Season 2 never ever
Christmas 2010 was ruined by this.
>2010 was nearly 9 years ago
>PSG will be turning a decade old next year
Remember that Trigger threw us a bone, only to never follow up on it later.
She turned Panty into a Unicorn >:D
I'm pretty sure they never planned to have a second season so they just came up with the most bullshit ending to troll fans
Still no season 2
Stocking > Panty
Literal low IQ post
Boring taste
filled with the cum of 1,000,000 men
Still better than Stocking
>user's immune system after sticking his dick in panty
It doesn't matter
Kneesocks > All
Angels don't get diseases.
inb4 butthurt anons raging after nearly 10 years of no sequel.
Most ending's were non sequential anyway, if they did a season 2 they'd ignore that ever happening, like when they were turned into zombies.
It was fun, a 2nd season would be fun.
That's going to happen at the anniversary thread. Wait until then.
Did she died?
The day Gainax ruined Christmas
>rage faces
Is it odd that I miss them?
Kinda, she's cut into 666 pieces which can resurrected her all of them are recomposed in their original position.
>overshadowed every other anime that season
The sales don'r reflect that.
It is just a last joke. No need to think to deeply about it.
chuck chuck chuck CHUCK chuck
It was just so unexpected too.
Fucking Gainax.
they had some fun, but they were overused
I'm weirded out by seeing now reddit spacing from back then
Wojacks are rage faces
Reddit spacing has always been a meme, I don't even understand how it took off
Electiontards trying to pass as oldfags.
I miss ironic coolface. Rage faces are cancer to me though. Fucking 9gag and leddit.
While stocking is filled with the cum of literal shit.
Literally the only anime i've ever seen that i want a sequel to.
Too bad, you're never getting any.
I shouldn't have to post the same pasta several times per day. Someone do it in my stead.
Fuck off, that pasta is cancer
I'll never not see them as teenage Lambda and Bern.
Name a better PSG track. Protip: you can't
Oh yeah that's the good shit
demons a shit
dis one
The ending is so fucking comfy.
Oh geez not those fucking word filters.
Angels a cute
Demons are fine too.
the fuck
Have you accepted the fact that Scanty is the superior demon?
What were you expecting? A good ending? HAHAHA. It's just your typical gainax ending.
Can't believe chainsawman ripped this off so hard.
Sneed & Chuck with Cityslicker
Came here to post this. Fucking finally I meet someone else who likes Scanty. It always baffles me that she's the only one who doesn't get much attention.
True Patrician taste lads.
Also Stocking a shit and worst girl.
Also correct
Kneesocks > Stocking > Panty > Scanty
>there will be a season 2 exactly 10 years after the show aired originally
sasuga trigger
>pros: season 2 confirmed
Welcome to Hell.
Don't worry, it becomes perfectly clear in S2.
beat me to it
unf thique
I love that image
Imagine caring this much about a cartoon
I love when an animu soundtrack has songs that you can openly enjoy without immediately being flagged as a filthy weeb.
Fucking love this song.
How can a gag anime ending on a gag be such a pleb filter?
I still want this... so bad
Poor thought there would be a sequel
Zoomj I miss them so much, they were full of キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━!!!!!
I'll raise you a Technodildo
It's a pretty iconic song. Hard to imagine it DOESN'T flag you as a weeb on the spot.
This is a way better track, overall, but I can't help but love D City Rock. The part where the music cuts away entirely gives me chills.