Why does Oda draw the majority of his characters so fucking ugly?

Why does Oda draw the majority of his characters so fucking ugly?

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The children enjoy it

Why does jojo draw the majority of his characters so araki?

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those motherfuckers are fabulous beyond all comprehension

>Pirates are notorious for being smelly, uncouth savages
Gee wonder why?
Sorry that there isn't a ninja wearing bright orange to kill any realism

He draws non-stoic bad guys uglier than they actually are. Blackbeard probably is a hidden chad.

You mean "cool and interesting"? Because he knows how to make nice, memorable designs.

Dude had women on him last time we saw him and he literally gained height.
He is even more of a chad than 'MUH HASHIRAMA' and 'MUH LOGIC OF A LOSER'

Because that's his style and I wouldn't want it any other way.

Naruto wearing orange and Sasuke wearing dark blue and white makes sense in terms of status, because blue dyed clothes and pure white were of highest price, while orange was cheapest thing for plebeians.
That being said, orange jumpsuit could actually be helping with painting Hokage Monument, especially if he would get there while sun would shine on him and the brown-ish rock that the faces were carved on.

Yeah, so fucking memorable. Go ask a random person on the street who pic is. 98% wouldn't know him or any other OP villain.

You really need to work on your logic.

Im talking about the looks part only. The way he is depicted to us readers is objectively ugly

because of having nothing but pretty bad guys its refreshing to see some uggo bad dudes.

He is Night man!

The dudes are allowed to have all kinds of designs

The women are either drop dead gorgeous or hideous abominations, as god intended

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I said "memorable" not "famous". Don't use stupid arguments, think them through.

That's true of every anime villain and that includes dragon ball

Because they're pirates and navy sailors, not perfect beautiful models. Pretty sure Oda even talked about this in SBS before where he always gives his characters flaws to make them more believable.

It's the ideal Male body type

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>One Piece has a large female following despite the huge lack of pandering compared to other shonen
How does he do it?

>Pretty sure Oda even talked about this in SBS before where he always gives his characters flaws to make them more believable.
Wish he applied this logic to his female characters

The only measure of objectivity we could possibly rely on is word of god. The same way Boa is supposed to be most beautiful woman. Afaik there isn't a single comment on teach's looks in the series.

He looks weird sure, but considering how low the bar for ugliness gets pushed in OP i wouldn't consider him ugly.

Ever heard of caricatures?

Oda deliberately drew Kurohige and his crew to be physically ugly to contrast them with the Straw Hats, who all have normal-looking designs. Also, Oda admitted that he draws morally rotten and evil characters to be physically ugly to reflect their inner ugliness.

CD Mjosgard is drawn ugly when he first appears, and he is drawn more good-looking in the reverie arc. That makes me think that the ugliness of the bad guys (with the exception of srs ones like croc and doffy) scale with how evil their actions are.

That's actually pretty neat. I always assumed naruto had an orange jumpsuit just to stand out more (sorta like how the simpsons were made yellow) and to make him a ninja that doesn't look like a ninja in the slightest.

The real question is why does he draw female characters that all look the same.

It's the only genuine criticism I give to Oda

>Why does Oda draw the majority of his bad characters so fucking ugly?

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Frieza is more famous than Blackbeard outside of Japan.

Oda is based, he doesnn't care about the look

Perona and Robin are clearly different. Doctorina is certainly unique.
Hanhock and her sisters are different. Giant amazon has the distinct design. Shark and the octopus girl are different.
Nami is probably his go-to design when he is out of ideas.

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Is it me or she looks much more /fit/ than before?
Totally would, just look at that B-W-H ratio.

jojo is for faggots and gio is especially a faggot that takes it up the poopshoot

Well what you'd expect form pirates too look like, captain blood?

Their flaw is that they're useless, most of them

found the newfaggot

was different back in the day

I’ve always liked his cartoony art style, to be honest

found the faggotfaggot

Blackbeard is unironically the best One Piece character in both design and writing.

because most pirates wouldn't be clean-shaven pretty boys with 10/10 hygiene

Based. OPfags btfo eternally.

i enjoy it to an extent. but i do understand the complaints somewhat of his chars...specially more & more lately you hear peeps bitch. Katakuri was pure badass til his shawl got nerfed. Weevil's prob. the most UGLY of them all. I was SO excited seeing King initially. He looked psycho. Then we see hes...ridiculously, at least imo, a skinny pteranodon. "King the Conflagration"...should've been some crazy creature spewing fire, hah. Out of ALL his TRUE villains, Kaido's base form looks the craziest/best; most "badass". Though even his Forms goofy; a Dragon that's drunk majority of the time! Jack's cool...His base; not a fan of how small his Mammoth zoan is though. Seemed to me, on zou he inflicted more damage before using his akuma no mi in terms of wrecking the Minks...Hes too slow using Zou Zou...His using the gas was a bitch move tho..Even though he HAD been battling & rampaging nonstop, five days & five nights against the entirety of Zou; the whole Mokomo Dukedom before using it. And lets be honest. We like to roast him good; Weve ALL gotten good laughs via his expense, of that i am certain. But had Zunisha's big ass TRUNK hit pretty much any other O.P. char. you can think of, they'd have been instant K.O.ed laughingly just the same as he! & top it off, somehow...*is he a fishman? even if he is, all beings who consume an akuma no mi become hammers right?* somehow, He survived in the middle of the fuckin ocean submerged deep under saltwater with his crew btfo for how many days? Mam is aesthetic too combined with Prometheus. Kuma always looked badass. He didn't fight physically really tho...seems like he relied on his fruit most of the time. And why not, Nikyu Nikyu no Mi's prob. second strongest Paramecia after Gura. Doffys cool for an apex regular Human villain, & the Admirals are sweet. Teach is the only true Pirate looking character really in the story. I really like his latest design. Hes truly 'becoming' "Blackbeard". Encompassing darkness. Sweet.

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OP pirates are nothing like actual pirates.

Make way for a REAL Pirate. Who, as a villain is turning out to be quite complex.

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She was and still is distinct, no?

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Here's the objective truth: any big character on OP can be recognized with just their silhouette.
That's the damn mark of a good character design.

Its a mirror of his mind.

Why is she covered in yogurt?


To self insert

Ugly and old people deserve a little bit of love and fame too, user. Fuck off you goddamn bishilovers

It's more realistic than drawing everyone attractive.


cause its cartoony and reminiscent of belgian/franco comics

I can't hate this bastard. He started from the bottom. A true pirate. Good luck teach.

Yeah being part of white beards family sure was hard for him

She was having a yogurt party with that kind man

Go read shoujo

>future too bright