Why does his shirt randomly get unbuttoned by itself?

Why does his shirt randomly get unbuttoned by itself?

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It's the law of both Shonen and Shojo Manga that a man is only as proportionally powerful as much as his chest is exposed.

That’s why Akio was so powerful then.

Why not? Manboobs need some freedom too.

It used to be rule of thumb in the real world too.
Bonus points for disco falsetto singing.

Attached: beegees.jpg (920x610, 102K)

Basic physic law concerning handsome people. He can't help it.

Free the man-nip.

Attached: freddiejd8.jpg (300x225, 23K)

Same reason Captain Kirk got his shirt ripped in all his fights - testosterone.

Once upon a time, men were manly enough to be men and bare their chest to the glorious world.
You wouldn't understand OP, but his sheer manliness unbuttoned that shirt.

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if the shirt sits tight you can flex your chest and pull your shoulders back slightly with your traps and itll pop

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This is why Jojo doesn't get manliness.

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>not manly enough to pull off a turtleneck
Look at this manlet projecting fag.

Why does Kenshiro's shirt always gets ripped and then gets restored at the same time?

they shop in the same place

And both are played by based Koyasu

Attached: koyasu.gif (294x232, 520K)

Anthy was more powerful than Akio then.

Attached: Shoujo Kakumei Utena_31.mkv_snapshot_20.56_[2018.10.19_23.50.24].jpg (1440x1080, 256K)

Whenever you see his shirt like that (or anyone else's for that matter) it's telling you he just got done fucking.
Literally every time the shirt thing happens in Utena that is the implication (except for Touga's car announcement scenes in the third arc).


They're like 14.

Perfect age to start a sex life according to ancient laws.
Also, Touga was older than 14.

*teleports into the music room and bangs your sister on your favorite piano...*

>Nothing personal, kid...

If it bleeds it breeds.

You haven't watched Utena all the way through have you?

It's proven that High-T alters the molecular structure of clothing to something more similar to paper.

based and beegeepilled

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>not manly

look at this retard

He is a fag, that’s why