attracts a female to mate with squeaking noises made by rubbing the bases of his legs against his body. He then grasps the females body with his legs. A sperm packet is released behind his head and passed back from one pair of legs to the next, until it reaches the reproductive organs of the female.
>In other pill millipedes the male covers the sperm packet in dirt before passing it back with his legs to his mates reproductive organs.
you can also just just do paizuri/blowjob/legjob

Yeah, I'll pass

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Hamplanets getting rustled


Humans have teeth too dude, you never want a blowjob because someone could bite you if they wanted to?

And yet the get HET broke shitpost thread is still up too, wonder why?

>Thread asking about the device of choice when reading manga
>Gets moved to Yea Forums for some reason
>Then gets deleted out of nowhere

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Fuck off


Thanks, I was looking for that

Here. I was warned

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Yup. Jannies really do suck.

I just got a warning for :

Cute witch

desu I'm surprised I don't have a warning at this point because I did a lot of lewdposting today

Janny actually did his job wow. Now DELETE every /u/tards threads if you see this, J.

It's not even that lewd. It's fucking tame compared to the actual anime.

Holy crap!
Could this be the start of a new golden era for Yea Forums?
We finally have mods again, it's been so long...

But that would reveal that those "on topic" threads are in fact pure kuso and that OP is a faggot.

I can clearly see her tummy

yeah idk, it's not even the worst thing in that thread

Except it's going to be the loli ban shit all over again while actual shitposting will be left alone.

I assume the janitor got triggered because the head was drawn too large.

going by it seems like it'll be fine,

Maybe he's a Perrine hater?
Nope, he already fucked up by going after on topic posts.

Can you comment on the size of this girl's head?

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I rather she give me head.

jannys = trannys

if I was a janny I would fuck you daily 24 hours per day

Why would this warrant a deletion and a warning? It's a SFW post in a shit meta bread.

I’d like to become a mod

Is this the last thread I'll be able to lolipost in?

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I have noticed that any threads/post shitting on carol and tuesday are deleted almost immediately while ones praising that awful show are up

In other news, we live.

It wasn't even a meta thread, the thread is about a currently running anime this season.

>carol and tuesday

It's because all that shit is redditors whining about how the evil netflix jews are making Watanabe make an anime about niggers instead of a racially pure show free of degeneracy, or some crap like that.

>People legitimately comment about things like bad writing, terrible songs or ugly character design
>Le evil ledditor nazis

Faggot Jannie just hates GuP. We have some pretty awful jannies.

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That's because you guys have been spamming that shit every day for fucking years now.

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i think Yea Forums is getting hacked

fuck the blowjob, id press her mouth to my jugular and tell her to do it

>3 hours

well I guess OP is right about the jannies being shit

Are we doing this meta thing? Here's the real enemy.

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Good. You should lurk/google instead of asking retarded questions.

It wasn't even a reccomendation thread it was more of a personal opinion, even if it broke a rule why move it to Yea Forums instead of deleting it? Why not move it to /g/? And why even move it if it got deleted anyway?

Jannies seem to hate fun

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shitty netflix wheraboo anime with bad writing, shit songs, ugly characters, fag bait, and millenial pandering