Lets have a proper Jintai thread!
Lets have a proper Jintai thread!
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Time Paradogs.
Anyone fucking read the novels ? Can JOPs themselves even can ?
I read the novels, I have no idea what your second sentence is suppose to mean though.
It's canon, don't fight it.
Humans and fairies can't love each other! But two fairies can.
How good your Japanese need to be to read them? Heard they were hard as fuck (even natives have trouble with it, what I meant by JOPs) because its author is an absolute madman of the language apparently.
Is this yuri?
Cutest MC, Island episode best episode
Yes and yes
Not super good or anything, I've actually been thinking of reading through them again and seeing all the little things I missed.
It's not that hard to simply read and understand the the story, but a lot of the subtleties and jokes are gonna fly over your head unless you're very familiar just not with the language, but Japanese culture as well. Romeo's writing is a lot more "clever", for lack of a better word, than your run-of-the-mill isekai LN so the barrier of entry is a little higher. I still managed to get a lot of enjoyment out of them, though.
This one slipped through my fingers
Better give it a watch
It is really not. But you should watch it anyway. It is really good.
Spoil me a bit about the unadapted stories. I heard there was one about a video game-like world. I wonder how it played out in the setting of Jinrui.
Also about the more serious, plot-side of the story. I need to know some things about the last book.
I keep hearing it's a god-tier ending and the whole thing with Assistant-san is done wonderfully. How is it, emotionally wise, when it comes to Watashi ? How does she take the reveal ?
Thanks user
is this official art?
>is this official art?
Yes. It is a official bait.
I love it
We all do anonymous!
We all do!
Amazing ED.
No is not, user. Also Watashi is too based to have any partner.
>Watashi is too based to have any partner.
She is too eager to rape Assistant
The video-game world story was fun, fairy bullshit basically turned the world into a 8-bit RPG (with all the limitations you'd expect) that evolved into 16-bit, 3D and so on as the story went on. Then it turned into a dating sim, kind of.
There's a story about a flying machine competition, one about a rouge AI with a ~twist~ partway through, Watashi becoming a schoolteacher... lots of fun stuff. It's a shame that none of them will ever be adapted.
Not really gonna get into the serious plot stuff because 1) it'd take ages and 2) I can't be arsed but to answer your questions: We don't really get to see how Watashi takes the big reveal because it's overshadowed by the death of her grandfather, which she takes REALLY poorly. She has the choice to use fairy magic to bring him back to life and very nearly does it but stops herself at the last moment; speaking from beyond the grave her grandfather congratulates her, saying that by accepting the facts and not using magic to change reality to her liking, she's proven that she's become a "real" human, which is what the fairies wanted to become all along.
And then he basically tells her that she needs to fuck Assistant because it'd be the best thing for both species.
I see. Thanks for taking the time typing this out.
I like it. I don't know if I'll ever be able to read these stories, but for now I'm glad with this.
What is your response?
I best fairies did this!
hopefully they had more School content in the novels
They don't, but Curls (Curly? I don't remember the English name) does return towards the end of the story.
>implying they don't rape the lit boy
yeah they're both pédos. No yuri here.
Yes. Yes it is.
7 years later and this OP still frequently pops into my head.
And finally a decent thread on Yea Forums.
What would you Yea Forumsutists do if you had your own nation?
Host servers there.
watashi is the ultimate waifu
no other waifu can even remotely compete, as they have no mind or soul, while watashi has both
So how many loops were there and why did they fairies took the clocks away?
These days the text needs to be changed to reddit.
>Taxation listed alongside oppression, suppression, and persecution.
Nice, at least fairies are honest.
Amazing how this show went under so many radars. Easily one of the best in the best few decades.
It was pretty popular when it was airing. The ED definitely helped.
Not that the ED was bad or anything, but it was the OP and it's silly dance that caught everyone's attention. Anyways, I was mainly referring to the common folk. The threads here were nice, but you never really see the show talked about anymore. The threads this show does get nowadays are pretty slow and usually don't even hit that many posts, though this isn't really a bad thing with how bad shit is. However, it does seem that a lot of people have no idea this show exists.
Nah I'm talking about the ED because it got people nostalgic about Raspberry Heaven. It is pretty forgotten about nowadays though. At least the occasional thread is comfy.
I'm torn between that and Watashi ruling her own nation of fairies as best episode.
Wish I still had the gif of that one fairy growing an opium plant and getting so high he pissed himself.
Is still to this day my favorite ED. The visuals for some reason always made me sad, but now is combined with nostalgia.
Here you go user.